"The simple act of paying attention can take you a long way."
- Keanu Reeves
NAME: Veryn
GENDER: Female
PRONOUNS: She/Her/Hers
BIRTHDATE: Winter 2758
AGE: 18 as of Summer 2777
LOCATION: High Reaches Weyr
WING: Raindance Wing
EYES: Dark Brown
HAIR: Black, Very Short
HEIGHT AND BUILD: 5’8”, Delicate
PLAY-BY: Joy Sunday
- Veryn is elegant, with a delicate build and average height. Her deep brown eyes are large and almond-shaped, her nose straight and broad, and her lips particularly full. She considers her dark, lustrous skin to be one of her best features. Her black hair is kept very short, not quite shaved smooth but almost. She enjoys sleek clothing that flatters her figure and is especially fond of blues and purples.
- Generally speaking, Veryn is a very open person. She likes to try new things and gain new experiences, and she is very willing to give friends, family, and her dragon attention and affection. A friendly and loving woman, she does her best to be accessible and make herself available to those around her. She is also intelligent and thoughtful, trying to think before speaking, and generally does her best to do the right thing as she sees it. Veryn is a bold, energetic woman who likes to put herself out in the world and engage with those around her.
Veryn is warm and works well with others. She tries to be empathetic about other people’s problems, doing her best to understand what they’re going through and see things from their point of view. She isn’t always good at this, but she tries. She is also quite efficient, although not particularly well organized; Veryn works with meticulous care, then puts things down and forgets where she left them, forgets appointments, and generally has her wits scattered at the slightest distraction. This is something that causes problems for her; she loses track of time and misses things and regularly forgets what she was about to do. It’s incredibly frustrating at times, but nothing she’s tried has helped at all with her concentration problems.
Overall, Veryn is a calm, relaxed woman who tries to get along with those around her. She’s hardly perfect - for all that she tries, she can be stubborn and controlling when she decides someone else is in the wrong, digging her heels in and trying to turn them to her point of view will they or no - but she does try. Trying doesn’t always do much good. Sometimes her stubbornness and certainty she’s right overtakes her general kindness and usual good sense, and she gets in over her head. She tries to overcome her tendencies toward pettiness, but sometimes she is still spiteful. It can be hard to care that it’s wrong when she really wants to retaliate for some slight or other, and there have been times she rubbed the foul-smelling juices of some shrubs into another girl’s clothes, or given someone soap with dye in it. The fact of the matter is that Veryn sometimes lashes out and can be mean-spirited, although she’ll feel bad about it afterward. Eventually. Once she’s had enough time to stop being angry, at least. Not that she’s likely to admit what she’s done, or to apologize, or to change her behavior in the slightest.
- Father, Vernel, 47 [+29]
Mother, Telnisyn, 45 [+27]
Sister, Venisyn, 23 [+5]
Sister, Ternel, 20 [+2]
Sibling, Telniel, 15 [-3] Open tie!
BIRTHPLACE: Ogren, northeast of High Reaches Weyr
- The third of four children, Veryn was born in Ogren in High Reaches territory. When she was three, her younger sibling Telniel was born, rounding out the family. Her parents were both Weavers, Vernal specializing in spinning and Telsisyn in weaving, making them work very well together. Veryn’s older sisters, Venisyn and Ternel, both were quite satisfied to become Weavers as well; Veryn always wanted something else but had trouble putting her finger on what, exactly.
She was fifteen when she was Searched and went to High Reaches Weyr in the spring of 2774, just in time for Galdeneth’s maiden clutch. She didn’t Impress then, but when Galdeneth laid a second clutch around the time Veryn turned seventeen she met her partner for life in Molloth.
Molloth hatched slowly, with a yawn and a stretch; when he bounded toward the candidate he spread goop liberally as he inspected everyone before he came to Veryn.
Hello! I hope you weren't waiting long. I had to look around at everyone first just to make sure, but I knew I would always pick you.
As far as Veryn was concerned, Molloth was perfect. Sure, he was incredibly naive, but he was also the biggest sweetheart. And at least he wasn’t too big, because even as he grew he wanted to follow Veryn everywhere. It was all well enough when he was small, starting out at less than two feet in height, but he was a dragon and so he kept growing. He’s gotten stuck a few times now, and Veryn worries that it will only get worse. Veryn spends a great deal of time giving Molloth the attention he so craves, but she makes time for those around her as well. They’ve reached graduation and joined Raindance, and everything is going well.
In the summer of 2777, Veryn was surprised by the arrival of their youngest sibling as a new candidate. Now fifteen, Telniel had been Searched and come to High Reaches as well, and Veryn is ecstatic about reconnecting and letting her sibling get to know Molloth.
- Update goes here!