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[EVENT] An Old Soldier

All roads lead somewhere, and all skies stand overhead. Includes any place in the immediate vicinity of the Weyr.
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Reinhardt of Bronze Reinsk - Ronica, Demalis

Reinhardt had gone along with the other handlers to find the source of the commotion, finding it to be a tangled up and rightfully agitated brown wher. The bronzehandler couldn't help but feel bad for the poor thing, and knew that he needed to help. "Hello," he started, trying his absolute best to lower his volume to a normal level. "Don't worry, my friend! We're going to get you out of here as quick as we can, then you can get going on your way." He spoke as calmly as he could, not wanting to put any of the people who'd moved closer to the wher in danger because he'd startled the brown.

Reinsk stayed quiet, surveying the scene, trying to see where they could best fit in without adding too many cooks to the kitchen. Meanwhile, Reinhardt listened to the young whitehandler who was trying to take charge. Better to work together on a cohesive plan than have everyone go off randomly. Although, he knew roots shouldn't be his focus. "It would probably be better for us- Reinsk and I, that is- to tackle some of those fallen branches than anything else. Poor fellow is probably hurting under the weight of the heavy ones, or getting poked by the small ones."

With that, the old bronzepair approached a fellow Dusk Squad member, Demalis, who was also focusing on the branches... albeit while taking a strange, wher-back-standing approach. "What are we looking at here with the branches, Demalis?" He said, looking at the mess of branches. He had no clue where to start. If he pulled the wrong one, then he may risk hurting the wher. "If you point out the ones causing the problems, I can go in and grab them. Better myself getting bit by getting too close than any of you!"
Fort Weyr
Aries of Bronze Vereigth
L'uke of Bronze Paleskyth | Green Kyber
Ony'ra of Bronze Sekigaeith
Cal of Brown Langeth | Blue Wing & Gold Daylight
Driscoll of Brown Lobsevith | Canine Sam
Johnny of Brown Cobreth
Sr. Weyrleader Negan of Brown Wireth | Blue Walker & Blue Roamer
Rainbow of Blue Rasuneth
Zhenya of Blue Kraskath | Green Ksyusha
D'eryn of Green Hachimath
Er'sa of Green Kapitath
Reign of Green Asakurth
Serras of Green Inashtath
T'rix of Green Clohoth | Green Daisy May
Laurie of White Lacheith
Qrow of White Brachyth | Gold Firecracker & Garnet Pipsqueak
Vox of White Varelsith | Bronze Baker's Dozen & Sonora Sunrise
Dawn Squadleader Theseus of Gold Thesk
Wherleader Reinhardt of Bronze Reinsk
Misun of Brown Emissk and Green Misusk | Gold Lonny
Journeyman Starsmith Bastille of Garnet Bassk
Briayse of Garnet Briaysk
Jimmy of Garnet Jamesk
Journeyman Smith Geoffrey of Blue Eldreosk
Journeyman Healer Jonathan of Green Jonask
KV of Green Kirvisk
Journeyman Harper Tommy of Green Tomsk
Dragonless Matyll
High Reaches Weyr
Zagreus of Gold Galdeneth | Garnet Cerberus
Caleb of Bronze Marceth
Firestorm Wingsecond T'lery of Bronze Maskerath
Weyrling Elise of Brown Mririhgith
Graemerre of Garnet Ofereth
Scarlet of Garnet Phalanth
Dennys of Blue Vilkarath
Apprentice Miner Le'nore of Blue Vickoth | Garnet Bajiquan
Journeyman Healer Moira of Blue Deoraith
Wheatley of Blue Usurth
D'ot of Green Mystreth
Florian of Green Uesugith
CM Pomegranate of Green Lyth | Bronze Arils
Iovi of Bronze Zerusavisk | Gold Sundrop
Andreyane of Brown Andreysk
Dante of Brown Dansk and Brown Ask | White Rebellion
Shoresy of Garnet Shorsk | Green Big Sexy
Sonic of Garnet Sonisk
Jr. Weyrleader Connor of Blue Andorsk and Hemimorphite Connosk | Canine Sumo & Garnet Traci
Master Vinter Glaidan of Blue Glaisk
Linny of Blue Linirask
Laoghaire of Blue Laosk | Bronze Gilleasbuig
Aida of Green Aidask | White Boots
Ascelin of Green Celisk
Journeyman Smith Ash of Green Assk | Green Boomstick
AWM Joel of Green Joesk
Volo of White Volosk
Headwoman Nanette | Brown Boreas & White Notos
Weyrbrat Galina | Brown Stripe
Semaca Weyr
Kenn'y of Azurite Iscaroth | Garnet Ruby
Snake of Brown Emmerith | Canine Sunny
Journeyman Healer J'velle of Garnet Selulath
L'ux of Garnet Ambraliath | White Coal
Tec'na of Garnet Melodith
Wild of Garnet Kagerith | Gold Triforce
Minuet Wingleader Blumiere of Blue Nastasiath
He'ra of Blue Entreneurth | Snake Sonder
Lori of Blue Raerth | Blue Skip-It
Nikola of Blue Manarth
O'dair of Blue Ovisreth
Chopin Wingleader Rogers of Blue Tesseth
Sportacus of Blue Kidulth
Journeyman Healer Victor of Blue Taeth
F'ythe of Green Padaranth | Blue Esda
Kihaza of Green Ariaath
Rhys of Green Vauth
R'inash of Green Ioth
Pirate Weyrling Tetra of Green Yilylath | Gold Goddess
K'ymask of White Lothwyth
Mak of Bronze Valask | Brown Petryshyn
Bella of Garnet Bellask | Green Plumbob
Journeyman Healer Borealis of Blue Borealisk
Wherleader Lacra of Blue Mioarask | Gold Luminita
Journeyman Harper Hedroom of Green Hedrosk
Spengler of Green Spesk
Dimentio of White Disk | White Prognosticus
Valentine of White Valensk | Green Piper
Journeyman Harper Mondlicht
Journeyman Healer Vokonis | Green Charo
Pirate Candidate Karofka | Feline Sir Meowsalot
Pirate Conway | Brown No-Name
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Branches start to break and give way, and the work is grueling. The old brown growls louder, snapping at anyone who gets too close. He's a greatly stressed and very unhappy wher, and it is hard to tell if he's even going to want to stay around after he gets rescued.
Fort Weyr
Senior Weyrwoman Tuckal of Gold Serapheth
[White Journey]
Weyrlingmaster Lexien of Brown Mikazuchith
Hollow of Brown Bysalth
Ni'all of Brown Calyptrath
Wa'en of Brown Galahath
Alphinaud of Green Koth
N'eth of Green Azoth
Playne of Green Iosefkath
Vartin of Amethyst Vartisk
and Garnet Varsk
[Bone Otani]
Journeyman Scribe Urianger
Semaca Weyr
Hecate of Almandine Cabadath
D'ryu of Bronze Cyroth
Aymeric of Garnet Thanatoth
Persephone of Green Amauroth
[Brown Bitey] [Blue Paladin]
Quatre of Green Wynleth
[White Sandrock]
Majima of Brown Majimask
Weyrling Ke'ro of Green Ossabhath
Candidate Pierrick
Dragonless Time
Journeyman Carpenter/Sailor Wojchek
High Reaches Weyr
G'li of Bronze Ereborth
Lelouch of Blue Isith
[Gold Banshee]
Lobelia of Blue Imeterth
Datte of White Tarith
[Green Illium]
Weyrling Zoh'tof Brown Lannith
Lanselot of Brown Selosk
JM Healer Vallauris
[Gold Aether]
Holder Xander
[Bronze Siegfried] [Blue Laslow] [Green Peri]
Wherling Mori of Gold Morsk
Weyrbrat Viola
[Garnet Ultima]
Candidate Clive
[Gold Phoenix] [Brown Ifrit] [Blue Ramuh]
[Green Garuda] [Green Shiva]
Weyrfolk Daosea
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Ronica of White Onisk - Reinhardt, Them, Retsuko

Ronnie ducked her head and rolled her eyes. She said focus on the roots, so of course some people just had to be contrary and go for the highest branches. She didn't know if it was because was a woman or a whitehandler or holdborn or just that she was Dawn squad, but after her initial flash of irritation she tried not to let it bother her. They were helping, however they decided to go about doing it. That was the important part.

She looked up with an appreciative smile at Reinhardt when he said why he thought it would be wise to focus on the higher branches, though. At least he wasn't just ignoring her like some people. "That is certainly a clever idea," she said approvingly. "Tackle the problem from above and below, meet somewhere in the middle."

She gave Them a stern look at his sarcasm. "There is no need for that," she pointed out. "Contrary to whatever misconceptions you might be operating under, you are not Faranth's gift to women, so I'm hardly going to be staring at fixedly at you anytime you're around. Particularly not when there are a large number of people and a grouchy feral wher around. I am ensuring you have the tools and sense to get the job done, as is my responsibility." Faranth.

Ronnie smiled at the candidate who seemed timid and unsure. The fact that she was out here helping the rest of them meant she wasn't nearly so timid as she appeared. "Exactly right," she assured Retsuko. "Just don't get bit, and we'll call this one a success." She watched the other woman proceed with utmost caution. Probably sensible, since there was no wher there to come to her defense if the brown decided to take a bite out of her. Ronica saw her wince as she grabbed the thorns and pulled off one of her gloves, passing it over. "I don't need two, so please take one of mine," she said. "Your safety is our responsibility after all, and you getting bit by plants makes us look much more pathetic than you getting nipped by a scared, hurt wher." There was an amused look in her eyes.

"Oh hush, you," Ronnie said in response to the brown's growing noise. "We're clearly helping. If we'd wanted to hurt you, we wouldn't be going so far out of our way to get you out of this mess, one you got yourself into might I point out. You'll be free soon enough, and then you can go back about your business far away from us meddlesome do-gooders, alright?" Slightly under her breath, she added "Everyone's a critic today."

Not me, Onisk assured her.

That is because you are perfection, my dear, Ronnie replied fondly across her bond.
L'fy of Brown Dioth
B'layk of Blue Radarth
Wingsecond G'las of Green Quenith | Dazzle (flit)
Y'olai of White Tsukasath
Columbo of Blue Lumsk
Ronica of White Onisk and Brown Osk
Assistant Headwoman Houlihan
Candidate Bronson | Apolline (flit)
Candidate Heiro | Thetis (flit)
High Reaches
Dani of Bronze Bladeth | Ceecee (flit)
Barca of Brown Brynth
Healer's Wingleader Y'ang of Brown Kullilth | Bokhee (flit)
Elross of Blue Hisahith
Weyrling Ry'n of Green Yuelith
Dukat of Bronze Dusk
Maritza of Garnet Arisk
Wherling Ennis of Green Ennisk
Weyrfolk Anabella
Candidate Miguel
Candidate Nayru
Wher Candidate Haron
M'ten of Garnet Noggoth
Weyrleader B'ram of Blue Sininulth | Sunrise (flit)
D'ax of Blue Firarith | Kahless (flit)
F'lin of Green Eraelth | Rusty (flit)
Weyrling Tychon of Green Ezanath | Thalassa Narcissa (bird)
Dunsmith of Brown Dunsk | Filly (flit)
Rosethorn of Garnet Thornsk and Brown Rosesk
Candidate Scara
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Them mostly focused on his work rather than everyone talking and moving as they too worked, but hearing Ronica address him directly, he looked up at her through narrowed eyes. How wherry-brained could one person be? It seemed she wanted conflict, so conflict he'd give her. Quirking a brow, he huffed a soft laugh under his breath as his lips curved into something like a smirk. "What made you think that I think I'm Faranth's gift to women?" he queried in a voice too light to be friendly, his irritation bleeding through his mild amusement. "I would hope a wherhandler presumably as experienced as yourself would know where to keep her eyes in such a situation." A sound that could've easily been a scoff as much as it could've been a laugh left him. "But how foolish of me, to assume you'd actually use your eyes at all. What do you think I'm going to use against these vines, my uncovered hands?" Though his voice oozed venom, a frown deepened on his face, showing his genuine aggravation. "Perhaps your responsibility should be to make sure you've enough sense to use your eyes and your mind more than your mouth." Seeing nothing more needing to be said, Them scoffed for real and diligently focused on his work again, going at it stronger than earlier to relieve his frustration. As his hand scraped on a rough vine, he grimaced to himself, but made no other sign or sound of feeling its sting. As the brown thrashed and snapped, he withdrew for a moment, but continued shortly, cutting vines and roots and helping others push away fallen branches in his range and strength. "Easy," he urged as he worked, his voice low, careful to make sure the wher could still see him and that he wasn't within reach of a swing of his powerful tail. "Most of us are trying to make freeing you as quick as possible."
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Demalis of ???Blue??? Mask

Hmm. That one, I think, and... that one?

Think so.


Demalis slid down from Mask's harness, landing next to the not-very-blue blue.

"There's a big crooked dark brown branch with deep-furrowed bark on top, and a knobbly paler one with lots of branches interlaced with the dark one," they informed the others. "If we can get those clear, a lot of the rest will come free."

And then Mask and Demalis were heading round to try and get whichever was furthest from the old wher's jaws, with proper respect paid to the sheer power of the older wher. They knew all too well just how lethal whers could be - and just how intelligent they were.

"Easy, my friend," Demalis murmured, voice pitched soothingly. "We're here to help. We just need to move these so you can get loose."

Mask help, Mask agreed, his own mindvoice with soothing tones to it. Mask's help. Please not eat us when can. We not wish harm.
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Gallifrey of Garnet Gallisk - Old Wher, Ronnie, mentions others?

Gallifrey had been quietly working on loosening and moving branches that seemed to be more ensnared around the wher's feet, as it seemed others had a handle on the ones above him. He noted Ronnie's take charge attitude and decided now was a good time to speak, as he noted the reactions to it.

" Like it or not, she does have a point and is trying to organize the group, something a leader worth their salt would do. You can call it bossy if you wish or what not, but bickering like children gets us no where and the energy of it could stress our temporary charge here out further. I for one, am glad she took a charge at getting things organized, thank you for that." He said in part to those arguing with Ronnie and to her directly.

" We all want the same thing here more or less and that is to help the wher here. So why don't we focus on the task at hand, then you can volley verbal barbs all you like, yes?" He added and resumed cutting the branches carefully he was working on before pushing them back so Gallisk could move them away, the garnet wher more than happy to do her part to help and was working so hard to rein in her energy.. he was proud of her.
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    Fri Apr 12, 2024 11:20 am
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Candidate Retsuko

Retsuko freed a hand to rub the trickling blood against her shirt. Pathetic, huh? Maybe Ronnie was being playful or kind in the way she jibed the redhead, but the words struck a little harder than she would have thought. "You're right," she admitted, shoveling the pang into that simmering coalfire lurking deeper than thoughts could reach. "I don't need to be coming off as some childish baby."

She accepted the glove, sliding it over the injured hand, and proceeded to hack away at whatever was within reach with her measly blade. It felt futile, really. These other folks had more muscle and strength, plus the aid of their own whers, to kick this brown's rescue into overdrive. Retsuko was neither big in presence nor strong in body, but she did what she could with due diligence and attentiveness. She kept her frown hidden as Ronica and Them bit at each other, not daring to draw the attention to herself.

By Faranth, will those two shut up? As if this whole endeavor isn't difficult enough, and it's just going to aggravate the poor wher. Speaking of, the wounded old man was snapping at hands getting too close, but that was part of their job and Retsuko bit her lip. My ass is going to get mauled today. That's okay though. As long as he gets out, no biggie. Just a few sutures to put me back together, so long as he doesn't go for the throat.

"Maybe try to approach from the side of his ... bad eye?" she suggested softly. "Je can still smell you, but at least sudden moves won't be noticed too well over there."
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    Fri Apr 12, 2024 5:04 pm
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Moriarty Of Garnet Riask : Ronnie

Moriarty stepped away immediately , wanting to conserve her fingers and hand if possible. Riask however , no matter how much growling and snapping the old wher did, she didn’t step away, working away at roots with her mighty jaws. Careful Riask, if you get hurt you’ll only have yourself to blame. He’s warned you . Riask glimpsed at her handler and replied, claws stuck in roots. Do not mind! Is for a good cause! Friend is friend , no matter!

Moriarty stepped back to join the group of handlers, wanting to know their opinions and course of action. Well, she already had a plan , she just wanted the most incompetent to follow good orders and not get harmed themselves. She agreed with Ronnie on the most part. “Good idea, I have some meat roll from a snack I was having when I got called down. I’m not sure he’d like it but I can give it a shot.” she commented, holding the now warm meat roll in her hand , showing the group “He doesn’t look too… content with all this attention, I wonder what coward hurt him”
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    Fri Apr 12, 2024 5:14 pm
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As more branches are cleared, and roots contended with, the old wher is able to pull himself more and more out of the rot and tangle. He hasn't eaten in days, that's clear, and he has probably been in dire need of water. He snaps at the closest being to him, wher or human he cares not.

He's old, he's tired, he's hungry, and there are too many strangers around him.
Fort Weyr
Senior Weyrwoman Tuckal of Gold Serapheth
[White Journey]
Weyrlingmaster Lexien of Brown Mikazuchith
Hollow of Brown Bysalth
Ni'all of Brown Calyptrath
Wa'en of Brown Galahath
Alphinaud of Green Koth
N'eth of Green Azoth
Playne of Green Iosefkath
Vartin of Amethyst Vartisk
and Garnet Varsk
[Bone Otani]
Journeyman Scribe Urianger
Semaca Weyr
Hecate of Almandine Cabadath
D'ryu of Bronze Cyroth
Aymeric of Garnet Thanatoth
Persephone of Green Amauroth
[Brown Bitey] [Blue Paladin]
Quatre of Green Wynleth
[White Sandrock]
Majima of Brown Majimask
Weyrling Ke'ro of Green Ossabhath
Candidate Pierrick
Dragonless Time
Journeyman Carpenter/Sailor Wojchek
High Reaches Weyr
G'li of Bronze Ereborth
Lelouch of Blue Isith
[Gold Banshee]
Lobelia of Blue Imeterth
Datte of White Tarith
[Green Illium]
Weyrling Zoh'tof Brown Lannith
Lanselot of Brown Selosk
JM Healer Vallauris
[Gold Aether]
Holder Xander
[Bronze Siegfried] [Blue Laslow] [Green Peri]
Wherling Mori of Gold Morsk
Weyrbrat Viola
[Garnet Ultima]
Candidate Clive
[Gold Phoenix] [Brown Ifrit] [Blue Ramuh]
[Green Garuda] [Green Shiva]
Weyrfolk Daosea
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Gallifrey of Garnet Gallisk - Old Wher

Gallifrey took in the condition of the wher as he snapped at the air around him. Thankfully, he and Gallisk were far enough back that they were not in the line of fire. Thinking for a moment, Galli pulled his flask from his waistband where he kept an extra supply of water and pulled a small bowl he carried for gathering up samples of local flora and fauna, and poured some of the water in it and quickly pushed it over before the old wher. He was aware he could have been bitten but chose to take the chance. He only wished he had been carrying some extra jerky today... oh well. One can survive longer without food than without water.
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Demalis of ???Blue??? Mask

When the old wher looked as though he'd be able to get out under his own steam, Demalis and Mask pulled back, clearing the way for him to depart on his own terms.

"Best of luck out there," Demalis said to the brown.

Much prey, Mask offered.

"If you want the collar taken off - well, come and find us. We're back and forth along the roads a lot."

And with that the bluepair were well clear, Mask protectively shielding his handler, the pair of them giving the brown plenty of space in which to move.
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"In my experience, men who get sarcastic and act like people are idiots for not noticing what they're doing have rather massive egos," Ronnie told Them, offering up a smile that was just as obviously faked as his tone. "But I'm certain that you are the very pinnacle of humility. Surely your sarcasm towards me was only playful ribbing directed at a woman you barely know."

"I wouldn't presume to know how much sense you do or don't have, candidate," Ronica told Them. "Since I am using my eyes, sense, and mouth to assess the situation and communicate with my squad about a feral wher in distress who will clearly be dangerous, and you only seem interested in running your mouth for sarcasm, and Faranth knows what the rest of you is focused on. You'd best learn how to work with others soon, candidate, if you want to get along well with whatever squad you wind up in." She was irritated with him, but this was neither the time nor place to verbally spar with a child.

Ronnie shot Gallifrey a grateful smile. "Thank you, Gallifrey," she said. "As you say, let's focus on the task at hand, and then anyone who wishes to argue with me is more than welcome to do so." Honestly, she'd verbally spar with all of them at once. She'd experienced worse back at Fort Hold, from entitled Holders and lordlings who were far more subtle in their jabs than these people were. It'd be a walk in the park to deal with them. But she also made a mental note that she owed Gallifrey a good bottle of wine as thanks for vocally trying to shut down everyone's issues with her leadership choices.

Ronnie paused, looking at Retsuko in surprise. "No one thinks you're a childish baby," she said. "You don't seem that much younger than me, after all, but as a candidate, your standing and resources are fewer than what I as a wherhandler have. That was all I meant." She couldn't say anything right today, could she?

Think you say nice things, Ronnie, Onisk assured her. Is not your fault everyone stressed and take it wrong way.

Thank you dear, Ronnie said gratefully. She gave Moriarty an encouraging smile. "I think a meatroll is a good start," she agreed. Seeing that the wher was nearly free, she said, "Still, I'll see if Onisk can find anything nearby that she can kill for him." She gave a nod and the white wandered off. Ronnie looked around and saw a rock with a slight depression in the center. She went over and poured her waterskin into that. "If this and the meatroll is all we can offer him, hopefully it'll be enough to tide him over until he can find food and water for himself. It should be enough." She moved back to the group of handlers who were standing apart from the thicket and bit her lip. "I only wish there were more that we could do, but in his state he won't allow us to help him and we'd only end up getting ourselves hurt in the process."
L'fy of Brown Dioth
B'layk of Blue Radarth
Wingsecond G'las of Green Quenith | Dazzle (flit)
Y'olai of White Tsukasath
Columbo of Blue Lumsk
Ronica of White Onisk and Brown Osk
Assistant Headwoman Houlihan
Candidate Bronson | Apolline (flit)
Candidate Heiro | Thetis (flit)
High Reaches
Dani of Bronze Bladeth | Ceecee (flit)
Barca of Brown Brynth
Healer's Wingleader Y'ang of Brown Kullilth | Bokhee (flit)
Elross of Blue Hisahith
Weyrling Ry'n of Green Yuelith
Dukat of Bronze Dusk
Maritza of Garnet Arisk
Wherling Ennis of Green Ennisk
Weyrfolk Anabella
Candidate Miguel
Candidate Nayru
Wher Candidate Haron
M'ten of Garnet Noggoth
Weyrleader B'ram of Blue Sininulth | Sunrise (flit)
D'ax of Blue Firarith | Kahless (flit)
F'lin of Green Eraelth | Rusty (flit)
Weyrling Tychon of Green Ezanath | Thalassa Narcissa (bird)
Dunsmith of Brown Dunsk | Filly (flit)
Rosethorn of Garnet Thornsk and Brown Rosesk
Candidate Scara
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    Sat Apr 13, 2024 6:19 pm
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Candidate Retsuko

The girl's cheeks flashed red and she turned her head away. Shut up shut up shut up! "I didn't think you were trying to insult me," she blurted out, rather quickly. "It's - there's a lot going on right now, right?" Curse her mouth, but keep her eyes on track. Looking away from the brown right now was not a safe idea.

At least Ronica had the sense to hand off the meatroll and pour some water. Clearly the woman had a handle on taking care of this kind of situation. Did she have to do something like this before? Definitely need to get on the squad she is. If I become a handler, I guess. There was always the option of being a rider. Or nothing. Any of that was fine.

The big old brown was beginning to pull himself out and Retsuko backed up enough to give him some room. But he was still entangled and, ah ... Well, he wouldn't be in a good mood if all that nourishment being offered couldn't be reached, right? Retsuko dug with both hands, getting a little bit closer. Her ungloved fingers suffered from the thorns but she pulled regardless, cleaving and yanking until she could reach the thickened roots and begin slicing whatever was left to hold the brown down.

"I don't have food with me. No water. But ... still brought some numbweed, and I could ... " Retsuko stepped back, satisfied with her work but not sure if she'd succeeded.

The poor thing was covered with cuts and ... well, if he was distracted by food maybe she could ... Slowly she made her way to the discarded jar of medicine. Inching her way back with the foul-smelling cream on her hands (and sighing relief as if worked to numb her own ouchies), she reached ... slowly ... carefully ... attempting to touch it to one of his many lacerations.

Think good things. Warm food. Clean air and spring breezes. Chirping birds. Anything but me, please, she begged internally. Don't look at me, don't notice me. And don't bite my freaking head off.
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    Sun Apr 14, 2024 12:48 am
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Faranth, would she ever shut up? Them had to concentrate very carefully on not losing his cool and saying something to Ronica's jabbing that he wouldn't readily live down. In being so frustrated and irritated, he had mind for little else, which wouldn't do while trying to help a trapped feral wher. If she wanted to match her wits, inferior as they were, to his own, he'd gladly do so once he was no longer at risk of being mauled. All he gave in further response to Ronnie's comments was a disgusted sound, deciding she was no longer within his grace to tolerate. Perhaps she'd take his refusal to exchange more words as a victory, but it was but one battle in what might expand into a little war. At hearing one he'd heard called Gallifrey put in his two cents, he threw a rather pointed glare his way, his jaw set in an unpleasant expression that spoke almost louder than his words could. But he banished such malice from his mind at a particularly strong lunge and snarl from the brown wher, deciding his efforts were quite enough at seeing how much easier it seemed for him to move, to begin to pull himself free from his prison. Well, part of it. As much as it stung his pride, he'd let those who had whers themselves to guard them see about relieving him of his shackle. Taking a step away to give the wher his space, Them watched as others started pulling water and meatrolls as offerings to help him before he left. Traveling light, he had little on him, not to mention he seemed unwelcome help from all fronts regardless. Making room for others to crowd closer, to give him food and water or try to smear numbing salve on his wounds (which he had front row seats to see go horribly wrong), he sighed and rubbed at his temple as he sheathed his blade. Though he'd gladly blame Ronnie for his abominable headache, he had more on his mind than her annoying behavior, as vindicated as knowing as such might make her. Between his own almost there memories, being on guard against getting bitten for his efforts, and battling members of his temporary unit, he would be glad to see the old soldier on his way and retreat to his own thoughts.
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    Sun Apr 14, 2024 11:21 am
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TW: Violence

Finally able to pull himself free, the old wher was certainly still in fight or flight mode. And that fight went right to the nearest person.

The second Retsuko touched his old scars, he swung his head around, snapping his strong jaws down on her arm with a loud CRUNCH. Teeth split skin and bone, and he thrashed his head around, the damage severe when he let go.

He shoved himself past wher and human alike, running off into the deeper undergrowth, far from them.
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