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M'ina of Green Chantesutath

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M'ina of Green Chantesutath



"Commit to loving yourself completely. It's the most radical thing you will do in your lifetime."
-Azura Skye; Andrea Gibson


NAME: M'ina; originally Mahina
GENDER: Feminine
PRONOUNS: Feminine (she/her/hers)
ORIENTATION: Demiromantic Demisexual

BIRTHDATE: Late Autumn 2742
AGE: 31 as of Early Autumn 2773
LOCATION: Semaca Weyr
OCCUPATION: Journeyman Mindhealer, Wingrider
WING: Chopin

EYES: Pale Blue
HAIR: Light Brown
HEIGHT AND BUILD: 5' 7" || lithe
PLAY-BY: Azura Skye
M'ina is a slender woman by design, standing at 5' 7" in height. In regard to her appearance, she is no great beauty, in her opinion. M'ina possesses light caramel hair to her shoulder-blades and eyes the color of the ice of her homeland; her lips are full and red, often curved in a smile. An odd grace suffuses every movement M'ina makes, as though she embodies the spirit of water; it shows in the quiet, almost dainty way she walks too. In terms of clothing, she prefers slacks in hues of beige or tan that hug her legs close, paired with dark sleeveless shirts and her favorite slip-on shoes. For special occasions, she'll jazz things up with a floral pattern.

M'ina is a naturally calm and gentle woman. Quiet and easygoing, she makes good company. Very devoted, she possesses a determination that can prove a force to be reckoned with. Whatever duty needs to be done or whatever goal she sets before her, it will be completed. While it isn't clear at first glance, M'ina is a very brave woman. No matter what threat is faced before her, she will face it without fear, particularly if the safety or wellbeing of others are at stake. M'ina is very sweet and welcoming to everyone she meets. Considerate and generous, she always extended a helping hand to those who need it. Even though she is quiet by nature, M'ina is one that extends her aid without hesitation...or even being asked to help. If she determines someone needs her help, she will insistently extend it, even if she's directly told "no." "No" is not a word in her vocabulary, and she won't take it for an answer if someone needs her help. In return, she expects nothing but perhaps a mite of gratitude...

M'ina has a pet-peeve: she can't stand it when a person does not extend gratitude for the her time or effort, even when they did not seek her aid; she jumps to help with anything, even if it isn't her business or concern. What she works for is the wellbeing of the people. A smile is the greatest gift she can hope to receive. But to provide something for someone, only to be cast aside without a care? Perhaps the only time M'ina may demonstrate a temper is this circumstance, and Faranth knows it burns hot. Such a thing makes her irate and irritable, as she tries to enforce a sense of gratitude in her company. And if she's going to instill in them a sense of gratitude, why stop at that? M'ina has the tendency to impose her own understanding of social norms and her own standards on others, not thinking of how it makes her appear. M'ina knows what it is go without; to endure. But this taught her to grit her teeth and keep her head down; to push through until things are better. This has bled into her nature of generosity. With so much at her fingertips, she feels compelled to extend such a wonderful boon to others.

Yet at her core, M'ina is a dreamer. A trait M'ina possesses that proves troublesome is such an intense tenacity for work, so much so that not everyone she helps gets the aid they need. It bothers her deeply, what with her ever-present goal of helping everyone around her. One of her favorite pastimes is rising early to watch the dawn roll over the horizon, and the same goes for the sun as it sets at night. Moonlight is the greatest gift ever bestowed on man. The sea is a treasure to behold. Beauty is found in nature and a lover's heart, and M'ina shall never change her mind. Never. In fact, there are times where M'ina is so enraptured by such beauty that she loses track of time and fails to complete her duties. M'ina is one to sit close to Harpers and listen as they regale children of brave heroes and beautiful lovers in the firelight. Another of her favorite activities. M'ina is a lover, not a fighter…yet she does as she must to preserve what she holds most dear. What use is the strength she possesses, if not to protect those who cannot defend themselves?

Parents - common farmers - living
Siblings/Half-Siblings - one older (sister) and two younger - all living - open tie(s)!
Nephews/Nieces - three (one nephew and two nieces) - both living - open tie(s)!
BIRTHPLACE: A small cothold of Telgar Province
Mahina was born on a crisp autumn morning, just as dawn rolled over the horizon to bathe a small Telgar cothold in warm light. With an elder sister, the workload placed on the growing Mahina was eased. Yet as she grew older, more work was placed on her plate. Despite the cothold's small size, there was always something that had to be done to ensure what meager crop the fields yielded would be fruitful. After Mahina came two more siblings, and she was delighted to welcome the newest members of the family.

While she wasn't entirely opposed to spending her life as a farmer...there was something missing. What she wanted to do was to help people, and not from afar, in the fields of the cothold. Though it pained them deeply, her parents could see how desperately their daughter wanted this, and scraped together the marks to see Mahina safely on her way to Fort's Healerhall, under the protective wing of her father for the journey.

After speaking to the Masters about her being an Apprentice, Mahina dove into her studies, and she found her calling to the Craft be true. To be a Mindhealer brought forth from her every fragment of good she bore for others. Here, she could help people...and that was all she wanted. Excelling in her tutelage, Mahina graduated in the summer of her 22nd Turn to the rank of Journeyman. At last, she was a fully-fledged Mindhealer! With immense joy filling her heart at her accomplishment, Mahina deliberated over her next step. Did she remain at the Hall, to walk the tables and teach the next generation of Apprentice Healers? Did she depart to practice her Craft?

Regardless, she travelled to her cothold of origin, to visit her family and celebrate her achievement. Delighted, her parents proclaimed it reason to travel to the Hold of Lemos, located close to their cothold. It was by sheer chance that a dragon flew on Search that day that Mahina and her family were present, and such a surprise that the beast chose Mahina as a Candidate. Flabbergasted, Mahina knew not what to do...until her parents urged her to go to the Weyr. Such proud parents, to have a daughter that was not only a Journeyman Mindhealer, but a Candidate too? Mahina accepted and travelled to Telgar Weyr, albeit somewhat hesitantly.

Just as she had as an Apprentice, Mahina dove into her lessons in Candidacy. There was so much she needed to know, to be ready for a young dragonet to select her. At least, that's what every Candidate hoped would be the outcome; for a dragonet to emerge from the shell and select them to be their lifemate. Several Hatchings came and went for Mahina, and no dragon selected her. Mahina was not deterred. If anything, she only grew more determined to excel; to succeed and make her family proud. Not to mention her limited timeframe. At the age of twenty-two, she had hardly three Turns before she aged out. Precious time, and it was running out.

Yet hope was not lost, for when Mahina Stood for a clutch in the winter of her 23rd Turn, as the trees outside teased at the coming of spring, a green shook free of her shell and looked over the Candidates in clear distaste...until she laid eyes on Mahina. Make haste, and do not tarry, the green said, her voice firm. The one that is Chantesutath has come. Overwhelmed with utter adoration for her Chantesutath, Mahina elided her name to M'ina and joined her weyrling class with pride.

Graduation into the wings came easily to M'ina, with the diligent and determined Chantesutath at her side. In Telgar's fighting Wings, M'ina and Chantesutath served for eight Turns, flying with pride. But unrest rumbled over Pern, undeniable. Yet with every situation came the need for aid; aid which Mindhealers trained to provide. A new opportunity beckoned, as a new Weyr of the Southern Continent opened its doors to all riders, handlers, weyrfolk, and anyone in between who would aid them: Semaca. There. That is where they would go. Packing her things, M'ina requested transfer. After it was accepted, she bid those of her Wing fond farewell, sent letters to her family to notify them of her decision, and travelled to Semaca Weyr.
Last edited by Agenothree on Fri Jun 24, 2022 7:25 am, edited 17 times in total.
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Make haste, and do not tarry. The one that is Chantesutath has come.


NAME: Chantesutath (Chant-Eh-Soo-Tath)
BIRTHDATE: Early Winter 2765
AGE: 8 as of Early Autumn 2773



LENGTH: 32 ft.
HEIGHT: 7.5 ft.
WINGSPAN: 46.75 ft.
COLOR: Green
HEX CODE: #7f9179
On the larger end of greens, Chantesutath is a sight to behold. With a strong body and broad wings, she is built to withstand hard work, and lots of it. Chantesutath's hide is a pairing of two simple shades of green to make something wonderful. While the majority of her body is a dark earthy green, a paler mint green swathes the entirety of her head and paints her underbelly, including the underside of her tail. From her belly comes a curl of pale green over her side, forking dramatically over her flanks, and the inside of her hind-legs are this same hue. Chantesutath's wings are patterned to resemble feathers; an almost ethereal nature, the dark green overlapped so lightly atop the paler mint green.

Chantesutath is a quiet dragon, but not out of shyness. An odd wisdom permeates the green and every word she speaks, rare as they are. Chantesutath is perhaps one of the bravest greens one could meet, too. Such a firm beast is she, so much so that she would face Thread alone unflinching, if she must. The world around them proves a brutal one, and with it comes suffering in plenty. Suffering is to be weathered to the end, Chantesutath is determined to persevere...and to help others endure. While it may not be obvious, she enjoys the company of like-minded individuals, man and beast alike. While she is a cautious sort, she extends a deep-seated generosity to those who earn it. Need a blanket? Done. Need a rare specimen of herb delivered? Chantesutath is ready to journey. In addition, she finds it difficult to ask others for help, even if she desperately needs it. To do so would be akin to proclaiming oneself unable to endure the storm. Chantesutath is a green that prefers to always be doing something productive. Even simple errands typically reserved for weyrlings are preferable to sitting idly; to doing nothing. Drilling and patrolling are favorite activities of hers.

To her rider, Chantesutath is a loyal ally...even a friend. Bravery. Generosity. Fortitude. Wisdom. These are all qualities Chantesutath possesses, and she seeks the same in those she keeps company with. M'ina has met these qualities by far, and so Chantesutath chose her. While she might disagree with what M'ina finds worthwhile at times, she deeply values her rider and the input she provides. As such, M'ina is privy to the softer side of her green. Chantesutath is one to value nature deeply, and always seeks ways of going about things without disturbing the natural order. Another quality of Chantesutath is her belief that all have good in them -- man and beast alike. Yet always a practical dragon, she will not deny the truth that sits before her eyes: some do very bad things. Such actions cannot go unpunished, and Chantesutath is willing to bring justice to wrongdoers, though she never takes pleasure in it. It is but another of her many duties, nothing more. Endowed with the mind of a tactician, Chantesutath is adept at devising the best method for getting the job done.

Voice: While she isn't the most vocal or wordiest of dragons, Chantesutath's voice is a firm feminine rumble, with a deep undertone. Think of it as thunder rolling across vast plains, with the steady thrum of rain beneath it.
Last edited by Agenothree on Wed Jun 15, 2022 6:38 am, edited 1 time in total.
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