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Wyll of Green Wysk

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    Tue Sep 05, 2023 6:21 am
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Wyll of Green Wysk

"lyrics or quotes here"


NAME: Wyll
GENDER: Male (Cis)
PRONOUNS: He/him/his

BIRTHDATE: Spring 2751
AGE: 24 as of Summer 2775
LOCATION: Semaca Weyr
OCCUPATION: Wherhandler
WING: Requiem Squad

EYES: Brown
HAIR: Black
HEIGHT AND BUILD: 6', looks sturdy/strong yet lean
PLAY-BY: Wyll from Baldur's Gate 3
EXPY SOURCE: Wyll from Baldur's Gate 3
FULL APPEARANCE: The first thing one notices about Wyll is his right eye. The eye itself is gone, due to damages sustained, and replaced with a stone prosthetic. His remaining eye is a deep brown in color, though the stone used to make his prosthetic is a uniform pale grey. Similarly, his face boasts more scars than he would like, including one around his eye. He keeps his facial hair trimmed short, but does allow some of it to grow. His black hair is tightly coiled along the top of his head with the sides shaved. Wyll stands around 6' even, with a build that looks sturdy and strong, yet lean rather than bulky.

PERSONALITY: Unlike Wysk, Wyll always has good intentions. He wants to bring the greatest good to the largest number of people. Unfortunately, sometimes the road to hell is paved with good intentions. Wyll will occasionally make bad decisions or act rashly, all with the safety, protection, and happiness of others in mind. Sometimes, a good result will justify doing something morally gray--as long as no one gets hurt in the process. He would prefer to do things in the most good way possible, of course, but will not hesitate to act should it bring safety or happiness to others. He can get a bit carried away, but stands by his decisions, for the most part.

Despite this, he sees himself as heroic and would like others to view him as the same. Generally, he does the right thing, but naturally makes mistakes quite often. He is rather impulsive, and will stubbornly stick to his decisions. Although noble, he is also self-righteous in a way that can be judgmental of people he doesn't agree with. He may take on a holier-than-thou type of attitude when faced with people he thinks are wrong. He tends to make assumptions and act on them without pausing to think, refusing to change course and believing, up until the end, that he was right. What's more, Wyll tends to hold a grudge, but is able to forgive and reconsider under the right circumstances. He can be a bit hotheaded, especially when he thinks he's right, which is most of the time.

Wyll is a kind man, overall, who believes in stopping to help strangers and those in need. As a generally good, morally-aligned individual, he is very gentle, especially with children, who he enjoys being around. He is protective of others, especially from spotties, which he hates with a passion. He also dislikes Karlach, feeling betrayed by her, and feeling as though she supports the "corrupt and murderous" lord holder of their home.

-Mother: Wyrra
-Father: Mellron
BIRTHPLACE: Minor hold under High Reaches territory
HISTORY: CW: Injuries
Wyll was the only child born of Wyrra and Mellron. The latter was the steward of the minor hold in which they lived, while the former was a journeyman crafter, a harper. As he had no siblings, he was close to the other children in the hold. In particular, he was good friends with Karlach. They got along well, despite occasional conflict. He often found his way into mild trouble, due to the adventurous and curious attitudes of the two youth, but other than this, his childhood was relatively uneventful.

In 2768, at the age of 17, Wyll and Karlach stood for a wher clutch, though only Wyll was chosen, Impressing to Wysk. After wherlinghood, he briefly served as a guard for the elderly lord holder, alongside Karlach, at the age of 18. When he was 20, however, the lord holder died suddenly. There were rumors--likely untrue, mostly from the old women of the hold who liked to gossip--that the late holder's son and heir had poisoned him. Whatever the case, the new lord holder was pretentious, inexperienced, and most of all, corrupt. He got in an argument with both his father and Karlach about this, feeling betrayed that, due to a lack of proof, both sided with the lord holder. Wyll had wanted to remove the lord from power by any means necessary, and very reasonably, Karlach and his father did not. He took this as a personal slight.

Shortly after this, he left the hold, unwilling to remain under the thumb of a lord holder who he hated so much. In the summer of 2771, at the age of 20, he was left with a choice of where to go. He decided on Semaca, which seemed to need able bodies, so he paid a pirate to bring himself and Wysk to the weyr. He took this as a greater good--helping the Semacans through their difficult times was worth turning a blind eye to the thievery of the pirates, at least temporarily. After all, the weyr had just had weyrlings attacked by spotties, and clearly needed all the help they could get.

Shortly after joining Requiem Squad, while hunting down some spotties, Wyll was injured. It was in part due to acting rashly, trying to defend a fellow squadmate from what he perceived as danger. He received a few nasty scars, as well as losing an eye. His hatred of spotties only increased, and he grew determined to see them gone forever. He recovered from his injuries, though his eye had to be removed and replaced with a crude prosthetic.

The next few turns were relatively uneventful. Wyll worked hard at his duties, determined to see the spotties gone, especially after they showed a coordinated attack against the whole weyr. He joined the fight, of course. Shortly after this, in Summer 2775, his childhood friend, Karlach, would suddenly arrive at the weyr, to his surprise. He planned to confront her immediately.

  • Update goes here!
Last edited by Pan on Sat Sep 16, 2023 6:08 am, edited 3 times in total.
Thread Tracker - Soliloquies
Fort Weyr
D'javi of Bronze Cerasth
Jexin of Brown Hayutoth
Maze of Garnet Temporaeth
Thane of Blue Vesseth
Nes of Blue Gascoigth
Sy'rei of Green Asrakaerth
K'me of Green Wadjeth
Neme of Green Maglyth
V'eil of Green Usamith
Miilo of Blue Miilsk
Arkta of Green Arktask & Blue Arsk
Candidate Sere
High Reaches Weyr
Safvris of Brown Osjeith
Lace of Garnet Rozeth
K'rou of Blue Nonaryth
Keiraly of Blue Sarmith
Ny'ri of Moonstone Asberyth
Sparrow of Green Irabeth
Nova of White Scryth
Nhelin of Gold Nhelisk & Brown Nhesk
Zyri of Blue Zyrisk
Candidate Ryuki
Candidate Pyeri
Semaca Weyr
Deir of Bronze Rollieth
Kas of Garnet Vaheoth
Nysie of Blue Ixith
Kaneki of Blue Tinoceth
J'pei of Green Zelagoth
Hymn of Green Gienath
E'nyo of White Nohadoth
Vixen of Seafoam Xesk
Makai of Blue Kask & Brown Makaisk
Aket of Green-Blue Akhersk
Wyll of Green Wysk
WIP: Candidate Verlian
Posts: 1215
Joined: Sat Jul 27, 2019 7:53 am
    Tue Sep 05, 2023 6:25 am
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NAME: Wysk
BIRTHDATE Summer 2768
AGE: 7 as of Summer 2775


LENGTH: 13ft
COLOR: Green
HEX CODE: #16921b
FULL APPEARANCE: Wysk is on the bigger end for a green wher, rivaling some blues and even matching smaller garnets or browns in length and height. She walks with a sense of commanding grace, holding herself proudly. Although she is still a wher in proportions and shape, Wysk is on the sleeker side. She is a bright emerald green in color, uniform yet brilliant in hue.

PERSONALITY: For Wysk, there are no limits to her ambitions and goals, despite the fact that they so rarely align with her bonded's. She is sly and cunning, a manipulative sort with more than a hint of arrogance. Wysk is never nice. She is far more likely to be dismissive and disdainful, and not afraid to tell others how pointless their words or actions are. She does know how to turn on the charm when she 'needs' to, but the lack of consistency just means she might insult you, ask you sweetly for something, and then insult you again when you don't give it to her.

Wysk loves her handler, she really does. He just gets in her way...a lot. They are often at odds, butting heads, with very different motivations. Unlike Wyll, Wysk is a selfish creature and does not pretend to be otherwise. She wants the best for herself, and by extension, Wyll, and by extension, MAYBE those in their close circle. The rest of the world can burn, for all she cares, so long as she and hers have a little sliver of paradise. Only her goals matter--and they largely revolve around both luxury, power, and control.
Last edited by Pan on Fri Sep 15, 2023 4:57 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Thread Tracker - Soliloquies
Fort Weyr
D'javi of Bronze Cerasth
Jexin of Brown Hayutoth
Maze of Garnet Temporaeth
Thane of Blue Vesseth
Nes of Blue Gascoigth
Sy'rei of Green Asrakaerth
K'me of Green Wadjeth
Neme of Green Maglyth
V'eil of Green Usamith
Miilo of Blue Miilsk
Arkta of Green Arktask & Blue Arsk
Candidate Sere
High Reaches Weyr
Safvris of Brown Osjeith
Lace of Garnet Rozeth
K'rou of Blue Nonaryth
Keiraly of Blue Sarmith
Ny'ri of Moonstone Asberyth
Sparrow of Green Irabeth
Nova of White Scryth
Nhelin of Gold Nhelisk & Brown Nhesk
Zyri of Blue Zyrisk
Candidate Ryuki
Candidate Pyeri
Semaca Weyr
Deir of Bronze Rollieth
Kas of Garnet Vaheoth
Nysie of Blue Ixith
Kaneki of Blue Tinoceth
J'pei of Green Zelagoth
Hymn of Green Gienath
E'nyo of White Nohadoth
Vixen of Seafoam Xesk
Makai of Blue Kask & Brown Makaisk
Aket of Green-Blue Akhersk
Wyll of Green Wysk
WIP: Candidate Verlian
Posts: 1215
Joined: Sat Jul 27, 2019 7:53 am
    Tue Sep 05, 2023 6:27 am
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IC Information
What type of candidate is your character: Wher

What color/s does your character want?: No preference
Does your character have any personality preferences or concerns?: Something noble and strong
Does your character have any other preferences or concerns?: No

OOC Information
If your character is a dual candidate IC, do you have a strong preference on whether they Impress dragon or wher?: N/A

What color(s) are you willing for your character to impress to?: Any.
Do you want your character to be eligible for gold?: No
Do you have any personality preferences or concerns?: Nope.
Do you have any other preferences or concerns?: Nope
Why do you think these choice/s would be a good fit?: N/A

Do you have any preferences about the conditions of your character’s impression?: None
Are you alright with your character getting hurt? What injury level is acceptable/what should be avoided?: Yes, anything short of death
Are you willing to impress a creature with a mutation/oddity? Anything that should be avoided?: Yes, nothing to be avoided

Is there anything you will ABSOLUTELY NOT accept?: Nope
Thread Tracker - Soliloquies
Fort Weyr
D'javi of Bronze Cerasth
Jexin of Brown Hayutoth
Maze of Garnet Temporaeth
Thane of Blue Vesseth
Nes of Blue Gascoigth
Sy'rei of Green Asrakaerth
K'me of Green Wadjeth
Neme of Green Maglyth
V'eil of Green Usamith
Miilo of Blue Miilsk
Arkta of Green Arktask & Blue Arsk
Candidate Sere
High Reaches Weyr
Safvris of Brown Osjeith
Lace of Garnet Rozeth
K'rou of Blue Nonaryth
Keiraly of Blue Sarmith
Ny'ri of Moonstone Asberyth
Sparrow of Green Irabeth
Nova of White Scryth
Nhelin of Gold Nhelisk & Brown Nhesk
Zyri of Blue Zyrisk
Candidate Ryuki
Candidate Pyeri
Semaca Weyr
Deir of Bronze Rollieth
Kas of Garnet Vaheoth
Nysie of Blue Ixith
Kaneki of Blue Tinoceth
J'pei of Green Zelagoth
Hymn of Green Gienath
E'nyo of White Nohadoth
Vixen of Seafoam Xesk
Makai of Blue Kask & Brown Makaisk
Aket of Green-Blue Akhersk
Wyll of Green Wysk
WIP: Candidate Verlian
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