The Genetic Truths Clutch (Operas) Dam: Gold Terminath
Sire: Brown Casvath
Location: High Reaches Weyr
Season and Turn: Late Spring 2767
Link to Thread: Chase the MorningNumber of Eggs: 9
First to Hatch: Blue Gravith
Notable Events:Terminath's final clutch
Terminath crushed an egg to help a white hatch
Several dragons hatched with health issues
Terminath stopped blue from attacking clutchmate
Color ratios extremely odd
Only one green hatched
Terminath's rider passed after all eggs hatched
Betweened after hatching.
Female blue hatched
Bronze RemponathBrown PavithBrown RivothGarnet AmbrethBlue GiothBlue GravithBlue MagsithGreen MarnithWhite ShilothThe Final Guard Clutch (off-season)Dam: Blue Hinokath
Sire: Blue Exaneth
Location: Fort Weyr
Season and Turn: Early Summer 2767
Link to Thread: The Last Warrior's SongNumber of Eggs: 1
First to Hatch: White Torikoth
Notable Events:Dam confirmed to be biologically female
Dam rose early as a weyrling
Egg completely white and unmarked
White TorikothThe Haunted Home Clutch (Haunts)Dam: Garnet Neozeoth, Garnet Xiometh
Sire: Bronze Tasikheth, Blue Syrenith
Location: Fort Weyr
Season and Turn: Late Summer 2767
Link to Thread: You Belong To MeNumber of Eggs: 4
First to Hatch: Blue Harmoth
Notable Events:Dual garnet clutch
Green waited entire hatching despite egg cracking first
Brown LangethBlue HarmothGreen VivathWhite TaissethThe High Tensions Clutch (Tenses)Dam: Garnet Guiloth
Sire: Blue Phoebuth
Location: Semaca Weyr
Season and Turn: Late Summer 2767
Link to Thread: Summer's On Its DeathbeadNumber of Eggs: 2
First to Hatch: Garnet Moirath
Notable Events:Garnet did not impress right away and waited for chosen to arrive
Garnet MoirathGreen ConstethThe Every Star Clutch (Aegis)Dam: Gold Nebulaeth
Sire:Almandine Cabadath
Location: Semaca Weyr
Season and Turn: Late Fall 2767
Link to Thread: The Cost of the CrownNumber of Eggs: 12
First to Hatch: Green Meorseth
Notable Events:Nebulaeth's maiden clutch
Clutch sired by a mutation dragon
Cabadath's second sired clutch
Blue hatchling mauled a candidate
Candidate removed from the sands after trying to strike hatchling
Blue hatchling severely traumatized due to bonded's stubbornness and refusal to leave the sands after injury
Shiny blue hatched
Bronze TitabethBrown DromeathBrown EchonethBlue CharothBlue OphothBlue OlarithGreen EurarothGreen IothGreen MeorsethGreen OrbithGreen TerrathWhite EclithThe Calamity Fall Clutch (Calamities) Dam: Green Amizuth, Green Kibeth
Sire: Brown Jitteboth, Blue Normandith
Location: High Reaches Weyr
Season and Turn: Late Fall 2767
Link to Thread: Setting Sail, Coming HomeNumber of Eggs: 6
First to Hatch: Garnet Coloth
Notable Events:First clutch at High Reaches since the death of Terminath
The eggs hatched early causing some concern
All the dragonets hatched healthy and Impressed without incident
All of Amizuth's hatchlings were female
Brown KersuthGarnet ColothBlue ZulthGreen AtropothGreen ZiathWhite LacheithThe Touch of the Void Clutch (Paladins)Dam: Gold Nornth
Sire: Steel Anderoth
Location: Fort Weyr
Season and Turn: Early Winter 2767
Link to Thread: Benevolent CreaturesNumber of Eggs: 15
First to Hatch: Bronze Veototh
Notable Events:Gold Nornth's maiden clutch
No Touching was had due to fears of Nornth's violence
Clutch was under guard to prevent tampering, attacks, and assassination attempts
Hatchlings took longer to impress than normal
Green Krugith impressed to dragonless woman in the stands
Two maulings occurred
First all-black White dragon hatched
Female-identified blue hatched
Brown hatched with three legs
Gold egg held a brown dragon
Bronze ApocrythBronze VeotothBrown HyuthBrown LumiouthBrown PalathGarnet HellfithGarnet VaheothBlue EseathBlue HaenathBlue KalzeothGreen AuruthGreen KrugithGreen PlemethGreen WillomathWhite Varelsith