Eijirou of Garnet Shimath
"lyrics or quotes here"
NAME: Eijirou
PRONOUNS: he/him/his
ORIENTATION: Pansexual Panromantic
BIRTHDATE: Fall 2751
AGE: 25 as of Spring 2777
LOCATION: High Reaches Weyr
OCCUPATION: Garnetrider
WING: Starfall Wing
EYES: Brown
HAIR: Black
HEIGHT AND BUILD: 5'9" and Muscled
PLAY-BY: Eijirou Kirishima (My Hero Academia)
A muscular young man of rather average height, Eijirou has tanned skin, angular brown eyes and short, just under shoulder-length black hair. He has a tiny scar over his left eyebrow from an incident as a child and on his arms from the first Hatching he attended. Clothing-wise, he typically wears simple garments, but prefers shades of red as if to match his dragon. During the warm summer months, it's quite common to see him without a shirt on. Even if High Reaches summers are much cooler than Istan summers.
Eijirou is boisterous and outgoing, with an interest for the concept of "manliness," often using terms like "manly" or "unmanly" to describe things or people he likes and dislikes respectively--a quirk of opinions which influenced Katsuki's dragon, Koteth. Those with a determined, brave, or noble attitude are quick to move him to tears and quickly earn his respect, admiration, and even friendship. He will without hesitation call out traits the opposite of that, such as cowardice or playing dirty. Determined and selfless, he without hesitation puts the safety of others before himself. Despite Impressing Garnet, he takes inspiration from harper tales of bronzeriders of old--seeing them as chivalrous and brave.
Honest and kind-hearted, he has a straightforward way of thinking and tries to live without regret. He tends to make friends easily, and will without hesitation break laws and rules to help or save them. He is very hard on himself for any negative outcomes that befall his friends or himself. He has a lot of self-doubt, especially for his own abilities, considering himself as dull and boring, even pathetic. Although he has been working hard since Impression to improve his opinion of himself, he still sometimes falls into depressive states which are difficult to pull him out of. Eijirou is incredibly reckless, especially in the instance of protecting others, to the point where he's willing to sacrifice his own well-being for the sake of his friends and companions.
He's very open-minded and generally accepting of everyone, much like a very excitable canine. However, also much like an excitable canine, he has a high amount of energy. He'll talk a lot, and loudly, bounces and move around frequently (he has a habit of gesticulating when he talks), and even sometimes going so far as forgetting personal boundaries. He can also be rather brash, sticking his nose into the business of others, especially when it doesn't belong.
Eirella - Mother, Alive
Jiroun - Father, Deceased (Accident)
Karoko, Son, born Summer 2774
SIGNIFICANT OTHER: Ochako of Green Uravith, Katsuki of Bronze Koteth
BIRTHPLACE: Ista Cothold
Eijirou was born to a small Hold beholden to Ista Weyr. He grew up raised by his mother and grandparents of both sides, his father having passed due to a farming accident shortly before his birth. While his mother never took another husband and he grew up an only child, he befriended several other children around his age as he grew. At five, while visiting the nearby beach, he wandered away from his mother and stumbled upon a firelizard clutch, angering the gold and earning himself a scar on his face. Luckily it was only superficial.
His mother would eventually move to the Weyr proper with his grandparents when he was about seven, pursuing an education and greater opportunities for her son. While there, he befriended Vil, though didn't officially meet and hang out with Katsuki until the pair were Candidates due to largely being raised by his mother.
At fifteen he volunteered for Candidacy, Impressing to Shimath at his first Hatching the following Spring. During the hatching, Eijirou defended another Candidate from an attack, earning himself several wounds and following scars on his arms as a result. The pair took well to each other, growing together as they went through Weyrling training and ultimately fighting their first Threadfall. Although he befriended many of his classmates, he became particularly close with a particular two in that time, Katsuki and Ochako. This eventually culminated in Eijirou admitting to the both of them that he had romantic feelings. To his surprise, the two agreed to enter into a relationship with him--both of them.
Continuing to work hard as a rider in battling Thread, Eijirou managed to avoid all but the most superficial of injuries related to the dangerous task.
When Katsuki arranged transfer to High Reaches, Eijirou was quick to follow.