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D'vid of Green Rasiath

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D'vid of Green Rasiath



"Very uninterested in that opinion."
-David Rose, Schitt's Creek


NAME: D'vid (pronounced "Deh-veed"); originally David
GENDER: Masculine
PRONOUNS: Masculine (he/him/him)
ORIENTATION: Romantic Pansexual; leans masculine/masculine-identifying

BIRTHDATE: Late Summer 2742
AGE: 31 as of Late Autumn 2773
LOCATION: Semaca Weyr
WING: Minuet

EYES: Brown
HAIR: Black
HEIGHT AND BUILD: 5' 11" || average
PLAY-BY: Dan Levy
D'vid is a man of average, albeit mildly round, build; his height of 5' 11" makes him near the average height for most men. D'vid has black hair with a natural curl to the ends, cut short; while his eyes are a rich dark brown in hue. D'vid possesses a wardrobe of variety, his collection vast and one he covets, despite most of his clothing consisting of black and white. Most often, he wears some sort of attractive sweater over slacks and shoes, though he keeps several sets of Gather wear in his possession. D'vid takes great pride in his appearance, and refuses to depart from his quarters with a single aspect of his appearance imperfect or unsatisfactory. One of the only things of true value he retains from his life of luxury are a set of silver rings, gifted by his mother, which he wears at Gathers.


"The idea of me life-coaching another human being should scare you...a lot."
-D'vid, upon being asked to serve as a mentor (David Rose, Schitt's Creek)

While it isn't obvious under the "tough guy" act, D'vid is rather insecure and fearful. Bugs, clutter, heights - you name it, he's afraid of it. In order to break his family's expectations, he will refuse to admit to these fears, pretending to be the strong son they need. D'vid is distinctly socially-graceless. Tending to be blunt and even somewhat coarse, he has zero concept of courtesy - unless it's false courtesy to play at being polite. D'vid is judgmental and opinionated at times, applying his "knowledge" where he sees fit and refusing to adapt or accept another viewpoint. In addition, D'vid is still somewhat closeted in terms of his orientation, uncertain of how his family might react to his inclinations. D'vid is paranoid of illnesses as well, constantly worrying and fretting about germs and dirt.

At his core, D'vid is a momma's boy, always modeling himself after Moriya's high-aired ways and adopting her fashions. As a result, he is haughty and views himself with a touch of superiority. Despite this, he sees himself as independent, and resents attempts to guide or aid him. What sense of humor he has consists of dry sarcasm and sharp quips. While he loves his family dearly, he finds it difficult to live up to the standard he believes them to have for him. The relationship he has with his sister Alexis is an...interesting one, as neither holds any bars when interacting with one another. Bickering is common amongst D'vid and any of his family members, but he holds deep affection for them nevertheless. The same could be said for Rasiath, but more so. D'vid loves his green with all his heart, though he never bickers with her, like his family.

Esmond - ex-steward - father - living - open tie!
Moriya - Master Harper - mother - living - open tie!
Alexis - younger sister - living - [-4] - open tie!
SIGNIFICANT OTHER: Single, but open!
BIRTHPLACE: Minor Hold of High Reaches Province
David was first-born to the steward Esmond and Master Harper Moriya, his spouse. With his father in a position of respect and influence, and his mother a Harper popular for her talent on the stage, David and Alexis - his sister, younger by four Turns - wanted for nothing. In fact, all lived in a state of luxury. One such luxury David acquired in his younger Turns was a set of silver rings, four in total. Even after David reached adulthood - at about eighteen - he did not strike out on his own, rather electing to stay close to his family and continue dwelling richly. But the life of decadence they led did not last forever. Another of the Holder's servant embezzled quite a sum of marks from the Hold's prolific trading, but it was Esmond who was blamed. Esmond was removed from his position and cast out of the Hold, along with his family. While they were lucky not to be marked Holdless, the lot of them had nowhere to go. All of them were devastated and lost; forlorn. Where were they to go?

A place would be found for them at High Reaches Weyr. Moriya had a sister - D'ee - who resided as a dragonrider. While relations were strained between the two sisters due to Moriya's lack of a Search invitation, D'ee still extended a place for Moriya and her family to stay in the Weyr out of obligation and honor. Moriya accepted, and she and her family moved into High Reaches Weyr. David was...less than enthused. To go from living the high-life to needing to work to earn your place in the Weyr grated on David terribly. But the chance to live near the majesty of dragons... Perhaps that was a bright spot in this dark time. But times grew even darker. Golre was ruling over High Reaches Weyr before David and his family came here in sheer desperation, but she declared war on Fort Weyr and demanded dragon fight dragon. Every war needed soldiers - or Candidates, in this case - and a nineteen Turn old David and a fifteen Turn old Alexis were no exceptions. Selected by a resident dragon for Candidacy, David saw little choice than to accept and Stand, despite wanting no part in fighting for Golre's war on Fort.

David Stood at every hatching with his heart in his throat, throat tight with anxiety. Perhaps it put the dragonets off; that was just fine for David. The last thing he wanted was to walk off the Sands with a bonded in these times, particularly not a green or white - though he'd love a dragon in whatever form they took. While he knew his parents would be understanding enough, his aunt D'ee would not be so kind. Even Alexis had taken on some Golre-esque views. When Golre fell in 2761 and Fort moved in to make High Reaches a Weyr that a dragonrider or wherhandler might be proud to call home, David Stood for Candidacy - for real, this time. David walked from the Sands in triumph in 2764, three Turns after Golre's fall. At twenty-two Turns of age, David was considering entering dual-Candidacy, to increase his odds of success at earning a life-mate. But a green emerged from her egg and made her selection, startling David from his musings as she sat before him. As Rasiath's small voice gently alerted him to her choice, David couldn't help but swipe away a few tears.

David shortened his name to D'vid and entered weyrlinghood with Rasiath at his side, head high. What did it matter that Rasiath was green? Rasiath was his green; she was perfect for him. Weyrlinghood passed with little incident, D'vid and Rasiath graduating into the Wings. After such upheaval, High Reaches served as home. Parents Esmond and Moriya both served as weyrfolk with the respective talents of each, while Alexis continued to Stand for Candidacy, same as D'vid had once done. But when Semaca Weyr opened its doors, in desperate need of extra hands to keep the Weyr running. D'vid and Rasiath elected to go, as did his family. Esmond and D'ee never got along, and Moriya was tired of her sister's "generosity." Alexis was tired of High Reaches too, with no luck on the Sands here. Semaca would be a new opportunity for all of them. But was it safe for them? D'vid and Rasiath requested transfer in 2768; he would go first, for he was most welcome, and he might send word back to his family regarding Semaca's safety. It took Turns, but the Weyr grew in strength and size, and it was safe for D'vid to welcome his family. Semaca has been home for them all ever since.


  • Early Spring 2775: In Threadfall, a missed clump of Thread blows toward D'vid and Rasiath. It hits D'vid in the back, scoring him. (Major)
Last edited by Agenothree on Fri Sep 01, 2023 5:35 pm, edited 3 times in total.
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NAME: Rasiath
BIRTHDATE: Early Summer 2764
AGE: 9 as of Late Autumn 2773



LENGTH: 26 ft.
HEIGHT: 6.5 ft.
WINGSPAN: 39 ft.
COLOR: Green
HEX CODE: #72c731
Rasiath is an elegant, if dainty, little dragon. Not a large green, but one who may never actually grow out of the "awkward hatchling" look, she is a dragon who is much more at home on the ground than in the air. Not that she dislikes flying, but she feels much better among grass and soil. Rasiath's a soft, peridot-green color. There are soft balls of a paler color over her chest and legs, as if there are little glows all over her. The same color streaks the very tips of her wingsails. Over her head and her hind feet are gorgeous, elegant petals and swirls, as if she is wearing a crown and is royalty.

Rasiath is a wise woman with youth in her step. She is an extremely kind-hearted dragon who wishes to see the best for everyone around her, and is willing to put herself out to help as much as she can to achieve these goals. She has very low tolerance for non-acceptance, and believes that everyone can be helpful, everyone has their place, and everyone has a destiny to pursue. No one is useless, and everyone can be accepted no matter how different they might be! She tends to bond deeply and be extremely loyal to those who she befriends, willing to wait until the end of time for her friends and family.

Rasiath is a very insightful dragon, slow to speak without a decent amount of thought first. She's naturally inquisitive and intelligent, with a good head for using logic and knowledge. Always studious, she has a natural want to learn everything she can, including the WHY. Why do you do it in that order? Why do you use this kind of leather for straps? Why? She's also incredibly mothering, gently protective and wanting to coddle/comfort anyone and everyone who needs it. She has no concept of holding grudges and is extremely pacifistic.

VOICE: Rasiath has a small and light voice, much like that of a curious child.
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