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Knight of Blue Miurath

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Knight of Blue Miurath

"lyrics or quotes here"


NAME: Knight
PRONOUNS: they/them, but will honestly accept anything.

BIRTHDATE: Early Spring 2756
AGE: 18 as of Early Summer 2774

EYES: Dark Brown
HAIR: Black
HEIGHT AND BUILD: 5'2", petite
PLAY-BY: Jacob (Joseph: King of Dreams)
EXPY SOURCE: The Knight (Hollow Knight)
FULL APPEARANCE: Knight is positively tiny, in both height and build; even now they've started to take steps into adulthood they still maintain plenty of youthful features - a round, cute face with wide, dark eyes, topped off with fluffy, dark hair. Their skin is a warm brown, and they tend to dress strictly in practical clothing; not caring too much for wear and tear, or trying in any way to be 'fashionable'. They're very expressive in their face - needing to convey body language without the use of their hands, which they strictly use for communicating through sign language.

PERSONALITY: The first thing one will notice about Knight is that they don't talk; they have been mute for their entire life, and communicate using Pernese Sign Language. That's not to say they're shy, or anxious - quite the opposite, in fact! Knight is incredibly brave and confident, throwing themselves at situations with little to no prior judgement of whether or not it's a good idea. They never back down from a challenge, taking on anything life throws at them. That said, they don't have much self-preservation; Knight will, almost always, put other people first, even if it means sacrificing their own needs in order to do so. They want to do good in the world, often fuelled by pure determination, but they tend to be so blinded by their goals that they are usually unaware and unprepared for the journey - they don't ever plan ahead or think realistically about these goals. Though they are confident and for the most part friendly, Knight is absolutely stubborn at times, and is definitely impatient - they live in the now, not wanting to wait for things. Certainly an outgoing person, they're always willing to lend a helping hand, and will approach anyone for a potential friendship... or a scrap. Either works.

Knight is intelligent, and always has a strong desire to learn - they want knowledge, they want answers to their questions and they'll go to the ends of Pern and back to get them. They have always wanted to know why everything on Pern is the way that it is, and they are adamant that one day they're going to find out. Despite their intelligence and desire for knowledge, their memory is terrible, in certain aspects; they remember facts, and have a strong sense of empathy to know how to care for the ones they love - but they will definitely forget any sort of practical knowledge, remembering places and directions, and events that occurred years past. That said, they love to explore, braving even the most dangerous of places; they love to collect things, and they are endlessly fascinated by dragonkin. They love bugs, too, not understanding why anyone would be scared of them. Knight absolutely adores their family, enjoying listening to their tales of turns past. Yet... they don't really heed their advice, at all. Any sort of wisdom taught by their older siblings seems to immediately fly out of Knight's head, and they go back to carelessly trying to take on the world.

using a minor trait for Knight's mutism!

- Father - P'ale of Bronze Kingmouth (deceased)
- Mother - Abisally, drudge
- Older Sibling - Hollow of Brown Bysalth
- Older Half-sister - Hornet
BIRTHPLACE: High Reaches Weyr
HISTORY: Knight was the youngest child of a bronzerider and a drudge, born in the later turns of Golre's High Reaches, growing up primarily in the creche. As their infancy progressed, it was discovered that they were unable to speak at all; yet, once they were taught sign, they picked it up fairly easily. Their mother visited whenever she wasn't busy, but they hadn't really had any contact with their father whatsoever due to his duty as a rider - specifically a bronzerider fighting for Golre's cause. They remembered almost nothing about their time in High Reaches, for after Golre fell in 2761 - when they were only five turns old - it wasn't long until the winter came, and their eldest sibling, Hollow, relocated them to Fort Weyr, along with their half-sister on their father's side.

Life continued at Fort Weyr, being able to bond with their siblings in the meantime. They wanted to explore the world, see everything there was to see; they were fascinated by dragons, and knew that as soon as they were old enough, they wanted to be a candidate. Even if it was going to be a lot of work, they had a 'try everything once' attitude, wanting to throw themself right into the ring. Once a few turns had passed, Knight had already forgotten about their original Weyr - it had become all but a blur to them, the past didn't feel relevant to them anymore. What was important now, was that they had what felt like a proper family, and a determination to take on the world of dragonriding once they were ready. At around fourteen, Knight realised that they didn't really feel like a 'boy', nor did they feel like a 'girl' - realising they were, just like their first sibling, neither of these things. Feeling safe in the knowledge that Hollow understood, at least.

They became a candidate as soon as the opportunity arose; Knight felt like a dragon would let them take on the world, take on Threadfall for being such a problem. Yet, they were so focused on the 'dragon' part and the 'fight thread', that they have so far struggled somewhat with the 'candidate' part. A lot of the advice and practical know-how seemed to fly out of their head, and thus it has taken them some time to get a proper grasp on lessons and duties. Three turns passed, and still, Knight is without a dragon, but having only taken their first steps into adult life, they haven't given up hope that they will get one one day - and they're hoping it's soon.
Last edited by memerina on Sat Feb 18, 2023 5:31 pm, edited 8 times in total.
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NAME: Miurath
BIRTHDATE Early Fall 2774
AGE: Newborn as of Early Fall 2774

LENGTH: 31ft
HEIGHT: 8.5ft
HEX CODE: #203b59
FULL APPEARANCE: Miurath is a lanky dragon who will never entirely outgrow that fact, built for speed more than strength, although he's strong enough for most of the things he wants to accomplish. On the smaller side for a blue, Miurath is unusually tall for his length. His hide is a navy blue, adorned with light blue markings flowing up his back and the underside of his wings, like some kind of strange water, so pale it almost feels like they should glow.

A quiet and kind blue, Miurath seems like he is a world away. He wants to learn, he wants to know everything there is to know. He has a passion for exploration, and pride in his Weyr. He is not as extreme as Hijith, but the two do get along very well. He is polite, always giving credit where it is due and his manners are top-notch. He feels self-conscious about his mannerisms, and knows he can come off as stiff and maybe a little too formal. He is a modest creature, never taking more than he needs, even when hunting. He loves children, and is incredibly gentle and patient with them. He would consider himself a "family dragon." He's very close to Alieth.

To his rider, Miurath is calm and supportive. He is very determined, and will not let them do something that is overtly foolish. He is not opposed to relaxing, or letting off steam, but he has his limits, and he would much rather do something safe than try to do something flashy. He's a dragon who ultimately wants to do exploring and settle down, maybe occasionally going out. He is not a coward. His ambitions are simply tempered to a fairly realistic (to him) level.

Voice: Miurath's voice is soft and gentle. He sometimes mispronounces things here and there.

Why Me?: These two need each other. They just do.

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