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To Write Again [Open]

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    Wed Apr 17, 2024 8:28 pm
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To Write Again [Open]

Two weeks out and Retsuko was still at the infirmary. She was absolutely, and slowly, losing her damned mind.

It was bad enough being dragged to the Weyr in a daze, dripping in and out of consciousness as blood formed a trail from the site of her injury to the stage of her healing. But at least now she was on the mend. Sort of.

The big old (bastard) brown wher did a number on her arm yet somehow managed to avoid snapping the humerus. The radial and ulnar bones snapped near the injury site. Avulsed flesh had been torn away, leaving a large chunk missing from her forearm that, unless Retsuko gained some miraculous regeneration abilities overnight, would never go back to normal. Sutures pieced her broken bits together. Fellis juice helped where numbweed could not in sedating her long enough to reduce the bone - lest she'd have been screaming in pain for the duration of its placement and casting.

"It's my dominant hand," Retsuko had weeped sometime during the procedure. "I only write with that one."

Well ... Not anymore ...

Two weeks out. Two weeks of constant supervision by the healers in case of infection or complications. Unable to scream, unable to bark and holler at the moon as a rabid wolf. Silently sitting, reading when she could, sleeping when she couldn't. Her fingers wouldn't bend without sending waves of agony through young bones. Retsuko supposed it was to be expected.

She hated it.

And I hate him. Did she really though? He was only acting out because he was scared and probably pissed. I'd be too. I hope he made it out there okay, but I'd love to swiftly kick him in the jaw too.

Her dominant hand being rendered obsolete meant Retsuko would have to learn to write with her left hand and ... oh ... To be a Scribe with no means of scribing ... The several hides along her bedside table were filled with sloppy messes meant to be sentences, none of which strung together coherently. A good handful were soaked with tearstains.

If Ton were here, he'd give her an earful for sure.

"But Ton's not here," she whispered to herself. Bracing against the aching of her arm and pushing through the brainfog of fellis juice, she dragged her quill against the skin. A solid line, the gentle curve of an 'A'. Then she lost it to a squiggle and hollered frustration, sweeping skin and quill alike from the table as if it'd been a bug. "This is impossible!"
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    Sat Apr 27, 2024 1:30 am
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Mackenzie wasn't sure what had him wandering so close to Fort's Infrimary to hear a frustrated cry from within, but there he was, pausing in his tracks to process, his expression puzzled. Curiosity kill cat, Kenziesk's voice rumbled in his mind. Not forget. Mackenzie gave a wordless affirmation, considering his options a moment before carefully stepping inside, journal pressed close to his chest. Perhaps he could help, so long as he didn't get underfoot, seeing as he was no Healer. Spotting who he thought might've shouted a moment ago, he carefully approached, noticing a hide almost under his boot, freshly tossed down. Cautiously, he retrieved it and gave it a quick look, his eyes discerning behind his glasses. "I-If you don't mind my asking, what is it you find impossible?" Mackenzie queried softly as he offered a half-smile. "Do forgive me, I was but passing and overheard you say something to such a degree. U-Unless that wasn', in which case, I apologize for my intrusion."
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    Sat May 04, 2024 5:54 pm
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Retsuko's hand - her good one - swept to her face and dragged down. It was removed dampened by tears. The candidate took a deep, shaky breath in. "I can't write ... " It was almost a whisper. She wished the healer would give her some more fellis juice. Maybe she could sleep and wake up better, and tomorrow would be different. Maybe. Maybe.

It doesn't work like that, idiot.

The other individual took up her tossed hide. Retsuko mindlessly grabbed for another one and tried her wounded hand at it. The pain was excruciating and she screamed while trying to clench her fingers around the quill. It dropped from the fingers that barely had the strength to grapple it let alone squeeze.

"Turns and turns of learning to be a scribe, gone to waste because of one pissed off wher," she moaned. Retsuko covered her face again, concealing her weeping. "What in crackdust am I supposed to do now?"
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Mackenzie listened quietly, trying not to jump as Retsuko screamed while trying to fruitlessly take up a quill in uncooperative fingers. Sighing softly to himself, he stepped close and picked up her fallen quill, carefully running his fingers along its edge in a practiced motion as he gathered his thoughts. "What you can and should do is let yourself heal," they counseled softly, looking at her owlishly as they twirled her quill in deft fingers. "Pushing yourself while your body can't comply won't do you good; it'll make things worse." Pulling a seat closer, Mackenzie sat down and carefully placed Retsuko's quill on her table. "I-I ought to introduce myself, shouldn't I?" they added behind a nervous chuckle. "I'm Mackenzie of Kenziesk, a unique called Spectrolite." It was clear in how reverently he spoke her name that he loved her profoundly, followed by a soft sigh that sounded almost wistful. Tuning in again, he looked to her kindly, managing a small smile. "And you?" they asked gently. "I-I'd like to help, if I can, as much as a Scribe can."
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    Wed May 29, 2024 11:47 am
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Retsuko felt ... deflated. Horribly depressed by her situation, utterly ashamed of being reduced to tears in front of a stranger. She gulped hard, wanting to disappear into the blanket that covered her. Her bad arm was screaming , though the healer was not near enough to signal for something for the pain.

Mackenzie was a scribe, as well. Some part of her swelled with hope and dread that quickly dissolved into fear at the mention of a wher. Immediately Retsuko's face went pale. "Wher ... where? It's not here is it?"

She found her breath quickening, heart racing. Immediately her good fingers began to tremble. Retsuko's fearful eyes shot around the infirmary, locked onto the room's entrance.

"Please ... please don't call it around. Not here. Not now." Not ever. She hadn't even introduced herself, so stricken by anxiety she was.
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