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Candidate Tygirtaull

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Candidate Tygirtaull


(As before will get to color when I can)


NAME: Tygirtaull – Nickname: “Tygir” (basically tiger)
PRONOUNS: he/him/his
ORIENTATION: He assumes he likes girlies but in reality is open to any and everyone if they wanted him. It's just a question of who wants him.

BIRTHDATE: Fall 2760
AGE: 17 as of 2777
OCCUPATION: Apprentice Tanner / Candidate

EYES: Warm umber brown
HAIR: Muted brown, darker in the longer bits and gets lighter the thinner it is
HEIGHT AND BUILD: 5'7 and scraggly framed, but will grow a few more inches
PLAY-BY: Original

Tygir has the typical lanky frame of a 'gangly youth'. His limbs are relatively thin, but he does have some strength in his arms, paired with rather long legs. Mostly donned in cobbled leathers and furs from the family trade, he takes a great deal in his appearance. Or rather, he tries very hard to cultivate a certain 'look' for himself. His hair is a mismatch of rough cut tufts down the center of his skull, long enough that what constitutes as 'bangs' can be filled up and over in a coil, while the sides are sheared to almost fuzz with various 'claw' patterns worked in. He absolutely does it himself and he was not meant to touch hair in any capacity, but he thinks it looks radical.

Tygir doesn't count himself as 'handsome', with his thick eyebrows, curved and shapely nose. His teeth are noticeably crooked, all jumbled in his jaw, so his canines almost seem larger and most noticeable/ (They aren't, they just point a bit outward and tend to hit his lips). For such a rough and tumbly looking person, there's only two noticeable scars on his face: one over his eyebrow, and the other across one side of his lips. His voice is rather scratchy and high-pitched, occasionally cracking as if he hasn't quite come off puberty. He sounds annoying, that's really no debate.


Tygir is brash. Tygir is loud. Tygir is cocky. Basically anything unpleasant one might think of in a wild teenager – is Tygir. He sees himself as the 'coolest' individual to strut his stuff across the dirt. As such, he also wants everyone else to think just the same as him. For someone trying to project the aura of the baddest, bad boy around, he's quite vain in that regard. Dressing himself in leathers from his family's tanning trade, he's exceptionally particular in being covered in head to toe in leather (even in the dead heat of summer months), and makes sure to accessorize with belts and straps and fur bits – all hoping to make a very visually noticeable and intimidating impression. He wants everyone to take one look at him and go: 'whoa!! look at him – don't want to mess with him!!!'.

So of course, for all this effort in the looks department, Tygir really doesn't have much to back it up. While not cowardly, it's more likely for him to get into things way over his head. Especially when there was no reason to. He thinks himself unbeatable, and will throw himself into fights. Many started from his own cocky jeering and snickering. He lumbers about and swaggers like he's someone teetering on the edge, a loose cannon, but really – he's just obnoxious. Obnoxious and too stubborn to back down when he should. Tygir also doesn't always have the bravado to back up his overzealous confidence. While he seems ready to jump into brawls swinging, he tends to be a bit of a klutz. His 'cool guy' rug immediately pulled out from under him, as he stumbles over his legs and lets out high shrilled screeches to reveal the truth of him.

Tygir is stubborn regardless. No matter how many times he makes of fool of himself, he refuses to sink into it. He knows he's cool and awesome, and he always gets up after a defeat to try again. He's also unquestionably loyal. He'll never be the one in charge, so he's a follower through and through. Whether he follows someone of the right crowd, is the real question indeed. No matter what though, if you won his true-blue loyalty, Tygir will remain there no matter what. Right or wrong.

Tygir, lastly, has quite a bit of trouble with animals. Canines, felines, and anything that isn't a sentient dragon or wher, basically. Whether it's the air he gives off or his antics, animals tend to.... really not like him, and as such – he does not like them back. It's not uncommon for him to get snarled or snapped at (and bitten), and for him to return tormenting and jeering in return. It's a vicious circle – it's hard to really say who starts it, but it just goes around in endless teasing, screeching, attacking, and Tygir ending up with a bandage.

Parents: Alive – ties available
Siblings: A few – ties available
BIRTHPLACE:Cothold beholden to Fort

Tygirtaull was expected to become a tanner, when he came of age. While the trade wasn't so long kept down his family line, it's the current business every member of his family currently participates in. From a young age, Tygirtaull loved the look and feel of the leather items his family produced. Different textures, and dyed with various colors – some soft and almost silken and others stiff and sturdy. So many uses and versatility, but really, Tygirtaull just loved the look of it.

Or rather, he loved how it made him look when he wore the various sections and items produced from the leather. As a child, he liked to pretend he was a big ferocious monster, with patches of fur and impervious skin, and fit with big jagged teeth. It was not uncommon for him to creep up upon various working family, and startle them for a bit of fun. It was always met with annoyance, which Tygir merely thought as funny.

As he grew, Tygir did get out of the habit of startling his parents and siblings while they were hard at work. Mostly because he had more interest in participating; so he could start making and fashioning his own leathers. He was still generally obnoxious and annoying, but was tolerated. However, despite the enthusiasm and willingness to learn, Tygir proved to not be a very good tanner. The art of tanning was far from glamorous. It involved a lot of gruesome tasks, quite a bit of physical prowess, and dealt with terribly foul smells, before anything usable could be made. Tygir proved relatively ineffective at.... most of these. He wasn't always strong enough to handle the lifting or cutting, nor did he have much constitution for the less pleasant parts. He mostly got himself sick and on the verge of passing out.

Still, his parents didn't want to bar him from helping, so he tended to be left with more organizing tasks. Or dealing with the leather once prepared and stable. Which was fine by him. He preferred having access to all the leather and fur at it's best stage – he didn't need work or effort or all that junk. So, that was where he was resigned – arranging the products and helping his Father deal with trading and deals. He wasn't very good at that either but... the family was running out of places to put him.

Atleast until a Searchrider and their dragon stopped by, and to their collective shock: said Tygirtaull had candidate potential. While he'd never really thought much on the prospect before, it was another thing to suddenly be presented with the choice and opportunity.

Figuring he wouldn't get much farther in the family trade, Tygir was more than happy to try himself at standing for some dragons and whers. Having one of those would make him look pretty awesome--- provided that he didn't get mauled in the process.
Last edited by EW-NA on Wed Sep 04, 2024 4:55 pm, edited 3 times in total.
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IC Information
What type of candidate is your character: Dual

What color/s does your character want?: Something flashy and impressive and that will make him the coolest person around
Does your character have any personality preferences or concerns?: He doesn't realize dragons and whers have personalities other than 'fierce'
Does your character have any other preferences or concerns?: Wants one quick and easy.

OOC Information
If your character is a dual candidate IC, do you have a strong preference on whether they Impress dragon or wher?: Either is totally fine

What color(s) are you willing for your character to impress to?: Any but low pref to white (kinda still want to fill out colors I dont have or get more clutching/chasers mostly)
Do you want your character to be eligible for gold?: Dragon and only if it's funny~
Do you have any personality preferences or concerns?: Nope
Do you have any other preferences or concerns?: Nope
Why do you think these choice/s would be a good fit?: Gamble time

Do you have any preferences about the conditions of your character’s impression?: Nope, up for anything.
Are you alright with your character getting hurt? What injury level is acceptable/what should be avoided?: Up to major is fine!
Are you willing to impress a creature with a mutation/oddity? Anything that should be avoided?: This freak will welcome any level of freak~

Is there anything you will ABSOLUTELY NOT accept?: Nah, its good
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