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Thane of Blue Vesseth

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    Thu Dec 16, 2021 10:25 am
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Thane of Blue Vesseth

"lyrics or quotes here"


NAME: Thane
GENDER: Male (cis)
PRONOUNS: he/him/his
ORIENTATION: He's never really explored the idea of romance and is a bit oblivious, but probably bisexual (leans towards women/feminine people)

BIRTHDATE: Late Summer 2752
AGE: 23 as of Summer 2775
OCCUPATION: Dragonrider
WING: Aurora

EYES: Green
HAIR: Dark brown
HEIGHT AND BUILD: 6'10" with a stocky build.
PLAY-BY: Created using Heroforge
FULL APPEARANCE: Although Thane may look intimidating at first glance, with his tall, stocky build, a second glance indicates that this man is soft and sweet. He is always smiling, a gentle smile that sometimes seems almost apologetic. Although he is a bit muscular, albeit with a lumberjack-like build, he tends to slouch a bit. He doesn't really like towering over others, and wishes he was closer to the average Pernese height. He has dark skin, with a clear complexion. His blocky, masculine features are softened by an ever-present and sometimes-awkward smile. He looks clean and well put-together, carefully trimming his facial hair to look orderly and neat. His hair, a dark brown, is shaved on the sides, and long enough to pull into a little bun.

Thane carries two pouches with him whenever he can. One has flower petals, as flowers, though lovely, weren't especially present back home. The second pouch allows him to carry a bit of home with him everywhere he goes--small stones and a bit of dirt, taken from the ground back home. Finally, he tries to bring his massive backpack wherever he goes, though he will reluctantly leave it behind. Inside, situationally useful items (which he may or may not know how to use) indicate his eagerness to live in a new environment. It is, of course, very bulky.

PERSONALITY: Thane is a soft, kind man. He is a gentle giant, a nice guy who loves his friends, someone who wants to take care of others before himself. He is incredibly sweet and sentimental, often knowing just how to bring a smile to his loved ones' faces. Sure, he's a bit awkward, sure, he's shy and nervous, but these traits tend to fade once he knows someone well. Thane is wholesome, but he gets in his head about meeting people. What if they don't like him? All he can do is be a cheerful, pleasant person. Despite having strong empathy and a desire to please others, he can be quite awkward at first, often either being too quiet or rambling to fill the silence. He loves nature and animals, with a special fondness for sweet-smelling, beautiful flowers. He has a green thumb and a way with animals. He also loves cooking, especially when it comes to making food for others.

Thane is agreeable--perhaps because he hates confrontation. To proactively avoid argument, he is a bit of a doormat and certainly a people-pleaser. He doesn't like to disagree with others, even on minor things, and finds himself changing his opinions just to align with what other people are saying. Anything he wants or needs gets sacrificed to please others, and he certainly never speaks up about his needs. Although he is a pushover, he is willing to (awkwardly and nervously) stand up for others. His nerves and passive nature often get the best of him, but when someone needs him to support them, to be their rock, he tries his best to be who they need. He is often strong for Kaelin, putting aside his own anxieties to soothe his friend. Taking care of others and internalizing their painful emotions does take a toll on him, but he is a caretaker at heart, who wants to make sure everyone is happy. Although it drains him, he wants to please everyone. He especially wants to make his family, both by birth and those he has found, proud of him.

Thane is incredibly optimistic, to the point of naively thinking that the world is wonderful and bad things don't happen. Someday, he may realize that not everyone is good, and sometimes horrible things happen to good people, but at the moment, he trusts everyone, taking them at face value. He doesn't think anyone would hurt anyone else, at least not purposefully, and is an innocent, gullible sort. A bit of a sheltered country bumpkin, he has no idea how to survive on his own. Without a strong sense of street smarts or wisdom, he tends to just believe everything he is told. Although he carries around everything that could possibly be useful, and despite hoarding knowledge from his readings, he is woefully underprepared for the world. Still, he is intelligent, well-learned, and overall educated, with a natural curiosity about his world and a thirst for knowledge.

-Father: Thalios (Lord Holder)
-Mother: Maerenei (Lady Holder)
-Sister: Maethali (+3, heir)
-Brother: Renelios (+2)
-Considers Kaelin (best friend) and Gymlin (basically his aunt) family
BIRTHPLACE: Cothold under Telgar
HISTORY: As the third and final child born to the Lord Holders of a cothold, Thane was never in line to become heir. He was, however, given most things he wanted, and had the potential to be spoiled rotten. As the baby of the family, everyone doted on him, but he never wanted to ask for things. He was shy and generous as a child, something he never quite grew out of. Despite how busy his parents were with running the cothold, he had a happy childhood. Much of his life was spent sheltered from the world, showered with gifts and affection. He was never expected to work hard, but as soon as he was considered old enough, he started working with the goats, cooking, and helping out with administrative tasks for his family. From a young age, he wanted to help the hold run, desiring to become the steward for the hold. Of course, he didn't tell anyone this aspiration, though he did often help the steward keep the cothold running.

Thane was a bit of a country bumpkin. A normal child, with a happy upbringing, barely aware of the world outside of his hold. There was one exciting thing about his hold, though: sometimes, a rider would visit. Gymlin, who was close to his parents, was seen as an aunt, family in her own right; her children, especially her eldest, were seen as family, as well. Thane was especially close with Kaelin, looking forward to whenever his best friend would visit, as they were similar ages. Even though Thane aspired to become a steward, he yearned to be a dragonrider even more. Glacendath was so cool...a bit grumpy, but so majestic. He loved when Gymlin would humor him, taking him for rides. Still, he didn't advocate for either of his life aspirations. Maybe they would happen, someday, but he didn't want to make a fuss.

Overall, Thane had a relatively pleasant life, with his largest worries being what to make for dinner and wondering when Gymlin and Kaelin would visit. He helped track things such as mining output, helped with the goats and animals, but largely, he just made food for everyone.

His entire life, Thane had yearned to see the world. Bright eyed and optimistic, he wanted to at least visit another place. Once or twice, he went on a day trip to Telgar with Gymlin and Kaelin, but just visiting a far away place so different from home wasn't really the same. In 2772, when Kaelin wanted to move to Fort Weyr, Thane was beyond honored that his friend suggested he move with them. It was as though he'd been waiting for a chance to see the world...even if it would end up less idealistic than his imagination made it. It barely took any convincing for Thane to bid farewell to his home, promising to write and visit and never forget them. Thane's mother gave him a firelizard egg, to make sure he could send letters with ease.

Of course, Thane knew nothing about Fort Weyr's history, nor did he know about the current political climate. He was just happy to be there. When Thane arrived at Fort Weyr, he realized that it was an option to become a candidate, and he was thrilled to throw in his luck. He signed up for candidacy at the new weyr almost immediately.


  • Early Spring 2773: Thane Impresses Vesseth and sobs everywhere! c:
  • Early Fall 2774: Thane and Vesseth join the wings, graduating weyrlinghood.
  • Late Spring 2775: Vesseth and Wadjeth collide when a well-intentioned effort to both flame a clump that neither can handle alone goes wrong. Vesseth is unharmed, but Thane's left leg is badly broken in a couple of places (Major).
Last edited by Pan on Thu Aug 31, 2023 10:51 am, edited 11 times in total.
Thread Tracker - Soliloquies
Fort Weyr
D'javi of Bronze Cerasth
Jexin of Brown Hayutoth
Maze of Garnet Temporaeth
Thane of Blue Vesseth
Nes of Blue Gascoigth
Sy'rei of Green Asrakaerth
K'me of Green Wadjeth
Neme of Green Maglyth
V'eil of Green Usamith
Miilo of Blue Miilsk
Arkta of Green Arktask & Blue Arsk
Candidate Sere
High Reaches Weyr
Safvris of Brown Osjeith
Lace of Garnet Rozeth
K'rou of Blue Nonaryth
Keiraly of Blue Sarmith
Ny'ri of Moonstone Asberyth
Sparrow of Green Irabeth
Nova of White Scryth
Nhelin of Gold Nhelisk & Brown Nhesk
Zyri of Blue Zyrisk
Candidate Ryuki
Candidate Pyeri
Semaca Weyr
Deir of Bronze Rollieth
Kas of Garnet Vaheoth
Nysie of Blue Ixith
Kaneki of Blue Tinoceth
J'pei of Green Zelagoth
Hymn of Green Gienath
E'nyo of White Nohadoth
Vixen of Seafoam Xesk
Makai of Blue Kask & Brown Makaisk
Aket of Green-Blue Akhersk
Wyll of Green Wysk
WIP: Candidate Verlian
Posts: 1215
Joined: Sat Jul 27, 2019 7:53 am
    Thu Dec 16, 2021 10:33 am
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NAME: Vesseth
BIRTHDATE Early Spring 2773
AGE: 2 as of Summer 2775

LENGTH: 32ft
HEX CODE: #1c2441
Vesseth is a lovely blue, their hide mirroring the stars above or snowfall at twilight, the pattern broken by streaks of a more solid pattern, fading from deep, navy blue to an almost grey shade, like hints of mist. Their neck and legs are relatively unadorned, bearing only this simple gradient. Their wide head is a solid, much paler blue. They are a small blue, with a delicate build and particularly dainty legs.

A quiet blue, Vesseth is a dragon with no fear and a sense of exploration. Everything is cannot speak, it is not hard to know what this blue is feeling, as they communicate very effectively through various other means. Why they cannot speak is a mystery, though it does not seem to hinder them. Though friendly, Vesseth does prefer to keep to themselves, wishing to not burden others. They have no problems stopping to help someone should they need it, and their calm demeanor would make them a rather wonderful Searchdragon when they grow up.

To their rider, Vesseth is a stalwart companion. They are loyal and brave, and very often willing to listen. They have no jealousy or annoyance in them, though that does not mean they are a pushover. They have their own private code of ethics, though it rather simply boils down to 'help those who need it' with a dash of 'don't get pushed around.' They are a peaceful dragon overall, willing to make friends more than make enemies, even if they are hard to read at first. They share a special bond with Voidarth, the two of them seeming to be quite close.

Voice: Vesseth has no voice, but is able to effectively communicate with pictures, emotions, and colors.

Why Me?: Just a little blue sitting on a bench.


The Kingdom's Edge Clutch
Serapheth's HOLLOW KNIGHT Clutch :D

Egg: The Little Bug Egg
Class: Vessels
Inspiration: The Knight in Hollow Knight
Info: A little wanderer, a little bug, a little escaped secret.
A small, blue egg with the pale face of a bug on it. This egg feels quiet yet strong.
Dam: Gold Serapheth
Sire: Brown Jitteboth
Number: 1 out of 16 to impress
Details: At Thane's first hatching, the first egg chose him, a silent little BLOO.
Location: Fort
Last edited by Pan on Thu Aug 31, 2023 10:51 am, edited 3 times in total.
Thread Tracker - Soliloquies
Fort Weyr
D'javi of Bronze Cerasth
Jexin of Brown Hayutoth
Maze of Garnet Temporaeth
Thane of Blue Vesseth
Nes of Blue Gascoigth
Sy'rei of Green Asrakaerth
K'me of Green Wadjeth
Neme of Green Maglyth
V'eil of Green Usamith
Miilo of Blue Miilsk
Arkta of Green Arktask & Blue Arsk
Candidate Sere
High Reaches Weyr
Safvris of Brown Osjeith
Lace of Garnet Rozeth
K'rou of Blue Nonaryth
Keiraly of Blue Sarmith
Ny'ri of Moonstone Asberyth
Sparrow of Green Irabeth
Nova of White Scryth
Nhelin of Gold Nhelisk & Brown Nhesk
Zyri of Blue Zyrisk
Candidate Ryuki
Candidate Pyeri
Semaca Weyr
Deir of Bronze Rollieth
Kas of Garnet Vaheoth
Nysie of Blue Ixith
Kaneki of Blue Tinoceth
J'pei of Green Zelagoth
Hymn of Green Gienath
E'nyo of White Nohadoth
Vixen of Seafoam Xesk
Makai of Blue Kask & Brown Makaisk
Aket of Green-Blue Akhersk
Wyll of Green Wysk
WIP: Candidate Verlian
Posts: 1215
Joined: Sat Jul 27, 2019 7:53 am
    Sat Dec 18, 2021 10:08 am
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NAME: Lime
BIRTHDATE Spring 2772
AGE: 3 as of Summer 2775

COLOR: Green
HEX CODE: #2cdc45
FULL APPEARANCE: Named for her electric appearance, Lime is a brilliant lime green in color, with forest green wingsails. The same color stripes her underbelly. She is small for a green, but quite chubby, likely because her person spoils her with as many treats as she wants.

PERSONALITY: Lime is a happy baby. She is pleasant, cheerful, and affectionate. However, she is also spoiled rotten. She knows she can't get whatever she wants from most, of course, but she knows she can get ANYTHING from Thane. He gives her whatever she wants, and she's come to expect that from him. She is playful and enjoys rolling around, even if she ends up dirty from it. She has no qualms about tracking mud everywhere, and is generally a physically playful and energetic creature.
Thread Tracker - Soliloquies
Fort Weyr
D'javi of Bronze Cerasth
Jexin of Brown Hayutoth
Maze of Garnet Temporaeth
Thane of Blue Vesseth
Nes of Blue Gascoigth
Sy'rei of Green Asrakaerth
K'me of Green Wadjeth
Neme of Green Maglyth
V'eil of Green Usamith
Miilo of Blue Miilsk
Arkta of Green Arktask & Blue Arsk
Candidate Sere
High Reaches Weyr
Safvris of Brown Osjeith
Lace of Garnet Rozeth
K'rou of Blue Nonaryth
Keiraly of Blue Sarmith
Ny'ri of Moonstone Asberyth
Sparrow of Green Irabeth
Nova of White Scryth
Nhelin of Gold Nhelisk & Brown Nhesk
Zyri of Blue Zyrisk
Candidate Ryuki
Candidate Pyeri
Semaca Weyr
Deir of Bronze Rollieth
Kas of Garnet Vaheoth
Nysie of Blue Ixith
Kaneki of Blue Tinoceth
J'pei of Green Zelagoth
Hymn of Green Gienath
E'nyo of White Nohadoth
Vixen of Seafoam Xesk
Makai of Blue Kask & Brown Makaisk
Aket of Green-Blue Akhersk
Wyll of Green Wysk
WIP: Candidate Verlian
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