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J'ann of Blue Eskalith

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J'ann of Blue Eskalith



"You better have a very good reason for waking me."


NAME: J'ann, formerly Johann
GENDER: Masculine
PRONOUNS: Masculine (he/him/his)
ORIENTATION: Work-Oriented (Demiromantic Demisexual)

BIRTHDATE: Early Winter 2729
AGE: 43 as of Late Fall 2772
LOCATION: High Reaches Weyr
OCCUPATION: Apprentice Healer, Bluerider
WING: Stormlight

EYES: Icy Blue
HAIR: Inky Black
HEIGHT AND BUILD: 6' 0", strong, but not overly bulky
PLAY-BY: Art by; glasses edited by Woky; Medic of Team Fortress 2 expy
J'ann is a relatively handsome man, with a strong jaw and sturdy build... Not that he notices these things or cares about them. This man stands at a height of 6' 0" and boasts a standard build, bolstered with lean muscle from many Turns of Candidacy and service as a rider. J'ann sports black hair as dark as the deepest depths of the sea at midnight, neatly trimmed and swept into a styled wave at his brow. J'ann's eyes are a sharp ice blue, cold and critical, always analyzing and processing information. A sharp nose sits squarely in the center of his face, and a pair of round spectacles sits at the bridge of said beaky nose. Without these glasses, J'ann is as blind as a bat.

When it comes to his wardrobe, J'ann is very practical. Very rarely is he seen out of working garb, consisting of sturdy boots, crisp slacks, and a long-sleeved shirt. Gather wear differs little from this clothing selection, except that Gather wear is of finer material than his everyday. Only in his quarters does J'ann wear more casual garments...when he remembers to do so. What constitutes as casual is a pair of slacks and a long-sleeved shirt, with perhaps a robe of pleasant cloth. Additionally, J'ann prefers to wear gloves everywhere he goes, to prevent coming into direct contact with people.

J'ann has some interesting mannerisms to his speech. He never uses abbreviations in conversation - or anywhere. You'll likely never hear J'ann say a phrase with a "don't", "won't", or other such words. He will say "do not" or "will not". Even J'ann doesn't know why he does this. Additionally, J'ann has this odd quirk of speaking to his dragon aloud, a habit he's never been certain how to break. Eskalith seems to understand him just fine, so J'ann has never been troubled by the matter.

To begin, J'ann can be easily prodded into extreme annoyance by what most consider simple nuisances. This annoyance can explode into full anger if the provoking stimuli is not removed. J'ann seems to dislike people in a general sense, keeping his distance and interacting as little as possible, though it's more to a sense of discomfort than a poor countenance, though his temper could certainly use improvement. J'ann dislikes to be touched and avoids it if he can. His belongings are another matter. Should anyone touch anything of his, J'ann becomes outright hostile. Additionally, J'ann hates messes of any kind. His workspace is perfectly neat and organized, as is his living quarters. It's a deep-seated habit that is unlikely to be broken.

J'ann has difficulty understanding the nuances of human interaction, though he's never been lacking in the sarcasm department. Humor is especially elusive to his understanding. Pranks pulled on him will always go badly. J'ann has difficulty sleeping at times, being a light sleeper and plagued by nightmares of his past, and his working habits don't help. Even before, J'ann was known for working late into the wee hours. Now it serves as a manner of coping. Suffering from chronic sleep deprivation shortens J'ann's already short temper even more, and makes him seem maddened to most that see him on one of his "bad" days. Whenever asked, J'ann will deny needing sleep, choosing work over rest, much to his detriment.

While J'ann is completely devoted to helping people, he feels that no-one is truly grateful for his hard work as a rider and expended efforts. This is a source of bitter resentment, and a factor in his bad temper. This belief fuels a need to work even more, as if to prove he's deserving of gratitude. J'ann has difficulty allowing others to take over some of his tasks, for he believes he'll be able to do them more quickly and more efficiently than others can. Over time and life spent in the Weyr, he's gotten better at delegating work to others, though it's still hard for him to do so. Additionally, J'ann has a bad habit of bottling his true emotions up until they explode out of him in a fit of hysteria at the tiniest triggers.

J'ann is a man that prefers solitude and time spent in quiet contemplation or dutifully working toward a common goal. He believes that the Weyr's stability is more important than the inconsequential needs of one person. Yet he isn't without a heart. While he takes a long time to show it, especially after the loss of his weyrmate, J'ann is a sweet and gentle man under his bitter temper. When J'ann comes to care for someone, his entire demeanor shifts. He enjoys sitting quietly with his friends and loved one, often with a book, and perhaps some soft music. Music is one of J'ann's soft spots, and a surefire way to break through his sturdy walls.

Parents - both living, estranged
SIGNIFICANT OTHER: What is this significant other of which you speak?
HISTORY: TW: divorce, loss/grieving, injuries, death
Johann was born to a married couple dwelling in Crom Hold, their first and only son. Johann rarely, if ever, played with other children, finding such interactions to be uncomfortable, for he was quite a shy and quiet young man. He consistently disappointed his parents with his penchant for intellect over brawn, as well as an intense desire to pursue healing from a young age. He never fit with their image for a perfect son, nor did he find it worthwhile to make an effort to change who he was to please them. Why should he? When he came of age, Johann immediately began an Apprenticeship in Healing. While his parents would have preferred to see their son pursue a different Craft, they supported him, and any parents would.

Johann excelled and progressed quickly. Then he reunited with Lunera. The two had known each other since childhood, living relatively near to each other. Though their statuses in life were different, they enjoyed each others' company. Johann eventually sought to pursue her romantically, for it was expected of him by society, and he greatly enjoyed Lunera's company. When his parent's heard, they immediately disapproved. Lunera was the daughter of a wealthy merchant family, and hid a bad temper behind her blonde waves and beautiful smile. Johann's parents urged him to find another, but he refused. Johann was done with acquiescing to his parents' wishes.

Johann threw himself into his Healing studies, to the detriment of his relationship with Lunera. It may not have been visible, but Johann was beyond in love with Lunera, absolutely devoted to her, heart and soul. Yet his studies beckoned him back, and his relationship with her gradually deteriorated without his conscious knowledge. Johann's studies took a sharp turn as he got closer and closer to making Journeyman. The more strain placed on Johann, the worse his temper grew, to the point he was expelled from the Crafthall. By the time this occurred at the age of 19, the damage to his relationship was irreparable, and Lunera left him.

It was a bitter pill to swallow, losing his first love and being thrown out of training to be a Healer. A Searchrider of Telgar came to Crom in Search of Candidates one fine day. Johann, then 19, noticed and scoffed in derision, continuing across the square with his purchases from market, only to be stopped by a huge blue dragon head in his path. Much to his surprise, Johann had been chosen for Candidacy! While the prospect of refusing out of sheer spite was tempting, he realized what a lost opportunity it would be, and Johann accepted.

The next five Turns were spent in Candidacy. Five long Turns of going nowhere. Johann grew more bitter and worse-tempered every time he was passed up at Hatchings. Every time he was ignored by the dragonets at the Hatchings, it reinforced that the Searchrider had been wrong about Johann and that this was a huge waste of his time. But at one fateful Hatching, a bare two seasons before Johann was due to age out, he'd attended and selected a spot near the back, certain he would not walk away successful and desiring no interaction. But... You will never walk alone again, for I am your Eskalith, and I will always be here. Johann had succeeded! He was now J'ann of Blue Eskalith, of Telgar! J'ann was one of the eldest weyrlings in his class, at the age of 24, but he didn't give a flying forsk. He'd finally found his bonded: beloved blue Eskalith. Everything else was nothing but a pebble in his path. J'ann graduated from weyrling classes with flying colors, joining his first fighting wing. Life as a full rider was like nothing J'ann had ever imagined possible for him, but absolutely heavenly. He wouldn't give Eskalith up for anything. Becoming a Master Healer - or a Healer at all - was a distant, forgotten dream, for he had all he needed right here, in Telgar Weyr.

J'ann knew his luck was never benevolent for long, and bound to run out eventually. And he was correct. Eskalith flew Invisith when the green rose, a lovely graceful creature. J'ann and V'tor, rider of green Invisith, took the time to get to know each other and grew close. They decided to become official weyrmates, and life was oh so good to the both of them. But then J'ann's poor luck swept in and took it all away. J'ann watched as Invisith was struck by a younger dragon that burst out of between, the collision sending the greenpair into a particularly bad patch of Thread. J'ann ignored orders and broke formation, diving after Invisith and reaching the two just as they fell. V'tor was fatally wounded from the Threadburns, and Invisith had already expired. All J'ann could do was sweep numbweed over the wounds to ease V'tor's pain, and watch as his love slipped away in his arms, suffering, soul cleaved in half without his Invisith.

J'ann fell into a waking nightmare, and became an absolute terror to everyone around him. Disobeying orders left and right, with disciplinary action doing little to remedy the behaviors, J'ann seemed to be careening down the mountain path with no braking his momentum. But Eskalith was there. Like a balm to the wounds, the blue soothed J'ann in his pain. There would be no healing the wounds. Not completely. But Eskalith could ease the pain. Yet the damage was already done. While J'ann and his moods stabilized and he returned to a normal life, his reputation was shot, and Telgar was no longer a home. Everywhere he looked, J'ann remembered V'tor. Everywhere he went, he could hear them whispering behind his back. He could bear it no more, and applied for transfer to High Reaches Weyr.

  • Early Winter 2772: Garnet Rozeth rises, and selects Eskalith of her chasers. Another chaser, bronze Zalth, admits to his role in the theft of the Fortian eggs. A violent scuffle nearly ensues between Zalth and another chaser - blue Canzeth - but is swiftly quenched by Rozeth's wrath.
  • Early Spring 2773: Green Mikanoth rises in mating flight and chooses Eskalith.
Last edited by Agenothree on Sat Apr 02, 2022 2:20 pm, edited 31 times in total.
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You will never walk alone again, for I am your Eskalith, and I will always be here.


NAME: Eskalith
BIRTHDATE Late Summer 2753
AGE: 19 as of Late Fall 2772

LENGTH: 35.25 ft
HEIGHT: 9.25 ft
WINGSPAN: 57.5 ft
HEX CODE: #0908e9
Eskalith is a mighty blue, born to protect those around him with his strength and a wise eye. His entire body is coated in a vibrant blue color, brighter around his shoulders and side, and darker over the rest of his body. A cyan color adorns three of his four paws, like shoes, fading upward and meshing into his legs. This same color forms a dotted pattern over Eskalith's face, as well as running down the edges of his expansive wings and the knobs of his neck.

Eskalith is a calm, steadfast, stalwart blue. A safe harbor in the roiling sea, the calm amid the storm, he will always be there and ready to do the right - and necessary - thing, even if what is right and necessary isn't the most appealing. Eskalith is not a tyrant nor a bully, but he will not let anyone deviate from the path and stumble in the ditch. Purely neutral, Eskalith will always be a guiding hand and a gentle - yet firm - touch to remind you where you need to be. Or the blunt slap upside the head, if his subtlety doesn't get through to you. Eskalith is not afraid to get his paws dirty, nor is he shy or timid when he wants to get a point across.

To his rider, Eskalith is a devoted and ever present friend. J'ann suffers deep pain and bears many tender wounds to his heart that will likely never truly heal. Eskalith knows this, and while he cannot mend these wounds, he can be the soothing balm that lets them heal over as scars, allowing J'ann to move on to some manner of happiness. Eskalith is always there, as he promised, and takes J'ann's needs as a human very seriously. If it weren't for Eskalith's reminders - and occasional demands - J'ann would likely forget to eat and sleep entirely. This blue will never let his bonded walk alone in life, and will face whatever the world sees fit to throw at J'ann right beside him - never wavering, never faltering, always true.
Last edited by Agenothree on Fri Dec 03, 2021 7:04 pm, edited 12 times in total.
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