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NAME: Ollyver; born Ollyvia, accepts Olly for short
GENDER: Transgender; AFAB
PRONOUNS: Masculine (he/him/his)
ORIENTATION: Demiromantic Asexual (prefers men/masculine-identifying)

BIRTHDATE: Late Winter 2749
AGE: 27 as of 2776
LOCATION: High Reaches Weyr

EYES: Brown
HAIR: Black
PLAY-BY: unknown picrew
EXPY SOURCE: Original Character
Ollyver stands at 5' 7" tall and is built like a toothpick, no trace left of feminine curves. As he himself hacked most of it off, his black hair is cut short and unevenly, often ending up in his eyes. Unmarred by freckles or birthmarks, his skin is light, but slowly tanning as he spends more time outdoors. Almost always half-closed in exhaustion and heavily shadowed, his eyes are a light klah brown. In order to hide what little femininity he has left, Ollyver wears baggy clothing in dark colors. Additionally, he's occasionally seen mincing about in pain after finishing his chores, a result of overwork from his younger Turns.

To put it simply, Ollyver is a pessimist and an introvert who has little patience for being approached, especially if he's trying to rest. Suspicious and distrusting, he usually assumes someone doesn't mean well before he even talks to them, which leads to him being rather distant. Though he comes off as antisocial, he's actually more too tired to act like a normal human being. Ollyver actually craves company, but he's almost always totally withdrawn, being too tired to be a terribly active participant in a conversation. Worsened by strenuous activity, he has a weak frame and is careful not to overdo it as a result, as he'll end up achy and stiff as a board after. But Ollyver is more than a little headstrong and a hard worker, leading him to adamantly see things through, no matter how much pain he'll be in tomorrow.

Ollyver can be surly and hard to engage if he's in pain, often snappish at those who get on his nerves or startle him. Being sensitive to physical touch, especially on his back, he hates it on a core level. If you touch Ollyver and he didn't hear you coming or give you clear permission to do so, he'll yell at you in retaliation. Being a light sleeper, Ollyver has difficulty getting enough rest, especially if he's too achy, often ending up dozing on and off all night as he tries to get comfortable. As a result, he often fails to get enough sleep, making him extremely cross, hoping for a little sleep to let him feel something close to normal. Until he can acquire that sleep he needs, Ollyver decided that maintaining solitude and indulging in a hefty amount of klah would be best for everyone.

Ollyver isn't always so grouchy. In reality, he has quite a gentle and soft aspect buried under his sour disposition. Very fond of fresh fruit, he finds it hard to resist someone offering them, no matter how worn he feels. Otherwise, he prefers soft foods, as he finds them easier on his system. Oddly enough, he doesn't really care if his food is tasteless, as long as it supplies his needs; he'd eat porridge for all three meals, if necessary. Ollyver also loves soft things, since softness is a consistent countermeasure to his achy days and nights, as well as heated stones and an occasional back brace hidden under his clothes. Though he won't admit it, Ollyver is a romantic sort deep down, who yearns for someone's gentle touch. While he realizes he's a difficult person and a little messed up, he's accepted that about himself (mostly) and hopes to find someone who'll tolerate him.

Parents - both common workers - both living
Siblings/Half-Siblings - none
HISTORY: TW: transphobia
Ollyver was born Ollyvia, a beautiful daughter to loving parents in Tillek Hold; his father was a common fisherman and his mother a simple housewife. Everything was right as rain...until Ollyvia told them he was transgender at fifteen Turns, after spending Turns in quiet reflection, before changing his name to Ollyver. While his mother accepted him immediately, full of love for her son, his father was utterly revolted and refused to accept that his perfect daughter wasn't precisely as he wanted. Ollyver's mother has always done her best to protect her son from his vehement disapproval. Thanks to her acting as a buffer, Ollyver suffered little more than disgusted looks and hateful words from his father, though both still had an impact on him.

Ollyver's issues facing his father continued all through his teenage years, as heated verbal fights between them increased in frequency as he got older and more fed up. But he stayed, for his mother's sake. Where chores needed doing, Ollyver pulled his weight, no matter how taxed he felt afterward. As a result of constantly overdoing it and not resting enough, Ollyver was left permanently strained, concentrated in his lower back. Though he began treating it immediately, resting and warming where he'd been affected, these aches lingered; into today, Ollyver has to take it easy to keep from consistently suffering further pain or re-injuring himself.

Ollyver stayed until he was recognized as an adult, almost immediately departing to find his own way. While he gave a loving goodbye to his mother, he had swallowed his pride to bid farewell to his father, but was completely shunned for his efforts. Ollyver moved from Tillek and ended up in Nabol Hold, scraping by doing odd jobs and finding modest accommodation to live in, hoping to live his life out of scrutiny. But, even free of his father, Ollyver still found some were unaccepting of him in Nabol. Tired of being stared at, no matter what support he'd found here, he decided to head to High Reaches Weyr, quietly hoping someone there would find something worthwhile in him.

In his youth, Ollyver's dream was to Impress and be a dragonrider. Now it feels more out of reach than ever, given how weakness dragged him down. It's common knowledge that being a dragonrider is very hard work; pain was almost guaranteed to flare up frequently. Simply caring for his dragon would make his life difficult, which meant fighting Thread was absolutely impossible. Coming to such a realization, Ollyver buried these notions and approached High Reaches to take a position as weyrfolk, knowing that while he would still be expected to work hard, he would need not scrub a massive dragon. Here, he'd be able to watch dragons move about and dream his little dream. Perhaps he might find where he belongs here. And some sleep.

  • Early Fall 2772: Ollyver accepts an egg from a handout and Impresses to gold Barb!
Last edited by Agenothree on Mon Mar 11, 2024 2:36 am, edited 27 times in total.
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NAME: Barb
BIRTHDATE: Early Fall 2772
AGE: 4 as of 2776

Barb is a delicate-looking firelizard, small for her color. A medium-toned gold runs all across her body, except for behind her wings, which are a lighter gold. A stripe of bold classic gold runs from her tail, along her wings, and curling into a hook-like marking on her flank. That pattern named her, for it's quite close to an exaggerated fishing barb.

Barb is a sweet gold, though her high-energy makes her a bit troublesome. Very playful, she rarely able to sit in one place for long, being insatiably curious and easily excited by everything and everyone new. Additionally, she has a little squeal reserved for none one else but Ollyver, who constitutes her whole world. But Barb is, as her name implies, barbed. Extremely protective of her bonded, she will fly into a squeaking rage if someone upsets him. To her, she is a terrifying monster if provoked. To everyone else, she's an adorable little creature. Barb is very attuned Ollyver and sensitive to his feelings and moods. It's instinct that let her know to stop trying to get him to play and try to soothe him, to ease his hurts. Ollyver is hers now and she takes her role as big sister in stride.
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