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Dragon Size List

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Dragon Size List

All dragons on the site, listed by Length, Height, and Wingspan, rounded to the nearest 0.25 ft. If you have problems calculating your dragon's measurements, remember that Height = Length x 0.25 and Wingspan = Length x 1.5. The list includes all dragons at their final size, including weyrlings.

63 ft - Gold Max Size
61 ft - Gold Xialath
59 ft - Gold Galdeneth
59 ft - Gold Lutrath
58 ft - Almandine Cabadath
57 ft - Bronze Gectusith
56 ft - Gold Ustreilith
56 ft - Bronze Max Size
56 ft - Bronze Bladeth
56 ft - Bronze Damocleth
56 ft - Bronze Koteth
56 ft - Bronze Tasikheth
56 ft - Bronze Xalemeth
56 ft - Brown Fuwath
56 ft - Brown Zamth
55 ft - Gold Wyzeth
55 ft - Bronze Anubaath
55 ft - Bronze Apocryth
55 ft - Bronze Diyarth
55 ft - Bronze Hjalmarth
55 ft - Bronze Ludvith
55 ft - Bronze Maskerath
55 ft - Bronze Morduuth
55 ft - Bronze Nuunieth
55 ft - Bronze Paleskyth
55 ft - Bronze Scabellath
55 ft - Bronze Titabeth
55 ft - Bronze Valorath
55 ft - Bronze Vereigth
55 ft - Bronze Voidarth
54 ft - Bronze Cendocreth
54 ft - Bronze Cerasth
54 ft - Bronze Cyroth
54 ft - Bronze Iacoth
54 ft - Bronze Marceth
54 ft - Bronze Matanuth
54 ft - Bronze Noath
54 ft - Bronze Wyrmeth
54 ft - Bronze Xistanorth
54 ft - Bronze Ziodyneth
54 ft - Brown Akioth
54 ft - Brown Dromeath
54 ft - Blue Rodimuth
54 ft - Charoite Arellath
53.75 ft - Bronze Morriseth
53.5 ft - Bronze Valyriath
53 ft - Gold Min Size
53 ft - Bronze Chopith
53 ft - Bronze Ereborth
53 ft - Bronze Gerauth
53 ft - Bronze Hammerloth
53 ft - Bronze Lockoth
53 ft - Bronze Veototh
53 ft - Bronze Yugoth
53 ft - Brown Max Size
53 ft - Brown Anselth
53 ft - Brown Chiyamath
53 ft - Brown Cogeath
53 ft - Brown Deararth
53 ft - Brown Echoneth
53 ft - Brown Ferrugith
53 ft - Brown Galahath
53 ft - Brown Grooth
53 ft - Brown Jitteboth
53 ft - Brown Logariuth
53 ft - Brown Molossth
53 ft - Brown Motath
53 ft - Brown Ogatath
53 ft - Brown Rivoth
53 ft - Brown Uriangth
52.75 ft - Brown Darbeth
52.25 ft - Brown Dazth
52.25 ft - Brown Glacendath
52 ft - Gold Nebulaeth
52 ft - Bronze Azhdahath
52 ft - Bronze Briaroseth
52 ft - Bronze Frydrykth
52 ft - Bronze Garth
52 ft - Bronze Kakarith
52 ft - Bronze Lalauth
52 ft - Brown Babyloth
52 ft - Brown Delinarth
52 ft - Brown Florenth
52 ft - Brown Irohith
52 ft - Brown Jorseth
52 ft - Brown Mririhgith
52 ft - Blue Isith
52 ft - Steel Anderoth
51.75 ft - Brown Torrigath
51 ft - Bronze Gyreddeirth
51 ft - Brown Toyototh
50 ft - Gold Serapheth
50 ft - Bronze Gravith
50 ft - Bronze Louicyth
50 ft - Bronze Magasuth
50 ft - Bronze Markeeth
50 ft - Bronze Rollieth
50 ft - Brown Brickth
50 ft - Brown Calyptrath
50 ft - Brown Claarisath
50 ft - Brown Cobreth
50 ft - Brown Cordaeth
50 ft - Brown Edoraeth
50 ft - Brown Espinneth
50 ft - Brown Hauruth
50 ft - Brown Hijith
50 ft - Brown Jaklath
50 ft - Brown Kasshuth
50 ft - Brown Khaliith
50 ft - Brown Langeth
50 ft - Brown Lumiouth
50 ft - Brown Mikazuchith
50 ft - Brown Niraith
50 ft - Brown Prarirth
50 ft - Brown Rath
50 ft - Brown Rurosuth
50 ft - Brown Seoquith
50 ft - Brown Sintheath
50 ft - Brown Takedath
50 ft - Brown Yslath
50 ft - Garnet Selpith
50 ft - Green Byth
50 ft - Kyanite Felisanth
50 ft - Opal Rebelioth
49.75 ft - Brown Thanvialeth
49.5 ft - Brown Belliorath
49.5 ft - Brown Enarth
49 ft - Bronze Donketh
49 ft - Bronze Jezeroth
49 ft - Bronze Sekigaeith
49 ft - Brown Buetoth
49 ft - Brown Bysalth
49 ft - Brown Casvath
49 ft - Brown Cavalieth
49 ft - Brown Fukoshith
49 ft - Brown Fuuth
49 ft - Brown Jomuroreth
49 ft - Brown Kagurath
49 ft - Brown Kohgath
49 ft - Brown Lobsevith
49 ft - Brown Ogrith
49 ft - Brown Oryth
49 ft - Brown Osjeith
49 ft - Brown Setth
49 ft - Brown Wisketoth
49 ft - Void Oscamith
48 ft - Bronze Shainith
48 ft - Bronze Min Size
48 ft - Brown Alith
48 ft - Brown Gilgath
48 ft - Brown Kyozuth
48 ft - Brown Liraeth
47 ft - Brown Celeth
47 ft - Brown Tokugath
46.5 ft - Brown Lannith
46 ft - Brown Kuraoth
46 ft - Garnet Phaedrath
45 ft - Brown Emmerith
45 ft - Brown Hayutoth
45 ft - Brown Jaehaeryth
45 ft - Brown Kersuth
45 ft - Brown Kotowarith
45 ft - Brown Magmeth
45 ft - Brown Ragnvindrith
45 ft - Garnet Max Size
45 ft - Garnet Anheruth
45 ft - Garnet Eith
45 ft - Garnet Guiloth
45 ft - Garnet Hercegth
45 ft - Garnet Phalanth
45 ft - Garnet Selulath
45 ft - Garnet Tamiuth
45 ft - Green Kshatriyath
44 ft - Brown Allesklath
44 ft - Garnet Alubrath
44 ft - Garnet Primaveth
43.5 ft - Garnet Solaith
43 ft - Brown Hyuth
43 ft - Brown Khalbath
43 ft - Garnet Astralaeth
42.5 ft - Garnet Ajahth
42.5 ft - Garnet Homurath
42 ft - Bronze Zalth
42 ft - Brown Kiragoth
42 ft - Brown Kullilth
42 ft - Brown Vettith
42 ft - Garnet Aemith
42 ft - Garnet Jeroth
42 ft - Garnet Kerakeith
42 ft - Garnet Kisarath
41.75 ft - Brown Brynth
41 ft - Brown Renouth
41 ft - Garnet Rozeth
40.5 ft - Garnet Gurrenth
40 ft - Bronze Russeth
40 ft - Brown Duoth
40 ft - Brown Ebelith
40 ft - Brown Edwyth
40 ft - Brown Erenosath
40 ft - Brown Runth
40 ft - Brown Sedatath
40 ft - Brown Zaylith
40 ft - Garnet Cliraffeth
40 ft - Garnet Kinnirath
40 ft - Garnet Kubith
40 ft - Garnet Masreith
40 ft - Garnet Melodith
40 ft - Garnet Merakath
40 ft - Garnet Moirath
40 ft - Garnet Mosvath
40 ft - Garnet Pamith
40 ft - Garnet Quadratoth
40 ft - Garnet Tamiascith
40 ft - Garnet Xiometh
40 ft - Blue Kreith
40 ft - Blue Ryloth
40 ft - White Varelsith
40 ft - Azurite Iscaroth
39.5 ft - Garnet Neozeoth
39 ft - Brown Dioth
39 ft - Brown Ghermath
39 ft - Brown Palath
39 ft - Garnet Noggoth
39 ft - Garnet Quebeleth
39 ft - Garnet Scrappith
39 ft - Blue Max Size
39 ft - Blue Amaterath
39 ft - Blue Cheruth
39 ft - Blue Edolath
39 ft - Blue Haurchefath
39 ft - Blue Hitokageth
39 ft - Blue Imeterth
39 ft - Blue Katakurth
39 ft - Blue Nastasiath
39 ft - Blue Nuth
39 ft - Blue Overchyurth
39 ft - Blue Rolth
39 ft - Blue Shedath
39 ft - Blue Tezcath
38.75 ft - Blue Kamuith
38.5 ft - Blue Heracleth
38.25 ft - Blue Prodith
38 ft - Brown Pavith
38 ft - Brown Soloveth
38 ft - Brown Wireth
38 ft - Brown Min Size
38 ft - Garnet Hyliath
38 ft - Garnet Syzygiuth
38 ft - Blue Belleroth
38 ft - Blue Deoraith
38 ft - Blue Eseath
38 ft - Blue Kalzeoth
38 ft - Blue Lupruth
38 ft - Blue Nalaath
38 ft - Blue Nobuwath
38 ft - Blue Oryceteth
38 ft - Blue Riwenth
38 ft - Blue Rugrunth
38 ft - Blue Sacroth
38 ft - Blue Sameth
38 ft - Blue Siarnaith
38 ft - Blue Skyloth
38 ft - Blue Telliuth
38 ft - Blue Trichath
38 ft - Blue Underzeeth
38 ft - Blue Whith
38 ft - Blue Ysstoth
38 ft - Blue Zetath
38 ft - Green Krugith
37.75 ft - Blue Inikoth
37.5 ft - Garnet Averodith
37.5 ft - Blue Strouth
37.25 ft - Blue Salineath
37 ft - Brown Tobith
37 ft - Garnet Artesiath
37 ft - Garnet Eridieth
37 ft - Garnet Geminth
37 ft - Garnet Joth
37 ft - Garnet Kagerith
37 ft - Blue Charoth
37 ft - Blue Glyciniath
37 ft - Blue Hisahith
37 ft - Blue Imorth
37 ft - Blue Raavath
37 ft - Blue Sylth
37 ft - Blue Tabecikth
37 ft - Blue Velocith
37 ft - Blue Vishath
37 ft - Blue Zappath
36.5 ft - Blue Easteth
36.25 ft - Garnet Katzenjath
36.25 ft - Blue Garmth
36.25 ft - Blue Legnath
36 ft - Garnet Pyralith
36 ft - Garnet Temporaeth
36 ft - Blue Aersth
36 ft - Blue Amishuth
36 ft - Blue Azurdath
36 ft - Blue Cainhurth
36 ft - Blue Clarineth
36 ft - Blue Denizth
36 ft - Blue Detrigeth
36 ft - Blue Haenath
36 ft - Blue Kinlath
36 ft - Blue Mokoith
36 ft - Blue Ragaruth
36 ft - Blue Rasuneth
36 ft - Blue Reikath
36 ft - Blue Shinadoth
36 ft - Blue Sininulth
36 ft - Blue Tenrath
36 ft - Blue Tinoceth
36 ft - Blue Virtrath
36 ft - Tanzanite Yharnath
35.5 ft - Blue Banajeth
35 ft - Garnet Empyreth
35 ft - Garnet Freth
35 ft - Garnet Glyphith
35 ft - Garnet Knoth
35 ft - Garnet Minevath
35 ft - Garnet Nyseth
35 ft - Garnet Raayath
35 ft - Garnet Ryybaeth
35 ft - Garnet Sakuyath
35 ft - Garnet Vaheoth
35 ft - Garnet Min Size
35 ft - Blue Almandith
35 ft - Blue Bhravasaruth
35 ft - Blue Charlith
35 ft - Blue Entreneurth
35 ft - Blue Exarchath
35 ft - Blue Ilouth
35 ft - Blue Kurabeth
35 ft - Blue Manarth
35 ft - Blue Noitulth
35 ft - Blue Ostoriath
35 ft - Blue Phoebuth
35 ft - Blue Rawlitanth
35 ft - Blue Sprath
35 ft - Blue Taeth
35 ft - Blue Volfreth
35 ft - Blue Yhargulth
35 ft - Blue Zath
35 ft - Blue Zulth
35 ft - Green Ekkunath
35 ft - Green Jodarieth
35 ft - Green Terrath
34.5 ft - Blue Altieth
34.5 ft - Blue Elembrith
34.5 ft - Blue Hazeth
34.5 ft - Blue Kerth
34.5 ft - Blue Nevitath
34.25 ft - Blue Vickoth
34 ft - Garnet Ofereth
34 ft - Garnet Silksoth
34 ft - Garnet Shisenitath
34 ft - Blue Allegretth
34 ft - Blue Cedrateth
34 ft - Blue Djsouth
34 ft - Blue Hastuth
34 ft - Blue Impacth
34 ft - Blue Ixith
34 ft - Blue Lanrodoth
34 ft - Blue Nonaryth
34 ft - Blue Raseth
34 ft - Blue Reyth
34 ft - Blue Sarmith
34 ft - Blue Sendaith
34 ft - Blue Taarisoth
34 ft - Blue Vilkarath
34 ft - Green Ielleth
34 ft - Green Jurith
33.75 ft - Blue Abhorseth
33 ft - Garnet Ambraliath
33 ft - Garnet Rinisath
33 ft - Blue Arachoth
33 ft - Blue Astiaith
33 ft - Blue Carth
33 ft - Blue Dymrith
33 ft - Blue Finnith
33 ft - Blue Gallath
33 ft - Blue Goumath
33 ft - Blue Hatorth
33 ft - Blue Kalenoth
33 ft - Blue Maoth
33 ft - Blue Ofieth
33 ft - Blue Usurth
33 ft - Blue Venrath
33 ft - Blue Zoth
33 ft - Green Amaeth
32 ft - Blue Anitoth
32 ft - Blue Bidath
32 ft - Blue Cinnimith
32 ft - Blue Cygneth
32 ft - Blue Firarith
32 ft - Blue Kintokith
32 ft - Blue Kleeth
32 ft - Blue Ophoth
32 ft - Blue Ovisereth
32 ft - Blue Raerth
32 ft - Blue Tesseth
32 ft - Blue Vesseth
32 ft - Green Max Size
32 ft - Green Aith
32 ft - Green Chiradath
32 ft - Green Consteth
32 ft - Green Ephiith
32 ft - Green Eponath
32 ft - Green Hachimath
32 ft - Green Holith
32 ft - Green Inashtath
32 ft - Green Irabeth
32 ft - Green Kapitath
32 ft - Green Kazoth
32 ft - Green Kisinateth
32 ft - Green Norrith
32 ft - Green Orbith
32 ft - Green Ossabhath
32 ft - Green Paradisoth
32 ft - Green Tabesleuth
32 ft - Green Vacuouth
32 ft - Green Wyvveth
32 ft - Green Zelagoth
32 ft - White Torikoth
32 ft - White Tsumarith
31.5 ft - Green Matoyath
31.5 ft - White Impath
31.5 ft - Brimstone Privagaith
31 ft - Garnet Georsath
31 ft - Blue Currth
31 ft - Blue Kurceth
31 ft - Blue Miurath
31 ft - Blue Molloth
31 ft - Blue Moonzyth
31 ft - Blue Pothecath
31 ft - Blue Radarth
31 ft - Blue Sarutoth
31 ft - Blue Velveth
31 ft - Green Bertruth
31 ft - Green Clohoth
31 ft - Green Eksenath
31 ft - Green Everieth
31 ft - Green Ghyblith
31 ft - Green Ioth
31 ft - Green Omilith
31 ft - Green Oveceth
31 ft - Green Rainieth
31 ft - Green Rhodoth
31 ft - Green Tegoth
30.5 ft - Green Glynrith
30.25 ft - Blue Gawyth
30 ft - Garnet Shimath
30 ft - Blue Alvillath
30 ft - Blue Kidulth
30 ft - Blue Kraskath
30 ft - Blue Kuroth
30 ft - Blue Noloth
30 ft - Blue Requeth
30 ft - Blue Taketh
30 ft - Blue Talinth
30 ft - Blue Zerulainth
30 ft - Blue Min Size
30 ft - Green Alieth
30 ft - Green Alsetth
30 ft - Green Asakurth
30 ft - Green Baixoth
30 ft - Green Blysith
30 ft - Green Camlanth
30 ft - Green Ellieth
30 ft - Green Ezanath
30 ft - Green Hurricath
30 ft - Green Kaioth
30 ft - Green Kazeroth
30 ft - Green Kibeth
30 ft - Green Liralith
30 ft - Green Luminth
30 ft - Green Mikanoth
30 ft - Green Murasath
30 ft - Green Naluth
30 ft - Green Nith
30 ft - Green Norenath
30 ft - Green Quenith
30 ft - Green Rosaceaeth
30 ft - Green Savanth
30 ft - Green Tamith
30 ft - Green Tomoeth
30 ft - Green Unnverdath
30 ft - Green Vairrianth
30 ft - Green Vichearth
30 ft - Green Wynleth
30 ft - Green Yilylath
30 ft - Green Zaurith
30 ft - White Max Size
30 ft - White Adorath
30 ft - White Bruueyeth
30 ft - White Dayvith
30 ft - White Ebrietath
30 ft - White Himuroth
30 ft - White Lacheith
30 ft - White Lechuzath
30 ft - White Judgmeth
30 ft - White Moggeth
30 ft - White Qanth
30 ft - White Taissath
30 ft - White Usakinth
30 ft - White Yipyth
30 ft - Moonstone Asberyth
29 ft - Green Auruth
29 ft - Green Coronatuth
29 ft - Green Himikoth
29 ft - Green Mystreth
29 ft - Green Oshuth
29 ft - Green Sallith
29 ft - Green Steampith
29 ft - Green Willomath
29 ft - Green Yatagarath
29 ft - White Tarth
29 ft - White Unicoth
28.75 ft - Green Avocath
28.75 ft - White Nohadoth
28.5 ft - Green Neneth
28.25 ft - Green Caffeth
28.25 ft - White Tephaniath
28 ft - Blue Bolth
28 ft - Blue Hinokath
28 ft - Green Ariaath
28 ft - Green Carinaeth
28 ft - Green Ekavieth
28 ft - Green Eraelth
28 ft - Green Gelaneth
28 ft - Green Icolenth
28 ft - Green Ideth
28 ft - Green Linpheth
28 ft - Green Mulvarith
28 ft - Green Nineveth
28 ft - Green Sireth
28 ft - Green Tykith
28 ft - White Ateth
28 ft - White Cosmiath
28 ft - White Raidoth
28 ft - White Saupeth
28 ft - White Tarith
27.5 ft - Green Algonquinth
27.5 ft - Green Asrakaerth
27.5 ft - White Garaseth
27.5 ft - White Qionglinth
27.25 ft - White Hroth
27 ft - Green Amauroth
27 ft - Green Auth
27 ft - Green Casiuth
27 ft - Green Damaranth
27 ft - Green Douzeth
27 ft - Green Iramadth
27 ft - Green Iseleth
27 ft - Green Kadiith
27 ft - Green Konoith
27 ft - Green Kuzoth
27 ft - Green Meguyakuth
27 ft - Green Naath
27 ft - Green Padaranth
27 ft - Green Phoenth
27 ft - Green Sawath
27 ft - Green Usamith
27 ft - Green Yuelith
27 ft - White Ardeath
27 ft - White Nahangyth
27 ft - White Playath
27 ft - White Zangetsuth
26.5 ft - Green Amphelisith
26.5 ft - Green Haillenarth
26.5 ft - Green Harlonth
26.5 ft - White Longooth
26.5 ft - White Lothwyth
26.5 ft - White Mazath
26.25 ft - Green Mimikyuth
26 ft - Blue Bolduth
26 ft - Green Aeth
26 ft - Green Amawith
26 ft - Green Antoth
26 ft - Green Charith
26 ft - Green Cravellath
26 ft - Green Enulath
26 ft - Green Equinoth
26 ft - Green Flaeth
26 ft - Green Fuyusath
26 ft - Green Gaeleeth
26 ft - Green Herth
26 ft - Green Iosefkath
26 ft - Green Kaniyath
26 ft - Green Losalth
26 ft - Green Lyth
26 ft - Green Meilith
26 ft - Green Munakatath
26 ft - Green Pasrith
26 ft - Green Saeth
26 ft - Green Serenath
26 ft - Green Shinometh
26 ft - Green Sinnath
26 ft - Green Spriggth
26 ft - Green Uesugith
26 ft - Green Vauth
26 ft - Green Voyth
26 ft - Green Yuiryth
26 ft - White Brachyth
26 ft - White Branth
26 ft - White Eclith
26 ft - White Geth
26 ft - White Manoyuth
26 ft - White Tsukasath
26 ft - White Volantauth
25.75 ft - Green Vranath
25.5 ft - White Ijith
25 ft - Green Adasheth
25 ft - Green Alezaeth
25 ft - Green Amizuth
25 ft - Green Bremirth
25 ft - Green Clovith
25 ft - Green Drivith
25 ft - Green Emilith
25 ft - Green Essengeth
25 ft - Green Gienath
25 ft - Green Hanatarith
25 ft - Green Inadameth
25 ft - Green Koth
25 ft - Green Lalulith
25 ft - Green Mayuth
25 ft - Green Minamith
25 ft - Green Nanakoth
25 ft - Green Nivath
25 ft - Green Paceth
25 ft - Green Peridoth
25 ft - Green Perth
25 ft - Green Plemeth
25 ft - Green Pyrrhiath
25 ft - Green Rannath
25 ft - Green Rexcalith
25 ft - Green Seriath
25 ft - Green Uravith
25 ft - Green Wintrath
25 ft - Green Yasogamith
25 ft - Green Min Size
25 ft - White Gyoshith
25 ft - White Ikoth
25 ft - White Joheith
25 ft - White Osyth
25 ft - White Shiloth
25 ft - White Min Size
25 ft - Porcelain Chenqith
23.5 ft - Green Wadjeth
23 ft - Green Maglyth
23 ft - White Scryth
20 ft - White Ryodath
15 ft - Gold Max Size
15 ft - Bronze Maskerath
15 ft - Brown Akioth
15 ft - Brown Zamth
15 ft - Almandine Cabadath
14.5 ft - Gold Xialath
14.25 ft - Gold Galdeneth
14 ft - Gold Ustreilith
14 ft - Bronze Max Size
14 ft - Bronze Apocryth
14 ft - Bronze Azhdahath
14 ft - Bronze Bladeth
14 ft - Bronze Briaroseth
14 ft - Bronze Damocleth
14 ft - Bronze Gerauth
14 ft - Bronze Koteth
14 ft - Bronze Tasikheth
14 ft - Bronze Xalemeth
14 ft - Bronze Valorath
14 ft - Brown Anselth
14 ft - Brown Motath
13.75 ft - Bronze Ludvith
13.75 ft - Bronze Nuunieth
13.75 ft - Bronze Paleskyth
13.75 ft - Bronze Vereigth
13.75 ft - Bronze Voidarth
13.75 ft - Brown Jitteboth
13.5 ft - Gold Wyzeth
13.5 ft - Bronze Cendocreth
13.5 ft - Bronze Cerasth
13.5 ft - Bronze Cyroth
13.5 ft - Bronze Diyarth
13.5 ft - Bronze Iacoth
13.5 ft - Bronze Marceth
13.5 ft - Bronze Morriseth
13.5 ft - Bronze Noath
13.5 ft - Bronze Wyrmeth
13.5 ft - Bronze Xistanorth
13.5 ft - Bronze Scabellath
13.5 ft - Bronze Titabeth
13.5 ft - Bronze Ziodyneth
13.5 ft - Brown Darbeth
13.5 ft - Brown Dromeath
13.5 ft - Brown Echoneth
13.5 ft - Brown Espinneth
13.5 ft - Brown Galahath
13.5 ft - Charoite Arellath
13.25 ft - Gold Min Size
13.25 ft - Bronze Ereborth
13.25 ft - Bronze Hammerloth
13.25 ft - Bronze Hjalmarth
13.25 ft - Bronze Lockoth
13.25 ft - Bronze Matanuth
13.25 ft - Bronze Valyriath
13.25 ft - Bronze Veototh
13.25 ft - Brown Max Size
13.25 ft - Brown Chiyamath
13.25 ft - Brown Cogeath
13.25 ft - Brown Dazth
13.25 ft - Brown Ferrugith
13.25 ft - Brown Fuwath
13.25 ft - Brown Logariuth
13.25 ft - Brown Molossth
13.25 ft - Brown Ogatath
13 ft - Gold Nebulaeth
13 ft - Gold Lutrath
13 ft - Bronze Anubaath
13 ft - Bronze Chopith
13 ft - Bronze Frydrykth
13 ft - Bronze Garth
13 ft - Bronze Gectusith
13 ft - Bronze Gyreddeirth
13 ft - Bronze Kakarith
13 ft - Bronze Lalauth
13 ft - Bronze Morduuth
13 ft - Bronze Shainith
13 ft - Bronze Yugoth
13 ft - Brown Babyloth
13 ft - Brown Brickth
13 ft - Brown Deararth
13 ft - Brown Delinarth
13 ft - Brown Florenth
13 ft - Brown Glacendath
13 ft - Brown Grooth
13 ft - Brown Irohith
13 ft - Brown Osjeith
13 ft - Brown Prarirth
13 ft - Brown Rurosuth
13 ft - Brown Toyototh
13 ft - Brown Uriangth
13 ft - Garnet Phaedrath
13 ft - Blue Isith
13 ft - Blue Rodimuth
13 ft - Steel Anderoth
12.75 ft - Brown Jorseth
12.75 ft - Brown Torrigath
12.5 ft - Bronze Donketh
12.5 ft - Bronze Gravith
12.5 ft - Bronze Louicyth
12.5 ft - Bronze Magasuth
12.5 ft - Bronze Markeeth
12.5 ft - Bronze Rollieth
12.5 ft - Brown Alith
12.5 ft - Brown Calyptrath
12.5 ft - Brown Claarisath
12.5 ft - Brown Cobreth
12.5 ft - Brown Edoraeth
12.5 ft - Brown Hijith
12.5 ft - Brown Jaklath
12.5 ft - Brown Kasshuth
12.5 ft - Brown Khaliith
12.5 ft - Brown Lumiouth
12.5 ft - Brown Mikazuchith
12.5 ft - Brown Niraith
12.5 ft - Brown Seoquith
12.5 ft - Brown Setth
12.5 ft - Brown Sintheath
12.5 ft - Brown Takedath
12.5 ft - Brown Thanvialeth
12.5 ft - Brown Yslath
12.5 ft - Garnet Selpith
12.5 ft - Green Byth
12.5 ft - Opal Rebelioth
12.25 ft - Bronze Sekigaeith
12.25 ft - Brown Buetoth
12.25 ft - Brown Bysalth
12.25 ft - Brown Cavalieth
12.25 ft - Brown Casvath
12.25 ft - Brown Fukoshith
12.25 ft - Brown Fuuth
12.25 ft - Brown Jomuroreth
12.25 ft - Brown Kagurath
12.25 ft - Brown Lannith
12.25 ft - Brown Lobsevith
12.25 ft - Brown Ogrith
12.25 ft - Brown Wisketoth
12.25 ft - Void Oscamith
12 ft - Gold Serapheth
12 ft - Bronze Jezeroth
12 ft - Bronze Min Size
12 ft - Brown Cordaeth
12 ft - Brown Enarth
12 ft - Brown Gilgath
12 ft - Brown Hauruth
12 ft - Brown Kyozuth
12 ft - Brown Langeth
12 ft - Brown Liraeth
12 ft - Brown Magmeth
12 ft - Brown Oryth
12 ft - Brown Ragnvindrith
12 ft - Brown Rivoth
12 ft - Blue Kreith
12 ft - Kyanite Felisanth
11.75 ft - Brown Celeth
11.75 ft - Brown Hayutoth
11.75 ft - Brown Tokugath
11.5 ft - Brown Belliorath
11.25 ft - Brown Khalbath
11.25 ft - Brown Kotowarith
11.25 ft - Garnet Max Size
11.25 ft - Garnet Anheruth
11.25 ft - Garnet Eith
11.25 ft - Garnet Guiloth
11.25 ft - Garnet Selulath
11.25 ft - Garnet Solaith
11.25 ft - Garnet Tamiuth
11.25 ft - Green Kshatriyath
11 ft - Brown Allesklath
11 ft - Brown Brynth
11 ft - Brown Jaehaeryth
11 ft - Brown Kersuth
11 ft - Brown Kuraoth
11 ft - Brown Mririhgith
11 ft - Brown Pavith
11 ft - Garnet Alubrath
11 ft - Garnet Primaveth
10.75 ft - Brown Hyuth
10.75 ft - Garnet Ajahth
10.75 ft - Garnet Masreith
10.75 ft - Garnet Mosvath
10.5 ft - Bronze Zalth
10.5 ft - Brown Ebelith
10.5 ft - Brown Kiragoth
10.5 ft - Brown Kullilth
10.5 ft - Garnet Hercegth
10.5 ft - Garnet Jeroth
10.25 ft - Brown Renouth
10.25 ft - Brown Vettith
10.25 ft - Garnet Astralaeth
10.25 ft - Garnet Rozeth
10 ft - Bronze Russeth
10 ft - Brown Duoth
10 ft - Brown Edwyth
10 ft - Brown Emmerith
10 ft - Brown Erenosath
10 ft - Brown Rath
10 ft - Brown Sedatath
10 ft - Brown Zaylith
10 ft - Garnet Aemith
10 ft - Garnet Cliraffeth
10 ft - Garnet Kerakeith
10 ft - Garnet Kinnirath
10 ft - Garnet Kisarath
10 ft - Garnet Kubith
10 ft - Garnet Melodith
10 ft - Garnet Moirath
10 ft - Garnet Pamith
10 ft - Garnet Phalanth
10 ft - Garnet Quadratoth
10 ft - Garnet Tamiascith
10 ft - Blue Hisahith
10 ft - Blue Katakurth
10 ft - Blue Sacroth
10 ft - Blue Zappath
10 ft - Blue Zulth
10 ft - White Varelsith
10 ft - Azurite Iscaroth
9.75 ft - Brown Dioth
9.75 ft - Brown Ghermath
9.75 ft - Brown Palath
9.75 ft - Garnet Gurrenth
9.75 ft - Garnet Neozeoth
9.75 ft - Garnet Noggoth
9.75 ft - Garnet Scrappith
9.75 ft - Blue Max Size
9.75 ft - Blue Amaterath
9.75 ft - Blue Cheruth
9.75 ft - Blue Haurchefath
9.75 ft - Blue Hitokageth
9.75 ft - Blue Imeterth
9.75 ft - Blue Nuth
9.75 ft - Blue Overchyurth
9.75 ft - Blue Rolth
9.75 ft - Blue Ryloth
9.75 ft - Blue Shedath
9.75 ft - Blue Tezcath
9.75 ft - Green Willomath
9.5 ft - Brown Kohgath
9.5 ft - Brown Runth
9.5 ft - Brown Soloveth
9.5 ft - Brown Min Size
9.5 ft - Garnet Averodith
9.5 ft - Garnet Homurath
9.5 ft - Garnet Hyliath
9.5 ft - Garnet Joth
9.5 ft - Garnet Syzygiuth
9.5 ft - Blue Belleroth
9.5 ft - Blue Eseath
9.5 ft - Blue Heracleth
9.5 ft - Blue Kamuith
9.5 ft - Blue Kalzeoth
9.5 ft - Blue Lupruth
9.5 ft - Blue Nobuwath
9.5 ft - Blue Oryceteth
9.5 ft - Blue Rugrunth
9.5 ft - Blue Sameth
9.5 ft - Blue Siarnaith
9.5 ft - Blue Skyloth
9.5 ft - Blue Telliuth
9.5 ft - Blue Trichath
9.5 ft - Blue Whith
9.5 ft - Blue Ysstoth
9.5 ft - Blue Zetath
9.5 ft - Green Krugith
9.25 ft - Brown Tobith
9.25 ft - Garnet Artesiath
9.25 ft - Garnet Eridieth
9.25 ft - Garnet Geminth
9.25 ft - Garnet Kagerith
9.25 ft - Garnet Katzenjath
9.25 ft - Garnet Pyralith
9.25 ft - Blue Imorth
9.25 ft - Blue Prodith
9.25 ft - Blue Raavath
9.25 ft - Blue Salineath
9.25 ft - Blue Strouth
9.25 ft - Blue Sylth
9.25 ft - Blue Tabecikth
9.25 ft - Blue Vishath
9 ft - Brown Wireth
9 ft - Garnet Ambraliath
9 ft - Garnet Merakath
9 ft - Garnet Nyseth
9 ft - Garnet Quebeleth
9 ft - Garnet Rinisath
9 ft - Garnet Temporaeth
9 ft - Garnet Xiometh
9 ft - Blue Aersth
9 ft - Blue Amishuth
9 ft - Blue Azurdath
9 ft - Blue Bidath
9 ft - Blue Cainhurth
9 ft - Blue Charoth
9 ft - Blue Clarineth
9 ft - Blue Detrigeth
9 ft - Blue Haenath
9 ft - Blue Inikoth
9 ft - Blue Kinlath
9 ft - Blue Mokoith
9 ft - Blue Nalaath
9 ft - Blue Ragaruth
9 ft - Blue Reikath
9 ft - Blue Riwenth
9 ft - Blue Shinadoth
9 ft - Blue Tenrath
9 ft - Blue Tinoceth
9 ft - Blue Zerulainth
9 ft - Green Zelagoth
9 ft - Tanzanite Yharnath
8.75 ft - Garnet Empyreth
8.75 ft - Garnet Freth
8.75 ft - Garnet Glyphith
8.75 ft - Garnet Knoth
8.75 ft - Garnet Minevath
8.75 ft - Garnet Ryybaeth
8.75 ft - Garnet Sakuyath
8.75 ft - Garnet Vaheoth
8.75 ft - Garnet Min Size
8.75 ft - Blue Almandith
8.75 ft - Blue Easteth
8.75 ft - Blue Glyciniath
8.75 ft - Blue Hazeth
8.75 ft - Blue Ilouth
8.75 ft - Blue Kurabeth
8.75 ft - Blue Manarth
8.75 ft - Blue Nastasiath
8.75 ft - Blue Nevitath
8.75 ft - Blue Noitulth
8.75 ft - Blue Ostoriath
8.75 ft - Blue Rawlitanth
8.75 ft - Blue Taeth
8.75 ft - Blue Volfreth
8.75 ft - Blue Yhargulth
8.75 ft - Blue Zath
8.75 ft - Green Amaeth
8.75 ft - Green Ekkunath
8.75 ft - Green Jodarieth
8.5 ft - Garnet Ofereth
8.5 ft - Garnet Silksoth
8.5 ft - Garnet Shisenitath
8.5 ft - Blue Abhorseth
8.5 ft - Blue Allegretth
8.5 ft - Blue Denizth
8.5 ft - Blue Djsouth
8.5 ft - Blue Edolath
8.5 ft - Blue Entreneurth
8.5 ft - Blue Impacth
8.5 ft - Blue Ixith
8.5 ft - Blue Kerth
8.5 ft - Blue Lanrodoth
8.5 ft - Blue Miurath
8.5 ft - Blue Nonaryth
8.5 ft - Blue Raseth
8.5 ft - Blue Rasuneth
8.5 ft - Blue Reyth
8.5 ft - Blue Sarmith
8.5 ft - Blue Sendaith
8.5 ft - Blue Taarisoth
8.5 ft - Blue Vilkarath
8.5 ft - Green Ielleth
8.5 ft - Green Jurith
8.25 ft - Blue Arachoth
8.25 ft - Blue Astiaith
8.25 ft - Blue Charlith
8.25 ft - Blue Cygneth
8.25 ft - Blue Elembrith
8 ft - Blue Garmth
8.25 ft - Blue Goumath
8.25 ft - Blue Hastuth
8.25 ft - Blue Kalenoth
8.25 ft - Blue Ofieth
8.25 ft - Blue Sininulth
8.25 ft - Blue Sprath
8.25 ft - Blue Usurth
8.25 ft - Blue Vickoth
8.25 ft - Blue Zoth
8.25 ft - Blue Venrath
8 ft - Blue Altieth
8 ft - Blue Bhravasaruth
8 ft - Blue Cedrateth
8 ft - Blue Cinnimith
8 ft - Blue Dymrith
8 ft - Blue Exarchath
8 ft - Blue Firarith
8 ft - Blue Gallath
8 ft - Blue Kleeth
8 ft - Blue Moonzyth
8 ft - Blue Noloth
8 ft - Blue Ophoth
8 ft - Blue Ovisereth
8 ft - Blue Phoebuth
8 ft - Blue Pothecath
8 ft - Blue Requeth
8 ft - Blue Talinth
8 ft - Blue Tesseth
8 ft - Blue Vesseth
8 ft - Blue Virtrath
8 ft - Green Max Size
8 ft - Green Aith
8 ft - Green Chiradath
8 ft - Green Consteth
8 ft - Green Ephiith
8 ft - Green Eponath
8 ft - Green Everieth
8 ft - Green Ghyblith
8 ft - Green Hachimath
8 ft - Green Holith
8 ft - Green Ioth
8 ft - Green Kapitath
8 ft - Green Kazoth
8 ft - Green Kibeth
8 ft - Green Kisinateth
8 ft - Green Mikanoth
8 ft - Green Naluth
8 ft - Green Norenath
8 ft - Green Ossabhath
8 ft - Green Paradisoth
8 ft - Green Tabesleuth
8 ft - Green Vacuouth
8 ft - Green Wyvveth
8 ft - White Ebrietath
8 ft - White Torikoth
7.75 ft - Blue Currth
7.75 ft - Blue Finnith
7.75 ft - Blue Gawyth
7.75 ft - Blue Kurceth
7.75 ft - Blue Legnath
7.75 ft - Blue Molloth
7.75 ft - Blue Sarutoth
7.75 ft - Blue Velocith
7.75 ft - Blue Velveth
7.75 ft - Green Bertruth
7.75 ft - Green Clohoth
7.75 ft - Green Eksenath
7.75 ft - Green Omilith
7.75 ft - Green Oveceth
7.75 ft - Green Rhodoth
7.75 ft - Green Tegoth
7.75 ft - Green Zaurith
7.75 ft - White Impath
7.75 ft - Brimstone Privagaith
7.5 ft - Blue Alvillath
7.5 ft - Blue Anitoth
7.5 ft - Blue Carth
7.5 ft - Blue Deoraith
7.5 ft - Blue Kidulth
7.5 ft - Blue Kraskath
7.5 ft - Blue Kuroth
7.5 ft - Blue Radarth
7.5 ft - Blue Raerth
7.5 ft - Blue Taketh
7.5 ft - Blue Min Size
7.5 ft - Green Alieth
7.5 ft - Green Alsetth
7.5 ft - Green Asakurth
7.5 ft - Green Blysith
7.5 ft - Green Equinoth
7.5 ft - Green Ezanath
7.5 ft - Green Himikoth
7.5 ft - Green Kazeroth
7.5 ft - Green Luminth
7.5 ft - Green Murasath
7.5 ft - Green Nith
7.5 ft - Green Orbith
7.5 ft - Green Rainieth
7.5 ft - Green Rannath
7.5 ft - Green Rosaceaeth
7.5 ft - Green Savanth
7.5 ft - Green Tamith
7.5 ft - Green Tomoeth
7.5 ft - Green Unnverdath
7.5 ft - Green Vichearth
7.5 ft - Green Wynleth
7.5 ft - Green Yilylath
7.5 ft - White Max Size
7.5 ft - White Bruueyeth
7.5 ft - White Dayvith
7.5 ft - White Himuroth
7.5 ft - White Lacheith
7.5 ft - White Lechuzath
7.5 ft - White Judgmeth
7.5 ft - White Taissath
7.5 ft - White Yipyth
7.25 ft - Blue Hatorth
7.25 ft - Green Amphelisith
7.25 ft - Green Auruth
7.25 ft - Green Avocath
7.25 ft - Green Baixoth
7.25 ft - Green Coronatuth
7.25 ft - Green Eraelth
7.25 ft - Green Glynrith
7.25 ft - Green Haillenarth
7.25 ft - Green Irabeth
7.25 ft - Green Matoyath
7.25 ft - Green Mystreth
7.25 ft - Green Sallith
7.25 ft - Green Steampith
7.25 ft - Green Yatagarath
7.25 ft - White Unicoth
7 ft - Garnet Georsath
7 ft - Garnet Raayath
7 ft - Blue Bolth
7 ft - Blue Hinokath
7 ft - Blue Kintokith
7 ft - Blue Underzeeth
7 ft - Green Ariaath
7 ft - Green Caffeth
7 ft - Green Camlanth
7 ft - Green Carinaeth
7 ft - Green Cravellath
7 ft - Green Damaranth
7 ft - Green Ekavieth
7 ft - Green Ellieth
7 ft - Green Gelaneth
7 ft - Green Gienath
7 ft - Green Hanatarith
7 ft - Green Harlonth
7 ft - Green Icolenth
7 ft - Green Ideth
7 ft - Green Inashtath
7 ft - Green Kadiith
7 ft - Green Kaioth
7 ft - Green Linpheth
7 ft - Green Liralith
7 ft - Green Meilith
7 ft - Green Mulvarith
7 ft - Green Neneth
7 ft - Green Nineveth
7 ft - Green Norrith
7 ft - Green Oshuth
7 ft - Green Sireth
7 ft - Green Terrath
7 ft - Green Tykith
7 ft - Green Vairrianth
7 ft - White Adorath
7 ft - White Ateth
7 ft - White Cosmiath
7 ft - White Eclith
7 ft - White Garaseth
7 ft - White Geth
7 ft - White Nahangyth
7 ft - White Nohadoth
7 ft - White Osyth
7 ft - White Playath
7 ft - White Qionglinth
7 ft - White Raidoth
7 ft - White Saupeth
7 ft - White Tarith
7 ft - White Tarth
7 ft - White Usakinth
7 ft - White Zangetsuth
7 ft - Moonstone Asberyth
6.75 ft - Garnet Shimath
6.75 ft - Green Algonquinth
6.75 ft - Green Amauroth
6.75 ft - Green Auth
6.75 ft - Green Casiuth
6.75 ft - Green Iramadth
6.75 ft - Green Iseleth
6.75 ft - Green Konoith
6.75 ft - Green Kuzoth
6.75 ft - Green Meguyakuth
6.75 ft - Green Naath
6.75 ft - Green Padaranth
6.75 ft - Green Phoenth
6.75 ft - Green Sawath
6.75 ft - Green Usamith
6.75 ft - Green Yuelith
6.75 ft - White Ardeath
6.75 ft - White Hroth
6.75 ft - White Lothwyth
6.75 ft - White Mazath
6.75 ft - White Tephaniath
6.75 ft - White Tsumarith
6.5 ft - Blue Banajeth
6.5 ft - Green Alezaeth
6.5 ft - Green Amawith
6.5 ft - Green Amizuth
6.5 ft - Green Aeth
6.5 ft - Green Antoth
6.5 ft - Green Charith
6.5 ft - Green Enulath
6.5 ft - Green Flaeth
6.5 ft - Green Fuyusath
6.5 ft - Green Gaeleeth
6.5 ft - Green Iosefkath
6.5 ft - Green Kaniyath
6.5 ft - Green Lalulith
6.5 ft - Green Lyth
6.5 ft - Green Mimikyuth
6.5 ft - Green Munakatath
6.5 ft - Green Pasrith
6.5 ft - Green Quenith
6.5 ft - Green Saeth
6.5 ft - Green Serenath
6.5 ft - Green Shinometh
6.5 ft - Green Spriggth
6.5 ft - Green Uesugith
6.5 ft - Green Vauth
6.5 ft - Green Vranath
6.5 ft - Green Wintrath
6.5 ft - Green Yuiryth
6.5 ft - White Brachyth
6.5 ft - White Branth
6.5 ft - White Longooth
6.5 ft - White Qanth
6.5 ft - White Tsukasath
6.5 ft - White Volantauth
6.5 ft - Green Voyth
6.25 ft - Green Adasheth
6.25 ft - Green Asrakaerth
6.25 ft - Green Bremirth
6.25 ft - Green Clovith
6.25 ft - Green Douzeth
6.25 ft - Green Drivith
6.25 ft - Green Emilith
6.25 ft - Green Essengeth
6.25 ft - Green Herth
6.25 ft - Green Hurricath
6.25 ft - Green Inadameth
6.25 ft - Green Koth
6.25 ft - Green Paceth
6.25 ft - Green Perth
6.25 ft - Green Pyrrhiath
6.25 ft - Green Rexcalith
6.25 ft - Green Seriath
6.25 ft - Green Uravith
6.25 ft - Green Min Size
6.25 ft - White Gyoshith
6.25 ft - White Ijith
6.25 ft - White Manoyuth
6.25 ft - White Moggeth
6.25 ft - White Min Size
6.25 ft - Porcelain Chenqith
6 ft - Blue Bolduth
6 ft - Blue Maoth
6 ft - Green Losalth
6 ft - Green Maglyth
6 ft - Green Mayuth
6 ft - Green Nanakoth
6 ft - Green Nivath
6 ft - Green Plemeth
6 ft - Green Sinnath
6 ft - Green Yasogamith
6 ft - White Ikoth
6 ft - White Joheith
6 ft - White Shiloth
5.75 ft - Green Minamith
5.75 ft - Green Peridoth
5.75 ft - Green Wadjeth
5.75 ft - White Scryth
5.25 ft - White Ryodath
90 ft - Gold Max Size
88.5 ft - Gold Galdeneth
88 ft - Gold Lutrath
88 ft - Gold Xialath
87 ft - Almandine Cabadath
84 ft - Gold Ustreilith
84 ft - Gold Wyzeth
84 ft - Bronze Max Size
84 ft - Bronze Apocryth
84 ft - Bronze Azhdahath
84 ft - Bronze Bladeth
84 ft - Bronze Damocleth
84 ft - Bronze Garth
84 ft - Bronze Koteth
84 ft - Bronze Matanuth
84 ft - Bronze Morduuth
84 ft - Bronze Tasikheth
84 ft - Bronze Xalemeth
84 ft - Bronze Valorath
83.75 ft - Bronze Hjalmarth
83 ft - Gold Serapheth
83 ft - Bronze Gerauth
83 ft - Brown Darbeth
82.5 ft - Bronze Ludvith
82.5 ft - Bronze Maskerath
82.5 ft - Bronze Nuunieth
82.5 ft - Bronze Paleskyth
82.5 ft - Bronze Vereigth
82.5 ft - Bronze Voidarth
82 ft - Bronze Briaroseth
82 ft - Bronze Titabeth
81 ft - Bronze Cendocreth
81 ft - Bronze Cyroth
81 ft - Bronze Iacoth
81 ft - Bronze Noath
81 ft - Bronze Wyrmeth
81 ft - Bronze Xistanorth
81 ft - Blue Rodimuth
81 ft - Charoite Arellath
80.5 ft - Bronze Diyarth
80 ft - Bronze Anubaath
80 ft - Bronze Cerasth
80 ft - Bronze Lockoth
80 ft - Bronze Marceth
80 ft - Bronze Morriseth
80 ft - Bronze Scabellath
80 ft - Bronze Valyriath
80 ft - Bronze Yugoth
80 ft - Bronze Ziodyneth
80 ft - Brown Akioth
80 ft - Brown Anselth
80 ft - Brown Babyloth
80 ft - Brown Galahath
80 ft - Brown Jitteboth
80 ft - Brown Ogatath
79.5 ft - Gold Min Size
79.5 ft - Bronze Ereborth
79.5 ft - Bronze Hammerloth
79.5 ft - Bronze Veototh
79.5 ft - Brown Max Size
79.5 ft - Brown Chiyamath
79.5 ft - Brown Cogeath
79.5 ft - Brown Ferrugith
79.5 ft - Brown Fuwath
79.5 ft - Brown Logariuth
79.5 ft - Brown Molossth
79.5 ft - Brown Prarirth
79.25 ft - Brown Dazth
79 ft - Bronze Chopith
79 ft - Bronze Gectusith
79 ft - Brown Deararth
79 ft - Brown Grooth
79 ft - Brown Uriangth
78 ft - Gold Nebulaeth
78 ft - Bronze Frydrykth
78 ft - Bronze Kakarith
78 ft - Bronze Lalauth
78 ft - Brown Delinarth
78 ft - Brown Cordaeth
78 ft - Brown Echoneth
78 ft - Brown Florenth
78 ft - Brown Hauruth
78 ft - Brown Irohith
78 ft - Brown Magmeth
78 ft - Brown Mririhgith
78 ft - Brown Rivoth
78 ft - Blue Isith
78 ft - Steel Anderoth
77.5 ft - Brown Lannith
77 ft - Brown Jorseth
77 ft - Brown Seoquith
77 ft - Brown Thanvialeth
77 ft - Brown Torrigath
76.5 ft - Brown Toyototh
76 ft - Bronze Gyreddeirth
76 ft - Brown Glacendath
76 ft - Brown Oryth
75 ft - Bronze Donketh
75 ft - Bronze Gravith
75 ft - Bronze Louicyth
75 ft - Bronze Magasuth
75 ft - Bronze Markeeth
75 ft - Brown Belliorath
75 ft - Brown Brickth
75 ft - Brown Calyptrath
75 ft - Brown Claarisath
75 ft - Brown Cobreth
75 ft - Brown Dromeath
75 ft - Brown Edoraeth
75 ft - Brown Espinneth
75 ft - Brown Hijith
75 ft - Brown Jaklath
75 ft - Brown Kasshuth
75 ft - Brown Kersuth
75 ft - Brown Khaliith
75 ft - Brown Langeth
75 ft - Brown Lumiouth
75 ft - Brown Mikazuchith
75 ft - Brown Niraith
75 ft - Brown Osjeith
75 ft - Brown Ragnvindrith
75 ft - Brown Rath
75 ft - Brown Sintheath
75 ft - Brown Yslath
75 ft - Brown Zamth
75 ft - Garnet Selpith
75 ft - Green Byth
75 ft - Kyanite Felisanth
75 ft - Opal Rebelioth
74.25 ft - Brown Enarth
74 ft - Bronze Rollieth
74 ft - Brown Buetoth
73.5 ft - Bronze Sekigaeith
73.5 ft - Brown Bysalth
73.5 ft - Brown Cavalieth
73.5 ft - Brown Casvath
73.5 ft - Brown Fukoshith
73.5 ft - Brown Fuuth
73.5 ft - Brown Jomuroreth
73.5 ft - Brown Kagurath
73.5 ft - Brown Kohgath
73.5 ft - Brown Lobsevith
73.5 ft - Brown Ogrith
73 ft - Void Oscamith
73 ft - Bronze Jezeroth
73 ft - Brown Wisketoth
72 ft - Bronze Shainith
72 ft - Bronze Min Size
72 ft - Brown Alith
72 ft - Brown Gilgath
72 ft - Brown Kyozuth
72 ft - Brown Rurosuth
72 ft - Garnet Phaedrath
71 ft - Brown Liraeth
70.5 ft - Brown Celeth
70.5 ft - Brown Tokugath
70 ft - Brown Kuraoth
70 ft - Brown Setth
70 ft - Brown Takedath
70 ft - Green Kshatriyath
69 ft - Brown Motath
68 ft - Brown Jaehaeryth
67.75 ft - Brown Khalbath
67.5 ft - Brown Emmerith
67.5 ft - Garnet Max Size
67.5 ft - Garnet Anheruth
67.5 ft - Garnet Eith
67.5 ft - Garnet Guiloth
67.5 ft - Garnet Phalanth
67.5 ft - Garnet Selulath
67.5 ft - Garnet Solaith
67.5 ft - Garnet Tamiuth
67 ft - Brown Hayutoth
66.5 ft - Garnet Homurath
66 ft - Brown Allesklath
66 ft - Garnet Ajahth
66 ft - Garnet Alubrath
66 ft - Garnet Primaveth
65.75 ft - Garnet Gurrenth
65 ft - Brown Runth
65 ft - Garnet Aemith
65 ft - Garnet Kerakeith
65 ft - Garnet Kisarath
65 ft - Garnet Moirath
65 ft - Garnet Nyseth
65 ft - Blue Kreith
64 ft - Brown Brynth
64 ft - Garnet Astralaeth
64 ft - Garnet Merakath
63 ft - Bronze Zalth
63 ft - Brown Kiragoth
63 ft - Brown Kullilth
63 ft - Brown Wireth
63 ft - Garnet Jeroth
63 ft - Garnet Masreith
63 ft - Garnet Mosvath
62 ft - Brown Duoth
62 ft - Brown Ebelith
62 ft - Brown Pavith
62 ft - Garnet Rozeth
62 ft - Garnet Pamith
61.5 ft - Brown Renouth
61 ft - Brown Vettith
60.25 ft - Garnet Scrappith
60 ft - Bronze Russeth
60 ft - Brown Edwyth
60 ft - Brown Erenosath
60 ft - Brown Hyuth
60 ft - Brown Sedatath
60 ft - Brown Zaylith
60 ft - Garnet Cliraffeth
60 ft - Garnet Hercegth
60 ft - Garnet Kinnirath
60 ft - Garnet Kubith
60 ft - Garnet Melodith
60 ft - Garnet Quadratoth
60 ft - Garnet Tamiascith
60 ft - Garnet Temporaeth
60 ft - Blue Haenath
60 ft - Blue Katakurth
60 ft - Blue Nobuwath
60 ft - Blue Nuth
60 ft - White Varelsith
60 ft - Azurite Iscaroth
59.25 ft - Garnet Neozeoth
59 ft - Garnet Hyliath
58.75 ft - Blue Rolth
58.5 ft - Brown Dioth
58.5 ft - Brown Ghermath
58.5 ft - Brown Palath
58.5 ft - Garnet Noggoth
58.5 ft - Garnet Quebeleth
58.5 ft - Blue Max Size
58.5 ft - Blue Amaterath
58.5 ft - Blue Charoth
58.5 ft - Blue Cheruth
58.5 ft - Blue Edolath
58.5 ft - Blue Haurchefath
58.5 ft - Blue Hitokageth
58.5 ft - Blue Imeterth
58.5 ft - Blue Nastasiath
58.5 ft - Blue Overchyurth
58.5 ft - Blue Sarmith
58.5 ft - Blue Tezcath
58.25 ft - Blue Salineath
58 ft - Blue Denizth
58 ft - Blue Kamuith
58 ft - Blue Lupruth
58 ft - Blue Riwenth
58 ft - Blue Shedath
58 ft - Blue Whith
58 ft - Blue Ysstoth
58 ft - Blue Zerulainth
57.75 ft - Blue Heracleth
57.5 ft - Blue Prodith
57.5 ft - Blue Sameth
57 ft - Brown Soloveth
57 ft - Brown Min Size
57 ft - Garnet Eridieth
57 ft - Blue Belleroth
57 ft - Blue Eseath
57 ft - Blue Garmth
57 ft - Blue Kalzeoth
57 ft - Blue Oryceteth
57 ft - Blue Rugrunth
57 ft - Blue Sacroth
57 ft - Blue Siarnaith
57 ft - Blue Skyloth
57 ft - Blue Strouth
57 ft - Blue Telliuth
57 ft - Blue Trichath
57 ft - Blue Underzeeth
57 ft - Green Krugith
56.25 ft - Garnet Syzygiuth
56 ft - Garnet Artesiath
56 ft - Garnet Averodith
56 ft - Blue Deoraith
56 ft - Blue Glyciniath
56 ft - Blue Hisahith
56 ft - Blue Nalaath
56 ft - Blue Raavath
56 ft - Blue Vickoth
56 ft - Blue Virtrath
56 ft - Blue Zappath
55.5 ft - Brown Tobith
55.5 ft - Garnet Geminth
55.5 ft - Garnet Kagerith
55.5 ft - Blue Imorth
55.5 ft - Blue Tabecikth
55.5 ft - Blue Vishath
55.25 ft - Garnet Joth
55 ft - Garnet Xiometh
55 ft - Blue Impacth
55 ft - Blue Rasuneth
55 ft - Blue Sylth
55 ft - Blue Talinth
55 ft - Blue Zulth
54.5 ft - Blue Inikoth
54.5 ft - Blue Legnath
54.5 ft - Blue Ryloth
54 ft - Garnet Shisenitath
54 ft - Blue Amishuth
54 ft - Blue Azurdath
54 ft - Blue Banajeth
54 ft - Blue Cainhurth
54 ft - Blue Clarineth
54 ft - Blue Detrigeth
54 ft - Blue Kinlath
54 ft - Blue Mokoith
54 ft - Blue Ragaruth
54 ft - Blue Reikath
54 ft - Blue Shinadoth
54 ft - Blue Tenrath
54 ft - Blue Tinoceth
54 ft - Blue Zetath
54 ft - Tanzanite Yharnath
53.5 ft - Garnet Pyralith
53.5 ft - Blue Manarth
53.25 ft - Garnet Katzenjath
53 ft - Garnet Raayath
52.5 ft - Garnet Empyreth
52.5 ft - Garnet Freth
52.5 ft - Garnet Glyphith
52.5 ft - Garnet Knoth
52.5 ft - Garnet Minevath
52.5 ft - Garnet Ryybaeth
52.5 ft - Garnet Sakuyath
52.5 ft - Garnet Vaheoth
52.5 ft - Garnet Min Size
52.5 ft - Blue Almandith
52.5 ft - Blue Ilouth
52.5 ft - Blue Kurabeth
52.5 ft - Blue Noitulth
52.5 ft - Blue Rawlitanth
52.5 ft - Blue Taeth
52.5 ft - Blue Volfreth
52.5 ft - Blue Yhargulth
52.5 ft - Blue Zath
52.5 ft - Green Ekkunath
52.5 ft - Green Jodarieth
52 ft - Garnet Rinisath
52 ft - Blue Charlith
52 ft - Blue Dymrith
52 ft - Blue Elembrith
52 ft - Blue Ostoriath
52 ft - Blue Sininulth
51.75 ft - Blue Altieth
51.75 ft - Blue Hazeth
51.75 ft - Blue Nevitath
51.25 ft - Blue Hastuth
51 ft - Garnet Silksoth
51 ft - Blue Allegretth
51 ft - Blue Cedrateth
51 ft - Blue Djsouth
51 ft - Blue Entreneurth
51 ft - Blue Ixith
51 ft - Blue Kerth
51 ft - Blue Lanrodoth
51 ft - Blue Phoebuth
51 ft - Blue Raseth
51 ft - Blue Reyth
51 ft - Blue Sendaith
51 ft - Blue Taarisoth
51 ft - Blue Vilkarath
51 ft - Green Ielleth
51 ft - Green Jurith
50 ft - Garnet Ambraliath
50 ft - Garnet Georsath
50 ft - Garnet Ofereth
50 ft - Blue Anitoth
50 ft - Blue Bhravasaruth
50 ft - Blue Firarith
50 ft - Blue Noloth
50 ft - Blue Nonaryth
50 ft - Blue Requeth
50 ft - Blue Sprath
50 ft - Green Amaeth
50 ft - Green Hachimath
50 ft - Green Terrath
49.5 ft - Blue Arachoth
49.5 ft - Blue Astiaith
49.5 ft - Blue Easteth
49.5 ft - Blue Goumath
49.5 ft - Blue Hatorth
49.5 ft - Blue Kalenoth
49.5 ft - Blue Maoth
49.5 ft - Blue Ofieth
49.5 ft - Blue Usurth
49.5 ft - Blue Velocith
49.5 ft - Blue Zoth
49.5 ft - Blue Venrath
49.25 ft - Blue Abhorseth
49 ft - Green Losalth
48 ft - Blue Bidath
48 ft - Blue Carth
48 ft - Blue Exarchath
48 ft - Blue Gallath
48 ft - Blue Kintokith
48 ft - Blue Kleeth
48 ft - Blue Kuroth
48 ft - Blue Ophoth
48 ft - Blue Ovisereth
48 ft - Blue Raerth
48 ft - Blue Sarutoth
48 ft - Blue Tesseth
48 ft - Blue Vesseth
48 ft - Green Max Size
48 ft - Green Chiradath
48 ft - Green Ephiith
48 ft - Green Eponath
48 ft - Green Everieth
48 ft - Green Gienath
48 ft - Green Holith
48 ft - Green Inashtath
48 ft - Green Irabeth
48 ft - Green Kapitath
48 ft - Green Kazoth
48 ft - Green Kisinateth
48 ft - Green Ossabhath
48 ft - Green Paradisoth
48 ft - Green Tabesleuth
48 ft - Green Vacuouth
48 ft - Green Wyvveth
48 ft - Green Zelagoth
48 ft - White Impath
48 ft - White Torikoth
48 ft - White Tsumarith
47.25 ft - Green Orbith
47 ft - Blue Finnith
47 ft - Blue Miurath
47 ft - Blue Pothecath
47 ft - Green Ghyblith
47 ft - Green Mikanoth
47 ft - Green Rannath
46.75 ft - Green Harlonth
46.5 ft - Blue Currth
46.5 ft - Blue Kurceth
46.5 ft - Blue Molloth
46.5 ft - Blue Velveth
46.5 ft - Green Clohoth
46.5 ft - Green Eksenath
46.5 ft - Green Omilith
46.5 ft - Green Oveceth
46.5 ft- Green Phoenth
46.5 ft - Green Rhodoth
46.5 ft - Green Tegoth
46.5 ft - Brimstone Privagaith
46 ft - Blue Cinnimith
46 ft - Blue Cygneth
46 ft - Blue Radarth
46 ft - Green Consteth
46 ft - Green Damaranth
46 ft - Green Ioth
46 ft - Green Matoyath
46 ft - Green Rosaceaeth
46 ft - Green Zaurith
45.75 ft - Green Glynrith
45.25 ft - Blue Gawyth
45 ft - Blue Aersth
45 ft - Blue Alvillath
45 ft - Blue Kidulth
45 ft - Blue Kraskath
45 ft - Blue Moonzyth
45 ft - Blue Taketh
45 ft - Blue Min Size
45 ft - Green Alieth
45 ft - Green Alsetth
45 ft - Green Asakurth
45 ft - Green Bertruth
45 ft - Green Blysith
45 ft - Green Camlanth
45 ft - Green Ellieth
45 ft - Green Eraelth
45 ft - Green Ezanath
45 ft - Green Hurricath
45 ft - Green Kazeroth
45 ft - Green Kibeth
45 ft - Green Luminth
45 ft - Green Meilith
45 ft - Green Mulvarith
45 ft - Green Murasath
45 ft - Green Naluth
45 ft - Green Nith
45 ft - Green Savanth
45 ft - Green Tamith
45 ft - Green Tomoeth
45 ft - Green Unnverdath
45 ft - Green Vichearth
45 ft - Green Wynleth
45 ft - Green Yilylath
45 ft - White Max Size
45 ft - White Adorath
45 ft - White Bruueyeth
45 ft - White Dayvith
45 ft - White Ebrietath
45 ft - White Himuroth
45 ft - White Lacheith
45 ft - White Lechuzath
45 ft - White Judgmeth
45 ft - White Nohadoth
45 ft - White Taissath
45 ft - White Yipyth
45 ft - Moonstone Asberyth
45 ft - Porcelain Chenqith
44.5 ft - Garnet Shimath
44 ft - Green Kaioth
44 ft - Green Wadjeth
44 ft - Green Vairrianth
44 ft - White Eclith
44 ft - White Qanth
44 ft - White Tarth
43.75 ft - Green Baixoth
43.5 ft - Green Auruth
43.5 ft - Green Coronatuth
43.5 ft - Green Himikoth
43.5 ft - Green Mystreth
43.5 ft - Green Steampith
43.5 ft - Green Willomath
43.5 ft - Green Yatagarath
43 ft - Green Aith
43 ft - Green Asrakaerth
43 ft - Green Liralith
43 ft - Green Oshuth
42.75 ft - Green Neneth
42.5 ft - Green Algonquinth
42.5 ft - White Zangetsuth
42.25 ft - White Hroth
42 ft - Blue Bolth
42 ft - Blue Hinokath
42 ft - Green Ariaath
42 ft - Green Ekavieth
42 ft - Green Gelaneth
42 ft - Green Haillenarth
42 ft - Green Herth
42 ft - Green Icolenth
42 ft - Green Ideth
42 ft - Green Quenith
42 ft - Green Sireth
42 ft - Green Tykith
42 ft - White Ateth
42 ft - White Raidoth
42 ft - White Saupeth
42 ft - White Tarith
42 ft - White Usakinth
41.5 ft - Green Caffeth
41.5 ft - Green Linpheth
41.25 ft - White Garaseth
41 ft - Green Avocath
41 ft - Green Kadiith
41 ft - White Moggeth
40.5 ft - Green Amauroth
40.5 ft - Green Auth
40.5 ft - Green Casiuth
40.5 ft - Green Douzeth
40.5 ft - Green Kuzoth
40.5 ft - Green Iramadth
40.5 ft - Green Iseleth
40.5 ft - Green Meguyakuth
40.5 ft - Green Naath
40.5 ft - Green Padaranth
40.5 ft - Green Sallith
40.5 ft - Green Sawath
40.5 ft - Green Usamith
40.5 ft - Green Yuelith
40.5 ft - White Ardeath
40 ft - Green Carinaeth
40 ft - Green Equinoth
40 ft - Green Konoith
40 ft - Green Nineveth
40 ft - Green Nivath
40 ft - Green Norenath
40 ft - Green Norrith
40 ft - Green Spriggth
40 ft - Green Yasogamith
40 ft - White Cosmiath
40 ft - White Geth
40 ft - White Ikoth
40 ft - White Mazath
40 ft - White Nahangyth
40 ft - White Playath
40 ft - White Shiloth
40 ft - White Tephaniath
39 ft - Blue Bolduth
39 ft - Green Aeth
39 ft - Green Amizuth
39 ft - Green Antoth
39 ft - Green Charith
39 ft - Green Enulath
39 ft - Green Fuyusath
39 ft - Green Gaeleeth
39 ft - Green Iosefkath
39 ft - Green Kaniyath
39 ft - Green Lyth
39 ft - Green Mimikyuth
39 ft - Green Munakatath
39 ft - Green Pasrith
39 ft - Green Rainieth
39 ft - Green Saeth
39 ft - Green Serenath
39 ft - Green Shinometh
39 ft - Green Sinnath
39 ft - Green Uesugith
39 ft - Green Vauth
39 ft - Green Voyth
39 ft - Green Wintrath
39 ft - Green Yuiryth
39 ft - White Brachyth
39 ft - White Branth
39 ft - White Manoyuth
39 ft - White Tsukasath
39 ft - White Volantauth
38.75 ft - Green Amphelisith
38.25 ft - Green Cravellath
38.25 ft - White Qionglinth
38 ft - Green Alezaeth
38 ft - Green Amawith
38 ft - Green Flaeth
38 ft - Green Hanatarith
38 ft - Green Lalulith
38 ft - Green Mayuth
38 ft - Green Vranath
38 ft - White Gyoshith
38 ft - White Longooth
38 ft - White Lothwyth
38 ft - White Osyth
38 ft - White Unicoth
37.5 ft - Green Adasheth
37.5 ft - Green Bremirth
37.5 ft - Green Clovith
37.5 ft - Green Emilith
37.5 ft - Green Essengeth
37.5 ft - Green Inadameth
37.5 ft - Green Nanakoth
37.5 ft - Green Paceth
37.5 ft - Green Perth
37.5 ft - Green Pyrrhiath
37.5 ft - Green Rexcalith
37.5 ft - Green Seriath
37.5 ft - Green Uravith
37.5 ft - Green Min Size
37.5 ft - White Min Size
37 ft - Green Drivith
37 ft - Green Koth
36 ft - White Ijith
36 ft - Green Maglyth
36 ft - Green Minamith
35 ft - Green Plemeth
35 ft - White Joheith
35 ft - White Ryodath
28 ft - White Scryth
20 ft - Green Peridoth
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