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R'elle of Blue Noloth

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R'elle of Blue Noloth



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NAME: R'elle; born Riella, changed to Rielle
GENDER: Transgender (masculine); AFAB
PRONOUNS: Masculine (he/him/his)
ORIENTATION: Questioning, but he knows he's queer, at least.

BIRTHDATE: Late Summer 2745
AGE: 28 as of Late Winter 2773
LOCATION: Semaca Weyr
WING: Mazurka

EYES: Blue
HEIGHT AND BUILD: 5' 8" || slender, but quite fit
PLAY-BY: Rielle (Disney: Twisted Wonderland); art by
Being female at birth, R'elle still maintains a delicate and thin build, but Turns spent hard at work as a dragonrider has lent him some fitness and definition. Red hair, cut short in a bob, graces R'elle's features, as do his seafoam green eyes. In regard to his wardrobe, he often wears a pleasant and baggy sweater with form-fitting black slacks, paired with his standard knee-high boots.

R'elle is adventurous and outgoing, always first in line to go hurtling into some Great Unknown, dangers be damned. Don't tell him the odds or what to do or not do; he'll take it as a direct challenge. So often, he's been told he can't do this or that, for some "reason" or other. R'elle intends to prove he can do everything he decides to do; nothing can stop him! While he's supportive for his friends and encouraging them to reach to grasp for distant hopes and dreams, he won't tolerate a bully trying to bring others low. Very much a "smiles to your face, cries behind closed doors" personality, R'elle doesn't care what price he must pay; he'll do it, to ensure his loved ones are happy and content.

Tangle with R'elle's family at your own peril. R'elle is very protective for his family, often interpreting something small and non-harmful as an insult or threat. As such, he can be seen as overreactive and overbearing, though all he does is done for love. In particular, he's been seen as a helicopter-brother to Ariel. Though he'd never risk someone's safety for his own benefit, he doesn't often stop to think before he flings himself to take a Threadscore for someone. Impulsive, but for a good cause, he's self-sacrificing and considerate for others without always considering himself first. Sometimes, he thinks he should cut himself a break, particularly when Noloth starts prodding him to do so. But he often decides he doesn't care and keeps his usual habits.

Triton - self-proclaimed "Lord of the Seas" - father - living
Athena - mother - deceased
Ariel of Green Kshatriyath - greenrider - younger sister - living
Other Siblings/Half-Siblings - five other sisters, both older and younger - all living - open ties!
SIGNIFICANT OTHER: None, but open!
BIRTHPLACE: "The Seagull," his father's Istan vessel
R'elle was born Riella, born among five other sisters, to Captain Triton and his wife Athena aboard "The Seagull" amidst the Interval Wars. Being raised amidst combat left its mark on young Riella, but what really struck her was how her father changed with her mother's death. A man who was cheerful and kind was soon paranoid and withdrawn, moving his entire family to some isolated island system far away. Riella couldn't stand it. Accustomed to traveling and seeing what Pern had to offer, a little girl missing her mother and the father she'd known, she felt stifled and stuck, dwelling in an isolated cothold with just her family. While she was young and didn't get to see much before this change, she still wanted to explore this world.

But Triton forbid it. As Riella grew older, she grew more rebellious and resistant to everything Triton wished. What she wanted clashed with what he wanted, drawing a divide between them that just widened with every fight. At last, things drew to a final close as dragonriders began flying near the little island system. Riella saw those majestic beasts and decided that she wanted to be one of those fortunate dragonriders. But Triton was most displeased with these dragonriders close to his isolated home, but gave each of his daughters an egg from his own queen. It was enough to whet Riella's appetite for dragonkind, while her egg yielded an adorable little green she named Salp, after some interesting plants she'd heard from a story.

As Riella grew older, she felt...different. Odd, perhaps. Riella wasn't good at nor interested in tasks other women did around the cothold. In fact, she'd much rather hunt and fish with the men. Feeling adrift, lost, and even lonely, she wandered. But staring at her reflection in a pool of still water, she wondered what it would be like to trim her hair short and wear something other than a dress every day. Slipping home, she tried just that...and felt comfortable. That day, she decided: Riella wasn't a girl at all, but rather a young man, changing her name to Rielle.

But Rielle had one not-so-tiny problem: his father, Triton. Though he kept his own secret as best he could, Triton inevitably found out. Rielle, frustrated after all these Turns, escalated what was possibly the most calm conversation they'd ever had into a shouting contest. By the time the dust settled, Rielle had decided to depart this dingy little cothold and explore the world outside. Some might get tired of wearing old faded cloth and being bound to land, while dragons roamed the skies far above. Bidding his sisters farewell - especially his sweetest youngest sister, Ariel - Rielle left on his adventure, ignoring his father's gaze.

At last, Rielle was free! Writing home as often as he could, he found his place in a small cothold beholden to Nerat, setting roots. Fate found him one summer day, as an Istan Searchdragon flew. As the dragon's bonded explained what her dragon wanted from him, Rielle knew his answer from the start. Eager to open this next chapter in his adventure, he accepted Search and began Candidacy in Ista. It didn't take long at all for an egg to hatch and a blue emerged, introducing himself as Noloth, bringing Rielle to elide to R'elle. Weyrlinghood was a blast, seeing R'elle and Noloth graduating into the wings with distinction, honor, and pride.

But that was when R'elle began hearing about all he'd missed with his family.

R'elle could care less what Triton did with himself. But sweet little Ariel, betrayed and fled from Triton's cothold, swept up into a Weyr. Impressed to a green, but both disabled from violence and chaos on the Sands. R'elle knew what to do. Requesting immediate transfer to a blooming Semaca Weyr, he went to both see his sister again and make a fresh start for them, as well as apply his training in this new Weyr that needed them and those adventurous and bold like them so much.
Last edited by Agenothree on Thu Oct 13, 2022 10:18 pm, edited 5 times in total.
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It is good to see you again.


NAME: Noloth
BIRTHDATE: Late Summer 2764
AGE: 10 as of Early Spring 2774

LENGTH: 30 ft.
HEIGHT: 8 ft.
WINGSPAN: 50 ft.
HEX CODE: #3c40c8
Noloth is a small blue with a wide wingspan, almost appearing too small for his own wings. Regardless, he's quick and agile, but with stamina to last and succeed. In regard to his hide, Noloth is a stunning blue. With a base as dark as an ocean's depths, he is further coated with rich cyan blue in markings that fades into his body; his head, wings' edges, flank, legs, and tail's tip sport this bold color.

Noloth is as calm and carefree as can be, content to ebb and flow with life's waves. It's infuriating to engage with him, on occasion, as he can appear almost lazy, as unhurried as he can be, unless it's an emergency. But as relaxed and easygoing as he often appears, a tempest whirls in his heart, ready to emerge as needed. Those who dare harm Noloth's loved ones are faced with Noloth's rage and merciless pursuit. Vengeful and relentless, he will not tolerate someone's attempts to harm those under his care. Even a simple insult can warrant his wrath. Otherwise, Noloth can be rather forgiving and cool-under-pressure, but ever watchful and always ready.

To his bonded, Noloth is rather kind and gentle, almost like an older brother. Need a lift? Done, with pleasure. Want some advice about that pretty dragonrider next weyr? Go pick some flowers and she'll love it! But got into some trouble with money or something? Tough luck, kid. Figure it out. Very much present and ready to help, yet Noloth won't coddle his bonded or let him skate on important matters. Sensitive and together, he's very close to Rielle and takes as much as he gives. In addition, Noloth won't tolerate someone insulting his bonded, particularly about his gender. That will warrant a bite, no questions or hesitation. Otherwise, he can be sweet to children and small beings, content to let kids crawl on him or even ferrying them about for rides for as long as they want.

Voice: Noloth sounds like a young man with a low drawl to his tone, as though he's always half-asleep. A distant echo sounds as he speaks, like waves crashing against rocks at Semaca's shores.
Last edited by Agenothree on Tue Oct 11, 2022 7:10 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Birthday Flit 2022!


NAME: Salp
BIRTHDATE: Late Spring 2761
AGE: 12 as of Late Winter 2773

COLOR: Green
Salp is a small and lithe green, all legs and wings and no mass. In regard to her hide, she's so bold and popping! A vibrant green all across her body, she boast a rich bright green in swirls across her belly and limbs. In addition, her wings are an almost blinding neon green.

Salp is a such a dear little green! So sweet and gentle and kind, she loves to interact with humans, dragonkin, and beasts alike! Always up for doing a trick for a treat, she's very sociable and easygoing. But her first love, other than Rielle, is water. Salp adores swimming and splashing in warm ocean waters; ever since her hatching! But once she's done playing, she's content to drowse as quiet as can be. In truth, Salp is a wonderful flit that Rielle is fortunate to be bonded.
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