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Temperance of Bronze Temperask

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Temperance of Bronze Temperask



"Objectively, I'd say I'm very smart, although it has nothing to do with my ass."
-Temperance Brennan, in response to being called a smartass


NAME: Temperance; allows Caedance to call her "Tempe"
GENDER: Feminine
PRONOUNS: Feminine (she/her/hers)
ORIENTATION: Not your business nor concern.

BIRTHDATE: Late Autumn 2744
AGE: 29 as of Late Winter 2773
LOCATION: Semaca Weyr
OCCUPATION: Wherhandler
WING: Mazurka

EYES: Pale Blue
HAIR: Dark Brown
HEIGHT AND BUILD: 5' 9" || average
PLAY-BY: Emily Deschanel
Temperance is an average woman in regard to her appearance, standing at 5' 9" and possessing a standard build for a female wherhandler. With warm brown hair and pale bluish-green eyes, she's nothing special, as she often states. Temperance enjoys wearing professional attire or working gear, situation dependent. In addition, she's rather keen to acquire and wear beaded necklaces others might call "clunky." Jewelry ancient or otherwise antique appeals to her as well.

Temperance is often viewed as cold and aloof, since she values fact and science above all else. Lying is very foreign and wrong to her, so much so she could not or would not even lie to protect those close to her, as much as she wants to do so. But she's not cold nor aloof; not through conscious intent, at least. While she takes everything in a literal sense and doesn't understand or place much value in emotion, she's very close to select individuals. Caedance, her younger sister, is one such person, who Temperance would die to protect. Temperance is one to get straight to a matter's point and not dance about a subject. Rather blunt and even obtuse, she's not one who navigates social situations with ease or grace; metaphors pass over her head, as does sarcasm and humor.

Though she has difficulty interpreting social cues and acting on them in accordance to her translation, Temperance is a woman with extreme intelligence, driven to find an answer to each problem placed before her. A person all for working all reasonable hours, she prioritizes duty above fun or frivolous pursuits, to her relationships' detriment. In addition, she is very stubborn and convinced she knows everything. Once she's found an answer, she sticks to it, until proof arises that states her theory was wrong. Though she doesn't like it, she will admit she's wrong so as not to contradict her disgust for deceit. It's hard to get close to Temperance, ever since she lost her parents. To her, Caedance and Temperask is all she needs in her life; everyone else will continue to fade in and out without materializing as someone she can rely on or trust.

Parents - farmers - both deceased
Caedance - wherhandler - younger sister - living
BIRTHPLACE: Cothold in Keroon Province
HISTORY: TW: death/loss
Temperance was born to farmers within Keroon Province, near a Minor Hold beholden to Igen Weyr. As a whole, Life was uneventful for young Temperance...until her younger sister Caedance was born. While she didn't understand why such a loud and unpleasant bundle was something to rejoice, she grew fonder and closer to Caedance as she grew older and less...smelly. Together, Temperance and her family worked Keroon's fields and lived a quiet life. It was fine; neither Temperance nor Caedance lacked a single basic need. But Temperance wasn't satisfied being a simple farmhand her whole life through. Something bigger was calling her, pulling her to find it; to explore and discover what Pern could offer.

But before Temperance could find it in her to depart without Caedance, both her parents fell ill. Upon summoning healers, Temperance kept herself and her sister from falling sick, but her parents were too far gone to be saved. Pushing aside her own pain and grief, Temperance took her sister under her wing as both went to live with distant Crafter relatives. Settled in Lemos, being near her relatives struck a fire within her to learn as they did, so she endeavored to Apprentice. But being fifteen at her parents' death, she was too old to begin Apprenticeship. Bitter and disgusted, Temperance was determined to find another path to independence. A caravan, paused in Lemos before passing on, caught her attention. Calling Caedance and speaking about wherhandling to her sister, it was soon decided both would purchase an egg and Impress.

With both girls' allowances and some additional funds from caring relatives, both Temperance and Caedance got an egg. Both eggs yielded bronzes for them, though Temperance was most surprised. Needless to say, she was most pleased, bonding to her Temperask without further ado. Temperask was a good partner, one Temperance could rely on and trust. With both her and Caedance attached to strong bronzes, no-one could ever hurt them. But as Turns passed and both women and bronzes grew older, that niggling spark reignited in Temperance as news about an upstart Weyr called Semaca began making rounds through Lemos. It was an opportunity like no other; one Temperance couldn't pass up. Together, Temperance and Caedance traveled to Semaca with both bronzes and applied to join squads.
Last edited by Agenothree on Wed Sep 07, 2022 10:55 am, edited 5 times in total.
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NAME: Temperask
BIRTHDATE: Early Autumn 2764
AGE: 9 as of Late Winter 2773

LENGTH: 15 ft.
HEIGHT: 5 ft.
COLOR: Bronze
HEX CODE: #eeebde
A bronze with average proportions, Temperask is no mighty warrior beast. In fact, he is more lithe, with narrow shoulders and long limbs. In regard to his hide, he is a pale bronze with darker bronze speckling across his face, shoulders, belly, tail, and legs.

Temperask is an odd wher. One that enjoys witty banter and conversation, yet one that would see himself and his bonded in perfect solitude. Silence and solitude is nothing foreign nor uncomfortable for him; in fact, it's rather soothing. Nothing is above or beneath him to defend those under his care, including lying, stealing, or even killing, though he doesn't find pleasure in it. In conflict, he is rigid and unmoving; he will never break nor yield. Rather pleasant to engage, yet he hides his natural state with skill and grace.

To his bonded, Temperask will travel with them until death parts them. Temperance is his best friend; his single trustworthy confidante. Temperask will see to it that everything Temperance wants is delivered; he's not afraid to work hard and get his claws dirty. To Temperance, he is obedient and unwavering, but he isn't afraid to offer his advice and see it rejected. Living beings learn best through experience, as Temperask thinks, be it good or bad. It isn't his place to change natural order, but he'll ensure someone knows about a poor choice before it's made. But who's he to stand in another's path?

Voice: Temperask sounds rather unnerving, with a whispery and raspy voice like an old man.
Last edited by Agenothree on Wed Sep 07, 2022 11:02 am, edited 5 times in total.
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IC Information
What type of candidate is your character: Wher

What color/s does your character want?: Open to all.
Does your character have any personality preferences or concerns?: Temperance wants another wher that helps her do her work to utmost efficiency. A wher that is sugar-sweet and whatnot; she wouldn't know what to do with it.
Does your character have any other preferences or concerns?: None.

OOC Information
If your character is a dual candidate IC, do you have a strong preference on whether they Impress dragon or wher?: N/A

What color(s) are you willing for your character to impress to?: All!
Do you want your character to be eligible for gold?: Sure!
Do you have any personality preferences or concerns?: Nope.
Do you have any other preferences or concerns?: Nope!
Why do you think these choice/s would be a good fit?: No thought, brain empty. xD

Do you have any preferences about the conditions of your character’s impression?: No preferences!
Are you alright with your character getting hurt? What injury level is acceptable/what should be avoided?: Up to Major, but avoid my usual no eye- or limb-loss and death. :D
Are you willing to impress a creature with a mutation/oddity? Anything that should be avoided?: Yes, more than willing, nothing to avoid!

Is there anything you will ABSOLUTELY NOT accept?: Nope! Do your worst!
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