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Sy'rei of Green Asrakaerth

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Joined: Sat Jul 27, 2019 7:53 am
    Mon Jan 13, 2020 11:24 am
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Sy'rei of Green Asrakaerth

"The heat is rising and only getting hotter, ready to blow
I think I'll pour myself a glass of water, let it flow
She'll show you what she's made of
Yeah she's comin' for ya"
-Mess Around by Cage the Elephant


NAME: Sy'rei (Originally Syreneis)
GENDER: Female, cis
PRONOUNS: she/her/hers
ORIENTATION: Pansexual [polyamorous]

BIRTHDATE: Winter 2740
AGE: 34 as of Summer 2775
OCCUPATION: Wingleader
WING: Daylight Wing

EYES: Brown
HAIR: dark brown, straight and long, yet well-kept
HEIGHT AND BUILD: 5'9", not exceptionally tall by Pernese standards, and slender
PLAY-BY: Pachabel (top), ironicmemeing (bottom, image cropped)
FULL APPEARANCE: Sy'rei has a runner's build. She lacks the endurance or strength of a more powerful figure, but she makes up for it by being quick and fit, with lean muscle. With long and slender limbs, wiry but not boney, she looks rather elegant, though not exceptionally tall by Pernese standards. Sy'rei tends to wear relatively fine and rich clothing, but she also tends to like at least a small degree of utilitarian clothing. Often she will wear practical rider clothing, even when unnecessary, with a touch of something more feminine. She clearly doesn't mind feminine clothing or colors, however. She has a fondness for pink accessories, such as ribbons, belts, or jewelry. FASHION!

She speaks slowly and deliberately, with a voice like honey, that flows gently. She rarely lets negative emotions into her voice, and often sounds rather calm, though she does sound excited at times. Her gait is relaxed, yet somehow deliberate and precise at the same time. She stands with shoulders back, with good posture, and moves carefully. Although she often moves somewhat slowly, much like how she speaks, she has relatively quick reaction time and reflexes, built for speed and quickness of response.

With a seemingly endless supply of energy, she is passionate, and even acts overly excitable at times. She is a woman who believes strongly in things and cares fiercely about others, if they matter to her. For as smooth and suave as she seems, Sy'rei is snake-like, just waiting to pounce. Sly and cunning, she tends to omit or dance around the truth, and tries to manipulate others in order to get what she wants. She’s ambitious--what she wants is power. Leading the Weyr, or even Pern, is her goal, and she won’t be satisfied until she’s made a legacy for herself.

Sy’rei is an extrovert who enjoys people. She is most drawn towards those who have strong wills--dangerous, exciting, or difficult people. People who are just as intense as she is. The kind of people who pose a challenge, who prove they can keep up with her. People with ambitions and strengths make for good competition, just as they make for good lovers. She is a bit picky romantically, but tends to flirt without intention, regardless. Even though she is friendly, she tends to tease others, usually in a way where you can’t tell if she’s serious or not. In truth, Sy’rei can be quite manipulative, often trying to wrap others around her finger. Everyone has to go in the right direction, where everything falls into place perfectly--though unpredictability is always a pleasant surprise, no matter its form. People who annoy her or give her rivalry are often seen as breaking up the monotony, and are surprisingly appreciated. Perhaps this is why she is known to take calculated risks, and can be a bit of a daredevil in her daily life. A thrillseeker who enjoys competition and excitement, she is easily bored with those who can't keep up with her.

Surprisingly, she makes a good leader, with the ability to make difficult calls and harsh decisions, but prioritize the safety of others as she falls into a more serious role. While she isn’t the type to WANT to hurt others, she views it as often unavoidable. She knows when to act harshly, when to be the bad guy, but also when to be kind and understanding. She is quite resourceful and a careful planner, but is always pleasantly surprised and ready to spring into action when improvisation is required. Despite being resolute and decisive, she is not above changing her decision if it isn't the wisest course of action, as she is open to new ways of thinking. She’s always looking to see how she can do things better or more efficiently, and considers herself a hard worker. While Sy'rei can be a bit cutthroat, ambitious, and even mean, she (mostly) means well, hoping to protect and lead others to a better Pern. She doesn't believe in traditional dragon rank any longer, due to her own Impression, and strives for power despite Asrakaerth's color and the Weyr they live at.

-Mother: Lady Holder Esyre - dotes on Sy'rei
-Father: Lord Holder Neisen - dontes on Sy'rei
-Sibling: Eisesyr, her biological younger brother, about 10 months younger, who dislikes Sy'rei because of his AMBITIONS but doesn't really let that be known. As far as Sy'rei knows, they just have a tumultuous relationship. He is the current heir to the hold, due to Sy'rei Impressing. Since Impressing, Sy'rei has seen his true colors, and does not like him much.
-Adopted younger brother Li'dyn of Garnet Vairrianth
-Adopted younger sister Lien of Blue Aphoth
BIRTHPLACE: Minor hold under Igen
HISTORY: Syrene was born Syreneis to a relatively noble family, in charge of a minor Hold. The family, based out of Igen's territory, was not much affected by the Interval War, though Syrene was born in the midst of it.

When Neisen was a young, fresh holder, he married Esyre out of love, when only in his late teens, shortly after his father died. Shortly after the marriage, Esyre became pregnant, with their firstborn--an heir! They named their child Syreneis, and loved her instantly. They doted on Syrene, as she liked to be called as a youth, which would persist into adulthood.

Her brother, Eisesyr, often felt in her shadow and wished to gain the title himself. He only encouraged Syrene's love of dragons and their kin, as the young girl continued to admire the endless bond, and wished for the skies. She turned her sights higher than the hold, deciding to become a Weyrwoman of the World, as well as a holder. When Syrene was an adolescent, her foster brother and sister were adopted into the family--even though both were significantly younger than she was, as far as she was concerned. She doted on her new baby brother, but never connected quite as closely with her little sister.

Syrene was relatively spoiled, and often used her parents' money and connections to get her way quite a bit, and had whatever luxuries and finery she wanted. When she was searched at 21, her parents let her go, since she was so set on it. Giving up on being a lord holder would be hard, but if she didn't Impress, she'd retake her role. She thought she'd Impress gold or bronze, and at her first hatching, in Fall 2761, she was proven wrong. Her green dragon's Impression left her feeling a mixture of crestfallen disappointment, unconditional love, and above all else, determination to fight the odds. She no longer was handed everything she wanted on a silver platter, no longer someone "special," as her parents would often say. Asra was just another green, rather than someone hatched to take charge.

They wouldn't let that stop them.

Syrene bided her time, carefully observing and waiting, alongside her green. Over weyrlinghood, she learned a little humility, becoming a little less spoiled, relying a little less on materials and connections that did not transfer from her hold to the Weyr. Over her weyrlinghood, she processed her Impression, and decided that the natural "order" was a load of shit. She'd find her way to power, even if she had to claw her way to the top!

Sy'rei Impressed around the time that Golre died. She kept an eye on the Weyr, under new leadership, as it took on a new light, but kept a closer eye on Fort, as the latter offered the "guidance" that HR seemed to need. At the end of 2762, the winter immediately following their graduation, they chose to transfer to Fort Weyr.

She bought two firelizards eggs in 2768, hatching into Efi and Eri.

Her adopted siblings, who she kept in contact with, arrived at the Weyr in 2770, the same turn that she was finally promoted--to wingsecond, under a traditionalist bronzerider. It bothered her, of course, but she was determined to fight her way to Wingleader. Make a name for herself. And then, her secret ambition--lead the Weyr, much like the council of HR.


  • Fall 2770: In a political Leadership meeting, Sy'rei implies negative things about her wingleader, the Weyrleader, and plants the seed of herself leading Daylight.
  • Winter 2770: Sy'rei approaches Tuckal about her concerns surrounding Z'osh.
  • Spring 2771: Z'osh takes over the Weyr and Sy'rei is demoted from Wingsecond.
  • Fall 2771: Z'osh's takeover comes to an end, and Sy'rei is promoted to Wingleader of Daylight.
  • Fall 2772: Sy'rei is accidentally hit by Garmth's tail, breaking her right arm above the elbow (Moderate).
Last edited by Pan on Thu Aug 31, 2023 10:52 am, edited 38 times in total.
Thread Tracker - Soliloquies
Fort Weyr
D'javi of Bronze Cerasth
Jexin of Brown Hayutoth
Maze of Garnet Temporaeth
Thane of Blue Vesseth
Nes of Blue Gascoigth
Sy'rei of Green Asrakaerth
K'me of Green Wadjeth
Neme of Green Maglyth
V'eil of Green Usamith
Miilo of Blue Miilsk
Arkta of Green Arktask & Blue Arsk
Candidate Sere
High Reaches Weyr
Safvris of Brown Osjeith
Lace of Garnet Rozeth
K'rou of Blue Nonaryth
Keiraly of Blue Sarmith
Ny'ri of Moonstone Asberyth
Sparrow of Green Irabeth
Nova of White Scryth
Nhelin of Gold Nhelisk & Brown Nhesk
Zyri of Blue Zyrisk
Candidate Ryuki
Candidate Pyeri
Semaca Weyr
Deir of Bronze Rollieth
Kas of Garnet Vaheoth
Nysie of Blue Ixith
Kaneki of Blue Tinoceth
J'pei of Green Zelagoth
Hymn of Green Gienath
E'nyo of White Nohadoth
Vixen of Seafoam Xesk
Makai of Blue Kask & Brown Makaisk
Aket of Green-Blue Akhersk
Wyll of Green Wysk
WIP: Candidate Verlian
Posts: 1215
Joined: Sat Jul 27, 2019 7:53 am
    Mon Jan 13, 2020 11:37 am
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NAME: Asrakaerth
AGE: 13 as of Summer 2775

LENGTH: 27.5 feet [small-average]
HEIGHT: 6.25 feet [minimum]
WINGSPAN: 43 feet[average]
COLOR: Green
HEX CODE: #5d7b23
FULL APPEARANCE: A small dragoness, Asrakaerth is not very impressive in terms of length. She is on the smaller side of average, not tiny but not quite in the middle of green length. That said, her height is the minimum; she is short, with an appearance that seems more long and serpentine than anything else. Slender and wiry, much like her rider, she is a handsome-looking girl. Surprisingly, her wings are quite large for her body--as a hatchling, she often dragged them around. Now that she has built up her wing muscles, however, she is able to move with poise and elegance, both on the ground and in the air. In terms of color, she is a rich, deep green, somewhere between forest green and olive green--marked with a paler hue around her maw, wingsails, and right feet. Her other markings are deeper, with a dark look about them. They are a bit uneven, often appearing in splatterings and streaks along the backs of her wings, her face, her legs, and her tail.

PERSONALITY: Coy and sly, Asrakaerth manages to portray herself as a cunning, if not flirty and suave, presence. Her voice is a charming purr, with silvered tongue and honeyed words; almost too much so. Most can tell that this proper-speaking and composed green is disingenuous. Her compliments are backhanded, her insults often subtle, but she is here to cause drama, in one way or another. She can be snappy, sure, but she usually maintains her composure while insulting others. A bit of a snake, she is always trying to turn others against each other, manipulate them, get her way. Unfortunately, it's a bit obvious to most that she is simply trying to do so. She is not afraid of being seen as a queen bitch. Despite the alluring tone, despite the flirty and sweet words (when they are flirty and sweet), it is clear that this dragon does not mean well. She is after what she wants, and does not try to hide that. What she wants, of course, is power--to be in charge, to be in control. That said, most people don't know exactly what she is after, just that she has ambitions and goals.

A gossip, but only when it suits her purposes, Asrakaerth loves fanning the flames and getting people upset. She's prone to spreading rumors, but is so consistent about doing so that many of her "friends" do not trust a word she says. She lies quite frequently. Sy'rei is the only one who sees her honest side. Curt insults of others, less subtle or pretty than what she'd tell them to their face. The truth about her ambitions (for they are shared!), and a strong sense of respect and partnership. Even, possibly, love and affection. For Asrakaerth does not care about most people, no matter how she pretends. She'll be a shoulder to cry on, an ear to listen, but go around and use that information to her advantage--blackmail, bribery, or rumor-spreading, usually. It takes quite a bit for her to actually not want to hurt someone.

An agent of ordered chaos, Asrakaerth gets bored easily and requires frequent amusement, usually social unrest. Despite this, she is very methodical, and rarely speaks out of emotion. When her temper is roused, however, it is legendary. She will throw a fit, and when tensions run high (like a passionate or vicious flight), she may even be prone to lashing out physically.

Last edited by Pan on Thu Aug 31, 2023 10:53 am, edited 19 times in total.
Thread Tracker - Soliloquies
Fort Weyr
D'javi of Bronze Cerasth
Jexin of Brown Hayutoth
Maze of Garnet Temporaeth
Thane of Blue Vesseth
Nes of Blue Gascoigth
Sy'rei of Green Asrakaerth
K'me of Green Wadjeth
Neme of Green Maglyth
V'eil of Green Usamith
Miilo of Blue Miilsk
Arkta of Green Arktask & Blue Arsk
Candidate Sere
High Reaches Weyr
Safvris of Brown Osjeith
Lace of Garnet Rozeth
K'rou of Blue Nonaryth
Keiraly of Blue Sarmith
Ny'ri of Moonstone Asberyth
Sparrow of Green Irabeth
Nova of White Scryth
Nhelin of Gold Nhelisk & Brown Nhesk
Zyri of Blue Zyrisk
Candidate Ryuki
Candidate Pyeri
Semaca Weyr
Deir of Bronze Rollieth
Kas of Garnet Vaheoth
Nysie of Blue Ixith
Kaneki of Blue Tinoceth
J'pei of Green Zelagoth
Hymn of Green Gienath
E'nyo of White Nohadoth
Vixen of Seafoam Xesk
Makai of Blue Kask & Brown Makaisk
Aket of Green-Blue Akhersk
Wyll of Green Wysk
WIP: Candidate Verlian
Posts: 1215
Joined: Sat Jul 27, 2019 7:53 am
    Mon Jan 13, 2020 11:53 am
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AGE: 6 as of Summer 2775

COLOR: Green
HEX CODE: lightgreen
FULL APPEARANCE: Note: appearances are...pretty much the same. Can change if necessary.
This green is dainty, delicate, and beautiful...until she starts moving. She looks perfect--elegant, proportionate, with finely sculpted features. That said, she's very clumsy, with the inability to fly straight and poor fine/gross motor skills. Beautiful waves of green, earthy and deep, wash over her hide. The tips of her wings have a hint of olive green, almost veering into the color brown--almost. Efy and Ery share these traits, looking almost exactly the same. Small, they are even the same size. Appearance-wise, they are literally two peas in a pod.

There is one difference between them. Efy has pale, almost lime-green markings around her eyes, a shadow surrounding them. A slightly darker color traces around her eyelids, before sweeping upwards much like winged eyeliner. Ery, on the other hand, has markings that are a darker green, almost black in hue--still a shadow around her eyes, but with a slightly paler shade tracing her eyelids, before veering downwards, almost like tears.

PERSONALITY: Efy shares her sister's energy, but channels it more into caring for others. Optimistic and cheerful, she is a sweet and affectionate firelizard. She loves dearly, but gives space when needed. Still, she is unfortunately clever, with a mischievous streak. Her pranks are mostly harmless, ranging from dumping water on others, to mild thievery, to surprise morning wake up calls.
Last edited by Pan on Thu Aug 31, 2023 10:53 am, edited 2 times in total.
Thread Tracker - Soliloquies
Fort Weyr
D'javi of Bronze Cerasth
Jexin of Brown Hayutoth
Maze of Garnet Temporaeth
Thane of Blue Vesseth
Nes of Blue Gascoigth
Sy'rei of Green Asrakaerth
K'me of Green Wadjeth
Neme of Green Maglyth
V'eil of Green Usamith
Miilo of Blue Miilsk
Arkta of Green Arktask & Blue Arsk
Candidate Sere
High Reaches Weyr
Safvris of Brown Osjeith
Lace of Garnet Rozeth
K'rou of Blue Nonaryth
Keiraly of Blue Sarmith
Ny'ri of Moonstone Asberyth
Sparrow of Green Irabeth
Nova of White Scryth
Nhelin of Gold Nhelisk & Brown Nhesk
Zyri of Blue Zyrisk
Candidate Ryuki
Candidate Pyeri
Semaca Weyr
Deir of Bronze Rollieth
Kas of Garnet Vaheoth
Nysie of Blue Ixith
Kaneki of Blue Tinoceth
J'pei of Green Zelagoth
Hymn of Green Gienath
E'nyo of White Nohadoth
Vixen of Seafoam Xesk
Makai of Blue Kask & Brown Makaisk
Aket of Green-Blue Akhersk
Wyll of Green Wysk
WIP: Candidate Verlian
Posts: 1215
Joined: Sat Jul 27, 2019 7:53 am
    Mon Jan 13, 2020 11:57 am
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AGE: 6 as of Summer 2775

COLOR: Green
HEX CODE: darkgreen
FULL APPEARANCE: Note: appearances are...pretty much the same. Can change if necessary.
This green is dainty, delicate, and beautiful...until she starts moving. She looks perfect--elegant, proportionate, with finely sculpted features. That said, she's very clumsy, with the inability to fly straight and poor fine/gross motor skills. Beautiful waves of green, earthy and deep, wash over her hide. The tips of her wings have a hint of olive green, almost veering into the color brown--almost. Efy and Ery share these traits, looking almost exactly the same. Small, they are even the same size. Appearance-wise, they are literally two peas in a pod.

There is one difference between them. Efy has pale, almost lime-green markings around her eyes, a shadow surrounding them. A slightly darker color traces around her eyelids, before sweeping upwards much like winged eyeliner. Ery, on the other hand, has markings that are a darker green, almost black in hue--still a shadow around her eyes, but with a slightly paler shade tracing her eyelids, before veering downwards, almost like tears.

PERSONALITY: Ery, despite the darkness of her eye markings, hardly has a sad personality. Ashamed, perhaps--she's so clumsy! She's horribly ashamed of that--but extremely dignified in every other way. Her clumsiness influences how she interacts with her world, feeling a bit inadequate. She knows she is beautiful, and is arrogant and vain. She's the best! Despite her egocentric personality, she can be kind and loving, she just...forgets to help others. She's so busybusybusy, being a productive and successful firelizard (whatever that means). Energetic despite her dignified attitude, she strives for the best, even if being the best just means getting the most mates and finding the best bugs!
Thread Tracker - Soliloquies
Fort Weyr
D'javi of Bronze Cerasth
Jexin of Brown Hayutoth
Maze of Garnet Temporaeth
Thane of Blue Vesseth
Nes of Blue Gascoigth
Sy'rei of Green Asrakaerth
K'me of Green Wadjeth
Neme of Green Maglyth
V'eil of Green Usamith
Miilo of Blue Miilsk
Arkta of Green Arktask & Blue Arsk
Candidate Sere
High Reaches Weyr
Safvris of Brown Osjeith
Lace of Garnet Rozeth
K'rou of Blue Nonaryth
Keiraly of Blue Sarmith
Ny'ri of Moonstone Asberyth
Sparrow of Green Irabeth
Nova of White Scryth
Nhelin of Gold Nhelisk & Brown Nhesk
Zyri of Blue Zyrisk
Candidate Ryuki
Candidate Pyeri
Semaca Weyr
Deir of Bronze Rollieth
Kas of Garnet Vaheoth
Nysie of Blue Ixith
Kaneki of Blue Tinoceth
J'pei of Green Zelagoth
Hymn of Green Gienath
E'nyo of White Nohadoth
Vixen of Seafoam Xesk
Makai of Blue Kask & Brown Makaisk
Aket of Green-Blue Akhersk
Wyll of Green Wysk
WIP: Candidate Verlian
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