"I don't need to be perfect to deserve love."
NAME: E'cho; originally Enonocho
GENDER: Feminine
PRONOUNS: Feminine (she/her/hers)
ORIENTATION: Questioning
BIRTHDATE: Early Summer 2750
AGE: 26 as of 2776
OCCUPATION: Apprentice Harper, Wingrider
WING: Aurora
EYES: Blue
HAIR: Blonde
PLAY-BY: Jackie Evancho
E'cho is a short woman, standing at 5' 2" tall, her build light. While she may not be a muscular person, she walks in a manner that denotes great internal strength and firm will. Hair colored spun gold and eyes crystalline blue, she's rather pretty to behold. In regard to her wardrobe, unless she's in her riding leathers, she usually wears loose garments that swirl and swish as she moves, in soft colors.
E'cho is very sweet and gentle, caring and loving to everyone she meets, though a little shy; she's not one who dives into conversation and holds her own. Distinctly withdrawn in being uncertain about others, she would rather allow others to talk for her, no matter if she might think or feel something differently than what's said. Though her voice might not be heard or her opinion acknowledged, she's certain everything will turn out alright. Optimistic and warm, she's not one to start conflict...but she won't end it. E'cho is a woman against conflict, so much so that she'll go along with what she's told, no matter if she feels different. Leaders are meant to be obeyed; leaders are leaders for a reason, right?
E'cho is one who'd always rather stay home, where things are comfortable and safe. Given a choice, she wouldn't venture far from her weyr, but being a dragonrider means she cannot afford such luxury, required to fly Search or otherwise engage others in unknown territory. Fighting Thread is no trouble; she is courageous and brave, willing to fight until her last breath for others. But going out from her cozy little home to socialize? That's much harder for her. Perhaps that makes her an obnoxious homebody, but she's perfectly content to be herself. Though she's difficult to engage with in a social sense, E'cho is a fierce little woman under provocation, driven to defend those she sees as downtrodden or defenseless. Prone to following her emotions above her logic, she acts first and asks questions later, often regretting what hurt her actions might cause others, no matter her good intentions.
Parents - both Journeymen Harpers - both living
Siblings/Half-Siblings - several, older and younger - all living - open tie(s)!
Enonocho was a simple girl born to a simple life, a Harper's daughter through and through, like all her other siblings. Like most in her family, she had that Harper talent, pursuing Apprenticeship as soon as she was eligible, so young and eager to learn, not to mention eager to please her parents and teachers. But what she didn't expect was to be Searched, as a mighty brown from Fort arrived, on a fine spring day in Enonocho's sixteenth Turn. Needless to say, Enonocho jumped at such an opportunity; if Fort had need for a Harper like herself, who was she to reject her calling?
Candidacy was like nothing Enonocho had ever experienced before. To be so close to a majestic dragon so often made her heart soar like an epic ballad. And to Stand upon those sands and watch as dragonets emerged to find those fortunates who would be dragonriders? It made her want to sing from Fort's highest peaks. But she herself was not so fortunate to be chosen until two Turns later, where a blue decided she was right for him. Goumath emerged from his egg and locked his eyes on hers, changing her life from that moment on. Weyrlinghood was an exciting change, but graduating was an even greater one. Goumath looked ahead to what adventure lay ahead, while E'cho kept her eyes closer to Fort Weyr; to home.
For two Turns, E'cho and Goumath watched Fort's skies and fought Thread in her name, defending Pern from all manner of threats, though some closer to home that she thought. After bronze Diyarth caught Serapheth in mating flight, Z'osh was Fort's Weyrleader, causing a greater divide in Fort Weyr between traditionalists and progressives. 2771 saw Z'osh stage a coup, putting a host of dragonriders and dragons under house arrest, including Weyrwoman Tuckal, all garnets, and all women who rode bronze. Tensions exploded into total rebellion as traditionalists supporting Z'osh and progressives who didn't agree battled. Afterwards, Z'osh was banished to Semaca Weyr and a temporary Weyleader installed.
Garnet Neozeoth had a clutch of two in 2770, but those eggs vanished completely, until two eggs mysteriously arrived and hatched in High Reaches; relations between both Weyrs went icy fast. In 2772, news later emerged that those who pilfered garnet Neozeoth's eggs and dishonored Fort Weyr were discovered and punished. Between Z'osh's actions and so long not knowing about Fort's missing eggs, E'cho felt she could breathe again, though questions lingered. Would Fort and High Reaches' relationship ever heal? And did N'ell, banished to Fort, her Weyr of origin, deserve such punishment? Though she played a hand in such a terrible incident, was it intentional or otherwise? E'cho, being a curious woman, was determined to learn more; no one should be punished unjustly.

- Late Spring 2775: In Threadfall, E'cho has to dismount to fix a twisted strap on Goumath mid-Fall. But her dismount goes very poorly, wherein she breaks her right ankle. (Major)