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Lena of Blue Kintokith

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Lena of Blue Kintokith

"Maybe you'll still get your chance. Who knows what the future holds."


NAME: Lena
GENDER: Female
PRONOUNS: She/Her/Hers

BIRTHDATE: Fall 2743
AGE: 33 as of Fall 2776
OCCUPATION: Dragonrider
WING: Daylight Wing

EYES: Amber
HAIR: Brown
HEIGHT AND BUILD: 5' 4", thin and petite.
PLAY-BY: Lena Oxton/Tracer (Overwatch)
Lena is all around a tiny woman. Every one of her limbs is thin, from her long, slender fingers to her arms to her waist. The only visible muscles she has are in her legs, coming from her love of running. Her hair is cut short and spikes up and to the right oddly. Nothing she does seems to keep it from doing this, so she's long since given up on controlling it. Her eyes are warm amber and her face is youthful and smooth, making her look younger than she is. She's incredibly fond of her riding jacket, wearing it whenever appropriately cold enough for it. She also has a pair of goggles that she can be seen with, either on her face or hanging around her neck when she isn't using them.
Lena is friendly, quick-witted, and cheerful. She's fond of jokes and playful banter more than serious talk, though she's not incapable of deep conversation. More often than not, her personality can be loud and fast-paced. Sometimes she lets her excitement get the better of her, and it can be off-putting. She has a tendency of forgetting about personal space in those moments, playfully slapping people on the back or squishing their cheeks or other friendly gestures. She often forgets that, coupled with her personality, it can make people extremely uncomfortable.

She can also be rather hard on herself. Things that go wrong under her care are things she will blame herself for, and the reassurances of others only do so much to ease her guilt. Even if she did her best, sometimes it just takes her a little time to come to terms with it.
Unnamed Mother (Deceased)
Unnamed Father (Deceased)
Winston (Adopted Brother)
BIRTHPLACE: A Minor hold beholden to Fort Weyr
Lena never knew her parents. By the time she was very young, not even two turns old, she had lost them both. Her father died while she was still an infant from an accident. Her mother was a different story. Before Lena's second nameday, she grew ill. Lena was separated from her and, eventually, the illness took her mother's life. She has virtually no memories of either, and the Creche was her family growing up. That being the case, she never had the desire to ask anyone about them, and came to the conclusion later in life that they were both gone one way or another.

As a child, happily oblivious to the loss of bother her parents, she dreamed of flying. The searchdragons who picked up of age teenagers drew her attention, and she always asked to watch them fly off after their visits. She knew by the time she was ten that that's what she wanted to do. She wanted to fly! The only challenge she faced now was impressing a searchdragon enough to be chosen.

When she was 16, her chance finally appeared. Fort was her destination, and what an experience it was. Not two turns after the start of her candidacy, Golre declared war on them. Luckily, in the ensuing chaos, they were able to pull through victorious, and Golre was gone within the turn. Still, Lena was shaken up by the whole experience. Luckily, things were fairly quiet after that. Until Bendan kidnapped some of their riders.

Lena couldn't help but blame herself. She was several turns into candidacy. She had no dragon yet, no way of helping, and she still felt like there was more she could do.

Kintokith didn't come to her until the fall of 2766. She couldn't be upset, even if she felt like he was a little late. She was 23 by then, and the chaos of Fort had mostly settled. And how could she not love him? He was an odd little thing, but so... so happy. Lena hugged him when he came to her, overcome with joy.

Weyrlinghood came and went without incident, as did graduation and subsequently assimilating into a wing. Threadfall was hard, and the losses weighed on her. Kintokith was always there to lift her spirits though. He never let her stay in her own head too long when she was upset, and for that she was eternally grateful.
Last edited by Ignys on Fri Jul 26, 2024 5:57 am, edited 8 times in total.
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NAME: Kintokith
BIRTHDATE Early Fall 2766
AGE: 10 as of 2776

Length: 32ft
Height: 7ft
Wingspan: 48ft
Color: Blue
Hex code: #7b85c3

A short, squat, round blue if there ever was one, Kintokith looks less like a dragon and more like someone who only had a vague idea of what dragons looked like decided to make a toy based on them. His feet are small, his legs are stubby, and all of him seems to be a very round sort of cylinder. His proportions are just bizarre. That said, he is pretty cute. He's a soft, jewel blue blue all over, similar to Hinokath, but he doesn't look quite as clean. His markings are a dry, cornflower sort of blue, down his sides in dots and crescents, then over his legs and nose, and on his wingsail edges.

Kintokith is weird. But joyously weird. He doesn't actually seem like he knows how to be a dragon. But bless him, he tries. He is cheerful and friendly with no concept of personal space, rushing towards people and pushing against them with his eternal happiness. It seems like nothing can ever get him down, and nothing will be able to shake him or stop him from making stupid puns. Bless his innocent heart, he tries. He is eternally curious, he wants to find out about everything and anything in the world. There are very few lines he won't cross, and he will need to learn boundaries and limits. He idolizes Izanagith to almost fanatic lengths.

To his rider, Kintokith is a weird friend who means well. He's supportive and kind, but isn't quite sure what he's supposed to do with the world. He is fine with this weirdness, even though it needs a lot of him to understand the world. He needs guidance, but man he means well. He loves the world, and he loves people, and even if he thinks he's a suave, charming dragon that no lady can resist. Bless his dumb heart.

Voice: Kintokith's voice is high-pitched and chipper, there's no real way to miss him.

Last edited by Ignys on Fri Jul 26, 2024 5:58 am, edited 1 time in total.
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NAME: Blink
BIRTHDATE Late Spring 2763
AGE: 13 as of Late Spring 2776

Blink is pretty plain, even for a firelizard. He is sky blue, and that's really all there is to his color. The one thing that's remarkable about him is his tail, which is longer than it should be. It streams out behind him, excellent for balance in the air but horribly easy for him to trip over. Surprisingly, he manages to not be too clumsy.

Blink is a bouncy, quick little blue. He's excitable, and will chitter at anyone who will humor him. Lena often pretends to have conversations with him, though he obviously can't speak and she can't understand him. He also has a competitive streak. He loves to race, and challenge humans, dragons, whers and other firelizards alike to them. Those who accept should be aware that he will cheat in order to win, if he's feeling particularly competitive.
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