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Candidate Pancake [RFR]

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Candidate Pancake [RFR]

"Adventure! That's the life for me!"


NAME: Pancake
ORIENTATION: Asexual biromantic

BIRTHDATE: Spring 2762
AGE: 15 as of Spring 2777

EYES: Blue
HAIR: Blonde
EXPY SOURCE: Flapjack (The Marvelous Misadventures of Flapjack)
FULL APPEARANCE: Pancake is short even by Pernese standards, and he likely won’t grow to be any taller. His tiny stature only fuels his adorable charm. Packed with rosy cheeks and big, bright blue eyes, everything about him exudes a childlike innocence that doesn’t want to be quashed. Blonde hair is kept short, with small curls dancing over his forehead. He is slightly bucktoothed. Peachy skin is unmarred by the likes of scars or blemishes. Pancake’s wardrobe consists mostly of loose shirts, mostly striped, and snug trousers. He is rarely seen without his tattered yellow neckerchief and little white sailor’s hat – both gifts from Ph’langes.

PERSONALITY: Pancake is an eccentric young boy with a passion for adventure. He is full of energy and loves making new friends. His chipper demeanor can be off-putting to the more reserved residents of Fort Weyr. Pancake is genuinely heartbroken when somebody refuses his advances for friendship … but he bounces back quickly and goes right back to it. Clearly the poor boy doesn’t have a clue.

Pancake is easily influenced by his inspiration, Ph’langes. Pancake gives Ph’langes all the trust in his heart and listens to his every word without thinking much of it. While he’s acutely aware that most of Ph’langes’ fantastical misadventures are lies, Pancake gives him the benefit of the doubt no matter what. He is loyal to a fault and will not turn his back on anybody. Ever, no matter how they may have wronged him or what consequences he may face as a result of sticking by their side. Pancake will dig his heels in - ride or die! He will go out of his way to prove his worthiness to becoming somebody’s friend – even if that friend might, say, put him up to stealing a dragon egg. That hasn’t happened yet, but it’s really only a matter of time.

Pancake is very naïve and oblivious to danger, thus he is easily caught up in perilous situations. His kindness and purity make him an easy target for being taken advantage of. Ph’langes’ hold on him is a prime example, as the young lad will follow every order without really considering the reasoning or outcome. Despite his apparent inability to judge somebody's character, Pancake is surprisingly intelligent. He can come up with ways to get out of a jam on the fly and is well-learned.

Pancake sees Ph’langes as something between his best friend and father figure. He has the utmost adoration for Bubbeth who acts, for all intents and purposes, like a mother figure despite the blue being male. This has inspired an absolute love for all dragons that runs almost as deep as his need for adventure, the latter of which is all-consuming and drives him to seek out any activity that might lead him to some new discovery or crazy time ... or really, anything he hasn't experienced before. After all, what is adventure but constantly trying new things?

Random Dragonrider - Mother
Random Dragonrider - Father
Ph'langes - Sort-of Father (54)
Bubbeth - Sort-of Mother
HISTORY: Pancake’s adventure starts the way most weyrbrats’ do – one fateful encounter between two dragonriders in the heat of a mating flight. Though neither of his parents were willing to care for them due to the devotion of their calling, his mother could not bring herself to abort. She carried to full term and dropped him in the crèche with a milkmother. This was all well and good for Pancake. His new family loved and cherished him. But he remained without a name for two months because nobody could think of a good one for him. This changed when he grabbed a fistful of pancakes one morning and attempted to jam it into his mouth. Thankfully the headwoman was there to stop him!

Pancake was surrounded by children and an essentially adoptive family that cherished him. The world was new and exciting. And so many places to explore! Clearly this little boy was meant to comb the known world for anything sparkly new. When he was old enough to crawl, he toddled right away from the crèche and towards Fort Lake. This was the fateful moment he encountered Ph’langes, napping in the sun, and blue Bubbeth. He was returned to the crèche without incident. Bubbeth was smitten with him and took every possible opportunity to lurk close to the crèche on their outings. So of course Pancake grew curious, then enamored, by the winged creature.

Their bond expanded to include Ph’langes. As Pancake aged, he began to slip off to the older man’s weyr to loft about with him and Bubbeth. Gradually this began to include sleeping next to the big blue dragon and joining Ph’langes on necessary outings that were safe enough for him to partake in – with Bubbeth’s close supervision. The old man filled his head with so many stories of the unknown, of his many antics beyond Fort Weyr walls, that Pancake’s brain was fit to burst with all the possibilities. The boy’s eventual desire to become a dragonrider that went on so many adventures was an inevitable no-brainer! And after seeing the coup, and all the rampant violence within and without the Weyr … clearly Pern needed more friendship!

At 15, Pancake announced his desire to become a Candidate. All at once he left Ph’langes’ weyr to join the barracks … but he would still sneak over there once his duties were complete.
Last edited by Windra on Mon Feb 10, 2025 8:33 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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    Mon Feb 10, 2025 8:33 pm
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IC Information
What type of candidate is your character: Dragon

What color/s does your character want?: He doesn't care! As long as they're his friend!
Does your character have any personality preferences or concerns?: Must crave adventure!
Does your character have any other preferences or concerns?: Must be BEST FRIENDS!

OOC Information
If your character is a dual candidate IC, do you have a strong preference on whether they Impress dragon or wher?: N/A

What color(s) are you willing for your character to impress to?: Any!
Do you want your character to be eligible for gold?: Hah. Sure.
Do you have any personality preferences or concerns?: None really. Do what you think would be an interesting dynamic!
Do you have any other preferences or concerns?: None.
Why do you think these choice/s would be a good fit?: N/A

Do you have any preferences about the conditions of your character’s impression?: None!
Are you alright with your character getting hurt? What injury level is acceptable/what should be avoided?: Permanent and below.
Are you willing to impress a creature with a mutation/oddity? Anything that should be avoided?: Yes, and anything.

Is there anything you will ABSOLUTELY NOT accept?: Nope.
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