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Eluahin and green Eluask

    Fri Apr 16, 2021 5:34 pm
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Eluahin and green Eluask



NAME: Eluahin

BIRTHDATE: Mid spring 2748
AGE: 23 as of winter 2771
LOCATION: Semaca Weyr
OCCUPATION: Stable worker / Candidate

EYES: Bright blue
HAIR: Dark brown and very curly
HEIGHT AND BUILD: 6'2", with a long-legged, lightly muscled build
PLAY-BY: Artbreeder
FULL APPEARANCE: Eluahin has some muscle on him, the kind that comes from a life of steady work doing a variety of chores all day, but he lacks the solid build of someone who's had to do a lot of heavy lifting. At 6'2", he's a little taller than average, without being especially tall. And so overall he just seems pretty average. The most notable thing someone would notice about him is his hair, because those wildly untameable curls seem to resist any kind of grooming, giving Eluahin a seemingly permanent scruffy look. A short, rather scraggly beard adds to this, as does the fact that all of his clothes are old and worn, repaired when they're damaged instead of replaced because he simply can't afford anything new. His preferences for clothes are therefore entirely practical: not too loose or tight to interfere with him working, and they need to last a good, long time. Although Eluahin does have rather nice blue eyes, it's hard to see this when he seems to always have a slight frown on his face. Eluahin looks like he takes everything very seriously, and when he does smile, it's very slight, as if he fears expressing himself more openly. There is a kind of tension in his movements, his shoulders hunched and his hands thrust deep in his pockets, and he has a habit of biting his lip, leaving them chapped and cracked.

PERSONALITY: Eluahin doesn't seem like the most approachable of individuals at first. He's rather standoffish and distant around people he doesn't know very well or in situations where he's not entirely comfortable, maintaining an emotional distance between himself and others. He is pretty quiet and reserved in his mannerisms, quite content to let others do all the talking and socialising. Even when he's gotten to know someone better... well, he's still not exactly talkative, but it becomes easier to see the man underneath the rough exterior. While he's not overtly kind and caring, there's a kind of honesty to him that makes him trustworthy, and he'll sit and listen to a friend's problems without interrupting. He can be trusted to give an honest opinion, and to keep a secret: he's not going to go blabbing about it to anyone else, after all! Just don't expect him to be as forthcoming in return. Eluahin keeps his own problems close to his chest and doesn't like sharing them with others.

While quiet and reserved people are often assumed to be calm and collected, that really isn't the case with Eluahin. He's sensitive and feels things deeply, he just prefers to hide it rather than express it, making him prone to bottling up his emotions. He would much rather avoid an argument than take part in one, and there's an awful lot that he'll silently and resentfully put up with when he really should stand up for himself. It's only when it becomes too much for him or he's been backed into a corner that all those emotions come pouring out in frustration, something that seems like an overreaction from someone that is typically seen as a reserved and steady man. But that's only because he's been hiding what he truly feels.

Despite his social difficulties, when it comes to work and the more practical sides of life, Eluahin is independent and self-sufficient. He's hard-working and tackles all his chores with the same sense of diligence. He may not enjoy cleaning or cooking much, but if they need to be done, then he'll dive in and do it without needing to be asked or told to. He has the same attitude towards his candidate lessons: he works hard and tries everything, but he definitely struggles with literacy. Eluahin much prefers practical work he can do with his hands. However, his independence makes him a poor team-player: he resents others telling him what to do and generally feels other members of the group just get in his way. He won't necessarily say anything, but he won't be putting in his best effort.

  • Mother: Eluna (+21, kitchen worker)
  • Father: Unknown
  • Maternal Grandfather: Eluahin (deceased)
BIRTHPLACE: A small cothold on the road near Telgar
HISTORY: Not even Eluna knew exactly who Eluahin's father was. There were several options, all travellers passing through the cothold, and she didn't particularly care which of them it was. Although some people around the Hold might have gossiped about her behaviour, she was perfectly comfortable with her life choices and more than capable of raising her son, who she named after her own recently deceased father. Thus Eluahin grew up in the inn his mother worked for, helping out in the kitchens and dining area, cleaning the rooms, and when he was a little older, working in the adjoining stables as well. Being trusted with these responsibilities from a young age made him very independent, but the fact that the inn was mostly full of guests travelling to and from far more important places than this little roadside cothold also taught him to keep an emotional distance. No point in making friends with someone who was going to be gone in a couple of days, and there were very few other children living in the cothold.

Eluahin wondered, more than once, whether any of those travellers were his father, and he was always looking out for someone that looked like him. Did that trader's curly hair look like his? Was the Journeyman Weaver that came through once a Turn have the same eyes as him? Of course, he never acted on those questions. The mere concept of walking up to a complete stranger and asking "are you my father?" was so awkward that even the idea of doing it made him uncomfortable. So he bottled it up and said nothing. His mother couldn't or wouldn't tell him, and even though a part of him wanted to leave one day and find out the answer for himself... he never did. He had a job to do here, after all.

By the age of thirteen, Eluahin was working primarily in the stables. He didn't much care for cooking or cleaning - though he'd do both when he was needed - but looking after the runners and draybeasts that carried riders and pulled carts was something he took to quite naturally. Animals were much easier to deal with than people. They weren't loudly talking about everything that went through their minds, they weren't trying to give him advice or tell him what to do, they weren't... people. As long as he treated them well, which he always did, they were happy. He never had to wonder if the runners and draybeasts might be his father, or some other family member he knew nothing about.

But he was restless, feeling that he wanted something more than a life in a cothold, watching other people coming and going while he stayed exactly where he was. Yet he couldn't say exactly what he wanted, and so he felt stupid trying to tell anyone about it. If there had been a specific goal in mind, something he really wanted to do, then that would have been easy. Well, easier, anyway. Much easier than saying he wanted to go somewhere and do something and be someone beyond... this.

The first inkling of a future came a Turn later, when a wherhandler passed through the cothold on the way to Telgar Weyr. There was some disagreement about whether the wher - a large brown - could sleep in the bedroom with his handler or if he had to go in the stables. Ultimately, the fact that the inn's stairs creaked beneath the wher's weight and he was physically too large to fit in the room made the decision, and he had to go in the stables. Both wher and handler - Kagask and Kagarin respectively - were pretty grumpy about this, but it gave Eluahin a chance to talk to them. Or, more specifically, he listened attentively as they talked about their lives and duties: originally mostly guard duty and search and rescue, but since the return of Threadfall, they had also been helping with the ground crews. That was the reason for their transfer to Telgar Weyr.

Eluahin had never wanted anything in his life as much as he now wanted to do that. Other boys might dream of riding a dragon, but right then, Impressing a wher became his life dream. Unfortunately, at fourteen Turns old, he wasn't old enough. But his mother made a vague promise that when he was a little older, she'd find a way to buy him a wher egg. The cothold could certainly use its own wher-pair.

Or so she led him to believe. But when he reached seventeen Turns old, Eluna made her excuses: a wher egg was too expensive, and the inn couldn't spare him long enough to go to the Weyr and Impress one there.

So Eluahin started saving up. He didn't make many marks, but occasionally he got a small tip from a grateful traveller whose runner or draybeast he'd taken care of. Over three Turns, he saved up what he believed would be enough to buy the egg. It certainly looked like an impressive quantity of marks, although Eluahin lacked the literacy and numeracy skills to know for sure how much he'd saved up. But it was a whole pile of marks! It had to be enough!

He waited for a trader to come through the cothold with wher eggs. And waited. And waited. Several trading caravans came through, but none of them had eggs. Deeply frustrated that all his hard work had come to nothing, Eluahin wasn't sure what to do next. His mother tried to help by pointing out that whers were ugly and stupid anyway. He disagreed, but he didn't like to argue. He just wanted to be left alone, and to have the chance to actually pursue his dream.

He was done with doing things the 'proper' way. He was done with asking permission. He was going to Impress a wher, and no one was going to stop him. Eluahin left the cothold one night and went to Telgar Weyr, and was ready to sign up for wher candidacy as soon as he could. Unfortunately Eluna knew exactly what he planned to do and followed him, and guilt-tripped him into going back home: how could he run off, abandoning his work in the stables - and abandoning his own mother - in order to pursue some childish dream of Impressing a wher? So he went, silently and reluctantly. He didn't know how to tell Eluna that he didn't want her controlling his life, not without upsetting her and starting a massive argument.

Eluahin watched the next two Turns of his life disappear. It wasn't just that he felt trapped in the cothold, utterly miserable and unable to do what he really wanted. It was the fact that if he tried to leave, he'd just get guilt-tripped into coming back. Unhappiness turned into anger, which at first he just bottled up, refusing to say anything or to act on it. But that was not a good idea for the long-term. It was bound to come out sooner or later.

Sooner, in this instance. Eluahin's temper snapped and he let it all out in one go: he wasn't a child anymore, he wasn't happy to spend his whole life in one tiny cothold, he wanted more than that, he hated that Eluna wouldn't let him leave, and he thought she was incredibly selfish. At first taken aback by such a lot of words coming from usually such a quiet boy, Eluna soon got angry herself, telling Eluahin exactly what she thought of his ridiculous plan to throw away a perfectly good, dependable job in the stables to go chasing after Impression to a wher. The argument became very heated, with voices raised loud enough for others to hear.

Thankfully, one of them was a man far calmer and more sensible than both mother and son, who to Eluahin's great surprise, mostly took his side. Eluahin was a grown man, old enough to make his own choices, and nobody could force him to stay somewhere he didn't want to be. It was natural that Eluna would be worried he was making a mistake, but that wasn't reason enough to keep him in the cothold forever.

Eluahin left the next day, once again heading for Telgar Weyr. But once he got there, he couldn't help but feel a little uncertain, worried that his mother would come after him again. Telgar Weyr didn't feel far enough away. But through listening to other people in the Weyr, he learned of Semaca Weyr, so recently founded that news of its existence had not yet reached his home cothold. It was far, far away on the Southern Continent, and that seemed like enough distance to put between him and his old home - and his mother. He arranged the transfer to Semaca Weyr, and was taken there by someone else who was transferring at the same time, V'renn of brown Dionyenth. They exchanged a grand total of two words between them during the trip. Finally Eluahin could pursue his dream of Impressing a wher!

  • Autumn 2772 - Eluahin Impresses green Eluask
Last edited by Chalasenn on Tue Oct 12, 2021 1:54 pm, edited 3 times in total.
    Fri Apr 16, 2021 5:35 pm
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NAME: Eluask
BIRTHDATE Early Fall 2772
AGE: Newborn as of Early Fall 2772


LENGTH: 11.75 ft
HEIGHT: 4.75 ft
COLOR: Green
HEX CODE: #19442E
A green of around average size, Eluask is a little tall for their build but otherwise fairly compact. They're never going to be prone to the bulky muscle that some larger whers get, but they're by no means lean either. They're strong and capable, and look the part. Their upper half is a deep, true green flecked with lime. This lightens to a pale sage around their shoulders. The lower half of their body is a dark forest green, and the division isn't a straight line but instead an uneven one, with irregular bumps and ridges. It makes them look like a mesa landscape at night when viewed from the side--if nights were green, at least.

A quiet, contemplative wher, Eluask sometimes seems to be more of an observer than a participant in the world. They don't always say much, but they like to listen, allowing just about anyone to tell them their stories. A strong sense of wanderlust lies in them, and they love to experience new places and things. They have a fairly firm policy of nonintervention, not liking to inject themself into other people's lives and problems, though when forced to in order to protect themself, their handler, or a child, they're suprisingly efficient and capable with their teeth.

Though they rarely have a particular goal, Eluask is still a fairly rigid and driven individual. They're incredibly picky about keeping a schedule and being productive in at least some way every day. When they do get an idea in mind, whether it's mastering a new skill or locating a bird their handler spotted from afar, it's difficult to distract them from their task. Really, the only thing that can sway them once they get started on something is young creatures: humans, dragons, whers, it doesn't matter; they have a soft spot for them all.



Why me?: This is adorable and you can't stop me
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