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Tyra of Bronze Tyrask

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Tyra of Bronze Tyrask



“Fortians? Bah! No match for a true predator.”
Ann, Zombicide: Black Plague


NAME: Tyra; accepts Tyr for short
GENDER: Feminine
PRONOUNS: Feminine (she/her/hers)

BIRTHDATE: Early Winter 2735
AGE: 41 as of 2776
LOCATION: High Reaches Weyr
OCCUPATION: Squadrider
WING: Sunburst

EYES: Brown
HAIR: Black
PLAY-BY: Ann (Zombicide: Black Plague)
EXPY SOURCE: Ann (Zombicide: Black Plague)
Though she stands at 5' and nothing more, Tyra's strong and compact build more than makes up for her disadvantage in height, often leading her opponents underestimating her strength. Eyes as dark brown as dirt glare distrustfully at her world, her hair is a choppy shoulder-length cut in an inky black shade, under a hood to keep most of High Reaches’ sun off her face, while her skin is definitely tanned and has a rough quality to it. In terms of dress, it's near impossible to persuade Tyra into wearing something other than her riding leathers or distasteful and often dirty working clothes.

First and foremost, Tyra is everything one might expect from someone who lived her early years in High Reaches under Golre's reign. Standing tall against those who would scorn her Weyr, she is often harsh and aloof, not to mention incredibly vindictive and more than willing to do what is necessary to secure victory for herself and her Weyr. Even after Fort's departure after supposedly rebuilding High Reaches, Tyra nurses a special grudge for Fort Weyr and her denizens. But she doesn't specifically identify as a Traditionalist or a colorist. Rather, she judges others from a viewpoint of strength; those who are weak and cannot stand tall under pressure mean nothing to her. But in spite of it all, she is still one of Golre's followers at heart, meaning she won't ever forget her nature: a fighter, willing to hurt and bring others low, unflinching and unhesitant in doing so.

But under her intolerant exterior, Tyra has a somewhat personable core to her, as incredibly hard to see as it can be. Though her willing cooperation is hard to earn and her loyalty harder still, she can be a most reliable and determined ally. Though her poor temper and difficult nature make her hard to engage, she isn't incapable of friendship, but most don't dare approach her for her standoffish and even hostile attitude, not to mention her beastly bronze. One thing Tyra cannot stand is expressing weakness, no matter what form. Raised in a society that demanded strength and power, she reflects that into today, looking upon those she considers unworthy in scorn. On an emotional standpoint, she cannot manage her own well and doesn't often know how to engage others as they express emotions she doesn't understand; she often falls upon her cold nature to respond.

Trust. It's such a simple thing, but something that has always been elusive to Tyra. Though she can trust in basic measures, such as trusting Tyrask to protect her on command or not, she isn't certain on others being trustworthy or not. By her first instinct, she shuts others from seeing who she is within, someone that feels disconnected from most everything; all she knows is to fight for her Weyr, nothing more. In a first meeting, Tyra is more likely to view someone else as a possible threat than a potential ally and acts accordingly. But should someone wear down her walls, they'll see that Tyra can be oddly close to others, in her own stoic way. Though she expresses affection in ways that most would see as her being a bully, it isn't impossible for her to grow close to others and think often of them.

Parents - both wherhandlers - both deceased
Siblings/Half-Siblings - none to her knowledge and relief - open tie(s)!
BIRTHPLACE: High Reaches Weyr
HISTORY: TW: Golre's High Reaches, death
Though Tyra was born in High Reaches Weyr, her parents individually held humble origins from cotholds in High Reaches' mountain ranges. Though it was hard to keep food and shelter available to both themselves and family members, they were relatively happy. But that was before Golre's war against Fort had begun, in about 2731. Both were Searched to join High Reaches' forces, meeting as Candidates on a fine spring morning. Standing together for some time, Tyra's parents grew closer even as both failed to attach a dragonet. After some time, both changed direction and purchased wher eggs. It was soon clear how they felt for each other sometime in late wherlinghood. It wasn't long after they graduated into fully-fledged wherhandlers that they welcomed a daughter, Tyra, born as High Reaches' latest weyrbrat.

In standard Weyr fashion, Tyra was left to be cared for by High Reaches' creche, while her parents went on to fight in Golre's ground crews; her mother had Impressed a spiteful blue, while her father had Impressed a vicious brown. Both were fine additions to High Reaches' ground crews. Living a life in a Weyr under Golre's rule saw young Tyra growing up in a fashion tailored for a life in Golre's High Reaches; she grew up cruel and harsh, ambitious and vindictive, among other things. But even a creche's relative shelter could not shield her from reality. One to Thread and one to combat, both her parents were killed, as well as one wher. Though she knew her mother's blue had survived his loss and rebonded, she didn't make a point to find him and stay in contact.

As soon as she was able, Tyra signed herself up for Candidacy. How else would she serve her Weyr, in such a long-standing fight against Fort and all others who'd stand against them? But time and time again, she was passed up by both dragons and whers. Needless to say, Tyra's reputed short temper was always set off, from small inconveniences to fighting among her fellow Candidates. What made her so unworthy? After four Turns, her small well of patience ran dry. Saving all she could, she approached a traveling caravan, who was in possession of a fine clutch from a healthy gold. Selecting what she felt to be a most worthy egg, though it was smaller and duller than its siblings, she returned to her weyr. And what fortune awaited her, for it was a bronze that emerged, defying his dark shell by boasting a light and shining hide. After placing her bloodied hand on his head, Tyrask introduced himself, seeing them bonded.

Tyra and Tyrask took wherling classes by storm. Both were bold and strong and determined in ways that complimented each other, showing themselves as an effective pair. In spite of Tyrask's brutish and indeterminable ways, he was a strong and vicious wher, where Tyra was a strong and determined fighter, very proficient in combat; both would suit High Reaches' purposes perfectly. It wasn't long before they graduated into High Reaches' fighting ranks, running to fight both Thread and Golre's enemies. But in Tyra's twenty-sixth Turn, Golre and her finest bronzes were brought down in battle in Fort's skies, drawing a close to her reign and High Reaches' prowess. Tyra was outraged. All her life, she'd lived to serve her Weyr. What was she to do under Fort's control? Sit idly and mouth mantras of peace from these false Peacekeepers? That title had belonged to High Reaches Weyr, thanks to Golre and her strength. Tyra wouldn't accept it, Tyrask following suit. Though they'd live in an occupied High Reaches, they wouldn't bow to these Fortians.

As time went on, Fort continued reigning upon High Reaches, bringing new ways to a once mighty Weyr. Those who saw Golre and her supporters as tyrants rejoiced and celebrated, but Tyra and others like her still stood strong against these new influences. But no matter how steadfast she stood, everything went rushing past like an ocean wave, so much so that even she had to accept that High Reaches had fallen for good; Fort had won. Though she wouldn't ever forget what High Reaches had once been as a united Weyr under Golre, she realized she had to accept her new reality and move on. Though Tyrask expressed his disagreement, he still followed suit. Integration would be a strong word to describe Tyra's newfound cooperation in her squad and leaders, but she no longer actively made things difficult, as she had before.

But things started changing. As Fort withdrew to let High Reaches act in accordance to these new customs, Tyra could breathe a sigh of relief. But tensions spiked after Fort's eggs went missing, High Reaches being accused of theft after said eggs appeared and hatched there. Tyra was incensed, but a part of her couldn't help but wonder if war would break again...and look forward to it. But much to her and Tyrask's disappointment, relations stabilized again, though still rocky on occasion. As crops failed and weather conditions mounted like a great battle at her horizon, she worked alongside others to see them all through. Ever a warrior, Tyra fights for her Weyr against its latest threat, but shan't readily forget days of war and glory.

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Last edited by Agenothree on Sun Mar 17, 2024 5:02 pm, edited 9 times in total.
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NAME: Tyrask
BIRTHDATE: Late Summer 2754
AGE: 22 as of 2776

LENGTH: 16 ft.
HEIGHT: 5.5 ft.
COLOR: Bronze
HEX CODE: #8c7c28
Absolutely massive, Tyrask is a monster of a bronze, boasting a height and length that combines to form an intimidating frame; enough to make even a hardened warrior hesitate before facing him. Rather simple in appearance, his hide is almost what might be called classic bronze, but lighter along his belly and under his tail, as well as coloring his paws in markings that almost resemble socks. That same lighter bronze also colors his face, chest, and wings, giving him an effect of appearing badly damaged; "teeth" are visible in a permanent snarl, "claws" rake across his chest, and his wings boast "tears" along his far edge. Perhaps these markings are meant to be a warning. Perhaps they're meant to signify his purpose and place. It's still unclear.

Tyrask lives up to his beastly appearance. Distinctly unintelligent, he's known for being outright hostile to most everyone, as well as being belligerent and unpredictable. Little can control him except his handler, but even Tyra can face unexpected difficulty in managing him, though they share a bond of more than twenty Turns. Tyrask holds no respect for rank or organization, seeing it was within his right to do as he pleases whenever he pleases; not by right of being bronze, but by right of being strong. Very headstrong, he's a menace to even a well-organized squad, as he seems to delight in causing problems for others. Tyrask's first instinct in a conflict is to attack and sees no issue challenging others to fight him, be it a human, another wher, or a full-grown dragon.

To his bonded, Tyrask is Tyra's personal monster. Tyrask will protect her on principle, not affection. Some might believe that Tyrask is unable to feel a strong emotional attachment to others and, to an extent, they'd be correct. Though his bonds to others are rare and not based on emotion, he's been known to band readily alongside other whers, as long as they can match his savagery and ferocity; he'll not tolerate those that falter or those who appear stronger than himself. These habits were especially observed under Golre's time, where he'd gladly run in a pack of whers to fight in her name, by Tyra's command. A relatively simple bronze of simple needs, he's happy to be seen as something monstrous, as that is what he is and what he wants to be.

VOICE: On rare occasions that Tyrask elects to speak, rather than grunt or growl like a beast, his voice sounds like a harsh and raspy gargle, like something that shouldn't be able to speak is making an attempt. It can be hard to hear what he's saying, but his voice is often very unsettling.
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