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A'yri of Brown Deararth

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A'yri of Brown Deararth



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NAME: A'yri; born Atayri
GENDER: Masculine
PRONOUNS: Masculine (he/him/his)
ORIENTATION: Romantic Pansexual

BIRTHDATE: Late Summer 2740
AGE: 36 as of 2776
WING: Midnight

EYES: Blue
HAIR: Brown
PLAY-BY: Peter Hollens
A'yri is a roughly average man, 6 feet tall and muscular, but nothing special in regards to strength or endurance. Average too is his blue eyes and brown hair, kept short in a little coif, but he has a strong jaw under his light beard and a bright smile. About his wardrobe, he enjoys wearing more casual clothing while not running drills or fighting Thread, often seen in a loose button-up shirt and slacks, but his boots stay for both combat and off-duty hours.

A'yri is a man who has an undeniable and almost infectious zest for life, seeing every day as a new chance to do something great and looking forward to meeting what it has in store. Very friendly and an open book to everyone he meets, he makes friends quickly and easily, a good introduction for someone who may not be as comfortable socializing as he is. It's always his goal to make others happy, high on his list of priorities, but not above duty and honor as a dragonrider. A'yri is hard to upset, very easygoing and tolerant, finding anger against his nature and not an emotion he ever wants to express. Something in him worries that letting his anger meet open air will change everything, so intense it burns away everything that's him. After seeing what anger can make good folk do, he doesn't what that to be him.

A'yri tries very hard to stay calm and collected, letting everything roll off him...until he can't. Once prodded into anger, it's like he's a different man, self-righteous in his wrath and sometimes very unreasonable. Though he means well and wants to do good by his Weyr, he can't do that blinded by emotion. It's an issue he's struggled to manage since his youth, but he's not made much progress. Being born and raised in Benden Weyr, A'yri has a more Traditional view on most topics, but not so much as to be completely closed off to happenings that do not fall under its stricter definition. As much as he wants his perfect world, he doesn't want to shut everyone out.

A'yri feels he has a firm sense of right and wrong, which often finds him hesitant or even outright unwilling to help someone or do something he sees as crossing that unspoken line, no matter how desperate a situation may be. Though he's willing to defy orders and bring punishment to his door in response to his moral compass, it's harder for him to report someone for something he sees as wrong, should he come to know something is afoot. Even a stranger is someone A'yri will find difficult to report for real or imagined wrongdoing, but he will do it for what he sees as a greater good. No matter what personal consequences he may face, he will always put others' wellbeing before his own. Always struggling to choose between staying loyal to his friends or staying true to his heart, it's hard to say which will win.

Ae'flaed of Green Hurricath - grandmother - living
Parents - both dragonriders - both presumed living
Siblings/Half-Siblings - none to his knowledge - open tie(s)!
Atayri was born to Benden dragonriders, a result of a union under flightlust, not an uncommon beginning for a weyrbrat. Though he was no prodigy or even more-than-average as a child, he studied hard and behaved well for his creche carers, very friendly and personable toward other children. As most weyrbrats, Atayri focused on making ready for Candidacy, delighted at thinking about attaching a dragon and being a dragonrider, fighting proud for his Weyr. Putting little thought to it, he expected and hoped he'd Impress brown from a very young age. From what he'd seen and heard about browns, that hardworking attitude appealed to Atayri in a way that still lingers to today. Though he wouldn't refuse a green or blue, he thought after a brown often, thinking he wasn't quite worthy to be bonded to a bronze.

After a mostly uneventful childhood, Atayri signed up for Candidacy at fifteen Turns, continuing to study and beginning to Stand. Eager to show his mettle and be declared worthy in a dragonet's rainbow eyes, he attended every hatching he was permitted. But Turns bled into each other, finding him still a Candidate as those he had known as weyrbrats Impressed and moved on into weyrlinghood. But he refused to be deterred, knowing that being patient was a critical component to a successful Candidacy, knowing that his bonded would come someday...right? It was in his twentieth summer that he found his match, a bright brown gingerly stepping free from his broken egg and carefully stepping forward to search for his human. It didn't take very long for him to settle on Atayri, who welcomed him wholeheartedly.

Deararth wasn't your stereotypical brown, but A'yri adored him regardless, perhaps even more than what he had hoped for in a dragon in his younger Turns. Entering weyrlinghood, he met every challenge head-on, encouraging his more withdrawn bonded to try too. Some time later, graduation was upon them, much to A'yri's pride and delight. Entering a fighting wing, he put his training to good use, fighting Thread in Benden's name, spending Turns serving Pern. How happy he was! But that was before a terrible secret was revealed, a woman and her gold fleeing and finding safety in Fort, free from...Benden's clutches? But Alayna and Wyzeth had transferred ages ago! So what was she doing talking about how she had been imprisoned, Wyzeth forced to fly and her eggs added into other clutches, Benden's supposed prosperity coming at terrible cost to them?

In fits and bursts, A'yri learned what had happened. It saddened and enraged him, but how was he to know it to be true? But if there was doubt in who was to believed, between his Weyr and a dragonrider and her queen's word...he could not stay. Honor demanded he transfer to a new Weyr, to fly under an untarnished banner, to clear his head and find where he stood. Deararth, worried for his bonded's wellbeing, agreed heartily. Choosing Igen Weyr, both transferred relatively easily, spending Turns there. It was a good thing for them, a new place to call home and time to sort through all that lingered. But A'yri soon learned he had roots in Fort Weyr, one of his parents originating there, his grandmother and her green still flying circles on younger pairs.

That was where he decided he ought to be. Perhaps family could be a new and welcome anchor in his life, so long as Ae'flaed would welcome it. Organizing a second transfer, A'yri and Deararth are recent arrivals to Fort, but eager to make a mark.


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NAME: Deararth
BIRTHDATE: Late Fall 2760
AGE: 16 as of 2776

LENGTH: 53 ft.
HEIGHT: 13 ft.
WINGSPAN: 79 ft.
COLOR: Brown
HEX CODE: #a65a36
Deararth is a large and powerful dragon, his body strong and his wings a massive expanse. Embodying an epitome of what a brown dragon is reputed to be, he's meant for hard work, stamina and strength his forte. Deararth's coat is a marvel too, a warm classic brown for his base color, but mottled in patches of an orangey-brown along his neck and all four legs. A darker brown coats his front paws and paints behind his wings, a light beige speckling across it in direct contrast.

Deararth is a quiet brown, keeping his own company and counsel. Reserved so much as to be called withdrawn, his behavior doesn't stem from arrogance, but rather from being an unusually nervous dragon. Though he's not an antisocial dragon, he's not terribly fond of socializing, maintaining a small distance from most everyone until he gets a chance to know and understand them. While it's difficult to get him to speak up, Deararth is a very smart and sometimes wise-beyond-his-Turns dragon, which can make was little he says very important, especially in times of emergency or other major long as you can get him to speak loud enough.

To his bonded, Deararth is a steadfast friend and guardian, very loyal and devoted. Though he's not a very outwardly affectionate dragon, he loves his A'yri very much, even going so far as to extend something close to it to a select few to whom he's close. While it doesn't look it from an outside perspective, he cares deeply for others and wants to help as much as he can. From something as small as giving a Candidate a ride on his back to something as big as fighting Thread under terribly dangerous conditions, he'll gladly shoulder it all for other's sake. As much as he's a homebody, he'll always answer his calling, his duty first and foremost to Pern and her citizens.

VOICE: Strangely enough, Deararth's voice is deep and strong, always very even and neutral. It sounds like a leader's voice, no matter how much he'd rather not sound as such.

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