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Mei of Blue Meisk

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Mei of Blue Meisk



"Every day is a new adventure."
Mei, Overwatch


GENDER: Feminine
PRONOUNS: Feminine (she/her/hers)
ORIENTATION: Questioning

BIRTHDATE: Early Autumn 2736
AGE: 40 as of 2776
OCCUPATION: Apprentice Smith, Squadrider
WING: Dusk

EYES: Brown
HAIR: Brown
PLAY-BY: Mei-Ling Zhou (Overwatch)
EXPY SOURCE: Mei-Ling Zhou (Overwatch)
Mei is a short woman at 5' 3" tall, her build curvy and soft, but strong from Turns of hard work. Brown hair kept short, sometimes in a decorative bun, and warm brown eyes, both relatively plain features, but hers nonetheless. A small button nose supports a set of bulky glasses, helping her see her world crystal clear. Regarding her wardrobe, Mei appreciates things that are soft and warm, so it's not unusual to see her wearing sweaters and long pants even where others find it swelteringly hot. Otherwise, she's wearing her riding leathers and her boots.

Mei is, above all, very kind and considerate for others. Extremely compassionate and caring for others, she takes it upon herself to try to solve everything for everyone. Using her knowledge and discoveries, she would make life as we know it better...she hopes. In spite of her hardworking nature and dedication to both her Craft and her duty to Pern's denizens, she's much too easily distracted by every single new thing she learns to make much progress in a significant way. Always eager to learn, she's someone who both looks forward to learning something new, as well as someone who enjoys teaching what she knows to a willing mind. Helpful and dedicated, she's an incredible asset to an organized team and would be an excellent mentor to new wherlings.

Though she's often very positive and upbeat, always moving forward, Mei can be very harsh on herself and put herself to blame for things going wrong, apologizing again and again for every mistake she makes. A bully cannot go unchallenged in her eyes, which means she's always willing to do everything in her power to deter someone from being a menace, though she finds it hard to stand up for herself. In fact, she can be so shy it can be hard to tell that she's trying to speak, her efforts to be heard above others very short-lived, unless she has something she feels is very important to share. Mei is very close to her Meisk, considering him her best friend above everyone else, often too reserved after her squadmates' deaths to find more permanent company in other humans.

Father - Master Smith - living
Mother - Journeyman Smith - living
Siblings/Half-Siblings - multiple - open tie(s)!
HISTORY: TW: death/loss
Mei had a simple upbringing, her parents both Smiths and her siblings keeping her on her toes, close to her family and responsible for her younger siblings. While her mother chose her family to her Craft and didn't progress further in her studies after reaching Journeyman rank, her father was a dedicated and talented Master Smith. After healers determined she needed assistance to see clearly, it was her father who made her glasses and all her replacements after she inevitably lost or broke them, as clumsy as she could be.

Mei was a curious and intelligent child, so it wasn't a surprise that she decided to follow her parents into an Apprenticeship in Smithing, though she took a different path from both her parents' specialties. While her mother had always had a touch for designing and creating even common items, her father always had his eyes skyward and could likely name every star he'd seen in his studies, Mei was most concerned about weather patterns and how even something small could influence Pern for better or worse.

But some Turns into her Apprenticeship, at a time where her graduation to Journeyman rank seemed closer than ever, Mei was approached by a dragonrider on Search. After some discussion, it was made clear that his dragon thought she had potential for Candidacy, much to her surprise. Almost twenty and two Turns, she'd see perhaps four Turns as a Candidate. But a chance at a dragonrider's life was nothing to refuse, so Mei found herself accepting, putting off her Craft to begin Candidacy in Telgar Weyr.

As she thought, Mei didn't Impress to a dragon in her four Turns as a Telgar Candidate, aging from eligibility in disappointment. But that wasn't all she could do, before going home return to Apprenticeship in defeat. A wher was a perfectly good option for a lifelong partner, perhaps she even wanted one more than she did a dragon. Regardless, her efforts saw success not long after, chosen for an egg at a small wher clutch that gave her a blue, who introduced himself as Meisk.

After graduating from wherlinghood at twenty and six Turns, Mei found her footing in her squad, even finding herself growing close to her squadmates. Turns passed happily, spent in her friends' company and fighting for Telgar Weyr. But everything changed. It was supposed to be a routine search for Thread as dragons scorched it from above, but it went terribly wrong. Before she knew it, her squad was decimated, her worst fears made reality as her friends were listed among those whose lives were lost in defense of Pern and Weyr.

Mei was devastated, so much so that not even Meisk was much help. Every single one of her closest friends, more than squadmates to her, gone. It was too much, too fast. Even as she gradually accepted she wouldn't see her best friends again, she knew she might not ever be able to move on from her loss. But to even try, she couldn't be here, where she'd been for so long, where her friends would be such an aching void in her everyday life. Applying for transfer to Fort was oddly easy, uprooting everything she knew to try to start fresh in a new Weyr.

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NAME: Meisk
BIRTHDATE: Late Winter 2761
AGE: 15 as of 2776

LENGTH: 12.5 ft.
HEIGHT: 5 ft.
HEX CODE: #8dbbfe
Meisk is a smaller blue, his dimensions making him short and squat, his build pretty pudgy by wher standards. Excluding his face and behind his wings, his hide is a bold teal color, decorated in speckles of periwinkle blue, as though to simulate falling snow. As mentioned, his face and wings are also periwinkle, rather than that bright blue shade.

Meisk is very mischievous and usually behind most shenanigans in his squad, but his antics aren't malicious, but rather blatantly playful. Fond of good humor and fun, they love to put a smile on someone's face, no matter how ridiculous they need to act to achieve it. Otherwise, he's helpful and kind, always willing to assist someone else. Sometimes, he finds even small and inconsequential tasks to be most meaningful, finding small gestures go so much farther. But he's not great at socializing, finding it hard to get what he means across and be confident enough to let himself be known. Though he's very hardy and can manage all conditions well, he always seems more energetic after basking in a nice patch of sun for a spell, as though it recharges and rejuvenates him more than all else. Often, they'll invite those closest to them to sunbathe alongside them, considering it an activity to be had among friends.

To his bonded, Meisk is Mei's best friend. Though he's quite a jokester while in others' company, he mellows his energy for her, his playfulness growing muted. No smile on Pern could compare to hers; it lights up his darkest night and he would do everything in his power to keep her happy as can be. An unstoppable team together, they're an army of one woman and one wher, though he'll always be close to his squad. Meisk is willing to sacrifice everything for her, including giving his life for hers. Should Mei be threatened by something or someone, Meisk's attitude will quickly shift, determined to defend her, almost ice cold in his focus. It's not his first instinct or nature to hurt others, but he's completely willing to attack to protect Mei, should he identify a clear danger and it won't listen to his warnings to stop; he always offers a chance to desist before he'll launch his counterattack.

Meisk uses he/they/it pronouns, but isn't terribly particular which are used and doesn't usually correct others to use one or another.

VOICE: Meisk usually communicates in squeaks, chirps, and whistles; sometimes, he'll project images if he must. Otherwise, he sounds like a little boy, youthful and optimistic, but his voice is quiet and shy, not to mention hard to understand through a strange hazy distortion-like sound; they would rather not speak unless they must.
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IC Information
What type of candidate is your character: Wher

What color/s does your character want?: Open to all!
Does your character have any personality preferences or concerns?: Mei would rather her wher not be a raging monster or an underhanded manipulator, but should she be chosen for such a wher and considered its best partner, she’d gladly accept such responsibility. Mei is also a little concerned should her partner be particularly noble or regal, trying to match such standards, but she’ll gladly do her best to be a good handler.
Does your character have any other preferences or concerns?: None to note!

OOC Information
If your character is a dual candidate IC, do you have a strong preference on whether they Impress dragon or wher?: N/A

What color(s) are you willing for your character to Impress to?: All!
Do you want your character to be eligible for gold?: N/A
Do you have any personality preferences or concerns?: None!
Do you have any other preferences or concerns?: None!
Why do you think these choice/s would be a good fit?: shrugs Mei might be fretful about her wher, but I’m not; match her as you will! :D

Do you have any preferences about the conditions of your character’s Impression?: None in particular!
Are you alright with your character getting hurt? What injury level is acceptable/what should be avoided?: Major and below! Lasting injuries that take a while to heal and scars are fine, but please avoid losing limbs and all that!
Are you willing to Impress a creature with a mutation/oddity? Anything that should be avoided?: Yes to Impressing, nothing I can think of that needs to be avoided!

Is there anything you will ABSOLUTELY NOT accept?: Nothing I can recall!
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NAME: Irono
BIRTHDATE: Early Winter 2776
AGE: Newborn as of 2776

A lovely lil’ lad of a blue! His base colour is a deep mid-tone sapphire blue; though much of his body is coated by a slightly lighter marking, which looks fairly similar to fish scales. His dorsal ridges are coloured a darker midnight shade, and he has a two-tone ‘necklace’ circling his neck. Two simplistic fish shapes seem to clasp the ‘necklace’ together at the front on his chest. The blue’s inner wingsails are too emblazoned with the thematic beauty of stars, and the sigil on his flank is encapsulated within an ‘bubble’. Several smaller ‘bubbles’ surround it, and on closer examination, his symbol looks like two outwardly curving vertical lines, connected by an horizontal line through the middle.

- introvert, with a dreamy nature
- Deeply emotional/empathetic
- Intuitive (sometimes seems as if they’re at least a little bit psychic!)
- People-pleasing/selfless; inclined to throw themself into caring for their person and others at all costs
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