"lyrics or quotes here"
NAME: Sanjay
GENDER: Genderqueer; AMAB
PRONOUNS: Masculine (he/him/his) and NB (they/them/their)
ORIENTATION: Aromantic Greysexual
BIRTHDATE: Early Autumn 2756
AGE: 18 as of Early Autumn 2774
LOCATION: Semaca Weyr
OCCUPATION: Pirate, Candidate
EYES: Brown
HEIGHT AND BUILD: 5' 8" || lean
PLAY-BY: art by soft cat goat picrew
Sanjay may stand at meager 5' 8" in height, but they make up for that deficit by demonstrating a proud air that invoke an appearance of being as tall as a fine Lordling. Sanjay possesses bold red hair, trimmed neatly to hang at his shoulders, while eyes in a shade of warm chocolate always gather information. In terms of dress, Sanjay dresses neatly, often in a loosely-buttoned white dress shirt, topped by a black vest and black slacks, all rounded by sturdy shoes.
Sanjay doesn't see a point in evading a subject in conversation. Blunt and sometimes cruel as they speak, they'll say what they please to whomever they please about what subject they see fit to comment on. Some might say that Sanjay intentionally says things to provoke and hurt others. It's true, his words are harsh and sometimes powerfully spiteful, though he speaks it in a flat monotone tone, as though conversation isn't worth his time. Sanjay is notably very lazy and aloof, considering most things not worth his time and energy, unless it directly benefits him. Sanjay doesn't do a single thing to help someone else unless it benefits him; he's in it for himself and no one else.
Power is something that Sanjay craves more than all else. Born to common fishers, he strives to be more than what he was given, bettering himself and setting himself a step ahead in every regard. It doesn't matter who or what has to fall for his gain; it will be done. Manipulation and cunning tact are among Sanjay's favorite tools to get what they want. Though he could pretend to care about someone and what problems they face, Sanjay does not, for he does not care about others' problems. Loyal to himself and no others, it matters not what others think of him personally, but rather how high his marks are in gaining favor for those in greater power than himself. But one can't deny how arrogant and self-centered Sanjay is, viewing himself as superior to all others, though he envies and covets what those in power hold.
Father - common fisherman - living
Mother - housewife - living
Siblings/Half-Siblings - two older brothers - living
BIRTHPLACE: Some Faranth-forsaken cothold along Benden's coast
HISTORY: TW: familial disagreement
Sanjay was born to a pair of beleaguered fisherfolk on a mild day of autumn, and what a legacy lay before him. As his father was a fisherman bearing nothing to his name and two older brothers, all Sanjay could expect to be was a common fisherman bearing nothing to his name, like his father. Even from a young age, Sanjay was not satisfied in settling for this destiny. As he made his displeasure known, his father responded in kind. No, Sanjay did not posses a good demeanor toward his father, unlike his two older brothers, content as they were to be nothing. Sanjay grew into a young man that had a mean streak. Distant to everyone, he did his chores as he had no alternative. Yet he never lost that spark of fire within him, nor did he lose his sharp tongue.
Another path presented itself to him in a merchant's vessel. Sanjay - fifteen Turns - had been assisting his family in moving a catch to be sold, and what a poor temper he was in that day. This bunch of dim-witted, knuckle-dragging buffoons were a poor excuse for family, particularly to one such as Sanjay; one who sought power and greatness. Not to mention how rigid and narrow-minded Sanjay's father and brothers proved. Self-exploration was forbidden, and Sanjay rebelled even further at such constraint. And his mother was no help, as lackluster as an old spoon, and agreeable to follow her husband's decree. Sanjay saw those merchants where they had gathered to offload what wares they had carried, and paused to observe.
Sanjay envied them. Sailing open oceans, even in another's service, had to be freeing, rather than being bound to land. An idea struck him. Telling his parents he'd speak to these merchants on selling some of his family's haul to them, he approached, but to ask whether they'd use for a young man like himself. It was luck that it was this vessel's captain that he'd caught, and she looked him up and down before she asked whether a sailor’s life appealed to him. Sanjay thought for a moment before replying affirmative. It mattered not what his parents thought; they need not know until it was too late to stop him. Once said captain formally accepted her newest recruit, Sanjay wrote a note to his parents on his decision, leaving no room for protest or argument. This was his life. It was his choice. Sanjay left that sad fisher's life behind, never hesitating and never looking to see what he left behind.
It was a long slog, serving on that merchant vessel, but it was most preferable to living in a leaky hut and stinking of fish every day. But while docked at port to offload, Sanjay caught sight of pirates, carefully moving goods acquired in a less-than-lawful manner. Sanjay, after two Turns on that merchant ship, found his calling; a new path to getting his way. Getting accepted by these pirates was a chore, but it was on that pirate ship that Sanjay took on a new facet; he came to shine like a diamond plucked from mud. After he explored more of himself, surrounded by such expression aboard both ships he'd served on, it was here he determined that he held little attraction for anyone, and romance held no interest to him. Best to focus on more important things. Sanjay determined too that he was not strictly masculine in gender, and took up non-binary pronouns, in addition to masculine ones. It was a freeing sensation, to be comfortable and knowledgable on one's self.
But it wasn't gender and sexual expression alone they experienced. A sailor's life, merchant or pirate regardless, was one spent on hard seas. In pirates, he found himself among a family of misfits who thought love was best expressed by stealing one's undergarments and tossing them overboard, and Sanjay honed his wit to a razor's edge. Those core traits within them of apathy and cool disinterest for others emerged in force, lending to development of tactics framed by manipulation affecting an almost lazy touch. Where he'd had little use of his true cunning aboard a firm merchant's ship, Sanjay was a valuable asset to a band of pirates, that and his small frame to shimmy into tight spaces. Sanjay thrived here, under watchful eye of those who recruited him.
Yet as pirates as a relative whole chose to be allied to Semaca Weyr, Sanjay couldn't help but be wary and curious both. Several questions they had, and they found answers for each. Sanjay proved agreeable enough to this alliance, so long as Semaca showed they still brought something worth his time to bear. And Semaca Weyr did so, upon stating that pirates were welcome as Candidates, provided they were of age and stay in Semaca. This was that ticket Sanjay had been seeking to get what he wanted: power. It was laid out for him on a silver platter, and he'd be a fool not to snatch it up. Tales of Weyrs, dared whispered under blankets in dark nights. But it was not Weyrs themselves that Sanjay had coveted since his youth...but of dragons. To be commander of a massive, powerful beast such as a dragon... A dragon who shone like a coin under sun's light...
Bidding his crew farewell and subjected to a hearty farewell in return, Sanjay disembarked on a stop at Semaca and presented himself for Candidacy. All that was left to do was wait... A decent pirate knew how to play a waiting game, but Sanjay was a cut above. Patience was a virtue he was fortunate to possess in droves, and it was time to put his skills to test.