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Persephone of Green Amauroth

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    Mon Mar 30, 2020 2:37 pm
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Persephone of Green Amauroth

"When in the springtime of the year
When the trees are crowned with leaves
When the ash and oak, and the birch and yew
Are dressed in ribbons fair
When owls call the breathless moon
In the blue veil of the night
The shadows of the trees appear
Amidst the lantern light"


NAME: Persephone
GENDER: Cis Lady

BIRTHDATE: Early Spring 2729
AGE: 41 as of Early Summer 2770
OCCUPATION: Dragonrider
WING: Healer's

EYES: Gray
HAIR: Brown
HEIGHT AND BUILD: 5'11", lithe and angular
PLAY-BY: Tilda Swinton
Persephone is lovely. She is all sharp angles, with pale skin and piercing eyes. She has long brown hair that she rarely puts up or ties back. She wears long dresses as much as she can, with varying sleeve lengths based on the weather. It is not uncommon to see her hands covered in dirt, or green stains from the amount of gardening or various other plant works she does whenever she is not actually drilling or tending to her actual duties.

Persephone is the joy of the spring and the quiet acceptance of the rain and storms. In less flowery terms, she is a woman who finds loveliness and happiness in the smallest seeds. She is a woman that is hard to learn but easy to get along with. She sees the good in the world, and is warmth when things have turned sour. She is a woman who loves with all of her being. Though Amauroth is her lifemate, her heart belongs to many things - El'ech being the first and foremost, and sometimes even that is challenged by her love of plants.

Pern may not have traditional botanists, but Persephone is as close as one can get. She may not really be a healer, but her primary hobby is plants. Cultivating, nurturing, she has an extensive knowledge of what grows, what needs more time, and how to get the brightest flowers. She is always eager to learn more, and to put her knowledge to good use.

That said, she is also a woman of fury. As much as she is the spring, she is also the storm. Her anger is quick, and she is as stubborn as a mule. She has no off switch, and has to just burn herself out.

FAMILY: Parents deceased, no siblings
BIRTHPLACE: High Reaches Hold

Persephone was born a child of spring, and perhaps that dictated so much of her youth in the hold. She was outside as often as she could, often covered in dirt and having stuck flowers in her hair. She would try to make friends with every animal she met, with mixed results - often needing to be shooed away from a grumpy wher or a particularly skittish runner. It took plenty of learning for her to realize that not every animal on Pern wanted to be her friend.

She had a strong interest in plants, and while she never apprenticed as a healer, she tried to learn as much as she could about what passed for botany on Pern. While not a formal crafter, Persephone spent her teenage years learning about herbs and plants, working to grow and tend various herb gardens for the healers stationed at the hold.

She was 22 when she was Searched, finding it just as surprising to herself as it was her parents. Packing her things and saying farewell, she was flown to High Reaches to stand. The culture shock was immediate. Things were freer, but also felt so restrictive. She wasn't allowed to just spend her days in gardens. There were specific lessons to attend, and there were always chores that needed to be done.

It was that same turn that she impressed. A green, as gorgeous as a huntbird that was dyed in a field of mint, chose her. Persephone was thrilled.

Then reality set in.

Greenriders at High Reaches were treated less than poorly. Persephone, a force of nature herself, was fighting repeated losing battles. Amauroth was hers, and she would let no man put them asunder. Weyrlinghood weighed on her more heavily than she would admit. She wanted to prove them all wrong, but was only struck down over and over.

Graduation, an joining a wing, Persephone's eyes were reopened. Riders were riders, and there was one who caught her eye. A man with lovely eyes and confidence to outshine the stars, and even better: he knew about plants. Yet.. he was oblivious as all get out. Persephone tried to spend more and more time with El'ech, but it only took hundreds of flowers left in his room and numerous flower crowns to get through to him that she loved him. The two became weyrmates soon after it clicked in his mind.

War passed into Threadfall, but the Weyr did not change. Chromatics were disposable. Threadfall casualties were forgotten. Golre only grew madder, more and more insane. Wings died to her arrogance and her fury, and only when she did finally fall did Persephone feel like she could truly breathe again. That things would get better.

But things did not get better. They got... different, and Persephone had long-since learned that different was not better. The leadership remained in shambles. Nothing changed except in word and name only. It was time to go.

Semaca was where Persephone set her sights. Newly recognized, and in a land where there would surely be new plants, new things for her to see, she was ready to go. Convincing El'ech wasn't hard. There was a new Weyr, and a new world for them to explore, somewhere that she hoped would be safe for them both.

And Semaca being wild proved very right. Persephone found herself very busy. Threadfall was still a concern, but so were floods, wild feline attacks, various new plants that were not always helpful... Persephone's knowledge of plants was a valuable asset. Paired with El'ech's abundant knowledge of farmcraft, the weyr could only benefit from their combined expertise.
Fort Weyr
Senior Weyrwoman Tuckal of Gold Serapheth
[White Journey]
Weyrlingmaster Lexien of Brown Mikazuchith
Hollow of Brown Bysalth
Ni'all of Brown Calyptrath
Wa'en of Brown Galahath
Alphinaud of Green Koth
Playne of Green Iosefkath
Vartin of Amethyst Vartisk
and Garnet Varsk
[Bone Otani]
Journeyman Scribe Urianger
Semaca Weyr
Hecate of Almandine Cabadath
D'ryu of Bronze Cyroth
Persephone of Green Amauroth
[Brown Bitey] [Blue Paladin]
Quatre of Green Wynleth
[White Sandrock]
Majima of Brown Majimask
Weyrling Ke'ro of Green Ossabhath
Candidate Pierrick
Dragonless Time
Journeyman Carpenter/Sailor Wojchek
High Reaches Weyr
G'li of Bronze Ereborth
Lelouch of Blue Isith
[Gold Banshee]
Lobelia of Blue Imeterth
Datte of White Tarith
[Green Illium]
Weyrling Zoh'tof Brown Lannith
Lanselot of Brown Selosk
JM Healer Vallauris
[Gold Aether]
Holder Xander
[Bronze Siegfried] [Blue Laslow] [Green Peri]
Wherling Mori of Gold Morsk
Weyrbrat Viola
[Garnet Ultima]
Candidate Clive
[Gold Phoenix] [Brown Ifrit] [Blue Ramuh]
[Green Garuda] [Green Shiva]
Weyrfolk Daosea
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    Mon Mar 30, 2020 2:37 pm
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NAME: Amauroth
BIRTHDATE Late Fall 2750
AGE: 20 as of Late Summer 2770



LENGTH: 27ft
HEIGHT: 6.75ft
WINGSPAN: 40.5ft
COLOR: Green
A falcon of a green, Amauroth has a narrow face, and the markings of a huntbird. With her body being various colors of mint and evergreen, she looks like a hunter. There are patchy, feathery markings on her wings, with a darker coloration over her face and eyes to darken the light around them. The rest of her underbelly is a pale green, not quite mint and not quite seafoam. She has dark spots on her legs, and green patches along her tail. She has broad wings, and a narrow chest, with a few scars from threadfalls past.

Amauroth is a green of two modes: always moving or asleep. She is high energy, always needing to be busy, to always be doing something. She gets antsy when staying in one place for too long, and Persephone needs to run her on long flights around the weyr to calm her down enough to sleep sometimes. She is very affectionate, often sticking close to Shedath to the point of being under his wing and shoving her face under his. She is friendly, and active. She is not a great searchdragon, her high-energy too intimidating for people most of the time. She has a boundless cheer and her eyes are often always whirling with some sort of content color.

El'ech is fine to her, he makes Persephone happy. Shedath is fine, he puts up with her. Amauroth doesn't really remember how bronzes treated her and that's for the best. Sudden thunder startles her, and she paces anxiously when a storm is coming. She is more than happy running errands and messages, anything to be active.
Fort Weyr
Senior Weyrwoman Tuckal of Gold Serapheth
[White Journey]
Weyrlingmaster Lexien of Brown Mikazuchith
Hollow of Brown Bysalth
Ni'all of Brown Calyptrath
Wa'en of Brown Galahath
Alphinaud of Green Koth
Playne of Green Iosefkath
Vartin of Amethyst Vartisk
and Garnet Varsk
[Bone Otani]
Journeyman Scribe Urianger
Semaca Weyr
Hecate of Almandine Cabadath
D'ryu of Bronze Cyroth
Persephone of Green Amauroth
[Brown Bitey] [Blue Paladin]
Quatre of Green Wynleth
[White Sandrock]
Majima of Brown Majimask
Weyrling Ke'ro of Green Ossabhath
Candidate Pierrick
Dragonless Time
Journeyman Carpenter/Sailor Wojchek
High Reaches Weyr
G'li of Bronze Ereborth
Lelouch of Blue Isith
[Gold Banshee]
Lobelia of Blue Imeterth
Datte of White Tarith
[Green Illium]
Weyrling Zoh'tof Brown Lannith
Lanselot of Brown Selosk
JM Healer Vallauris
[Gold Aether]
Holder Xander
[Bronze Siegfried] [Blue Laslow] [Green Peri]
Wherling Mori of Gold Morsk
Weyrbrat Viola
[Garnet Ultima]
Candidate Clive
[Gold Phoenix] [Brown Ifrit] [Blue Ramuh]
[Green Garuda] [Green Shiva]
Weyrfolk Daosea
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NAME: Bitey
BIRTHDATE Late Spring 2771
AGE: 1.5 months as of Early Summer 2771

COLOR: Brown
A grumbly brown, Bitey is of average size with a narrow face and bitter eyes. He is a rich brown all over, with his underbelly and one leg a lighter, sandy brown.

Bitey is a grumbly firelizard. He bites first and thinks second. He begrudgingly accepts affection (he secretly enjoys it), and is easily bribed with food. He has decided he is leader of the family and tries to exert his lack-of-authority over Shedath and Amauroth.
Fort Weyr
Senior Weyrwoman Tuckal of Gold Serapheth
[White Journey]
Weyrlingmaster Lexien of Brown Mikazuchith
Hollow of Brown Bysalth
Ni'all of Brown Calyptrath
Wa'en of Brown Galahath
Alphinaud of Green Koth
Playne of Green Iosefkath
Vartin of Amethyst Vartisk
and Garnet Varsk
[Bone Otani]
Journeyman Scribe Urianger
Semaca Weyr
Hecate of Almandine Cabadath
D'ryu of Bronze Cyroth
Persephone of Green Amauroth
[Brown Bitey] [Blue Paladin]
Quatre of Green Wynleth
[White Sandrock]
Majima of Brown Majimask
Weyrling Ke'ro of Green Ossabhath
Candidate Pierrick
Dragonless Time
Journeyman Carpenter/Sailor Wojchek
High Reaches Weyr
G'li of Bronze Ereborth
Lelouch of Blue Isith
[Gold Banshee]
Lobelia of Blue Imeterth
Datte of White Tarith
[Green Illium]
Weyrling Zoh'tof Brown Lannith
Lanselot of Brown Selosk
JM Healer Vallauris
[Gold Aether]
Holder Xander
[Bronze Siegfried] [Blue Laslow] [Green Peri]
Wherling Mori of Gold Morsk
Weyrbrat Viola
[Garnet Ultima]
Candidate Clive
[Gold Phoenix] [Brown Ifrit] [Blue Ramuh]
[Green Garuda] [Green Shiva]
Weyrfolk Daosea
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Location: The Churning Mists
    Thu Sep 21, 2023 8:31 pm
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NAME: Paladin (Pali)
BIRTHDATE Early Summer 2775
AGE: Newborn as of Early Summer 2775

A brave and bold Blue! Mostly light colored, almost appearing as white, and clashing against sharp swashing patterns. Colored so vibrant and looking like washes of paint. High Lords would demand their pottery to match such a porcelain look!

Pali is a very bold, brave little blue. He's not far from Persephone most of the time, having to 'defend' her against various things he thinks are dangerous. They are not usually dangerous, but he thinks they are. He sorta gets along with Bitey. Not really though.
The Fortune:
There's many scary things that slither at your feet, but you can face them without fear. Stand tall and mighty and you will come out on top every time! You are undefeatable when it counts!
Fort Weyr
Senior Weyrwoman Tuckal of Gold Serapheth
[White Journey]
Weyrlingmaster Lexien of Brown Mikazuchith
Hollow of Brown Bysalth
Ni'all of Brown Calyptrath
Wa'en of Brown Galahath
Alphinaud of Green Koth
Playne of Green Iosefkath
Vartin of Amethyst Vartisk
and Garnet Varsk
[Bone Otani]
Journeyman Scribe Urianger
Semaca Weyr
Hecate of Almandine Cabadath
D'ryu of Bronze Cyroth
Persephone of Green Amauroth
[Brown Bitey] [Blue Paladin]
Quatre of Green Wynleth
[White Sandrock]
Majima of Brown Majimask
Weyrling Ke'ro of Green Ossabhath
Candidate Pierrick
Dragonless Time
Journeyman Carpenter/Sailor Wojchek
High Reaches Weyr
G'li of Bronze Ereborth
Lelouch of Blue Isith
[Gold Banshee]
Lobelia of Blue Imeterth
Datte of White Tarith
[Green Illium]
Weyrling Zoh'tof Brown Lannith
Lanselot of Brown Selosk
JM Healer Vallauris
[Gold Aether]
Holder Xander
[Bronze Siegfried] [Blue Laslow] [Green Peri]
Wherling Mori of Gold Morsk
Weyrbrat Viola
[Garnet Ultima]
Candidate Clive
[Gold Phoenix] [Brown Ifrit] [Blue Ramuh]
[Green Garuda] [Green Shiva]
Weyrfolk Daosea
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