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Fort Weyr Cr'dile of Brown Dazth [Buggy] Weyrling L'rnia of Brown Bubovirith Sh'ggy of Garnet Scrappith [Scoob] A'ksei of Blue Amishuth E'lis of Green Plemeth Holt of White Raidoth {Cheddar} Wherling Retsuko of Green Tsusk [FoxFire] Candidate Welleue |Ophelia| | High Reaches Weyr Sc'let of Brown Edwyth [Squishy] F'yore of Garnet Geminith [Tangeream] D'cara of Blue Sendaith Adair of Green Alsetth [Glitz] Rania of Bronze Niaajisk {Lizanardo} Saori of White Orisk [Icarus] Candidate Mukadi [Piper] Weyrbrat Sasha [Whirly] | Semaca Weyr Naira of Green Naath [Beakman] {Radar} Devon of White Maynarth Zinaida of Brown Zinsk [Scone] Traze of Garnet Azesk [Starspawn] Radagast of Blue Radask Worrell of Green Worrsk {Rimshot} Head Cook Senshi [Turmeric] [Parsley] Candidate Petraxen [Honeysuckle] |