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EW-NA's Literary Word Piles

A place to put drabbles, one-shots, theme challenges, letters to other characters, and other assorted in-character bits.
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Note: They're AU/Not Real by default, so don't pay them mind. It's just things I want to write and explore.

First Time Frustrations: Part 3

“Let me see.... where did I put it---”

Drask pried his wrinkly eyelids apart as Daedra's feet pattered before his snout for the fourth time. The surrounding space blearily came into view, needing to blink his faceted eyes once or twice to get them in focus. The Brown let out a massive yawn as he found himself properly stirring from his short nap, still inclined to remain splayed upon one of his blankets on the floor. Something moved passed and brushed against the skin on his nose, tickling the sensitive skin enough to make it scrunch. A telltale sensation was building, and try as he might, it would not be held back--

Drask let out a sneeze with such sudden force that it almost seemed like he had liftoff. Of course, such a thing was impossible, but his nose itched enough now that he had to have a few sniffles and chuffs to relieve it.

“Oh!” The commotion was enough to draw his handler's attention from... whatever she'd been occupied with. Daedra stopped her methodical pacing about the room and turned to her bonded. When she glanced to him, Drask was slayed on the floor as usual, but seemed none too perturbed. Other than taking the time to glance back her way once he realized she was staring at him.

“--Excuse you, Drask,” was all the redhead muttered when she realized, before turning away again. An uneasy expression came over her features as he brows lowered. The old wher watched a tentative finger raised to tap at her lip, before Daedra started to pace about again. As if lost and unsure, despite them being in the safety of their comfortable living space.

This was not a new sight though. It had become a rather common thing, so much so that Drask couldn't muster himself to even sit up. Slumped and lumpy, with his head still pressed flat on the floor, the wher merely turned his eyes to follow his small handler, as she walked back and forth. Back and forth. Back and forth. Wracking her brain and occasionally pausing to look in a particular area or hidden spot, only to be met with disappointment. Drask followed with his gaze for a few moments, before a huff forced its way from his chest.

Now with less duties for them to do, due to Daedra's condition, the wher felt his handler somehow much more scatterbrained than prior. While always prone to missing something here or there, now it seemed like a constant. She'd announce an intent to do one thing, but then fall into another task, completely forgetting the first until she was involved in something else. Pick an item up for some reason, then set it down and forget it. Drask just really didn't understand why things seemed to be progressing in this manner. Sure... routine and tasks to be done helped keep one's mind focused, but the sudden lack shouldn't jumble her so badly.

If that were so, Daedra would have been completely hopeless when they had been living in the Wilds. Granted, her survivability skills were moderate at best... but atleast the redhead always seemed to know where her desired items were at any given time.

“Raauugh... I must be losing my mind! I know I had them----somewhere!!”

Drask could tell she was getting frustrated now. That also seemed something to happen more easily and frequently. The wher, thinking it best to not let her be frazzled for the rest of the evening, effortless browsed some of her prior thought processes. While Daedra seemed unable to navigate the fog that was now ever present in her own head, it took Drask hardly any effort to gather an idea of what his handler had been after, and what came about it.

Daedra still in her movements when she heard a particular sound from the wher towards he backside. Drask was still on the floor, looking more like a skinned animal rug, but his form lurched as he forced air through his nose and mouth, making his telltale 'whuff'. Assured he had her attention, the Brown merely jerked his head, moving his nose to point at a particular drawer. Seemingly the only one she had yet to scour through, despite her prior efforts. When the redhead only responded with a confused expression, Drask verbally signaled to her again, prompting her to check.

Thankfully, the small woman was not reasonable enough to go over and check his suggestion. Upon pulling the drawer open, immediate relief washed over her.

“Ah!! It was right here-- how could I have forgotten~ Thank you for keeping track of things, Drask.”

The wher just snorted before adjust himself more comfortably. He wasn't going to remind or correct her on that fact. At this point, he'd take what peace he could have. As such, returning back to his nap seemed like the perfect reward.
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