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Spelunking for Eggies [Ageno]

Large, spacious caverns inside the Weyr containing the kitchens, dining hall, and store rooms
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    Mon Aug 26, 2024 5:51 pm
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Spelunking for Eggies [Ageno]

Most of the Fort Weyr tunnels were well-lit places that led to reasonable locations and were not dark and dank with the threat of danger and great unknowns. But to the right individual with a trained eye for shit they shouldn't be getting into, it was easy to pick that one corner that nobody paid attention to ... that had that one hole that was just big enough for a determined person to squeeze through.

Liurnia found that one spot, in the dead of night when she really should have been asleep to prep for some of the morning chores. It took a skilled hand to dodge being noticed - since there were wherhandlers and drudges about. She was sizing the crevice up against her own size and deemed it just large enough to earn some wiggle room.

She held the glow basket up to it and glanced back at her cohort. "Yeah this is def it," she whispered with a wide grin. "This should bring us back behind the Hatching Ground. I think. Or was it to the latrines?" Liurnia chewed her lips thoughtfully. "No. Nope. Definitely Hatching Ground. You ready?"
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    Sun Sep 01, 2024 6:00 pm
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Timon was quiet as he followed Liurnia, hardly daring to breathe as he weighed every footstep carefully. Though he was no stranger to trouble, danger, and daring adventures, sneaking a look at Serapheth's eggs was a whole new level. Pumbaa grunted uneasily on his shoulder, but Timon hurriedly shushed him aloud, ironically being louder than Pumbaa had been.

As Liurnia paused and looked to him, Timon unconsciously straightened up and took a cautious look at his surroundings. No one about presently. Good. At her query, he grinned his trademark grin and nodded. "Yeah, I was practically born ready!" Timon answered, trying to hide how nervous he was. Some part of him was insistent that he was royally forsking up. What would his dad and big sister think, were either to know about what he was daring to do?

But Timon swallowed that feeling down, along with his fear. "Yeah, I'm ready," he said again, as though he had to convince himself too.
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    Mon Sep 02, 2024 7:21 pm
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"Heck yea!" Liurnia blurted out in an excited rush of air. She was careful to glance over Timon's shoulders down the hall. No glow baskets heading their way, so that was a big plus. No voices - human or otherwise. Better!

She crouched down low, her dark skin briefly blending in with the dimly-lit area. Surprising area, this! How did Fort Weyr excuse themselves for not covering it up? Who knew what kind of rodents came squirreling through? Well, they were about to have a rat problem. Two very big, very man-shaped rodents with a hunger for eggs.

The glow basket was just barely going to fit. Liurnia made a noise, glancing back. "I guess I'll go first? I'm kinda chonk so if I'm having issues gettin' through, you can turn back and get help. If you do tell 'em ... tell 'em we thought we saw a ... mouse? Holding marks? Iunno."

Liurnia tucked in. It was a bit of a squeeze at the entrance but this wasn't her first foray into mindless activities. Once the sharp-edged opening was past her broad shoulders, the rest of her slid effortlessly out of view.
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