Fri Jan 06, 2023 5:53 pm
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S'nek, the day after arrival in the 10th Pass - also featuring Hanelly
S'nek came to in Fort's infirmary. He lay there, eyeing the ceiling blankly, and reached to Taketh. His bonded was fast asleep, but on the verge of wakefulness; he nudged, then retreated to let Taketh wake in his own time.
Memory returned, a part of it at least. Oh yes, we were exhausted. That poison.
S'nek's hand went out to where the Healers always left a mug of water by the bed; his fingertips found nothing.
They're probably worried about the poison. A vague memory of a red dragon surfaced. It must have been close, if I was seeing things that aren't real.
S'nek stirred, moving with care while he worked out what hurt and what didn't. Pain was a reminder he was alive, he reminded himself, and to be expected when... huh. He was aching as though he'd flown a full Threadfall, washed Taketh clean of the ash and the firestone stink, then washed a couple of the bronzes as well. It was an ache, sure, but not as much as he'd expected given how far he had to have been gone. Tired, yes. Drained, almost. But he could push himself up to sit on the bed, turn to put his feet on the floor, and he did.
And five... four... three...
"Good morning, dragonrider! Would you be so kind as to lie back down again until someone can come and check you over?"
Aha. S'nek didn't recognise the apprentice Healer, but he didn't know all the Healers, so that didn't worry him. There was no doubting her craft, though, not with the briskness of her attitude; she'd phrased it politely, but the question was nothing of the sort. He turned to lie down again, obligingly. "I was wondering if I could have something to drink?"
"Of course. Water or klah? I'll let the Journeyman know you're awake when I go."
"Klah, if I'm allowed it, please."
Hanelly looked confused, at that. "Why wouldn't you be? We have a kettle of it waiting by the fire, and some meatrolls - the Journeyman thought you'd be hungry when you woke up."
S'nek's stomach growled a response to that, and the bluerider realised that he was, in fact, hungry. "Well, I thought what with the poison and everything, I'd have to be careful like the Weyrwoman was."
Hanelly's reaction wasn't what S'nek was expecting. She was staring at him. "Poison? No, there was nothing like that. And the Weyrwoman hasn't been poisoned, as far as I know of at least."
"But I saw a red dragon, and the Weyrwoman definitely was poisoned."
"Weyrwoman Tuckal is fine, dragonrider. Trust me, we'd all know if she wasn't, and Serapheth would be screaming. But I think I need to get you that mug of klah, and call in the Journeyman." Hanelly had that fixed smile people got when trying to politely escape people who ranked them; S'nek had worn it himself often enough to know it well. He nodded, and the girl - young woman, really - turned to bustle off.
"Thank you." S'nek closed his eyes, confident that the Journeyman would have more knowledge than it seemed the Apprentice did. She must have just transferred to the Weyr. What exhausted S'nek and Taketh must have been poison - after all, red dragons didn't exist, and S'nek hadn't ever seen things that weren't there. The dragonrider settled back to wait, confident that it'd all get sorted out soon, and he'd be released back to the tender loving care of the Weyrleader. Hmm. On second thoughts, maybe he should be exhausted for a while longer.
Good... afternoon, ridermine, Taketh yawned in S'nek's mind. Safe and sound in the infirmary? I'm not that far from you, next to a green and a... The dragon's mindvoice went quiet for a moment, Taketh sharing his eyes. ...Red.
What the...?
C'lina of bronze Wyrmeth,
Logan of brown Logask and garnet Losk,
G'ston of blue Nakalath,
S'nek of blue Taketh,
Demalis of ?blue? Mask,
Ae'flaed of green Hurricath,
H'nel of green FuyusathHigh Reaches:
Tie'ni of bronze Russeth,
Triskelion of brown Risk,
H'mer of garnet Raayath,
Kiobelin of blue Obelisk and white Kiosk,
D'thor of green Holith,
Morticia of green Addamth,
K'stryl of white Branth,
Candidate TribellickSemaca:
Ra'sin of gold Xialath,
Basilin of bronze Odalisk,
C'fyn of blue Sarutoth,
Ay'ce of blue Tabecikth,
Teritha of green Damaranth,
Silver of white Silvask, Vintner Master