It was a beautiful late spring day, and Siyanna found herself longing a little for the days she'd spent running wild in the Weyr and playing tag with Miss Priss. She'd been ten when she'd been gifted her flit; now she was sixteen and had been a Candidate for a little over a turn. The orangeish gold with her creamy swipe of paler color was in a mood right now, so even if Siya hadn't been too busy to play it wouldn't have been an option, but she could still wish for them.
Currently, Siyanna was running from her recently finished afternoon exercises to clean up for dinner, and after dinner would be her precious free hours, although even those weren't exactly free. There always seemed to be some sort of homework to fill them, or chores that were hers specifically like caring for Miss Priss.
She noted something on the floor - it looked like someone's homework, and she darted ahead to pick it up. Then she looked around, trying to spot whoever had dropped it.