"Sharem, you and I are sisters. Remember that I’ll always pick you up after you fall...once I’m done laughing at you."
NAME: Harem
GENDER: Feminine
PRONOUNS: Feminine (she/her/hers)
ORIENTATION: Oh, you're interested in me? That's cute. Forsk, you're serious? Did you hit your head or something?
BIRTHDATE: Early Winter 2750
AGE: 26 as of 2776
LOCATION: High Reaches Weyr
EYES: Brown
HAIR: Brown
PLAY-BY: Ginchiyo Tachibana (Samurai Warriors 2)
Harem is a relatively tall woman of an unmovable build, standing at an impressive 5' 11" in height. While her features suggest beauty and delicacy, her permanent scowl throws that assumption off in a hurry. Harem has soft brown hair, cut short in a wave. A set of rich brown eyes narrow at those who dare get too close to her, her skin lightly tanned and her cheekbones high. Harem's wardrobe suits her nature as a hard worker, which can also double to accommodate her place as a fighter too; she most often wears sturdy breeches and a blouse. Gathers see her wearing something near indistinguishable, no matter if she ought to wear something somewhat nicer.
Doesn't move? Toss it like a sack of tubers. Doesn't work? Hit it until it does. Doesn't agree? Shout at them until they do. Not inclined to put much though into something other than to assess it before deciding on her course of action, Harem is quick to judge and act on said judgements, not to mention very impulsive, hard-headed, and reckless. Harem can be seen as incredibly bossy on occasion, as well as being easily frustrated and blind to what subtleties come attached to social scenarios. As a result, she usually lets her siblings talk for her, allowing her to stay far from curious eyes where she might embarrass herself. But once it comes time to throw a punch, Harem is your woman. More at home in a fight than a Gather, all she cares about is herself and her family; everyone else can forsk off and get eaten by Thread, for all she cares.
While it isn't terribly distinct under her poor countenance, Harem genuinely cares for her siblings, driven to protect and care for them above all else. Since her parents were worse than useless, a grudge she still holds against them, Harem stepped up to be an eldest sister that went above and beyond for her siblings. Though it sometimes appears to be quite petty from an outside perspective, she holds an immense dislike and disdain for her parents. Perhaps her affection for her siblings comes across as "tough love" at best and being a downright jerk at worst, but it is affection nonetheless. While she might not be considered a terribly bright individual, especially in comparison to others, she compensates through sheer determination and an absolute refusal to surrender. Incredibly loyal, Harem is someone who'd lay down her life for her loved ones, but not a cause; she won't get tangled up in a war that isn't fought on her own terms.
Haremi - cotholder - father and self-centered idiot - living
Pitani - cotholder - mother and witless fool - living
Sharem of Blue Taarisoth - dragonrider - younger sister - living
Charem - cotholder - younger sibling - living
BIRTHPLACE: A cothold of Fort
Harem was born to perhaps Pern's most unimaginative and dim-witted parents. Of three children, Harem was eldest, followed by Sharem and Charem. Believe it or not, her name made Harem her begin to hate her parents for such ineptitude. But she dealt and still deals. During her youth, Harem was a force of nature; she bullied other children who thought it was fun to harass her younger siblings, she rebelled against her elders and blatantly disobeyed left and right, she caused mayhem while her parents weren't looking.
But as Turns passed, Sharem proved herself incredibly smart and quick-witted. Harem was proud as forsk, though she still gave her little sister shards about it. Harem was present for Sharem's sending off once she'd been recommended for apprenticeship in a large Hold nearby. It was a harsh sting to tolerate, but tolerate it she did, seeing Sharem off and giving her one last reminder not to do something stupid. But one day in her twentieth Turn, word reached her that Sharem had been discovered trying to steal some fancy-schmancy scrolls and Harper stuff from her Hall, after which she'd been tried and formally exiled as Holdless.
Granted, Harem had to admit that what Sharem did was exactly what Harem had told her not to do, but Sharem had done it regardless. But was Harem going to let her sister wander around aimlessly? Forsk no. So Harem hatched a plan. Literally. One of her cothold's farmers had a clutching firelizard, so Harem presented herself at one of her clutches to
Once Sharem had been located, it was simple enough to insist that Sharem continue to write letters for Regret to return to Harem, establishing a steady communication using Harem's firelizard as a messenger. Turns passed and Harem did what little she could to ensure that her little sister was as safe as a Holdless could be. But once Timers began emerging from between and she told such strange news to Sharem, her sister's response got her hackles up. Being told what and what not to do wasn't in Harem's nature to accept, so getting suspicious after Sharem told her to not worry for her and not to write was her natural reaction.
But little did Harem think that her sister was crazy enough to sneak into High-forsking-Reaches-sharding-Weyr while pretending to be a lost freshly-Searched Candidate from Ninth Pass Pern. Harem thought Regret was trying to piss her off again upon receiving such news, until she remembered that firelizards couldn't lie. But what was she to do to help get her sister out of this situation she'd put herself in once she was inevitably discovered again? Get Searched as a Candidate and stay close to her, obviously. It was simple enough to pack her things, tell her parents to shove off, and march to a nearby Hold to arrange transport to High Reaches Weyr. A dragon would sniff her once or twice and say she could crash in some barracks and try to Impress.
Simple, right?
- Nothing yet!