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Aloy of Blue Maoth

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Aloy of Blue Maoth



"Confidence is quiet. You're not."
Aloy, Horizon: Zero Dawn


NAME: Aloy
GENDER: Feminine
PRONOUNS: Feminine (she/her/hers)
ORIENTATION: Who has that kind of time?

BIRTHDATE: Spring 2754
AGE: 22 as of 2776
LOCATION: High Reaches Weyr
OCCUPATION: Caravan Guard, Wingrider
WING: Raindance

EYES: Green
PLAY-BY: Aloy (Horizon: Zero Dawn)
EXPY SOURCE: Aloy (Horizon: Zero Dawn)
Though she stands at 5' 5" and might look slight, Aloy is no joke; every single bit of her height and weight is wiry muscle. Very thick, her hair is a fiery red color, managed in a multitude of braids, some beaded. Always gathering new information, her eyes are a light green color, like fresh spring growth. Dotted in freckles from days spent in almost constant sunlight, her skin is well tanned and her expression always serious. Aloy prefers garments of pure practicality: tooled leathers and furs, full of places to hold things. Though she wears very little ornamentation other than some more beads, she always keeps a light blue scarf at her neck: a gift from Rost, her adoptive father.

Curious. Driven. Determined. Wickedly headstrong.

All describe Aloy. Fierce and strong, she's extremely independent, so much so as to appear antisocial. While she understands how being among others benefits her, she doesn't value it as much as others. Should a challenge appear, Aloy is first to charge right in and find a solution, no matter that her solutions aren't often rational in others' eyes; it's her way of doing things and it's perfectly reasonable to her. In addition to being incredibly self-sufficient, she has issues being part of a collective and refuses to serve unconditionally; she needs to know what she's doing and believe in a cause before she helps or takes action. Aloy can be easily annoyed by those who talk too much, so much so that she's likely to give little warning before telling them to shut up or simply walking away. Manners are a hassle for her, which sees her rarely making an effort to appear cordial if she has no need to play nice. More often than not, she chooses company of those content to work hard and not speak needlessly. Aloy is full of insatiable curiosity, determined to learn her world and all its secrets. Though she sees Rost as her father, she still wants to know who her parents are (or were), for closure's sake.

While Rost raised her to respect Weyrs and what services dragonriders provide in protecting Pern, Aloy still doesn't completely understand why there are those who are absolutely devoted to such a concept, as he was; she stands neutral. Aloy has quite a habit of skepticism about everything and everyone she encounters, a trait that usually serves her well. Aloy has trouble holding her tongue sometimes. Should she not like something or someone (a common occurrence), you'll damn well hear about it. Though it can be hard to see between her blunt approach and penchant for sarcasm, she means most cases. Behind her stoic and sometimes harsh approach, Aloy is quite a compassionate woman, very kind and benevolent. Above all, her goal is to protect everyone she can from what injustices her world can bring, but she knows in her heart it's a fool's errand, though her mind hasn't caught up. Rules or laws can't stand in her path, as she pays them little heed. Aloy encourages people to ask questions and be skeptical, especially in regard to leadership or laws. A singleminded machine of pure drive and focus, she's very strong in both mind and body, her emotions in firm control. Once she has a goal, she keeps moving forward one step at a time, no matter how far she must go or what obstacles she must face.

Parents (biological) - deceased (presumed)
Siblings - none to her knowledge
Rost - father (adoptive) - deceased (combat)
BIRTHPLACE: Somewhere in Nerat Province
HISTORY: TW: mention of minor injuries, violence, death/loss
Aloy was born somewhere in Nerat, but somehow ended up in Rost's tender care, who led a successful caravan, being a Crafter originally. Adopting her as his own, he raised her in addition to all his duties. In her youth, Aloy was rebellious and often deliberately disobeyed her father, breaking his rules and exploring on her own. Being a quick study, she was determined to learn about everything. Rost was her teacher. Seeing as she showed talent in a variety of physical pursuits, such as swimming, climbing, and trap-setting, as well as combat skills like archery and close quarters combat, he taught her everything he could. For some reason, she couldn't master belt knives, a frustration that persists. In addition to learning useful skills for a fight, she was also schooled in basics plant identification and how to use various flora she'd find.

Aloy was about six Turns old, wandering away from Rost's caravan and its safety, an odd thing happened. Unaware of an exposed root, she tripped, tumbling down a hilly slope beyond. Covered in dirt, scrapes, and bruises once she stopped rolling, Aloy regained her bearings. But it was soon clear how lucky she was: there was a flit egg sitting in front of her! Though her hurts smarted, Aloy scooped it up and scrambled up to find her caravan again. Soon enough, her egg was quivering in her hands, ready to hatch. As a little white emerged, Aloy fed it her lunch, glad she’d decided on eating while exploring that day. Once satisfied, her new firelizard curled up on Aloy’s shoulder, whereupon she headed to find Rost's caravan again. On her way, a second root would've tripped her, had her white not awoken in time to alert her of it. Aloy successfully avoided it and soon decided on a name for her new friend: Focus. Rost was...less than pleased at seeing Aloy had a firelizard, but seeing how it made his daughter happy, he allowed it to stay. Rost warmed up to Focus as she proved her worth, much to Aloy’s immense joy.

Aloy matured into a fine young woman, throwing herself headlong into every challenge she faced. Once she was fully proficient in her abilities, she began guarding her caravan, she was quite an asset to her crew. While she had grown up among a few wherhandlers and had an interest and opportunity to bond to one, she did not. Prioritizing guarding her caravan rather than learning how to manage a bond, she decided she had no time to raise a wherlet. But tragedy struck, robbing Aloy of what she held most dear: Rost. It all happened too fast to process, but she pieced together afterward that it was bandits who attacked. Rost and Aloy, separated from everyone else while her hunting skills were tested, fell prey to ambush. Aloy faced a foe she could not defeat. Though she went down, Rost appeared from nowhere and stopped her assailant before he could strike her a lethal blow. Though he fought well, Rost was slain, his killer fleeing, alongside his cohorts, to lick his wounds.

Though she recovered from her injuries, Aloy found herself feeling adrift. Though she and Rost had occasional spats across her life, Aloy found she missed those arguments. Sure, she didn't agree that Weyrs were good and thought Holds were worse still, but in wake of his death, she'd give everything she had and more to hear his voice again. But seeing as she was alive and he was dead, she had to go on in his wake. Aloy struggled, but emerged stronger and tougher than ever, protecting her caravan in her father's place. It was a beautiful day as her caravan rolled into High Reaches Weyr, still together in spite of losing Rost. A dragon, about to fly on Search, realized she had no need to go, for had a worthy Candidate in her company. Aloy was approached about Candidacy, but she was admittedly cautious. Should she choose to stay in High Reaches and pursue Candidacy, a prospect she was unsure of in and of itself, who would defend those under her care? A close friend within her caravan stepped forward and urged her to accept Search, promising to protect them on her behalf.

Reluctant, but recalling Rost's devotion to Hold and Weyr, to honor his memory and sacrifice, Aloy accepted.

  • Early Autumn 2773: Aloy Impresses one naughty goblin of a dragon: blue Maoth. [Hatching]
  • Late Spring 2775: In Threadfall, Aloy is a little too eager to get ready, bruising her left elbow trying to get her straps on Maoth. (Mild)
  • Late Spring 2776: In Threadfall, Maoth and Currth collide while going for the same clump of Thread. Maoth’s left wing is sliced by Cuurth’s claws. (Moderate)
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Hmph. You're the best in the lot, so that's the best I'm going to get, I guess.


NAME: Maoth
BIRTHDATE: Early Fall 2773
AGE: 3 as of 2776

LENGTH: 33 ft.
HEIGHT: 6 ft.
WINGSPAN: 49.5 ft.
HEX CODE: #527dbf
Maoth is slightly under average in length for a blue and fairly skinny. He is also very short, shorter than even most greens or whites. His hide is mostly a dark blue. He has a large light blue marking on the top of his body and his wings, sharply delineated from his main darker color. He has a very expressive face and his eyes widen to a sometimes amusing, sometimes alarming degree when he's taken by surprise.

Maoth is, on the surface, a selfish blue who cares little for others. He takes what he wants, he thinks incredibly highly of himself, and disregards authority unless it comes back to bite him on the tail. He is incredibly proud of his naughty nature, finding himself happier to do whatever he wants and shirk all responsibility. He's a gremlin. That said, once he does form a goal in his mind, he will do whatever it takes to accomplish it, even if that means doing something bad (though in his mind, that's just a bonus). He likes to experiment with different fighting and flying styles, getting very excited when he learns of something new he could try. To him, this is how a blue should act: like a naughty goblin.

To his rider, turning him around will be a challenge. He does love them, not that he'll admit it. He wants to be a big, strong creature, and deep down he does begrudgingly respect those stronger than him. He makes sure that no one is looking when he does something nice, and he will deny that he did a good deed forever. Or until he forgets, which is about three days as is normal.

VOICE: Maoth sounds like a boy, puffing out his chest and trying to sound intimidating.

Why Me?: A rebel for a rebel, that sounds right.


Last edited by Agenothree on Tue Jul 02, 2024 2:36 pm, edited 13 times in total.
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NAME: Focus
BIRTHDATE: Late Spring 2766
AGE: 10 as of 2776

COLOR: White
Small for a white, Focus has a very subtle presence. Every movement is carefully calculated and precisely executed, oddly graceful and dainty. In terms of coloring, Focus is a plain white all over, morphing into molten silver along her hindquarters and dark slate grey down her tail and back paws. While her wingsails are that same molten silver color as her hindquarters, her wings' fingers are also white.

As her name suggests, Focus is alert and ever watchful. A dutiful friend. she helps Aloy see things she might otherwise miss, which has helped her on multiples occasions throughout her life. Focus is...incredibly perceptive, uncannily so. Little passes her notice, which she often immediately relays to her human. Focus is completely loyal to Aloy. While she might seem quite distant, her affection for her bonded is undeniable. At times, Focus seems to behave very mechanically; she follows a strict order to her comings and goings and rarely deviates from her established patterns.
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