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Phlox's Filibusters

A place to put drabbles, one-shots, theme challenges, letters to other characters, and other assorted in-character bits.
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Phlox's Filibusters

Table of Contents

1. House Arrested and Missing Home - Chess and Kichsk, Early Fall 2776
Last edited by FirebrandPhlox on Tue Jul 02, 2024 9:56 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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    Tue Jul 02, 2024 9:54 pm
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House Arrested and Missing Home

It was early fall, the part of the turn where the trees became vibrant warm tones and all the critters began hunkering down before winter. It meant that back home the family would be preparing for the harvest, getting the horses ready to plow the neighbor's farms. If she were back home, she'd be helping fit them with new shoes that were suited to clomping through the fields and enjoying the hold's harvest festival.

Instead, she was still stuck rotting away in her weyr, still under house arrest. Kichsk was getting more and more ornery the longer he was cooped up, and he was the only company she had in this dingy room.

Miss outside. The wher grumbled, pawing at the floor idly. Want fresh air.

"Ah'd love that too, ya big lug, but yer the reason we're stuck in here under heavy guard!" Chess scolded the wher for what felt like the hundredth time. "If'n ya hadn't gone wild bitin' and maulin' all those people, we'd be free to go outside as much as we'd like!" She could feel the frustration boiling over, she was also getting stir crazy, being stuck in her weyr. The only time she wasn't staring at the walls of her weyr were heavily regulated and strictly supervised.

Too crowded, too many people. The wher grumbled back. Want go home, he said with a long sigh.

Ya think Ah don't want that too? Chess yelled, tears forming in her eyes. She'd had enough of his constant complaining. Day in and day out, all he did was sleep and grumble about their situation. The situation he had landed them in because he couldn't be bothered to keep proper control of himself. Ya had to be a big brown idjit and get yerself all riled up for no good reason! If it weren't fer ya goin' bonkers, we'd be livin' it up here!"

If not for you, we be back home! The wher snarled back.

He knew it was a low blow as soon as the thought escaped his head. The tears that had been welling up in her eyes now poured down her cheeks. Her voice became shrill as she hollered back at him. "Ya think Ah wanted this? Ah'd love to have never had to leave home. Yer the one who insisted on comin' with me." She collapsed on her bed, face in her hands. "Ah HATE it here," she wailed.

Kichsk watched as her body heaved with each raspy sob. He could feel the unrelenting misery she was feeling, had been feeling, but had kept as bottled up and blocked off from him as she could manage. For every ounce of frustration and sorrow he had felt, she was feeling a pound of it. He had been wrapped up in his own head, he hadn't seen all the hurt he had caused and was continuing to cause the one person he was sworn to protect. The person he had given up his comfortable life willingly for.

Hey, he said, walking towards the bed. He gave her arm a nudge with his snout. Am sorry.

Chess peeked through her fingers and tears at the brown. She could feel the sincerity of his apology, but was still mad and sad and a whole bundle of emotions she didn't quite have the words for. "Ah'm sorry too. Ah'm still upset though," she choked through her tears.

Kichsk sat down and gave Chess an uncharacteristic nuzzle. Is fine. He said, placing his head in her lap. Chess held his snout tight and cried through the night.
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