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Kyra of Green Kyrask

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Kyra of Green Kyrask



"I was always fraught with guilt, and it's such a waste of an emotion. It keeps you out of the moment of being where you are."
-Kyra Sedgwick


NAME: Kyra
GENDER: Feminine
PRONOUNS: Feminine (she/her/hers)
ORIENTATION: Heterosexual, but exploring

BIRTHDATE: Early Summer 2725
AGE: 48 as of Late Summer 2773
LOCATION: Semaca Weyr
OCCUPATION: Greenhandler
WING: Pavane

EYES: Ocean Blue
HAIR: Inky Black
HEIGHT AND BUILD: 5' 4" || average
PLAY-BY: Kyra (Our Life: Beginning and Always)
When it comes to her height and build, Kyra is nothing special. Standing at 5' 4" and possessing a slender frame with minor curving at her hips, she is your average woman. Yet her other features draw some attention. With large blue eyes in the hues of the ocean and black hair that hangs heavily to her waist, often styled attractively, Kyra is a sight to behold. In addition, she had thin lips and high cheekbones. In terms of her dress, Kyra is often seen in simple clothing; often a sweater and sturdy pants, paired with shoes. Skirts and dresses on Kyra are a common sight as well, and she enjoys flowery patterns whenever reasonably possible.

Kyra is quite an intelligent woman, yet one who seems very sure of herself, to the point she might be called cocky or even arrogant. It exudes from her so intensely that it covers her like a cloak. Or perhaps this is better described as a shroud. Truthfully, her self-confidence has long since been shaken; being passed up by dragons and whers alike after many Turns of Candidacy has left its mark on Kyra. So long spent dutifully studying and preparing herself, for nothing. Even as Kyrask is with her, it somehow isn't the same. In addition, she is a vain woman, and takes great pains to look nothing but perfect. What else does she have if not her looks and sharp wit? Kyra is one that isn't afraid to say what's on her mind, even if what she has to say is very offensive. It's often better to throw hurtful words than let anyone close enough to let them hurt you or see you falter, in Kyra's opinion.

Thanks to the distinct lack of warmth her parents offered a young girl, Kyra has grown to expect nothing of anyone. Entirely self-sufficient and independent, she has no need of others. Kyra is most certainly not above lying or otherwise manipulating others to her own purposes. This leaves Kyra distant from those around her, both physically and emotionally. Yet within Kyra, buried deep behind many barriers, lies a childish desire to simply be loved. Here lies the girl Kyra never got to be, filled with fanciful hope and dreams that never came to pass. Kyra ignores this part of her. Never again will she be reliant on another. All she needs is herself...and Kyrask. Yet Kyra can't help but feel something she has rarely felt before, particularly when she thinks of her son: guilt. What he deserved was a mother. What he got was a runaway. With her feelings like spectral hounds at her heels, Kyra has dug up a portion of her cold heart and seeks to make amends with Cove.

Goal-oriented and driven, she is determined to achieve whatever she sets before her, often displaying her stubborn and spiteful nature. But perhaps she goes a bit too far sometimes. Kyra has a bit of an obsessive streak to her, which was quite evident in her Turns of Candidacy. For instance, with her focus solely on Candidacy and other contributing factors, Kyra set aside being a mother to be a Candidate. It's a decision that doggedly haunts her. Surprisingly, Kyra is capable of being affectionate toward others. It may take quite some time for it to surface, but she can prove to be very loyal and even kind toward those she trusts and cares for. Everyone else gets Kyra's usual greeting: cold and distant. Feeling anything soft for another person is a deeply foreign feeling to Kyra, prone to making her rather uncomfortable. Yet she tries, when she has someone who she feels such things for, especially Cove.

Parents - weyrfolk - deceased (old age)
Covenis - bluerider - ex-acquaintance - living
Cove of Green Eponath - greenrider - son - living
Kyra had an uneventful upbringing, born to a pair of weyrfolk of Ista Weyr. The relationship between her parents could be described as anything from cool indifference to "why the forsk are these two people together?" This extended to Kyra, and she never came to expect anything of her parents. Why bother hoping for anything? With her parents often busy with their duties as weyrfolk, Kyra was raised primarily in the creche, where she learned all she needed to become a productive member of Ista.

Kyra matured from childhood into her young adult years. At seventeen, she entered dual-Candidacy, and so began her long woeful journey. Time and time again, and dragon and wher clutches alike, she was left Standing; passed up. At twenty-two Turns of age, dragons rose in mating flight, and Kyra found herself tangled up in a flight tryst with a bluerider. Covenis was his name, a handsome and good-natured sort. Not bad at all...but Kyra didn't want a relationship. Candidacy was her sole focus, to the point of it becoming akin to an obsession.

Another thing Kyra wanted nothing to do with was pregnancy and motherhood. When she found she was with child after her encounter with Covenis, Kyra was a mess of emotion. This wasn't what she wanted! What she wanted was to be a rider or a handler! Something! It was not on her agenda to drop from Candidacy to tend to this child! Yet there was the tiniest of whispers inside her that urged her to keep this child, even if she had no time to rear it. There was nothing preventing her from remaining a Candidate, even if she bore a child; the creche existed for a reason. So she carried on with the pregnancy, and when her child was born - a fine son - she went about naming him very simply; almost lazily. Kyra dubbed the boy Cove, then went about her life. Kyra turned her child over to the creche shortly after his birth, for Candidacy was more important than anything else, always.

Until the day she aged out of dragon-Candidacy at thirty. Kyra was deeply hurt, and dropped from wher-Candidacy shortly after her thirtieth Turnday. No wher had wanted her before, so why should she bother remaining to fail again? Though it left a bitter taste in her mouth, she swallowed her pride and became weyrfolk like her parents, keeping her head down. From the sidelines, she'd watched fellow Candidates - people who were once friends - Impress and grow up alongside their partners to join the wings and squads of Ista. Now she watched the next generation of Candidates do the same. For Turns this went on...until she finally had enough.

Kyra would be something, never nothing.

With her many Turns of experience in wher-Candidacy and many marks in hand, Kyra approached a caravan for a wher egg. After a fierce bout of haggling and debate, she had her prize and stole away. From the egg hatched a fine green, and Kyra bonded her Kyrask. Something trouble Kyra? Kyrask was nothing like Kyra had expected her to be. Kyrask was firm and strong, and both perfectly capable and willing to strong-arm Kyra into action of some sort. Something did trouble Kyra, and Kyrask was there to help. When Kyrask found that Kyra's thoughts consistently turned to her son - long since departed to another Weyr as a Candidate - Kyrask insisted that they strive to see him.

Kyra refused.

All through wherlinghood, Kyra and Kyrask quarreled. Even after graduation, their dispute remained strong. It proved most disruptive to both of them. Would it end agreeably...or would it not? When word came - in the form of a letter from Covenis - that Cove was a fully-fledged greenrider of Semaca and weyrmates with a fair brownrider, Kyrask loudly declared this was the opportunity Kyra had to make amends with her son for her poor decisions. Kyra found herself truly wordless...and she agreed, at long last. Packing her things, Kyra and Kyrask transferred to Semaca; into the ranks of Pavane Squad. Uncertainty hung heavily over her, like a shroud. Would Cove accept her, even after the wrong she'd done, if she tried to become the mother he'd deserved from the start?

  • Late Fall 2773: In Threadfall, Kyrask is so distracted by her squad leader faceplanting into a pile of dung that she steps into a tunnelsnake burrow, breaking her right hind leg. (Major) Thankfully, the tunnelsnakes in question are non-venomous.
Last edited by Agenothree on Tue Jul 05, 2022 4:50 pm, edited 4 times in total.
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Kyrask. Something trouble Kyra?


NAME: Kyrask
BIRTHDATE: Early Spring 2771
AGE: 2 as of Late Summer 2773



LENGTH: 12.25 ft.
HEIGHT: 4.5 ft.
COLOR: Green
HEX CODE: #95d8bf
Kyrask is a large wher, strong and sturdy, with stocky limbs and a blocky barrel. When it comes to her hide, she is hard to miss. Her head, wingsails, and entire underbelly are a dark forest green color. A swirl of this hue snakes from her wingsails over her shoulder. The rest of her is a bold pale minty green, dominating her legs and back. The place where the dark and mint green meet is bordered by an almost lacy pattern, soft and feminine.

Kyrask is quite a stoic wher, quiet and dedicated to protecting those who need her strength. Level-headed and cool, she is ever calm under pressure. Yet just because she doesn't show emotion doesn't mean she doesn't feel it. But it is rare for Kyrask to demonstrate emotion. Why? Because she feels too much. Kyrask loves too hard, grows too angry, falls too deep into sadness. So rather than let others see her weaknesses, she elects to hide what she feels, presenting herself as a firm and almost cold wher. Should she find someone capable of withstanding her intensity, they will find a friend in Kyrask. Additionally, Kyrask has a soft spot for delicate things, such as flowers, butterflies, small children, and the like. But never will she admit to liking such things; she is not soft and feminine.

To her bonded, Kyrask is a guardian with a matronly air. While she doesn't express the affection she holds toward Kyra, it's there. Really, it is! While Kyrask sees Kyra as immature and in desperate need of firm guidance, she has a deep fondness for her handler. The two of them are similar in many ways, and Kyrask is determined to see their bond flourish and use their similarities to their advantage, as shared strengths, rather than let them fracture and fall apart. Kyrask most often displays her blunt and headstrong nature when with Kyra, for she must constantly badger the woman into taking proper action. There are no holds barred for anyone, and this especially applies to her Kyra. If Kyra can't handle it, tough. Kyrask values strength and honesty, and if someone - particularly Kyra - doesn't shape up, there shall be no respect given from her.

Voice: Kyrask rarely speaks to others beside her bonded, and even to Kyra prefers to let her actions speak for her. Yet when she does deign to speak, she sounds firm and powerful, with a deep feminine voice.
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IC Information
What type of candidate is your character: Wher

What color/s does your character want?: Kyra would prefer a large "masculine" color; bronze or brown. Yet at the same time, she wouldn't refuse any other wher that sought to be hers. Good luck getting her to admit that, though. xD
Does your character have any personality preferences or concerns?: Kyra wants a wher that doesn't push her around like Kyrask does.
Does your character have any other preferences or concerns?: Kyra would prefer to not Impress another green.

OOC Information
If your character is a dual candidate IC, do you have a strong preference on whether they Impress dragon or wher?: N/A

What color(s) are you willing for your character to impress to?: Any and all!
Do you want your character to be eligible for gold?: Sure.
Do you have any personality preferences or concerns?: None.
Do you have any other preferences or concerns?: None!
Why do you think these choice/s would be a good fit?: Kyra wants to be powerful, and I might wish to see her knocked down another peg. Do as you will with her! >:D

Do you have any preferences about the conditions of your character’s impression?: No preferences!
Are you alright with your character getting hurt? What injury level is acceptable/what should be avoided?: You are free to absolutely maul Kyra. Anything except death is fine! c:
Are you willing to impress a creature with a mutation/oddity? Anything that should be avoided?: Yes, more than willing, and nothing to be avoided!

Is there anything you will ABSOLUTELY NOT accept?: Nope! I'll accept anything! :D
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