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Thirteen Children of Stellar Signs [FLIT HATCHING]

Large, spacious caverns inside the Weyr containing the kitchens, dining hall, and store rooms
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Orhm'in of Bronze Garth

With his presence acknowledged, Orhm’in calmly moved off to the side, setting the marks he intended to give back into his pocket. Though he really didn’t speak up much, he was very content to silently watch as the small eggs were given out, and one by one began to hatch. They were cute little tings – he’d forgotten a bit how endearing a baby firelizard could be. So much different than his own dragon-shaped headache back in the weyr.

He would have said some of the flits reminded him of Garth a bit, but strictly in color pattern! Comparing a harmless and innocent flit to the likes of Garth was very uncalled for!

So, he continued to watch and patiently wait his turn. There were a lot of people now, and less and less eggs, but that was all right. Such was the way of it~ He wouldn’t be too upset if P’earl gave them away before him. Well, perhaps he would feel disappointed. They were very cute.
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    Tue Sep 17, 2024 12:06 pm
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Elivra of Green Algonquinth

Elvira graciously took the egg from P'earl and replied, "Oh you know, it was just one of those things that seemed like it might be nice. I can't wait to welcome the little thing to my weyr."

Having received an egg, she realized she did not have anything to feed the flit once it was ready to hatch. She turned to the person next to her that was decidedly more prepared. "Hey are you going to use all of that?" She asked, pointing to the meat in their hands.
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P’earl hardly knew where to look now, for this little flit hatching of theirs was now beginning to pick up in pace!

A chorus of newborn firelizard voices—and the cracking noises of the remaining wobbling eggs scattered amidst the chatting humans—livened the air. “Oh, isn’t this excitin’! I think m’dear Solar’s outdone herself with this clutch so far; wouldn’t you agree?” The garnetrider exclaimed, grinning as she glanced fondly at the sunny gold perched upon her shoulder.

Then two eggs suddenly began to crack simultaneously, noticeably shuddering and wobbling about within the palms of Reane and Mei respectively. It didn’t take long for P’earl to notice that it almost seemed as if one egg were mirroring the movements of the other, or vice versa. How fascinating! Then a foot punched out of Reane’s egg, shortly followed by the other egg’s occupant stabbing out a different foot. Both eggs stilled for a moment, and then the two abruptly shattered into pieces at the exact same time.

Two newborn firelizards!


What a cute little pair they were, too! And already behaving as if they were twins; though clearly of different colours—one a dark-coated white, and the other a deep-toned blue.

The white’s hide was a base of dark gray, adorned only by a chest marking that consisted of three white dots—two small ones, with a bigger one in the middle—bracketed on either side by the feathery outline of an outspread pair of black wings. Like all of their siblings so far, the friendly-looking flit had multitudes of stars filling the ‘night sky’ of their inner wingsails. Feathered patterning swept starkly across the back of the white’s dark wings; near-identical to those of the previous group’s blue. A simple symbol sat upon their left flank; this one shaped like two vertical lines, connected by an horizontal outwardly curving line at both ends.

Meanwhile, the blue’s coat had a base colour of a deep mid-tone sapphire blue; though much of his body was mostly coated by a slightly lighter marking, which looked suspiciously similar to fish scales for some reason. His dorsal ridges were coloured a darker midnight, and he had a two-tone ‘necklace’ circling his neck. Two simplistic fish shapes seem to clasp the ‘necklace’ together at the front on his chest. The blue’s inner wingsails too were emblazoned with the beauty of stars, and the sigil on his flank was also encapsulated within an ‘bubble’. Several smaller ‘bubbles’ surround it, and on closer examination, his symbol looked like two outwardly curving vertical lines, connected by an horizontal line through the middle.

An inquisitive chirp sounded from the friendly, curious little white in Reane’s hands, to which Mei’s blue answered with a quiet chirrup of his own. The white immediately fluttered over to adorably bump noses with the blue; only to then abruptly become distracted by the idea of food, so back over to Reane they went!

After their cute little ‘snout-boop’ moment, Mei’s blue then attempted to scramble up onto her shirt. He deeply wanted to show his new human just how much he already cared! He chirruped softly, gently trying to give her a nose-bump too.

Meanwhile, Welleue’s egg had begun to crack rather methodically.

A precise rock over to the left, then a careful little wobble to the right. Rinse and repeat. It soon became clear that the little baby inside must surely be quite the perfectionist; Faranth, even the cracks forming in the eggshell seemed rather neat, or at least, as neat as a fissioning spiderweb set of cracks could possibly look.. In next to no time at all, the pieces all fell away quite tidily to reveal…


Aww, another lovely lil’ green baby!

Her hide was a shade of sage-y green, with a lighter whitish hue colouring her nose, headknobs and three paws; slightly reminiscent of a deer. A leafy pattern in spring-green trails back from her eyes, and her dorsal ridges were coloured the same shade. Around her left ankle curled a similarly coloured vine-like motif. She too bore the thematic element of starlit inner wingsails that all her siblings shared, as well as the recurring motif of having a lightly-hued symbol on the left flank. Hers was shaped like an oddly drawn lowercase M, completed with a small extra loop, and surrounded by ‘leaves’ in much the same fashion as those of her green and brown siblings with the same type of pattern.

With a tiny chirp of disgust, the newborn green carefully shook the remaining egg-goop off herself. She abruptly noticed all the eyes on her, and immediately tried to ‘hide’ in the Candidate’s hands. Not only did she seem to be a perfectionist, but it also seemed as if this baby was a bit shy!

“Aawww, congratulations! Congratulations, the three of you. They’re gorgeous!”

Kreta of Blue Eseath (Equinox Wingleader, firelizard Leirath)

Xinia of Blue Yhargulth (firelizard Moonshine; originally HR, Impressed @ Fort)

Elgiibel of Green Elgiisk (firelizard Fireball Phoenix)

A’mi of Bronze Voidarth

Bolin of White Bolisk (originally of Igen. Firelizard NameHere)

D’ain of Brown Renouth (firelizard NameHere)

P’earl of Garnet Aemith (originally of Telgar. Firelizard Solar)

Candidate Rekka (originally of Southern Boll)


Viela of Green Oveceth (firelizard Treble; originally Fortian, Impressed @ HR)

L’ana of Brown Jomuroreth (firelizard Smoke)

Candidate Palindrome (firelizard Terret)

Bet’ti of Blue Trichath (feline Sushi; firelizard Evermore)

Emogi of Green Emogisk and Bronze Mogisk (firelizard Daisy Daze)


Trewyra of Green Orbith (originally of Igen. Firelizard Nexus)

Saekri of Green Paradisoth (originally of Ista; feline Felida)

Palico of White Himuroth (originally of High Reaches. Firelizard Sudsy)

E’nome of Blue Belleroth (Assistant Candidate Master; originally of Telgar. Firelizard Bubbles)

Weyrling Dew of Garnet Freth (originally of Ista; firelizard Moon)

Ranya of White Dayvith (runnerbeast Quilda; firelizard Haldanar)

Z’fyr of Brown Kintsugith (originally of Igen)
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Welleue took the egg in hand and stepped back. More folks were coming. Some were leaving. Everybody held within their digits the small, fragile shells hiding little creatures from the outside world - shimmering stars threatening to conquer the night sky, for each one burst forth with exuberance and shine of those many balls of fire that breathed life into the heavens.

Welleue held their breath. Long fingers roved over and over on the smooth surface. They felt every detail, ever little bump and imperfection. How warm it was. How it felt ... alive beneath their fingertips. If one concentrated hard enough, listened intently beyond the din of energetic voices, perhaps a heartbeat could be discerned amongst the chaos.

The creatures around them were certainly magnificent, yet this one ... this one belonged to Welleue and only Welleue. They took to the back of the corridor, finding a spot to sit against the cavern wall. Delicately laying the singing saw on its side, Welleue dedicated his time and attention to what was worthy. Their egg. Their creature. Part of their future, one that would now be shared.

And it all started with ... a crack!

Little movements appeared plotted and planned much further in advance than Welleue figured dragonkin was capable of, at least according to Harper tales and old records. But here was this little thing ... making a show out of it. Perfectly orchestrated, choreographed and put into practice. Until it finally emerged - a lovely green! One that took note of the slime upon its body with disgust ... and hid in their hands utterly afraid.

"No need to be shy, little one," Welleue said softly, though they cradled her little body and shielded her from view by cupping their large hands around its tiny form. "Little, wonderful you. So gorgeous. You would make Rukbat quake with envy, darling." Their eyes met in spectacular prisms. Welleue used part of their cloak to wipe the remainder of egg goop from her body. "I bet you are positively famished, aren't you? All that time spent in the shell must have felt like a lifetime."

Welleue stood slowly, allowing their legs enough time to adjust against the flow of gravity. They took a portion of their cloak and held it taut with one hand, positioning the little green within it as a cloth cocoon. With one appendage now liberated, they were able to collect their instrument. P'earl was lacking in food presently although Welleue could fault nobody, nor had they any wish to do so. The healer had her hands full, to be sure. And was it not their responsibility?

"She is as beautiful as the day is bright, ma'am. My thanks to you and ... " Welleue sought Solar out with their gaze, becoming a blanket of warmth. "Your children are quite beautiful. You should be very proud, as I am certain you are!"

Welleue bobbed their body in respect. The bow was ungainly and a little eccentric, considering their height. With the swift clicking of boots, the harper turned to exit the caverns and seek out the dining hall.

"Let's get you some food, precious. Along the way I will dutifully tend to your cleanliness - it appears you've a strong desire to be impeccable." There were several small chitters of approval in the cloak cocoon as they exited the hallway and vanished from sight, yet Welleue's voice could still be heard carrying. "Now ... what shall we call you?"
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Solar chirruped cheerfully in reply, the sunny little gold appearing quite distinctly pleased with herself. P’earl laughed warmly, her ponytail of curls bouncing as she nodded in agreement. “Oh, she’s proud, alright. As am I! They’re all so adorable, and every single one of ‘em so far are absolutely stellar, aren’t they, Sols?” She said, sounding every inch the doting auntie/grandma as she spoke. Solar preened, chirping proudly as if to say that yes, of course her children were wonderful, she had everything to do with it!

Then the four remaining eggs all abruptly let out some variations of cracking and popping noises, nestled as they were within four different pairs of hands. “Aha. Prepare yourselves; here comes our last few babies!”

The egg belonging to Columbo then broke apart quite unceremoniously, resulting in its startled occupant tumbling forth into the handler’s hands.


Aww, yet another cutie of a baby! And the fourth blue so far!

His hide was a shade of grayish blue, with almost-purplish undertones, and dorsal ridges of a lighter hue. He was otherwise plain with no other markings, save for the feathered-wing patterning sweeping across the backs of his wings; and of course, the clutch’s running motifs of a stunning starry ‘sky’ scattered throughout the inner wingsails, and an simple sigil on his left flank. The symbol was just as odd as the others; the shape itself was two-toned, with a light-coloured bottom line and an curved dark-coloured line sitting on top—P’earl thought it looked rather similar to..a hat? Hard to tell from over here.

The little blue blinked as he calmly sat up, and then tilted his head at his new human. He warbled, the sound slightly uncertain as he tried to decide what to do now. What were all the options??

Meanwhile, the next egg was cracking!

This one took its time, teetering and wobbling, until the eggshell finally crumbled to bits in Cress’s palms; leaving behind in its wake another newborn flit!


Oooh, a stunning green!

Her hide was a dark, almost teal-ish deep green, patterned by some lighter, teal-green markings—reminiscent of simplistic armour plating—that ran down her back from her snout to her tailforks, as well as descending both her forelegs. It also slightly continues up both her wingbones. Her eyes are lined in the same colour, as is the ‘necklace’ around her neck, which had an ‘pendant’ shaped like a scorpion at the front. The glory of starlit heavens too painted her inner wingsails, and her left flank’s symbol marking was seemingly encompassed by a ‘bubble’. Smaller ‘bubbles’ surround it, floating down the leg, while the sigil’s shape seemed similar to a lowercase M, but with an arrowhead attached to its end.

The green jumped up, and, having decided that yes, Cress must be hers, proceeded to ignore literally everybody else in favour of demanding food and attention.

She was shortly followed by a sudden, sharp ‘crrrack!’ that announced the arrival of yet another baby!

For Orhm’in’s egg barely didn't even wait, nor try to rock and wobble about for any longer than a moment; in fact, it immediately just shattered into smithereens. Only to reveal.. an energetic little baby already earnestly trying to bounce and leap about!


What a lively, friendly lil’ brown!

He was an orangey-reddy brown base colour, with his nose, tailforks, headknob tips and all four paws dipped in a much darker brown; reminiscent of a runner’s bay coat. His inner wingsails were splattered with multitudes of stars, just like all of his siblings, and the slightly reddish symbol on his flank was shaped similarly to an arrow; which seemed as if it was aflame.

Now that he was here, the party could actually start! The newborn brown warbled excitedly.

Moments later, the final egg began cracking, its pieces rapidly falling away like so many petals at each teetering wobble. Once, twice, thrice..

And then Elvira suddenly had a newborn firelizard all coiled up in her hands! The hatchling unfurled fully into a stretch, with an adorably toothy yawn.


Wow, what a beautiful green!

She had a hide of dark forest green, with spring-green scaly squiggles on her forelegs, hind-leg paws as well as a few going up her tapered snout. The same hue paints her dorsal ridges, as well as a marking curling around her eye, that looks like a miniature snake.

Thicker bands of dark green ‘snake scales’ wind around her body from neck to tail, with two smaller ones wrapping around the hind legs. They are all outlined by the lighter green colour.
In keeping with the clutch’s theme, her inner wingsails too are emblazoned by numerous stars. And the sigil on her left flank was simple; shaped like a U, with a curvy line struck through it.

The green stared up at Elvira with a winningly charismatic expression.

Aaand that was all! She was the last baby, of Solar’s clutch of thirteen stellar children!

P’earl grinned happily. “Congratulations are in order for everyone! And I thank all of you so much for giving all thirteen of Solar’s lovely offspring a home. I daresay she has most definitely outdone herself this evening, with how stunning they’ve all been!” She chuckled heartily, her voice warm.

“Now, I don’t know about you, but I’m starving! I shall be off to grab dinner, as well as a nice glass o’ wine. Faranth knows, we deserve to celebrate a little! Enjoy all of your wonderful lil’ bundles of joy, my dears.”

Kreta of Blue Eseath (Equinox Wingleader, firelizard Leirath)

Xinia of Blue Yhargulth (firelizard Moonshine; originally HR, Impressed @ Fort)

Elgiibel of Green Elgiisk (firelizard Fireball Phoenix)

A’mi of Bronze Voidarth

Bolin of White Bolisk (originally of Igen. Firelizard NameHere)

D’ain of Brown Renouth (firelizard NameHere)

P’earl of Garnet Aemith (originally of Telgar. Firelizard Solar)

Candidate Rekka (originally of Southern Boll)


Viela of Green Oveceth (firelizard Treble; originally Fortian, Impressed @ HR)

L’ana of Brown Jomuroreth (firelizard Smoke)

Candidate Palindrome (firelizard Terret)

Bet’ti of Blue Trichath (feline Sushi; firelizard Evermore)

Emogi of Green Emogisk and Bronze Mogisk (firelizard Daisy Daze)


Trewyra of Green Orbith (originally of Igen. Firelizard Nexus)

Saekri of Green Paradisoth (originally of Ista; feline Felida)

Palico of White Himuroth (originally of High Reaches. Firelizard Sudsy)

E’nome of Blue Belleroth (Assistant Candidate Master; originally of Telgar. Firelizard Bubbles)

Weyrling Dew of Garnet Freth (originally of Ista; firelizard Moon)

Ranya of White Dayvith (runnerbeast Quilda; firelizard Haldanar)

Z’fyr of Brown Kintsugith (originally of Igen)
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Orhm'in of Bronze Garth
(Thank you ,Dreamer!! You did amazing work on these!!)

Egg after egg seemed to crack and produce even more cute little flits. It was a bit unlike him to start feeling a bit anxious on the matter, but in the good fashion. Of eagerly hoping one of the cute critters to be offered as his own and hoping he wouldn't have to return to his weyr in disappointment.

Orhm'in didn't voice any of this aloud though. Merely keeping to his place, fidgeting only so often as he kept his hands firmly set in his pockets. At least until P'earl came his way and set a quickly cracking egg in his palms.

The Bronzerider barely got to feel the shell before it burst away to reveal a perky, and slimy Brown. Like his siblings, his wings dazzled with the pattern of stars, almost rivaling the rainbow colors flashing in his eyes. Orhm'in offered him a bit of meat, but it wasn't enough.


Oh dear... so much for getting a rather mild mannered lizard. It seemed Orhm'in was just destined to be surrounded by those with much more demanding personalities. That was all right by him though. He could tell his little flit was no where near as much as... Garth, with his sweet begging eyes and grabby claws.

Cradling his new firelizard to avoid him scurrying off, Orhm'In worked his way over to the proprietor. "Thanks a lot, P'earl. I promise he'll have a good home, I'll make sure of it. Here---"without asking, Orhm'in set the mark in her palm, backing away so it couldn't be handed back so easily "- I know you didn't want payment, but use it to treat your flit for her hard work. Thanks again!"

Offering a wave, the rider casually made for the exit. There was still a lot of excitement and people in the closed space.
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L'fy of Brown Dioth

The brownrider was all but bouncing with excitement at the prospect of eggs and firelizards. "Hey, I wouldn't drop an egg!" he protested when P'earl told him to catch his breath. "And I can breathe fine, I just ran here is all. Didn't wanna miss anything!" He cradled the egg to him, watching it intently, as if willing it to come out for him. He looked up as several eggs started to crack. "Aaaw," he said. "I was here first, how comes theirs are hatching first?" One might think that he'd remember what his own dragon's hatching had been like and use that as a frame of reference. But that wasn't who L'fy was.

He watched with rapt attention as the egg hatched. "C'mon already!" he coaxed, his patience rapidly running out. But he burst out laughing as he watched the flit's antics before it even emerged from the shell. And then it was there, a pretty little blue! He could almost forgive the fact that it had water on it - seriously, why did it have to be water? - because it was such a funny little thing. And it was trying to give him a present! He took the offered shell. "Aw, thanks! You're definitely a buddy of mine," he told it.

Not until you feed it, Dioth reminded him, and L'fy quickly scrambled to get food into the flit's gullet.

"Oh, thanks!" L'fy said at P'earl's offer to help. "But I've had a whole dragon baby before. A firelizard's bound to be waaaaay easier, don't you think?" He was watching the blue. "Gonna call you 'Going Merry', I think!" he said. Dioth didn't know what that was supposed to mean, but he didn't ask. It was just a phrase L'fy liked the sound of, he was sure. Well, at least the brown would watch out for the clever blue, make sure L'fy actually took care of him.

Columbo of Blue Lumsk

Columbo gave a small, polite bow when the rider said that of course he could have an egg. "That's very generous of you, ma'am, very generous," he told her, stepping away to give her space to hand out more of the eggs without crowding her. He nodded in greeting as others came in and waited for whatever was in the egg in his hands to emerge.

It was among the last to emerge, and when it came out, it seemed almost surprised at the development. Columbo let out a soft chuckle. "Yeah, I suppose this would be a bit different from what it's like inside the egg," he told it. He offered the creature some meat. The blue looked around, as if assessing its options, but seeing that every other human appeared to be taken, it seemed to think the meat - and the human that came with it - to be acceptable. He took at tentative bite. "Well, I'll have to think up a good name for you," Columbo told the blue. "Maybe the missus can help. Or the kids. Although, between you and me, if we leave it in the kids' hands, they might name you horse. Hm...they have been telling me they want a canine...perhaps we could call you Dog..." It seemed as good a name as any to him. And it was sure to make the kids laugh.
L'fy of Brown Dioth
B'layk of Blue Radarth
Wingsecond G'las of Green Quenith | Dazzle (flit)
Y'olai of White Tsukasath
Jackrum of Brown Krusk
Columbo of Blue Lumsk
Attolia of Cinder Attolisk
Ronica of White Onisk and Brown Osk
Assistant Headwoman Houlihan | Soldier (flit)
Candidate Bronson | Apolline (flit)
Candidate Heiro | Thetis (flit)
High Reaches
Dani of Bronze Bladeth | Ceecee (flit)
Barca of Brown Brynth
Healer's Wingleader Y'ang of Brown Kullilth | Bokhee (flit)
Elross of Blue Hisahith
Weyrling Ry'n of Green Yuelith
Dukat of Bronze Dusk
Maritza of Garnet Arisk
Ennis of Green Ennisk and Green Szensk
Weyrfolk Anabella
Candidate Miguel
Candidate Nayru
Wher Candidate Haron
M'ten of Garnet Noggoth
Weyrleader B'ram of Blue Sininulth | Sunrise (flit)
Bre'q of Blue Ostoriath
D'ax of Blue Firarith | Kahless (flit)
F'lin of Green Eraelth | Rusty (flit)
Tychon of Green Ezanath | Thalassa Narcissa (bird)
Weyrling S'ra of White Moggeth
Dunsmith of Brown Dunsk | Filly (flit)
Rosethorn of Garnet Thornsk and Brown Rosesk
Candidate Hamuntep
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