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Finch of Green Aaneth

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Finch of Green Aaneth



"No weapon can match a brain."
Finch Crossly, The Hunger Games


NAME: Crossly, but goes by Finch; accepts Cross from those very close to her
GENDER: Feminine
PRONOUNS: Feminine (she/her/hers)
ORIENTATION: Questioning, but rarely interested

BIRTHDATE: Late Spring 2746
AGE: 30 as of 2776
LOCATION: High Reaches Weyr
OCCUPATION: Apprentice Farmercrafter, Wingrider
WING: Raindance

EYES: Green
PLAY-BY: Jacqueline Emerson
EXPY SOURCE: Finch "Foxface" Crossly (The Hunger Games)
Finch is an unassuming woman, standing at 5' 5" in height and willowy, almost worryingly slight. But between her warm ivory skin, rich green eyes, and bold red hair, she is nowhere near so easy to miss, much to her dismay. As for her wardrobe, she cares little for fashion, though she's always been fond of scarves; a fondness made ever stronger by Aaneth's love for them too. If she isn't wearing her riding leathers, Finch usually wears something simple, like a nice blouse and sturdy breeches, as well as her everyday boots.

Finch is a woman who prefers anonymity, to be left to her own devices and machinations. Being a stealthy sort, she usually has no issue in staying unseen, should she so choose. Quiet and reserved, she observes and reflects in advance of acting, though she keeps her thoughts to herself more often than not. Unless she deems a situation pressing enough to alert someone, she'll usually hold her peace, especially if she feels she has no one worthy of her trust. Careful and cautious, Finch likes few and trusts fewer, since her time in a High Reaches under Golre. While rare, she has a vindictive and vengeful facet to her personality, more than happy to see someone to ruin if she's sufficiently roused to do so.

Under her wary and aloof nature, Finch is capable of caring for others, though she isn't open or demonstrative about it. Though she finds it hard to trust and harder still to let others see her vulnerabilities, she proves herself loyal and remarkably loving to those who manage to get through her defenses. Crafty and clever, she readily detects things others would miss or bypass as useless, be that an object or an observation she makes. Though she doesn't search for company often, Finch can be a witty conversationalist if engaged in a subject that catches her interest. Conversely, she avoids conflict of all sorts at all costs, going so far as to completely disregard someone she holds in disagreement. Unfortunately, she has sticky fingers on occasion and expresses little remorse once items are noticed to be missing.

Father - Journeyman Farmercrafter (botanist) - living [+32]
Mother - Journeyman Smith - deceased (childbirth complications) [+30]
Siblings/Half-Siblings - one brother [-5] and one sister [-8] - both living - open tie(s)!
BIRTHPLACE: Minor Hold of High Reaches
Crossly was firstborn to a Farmercrafter and a Smith, both successful Journeyman. Taking more after her father than her mother in his Craft, though she took more after her mother than her father in appearance (so much so that some could say she looked almost like an exact copy of her mother), her early green thumb gave way to a talent for botany and a knowledge for Pernese fauna that expanded as she matured. Deciding to Apprentice as a Farmercrafter, Crossly specialized in botany, a quick-witted and dedicated student. In later Turns, her two younger siblings were born, a brother and a sister, but her mother tragically lost her life in relation to trouble during her little sister's birth. But Golre's tyranny wouldn't pause to permit them time to grieve, a dragonpair flying Search coming to her hold and finding Crossly, fifteen Turns old. Realizing she had no choice but to accept, she gathered her things, said her goodbyes to her family, and left for High Reaches Weyr.

Crossly quickly realized she had to be careful if she was to survive High Reaches. Though she had to give her true name for official records, she went by Finch among her peers, using an old nickname for a new purpose. Every effort went toward anonymity, to keep from being noticed and bedeviled, to be forgettable by everyone from weyrbrats to other Candidates to Golre's finest ranking officers. Thankfully, she stood for one clutch and went unchosen before Fort eliminated Golre and her staunchest supporters once and for all, later moving in to try to repair what damage she'd caused to her Weyr. That same autumn, Finch left High Reaches to continue Candidacy at Fort; though she'd still accept a chance at being a dragonrider, it wouldn't be under High Reaches' banner. While home was ever on her mind, though High Reaches Weyr had irrevocably changed her, she wouldn't let it spoil who she could be in wake of Golre's reign.

It would be two Turns later that Finch successfully Impressed, to a green who stole her heart as easily as she'd later steal her scarves. Aaneth was well worth her relatively brief time in High Reaches; though duty-oriented and more than a little socially awkward, she was ultimately a loving dragon that Finch was proud to've Impressed. In Aaneth being so close to Spriggth, Finch and Raine, Spriggth's bonded, spent much of weyrlinghood together, until Raine and Spriggth transferred to High Reaches upon graduation and contact between them went quiet. Though Aaneth fretted and missed Spriggth, Finch wasn't ready to face High Reaches again; Fort was a Weyr worthy of her loyalty. But Fort wasn't a quiet Weyr, it seemed. Mutations hatched left and right here and across Pern, but what was more pressing was how Threadfall worsened and plague took numerous dragonriders, making casualties climb higher than Finch ever recalled.

As if that wasn't enough, in Serapheth's ascent to Fort's senior queen, dragons did battle and were banished (or chose to depart), Benden attacked Fort's new queen and kidnapped two dragonriders, whereupon a counterattack and rescue effort was initiated that following spring. Things seemed to calm for but a moment before Serapheth's Trailblazers hatched and caused so much brutality, later poisoned for doing so. It was a shock for Fort's Angelo and A'lin to Alayna and Wyzeth, later learning what had happened to them under Benden Weyr. After hearing her story, Finch absolutely rejected Benden as a Weyr, those who orchestrated such horrible things about as terrible and wicked as Golre. Gold Nornth commanded blood to be shed in her name in her maiden flight, three falling victim to her will, her bonded made to step down as Junior Weyrwoman and later being poisoned. Finch hoped for some peace for a time, which was mercifully granted.

But not for long. Though Serapheth's following clutches were relatively peaceful affairs, Fort Hold's rebellion caused enough of a stir that Fort Weyr's traditionalists managed to place a bronzepair in charge of a wing, much to Finch's distaste. Things went from bad to worse as Diyarth won Serapheth's favor in flight, placing traditionalist Z'osh as Weyrleader. But what really got Finch's hackles up was garnet Neozeoth's clutch, laid in wake of Serapheth's latest clutch hatching, going missing and later reappearing on High Reaches' sands; they'd stolen them. That was additional reason cementing Finch's disdain for her Weyr of origin. But Z'osh decided to take things up a notch, staging a coup against Tuckal and everything he saw as deviations from tradition. A confrontation in Fort's Weyrbowl resulted in his exile to Semaca, much to Finch's relief.

News soon reached Fort Weyr (and Finch) that it was revealed during garnet Rozeth's flight that it wasn't High Reaches behind stealing Neozeoth's eggs, but rather an organized affair among a criminal network and allied dragonriders. Finch was still leery and not particularly willing to forgive them, though her tensions lessened to a degree, after so long spent away from High Reaches and hearing what changes had been made since her time there. Serapheth gave Fort a second gold, Ustreilith, who Impressed safely and smoothly, her clutch much like her Impression a couple Turns later. But something else was on Finch's mind: High Reaches. In wake of hearing who had actually stolen Fort's eggs and what efforts were being made there, she realized that it was time to face her demons; Aaneth got what she wanted after almost twelve Turns. Putting in to transfer for High Reaches Weyr, time will tell if Finch is capable of forgiveness.

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Last edited by Agenothree on Sat May 25, 2024 12:45 am, edited 1 time in total.
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NAME: Aaneth (Ahn-eth)
BIRTHDATE: Early Summer 2763
AGE: 13 as of 2776



LENGTH: 30 ft.
HEIGHT: 7.5 ft.
WINGSPAN: 45 ft.
COLOR: Green
HEX CODE: #405f35
Aaneth is a speedy little jet of a dragon. She's a quick little firecracker with narrow wings and a lithe frame. Even on the ground, she is rather graceful and scoots from here to there with a fine precision. She always will have a thin, 'never really looks like she eats enough' frame. She is a forest green all over, accents marked out with a pale mint color. It looks almost like she is wearing a cloak, or a blanket, a darker sweep of a more faded and gritty green covering her back and wingsails. Her hind legs are marked out with heavy boot-like patterns, and her hind thighs have large armored chunks on them, like bits of armor or cut stone.

Aaneth is a dragon who is all about business. She has a job, and she does it as efficiently as possible, as quickly as possible. However, this does make her somewhat dorky. She is very awkward when she isn't actually working. She has no idea what to do with herself when not having a task, so she will shuffle awkwardly and fidget. She's bad at making small talk, and she doesn't really understand what people see in her if it's anything social. She has a fondness for other ladies, and she prefers their company over male dragons. She finds herself superior to them. She is very forgiving, and it is strange if she is angry about something for more than an hour.

To her human, Aaneth is a sweet partner. She is a dorky nerd when she is sure no one is looking. She's sneaky with her snark and her puns, and she will probably steal scarves to wear. She'll make herself a hoard of them, and insist that her partner take care of themselves. It will be hard for her to actually admit when she has done something wrong, not wanting to admit weakness. She will also almost never admit it, but she can be a silly romantic.

VOICE: Aaneth talks like a soldier, her voice somewhat even and still. She does get super giddy when she sees Spriggth someone she likes.

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