FORT WEYR CHARACTERSAries of Bronze VereigthAries: 36 \ Cis Male \ He/Him \ Bi \ Midnight Wing \ Original \ Annoying piece of shit bronzerider who likes creating nonsensical rivalries
Vergeith: 11 \ Biologically Male \ He/Him \ Bronze \ Cosmic Class \ A 'superior being' who looks down on 'inferior creatures'
Current Threads:
Important Information:
-Vereigth is the son of Gold Keahith and Bronze Eoreanth
L'uke of Bronze Paleskyth | Green KyberL'uke: 24 \ Cis Male \ He/Him \ Gay \ Midnight Wing \ Expy (Luke Skywalker) \ Stupid sassy farmboy prone to complaining about everything
Paleskyth: 3 \ Biologically Male \ She/Her \ Bronze \ Hunters Class \ Distant and a little odd, acts swiftly, does her duty
Kyber: 4 \ Female \ She/Her \ Green \ Flit \ Sweet until proven bitey
Current Threads:
Important Information:
-Paleskyth is the daughter of Gold Serapheth and Bronze Diyarth
Cal of Brown Langeth | Blue WingCal (Callnan): 25 \ Trans Male \ He/Him \ Bi \ Midnight Wing \ Original \ Snarky pickpocket who keeps secrets and spills them when needed. Generally an asshole
Paleskyth: 6 \ Biologically Male \ He/Him \ Brown \ Haunts Class \ Shitty little manipulative dude, puts on a friendly face but loves to toy with people
Wing: 2 \ Male \ He/Him \ Brown \ Flit \ Firelizard equivalent of an attack dog
Current Threads:
Important Information:
-Older fraternal twin to Vox of White Varelsith
-Langeth is the son of Garnet Xiometh and Blue Syrenith
Driscoll of Brown Lobsevith | Canine SamDriscoll: 40 \ Cis Male \ He/Him \ Bi \ Eclipse Wing \ Expy (Jesse Pinkman) \ Sweet himbo who has many a trust issue and many a street smart
Lobsevith: 16 \ Biologically Male \ He/Him \ Brown \ Hayusibs \ Grumpy old man with good investigative skills
Sam: 43\ Male \ He/Him \ Samoyed \ Canine \ The goodest boy
Current Threads:
Important Information:
-Lobsevith is the brother of Brown Hayutoth
Johnny of Brown CobrethJohnny (John): 55 \ Cis Male \ He/Him \ Bi \ Twilight Wing \ Expy (Johnny Lawrence) \ Deadbeat dad who's entire personality is founded on not being seen as weak. Ex-staunch traditionalist
Cobreth: 39 \ Biologically Male \ He/Him \ Brown \ N/A \ Asshole dragon who's entire personality is founded on being the perfect soldier
Current Threads:
Important Information:
- Creates intricate rituals to touch the skin of other men (Has a longstanding gay little rivalry with Danny of Brown Miyath)
Negan of Brown Wireth | Blue Walker & Blue RoamerNegan: 55 \ Cis Male \ He/Him \ Bi \ Eclipse Wing \ Expy (Negan Smith) \ Vulgar humorous asshole who can occasionally be charming
Wireth: 33 \ Biologically Male \ He/Him \ Brown \ N/A \ Napoleon complex central, snarky and proven to be violent
Walker: 5 \ Male \ He/Him \ Blue \ Flit \ Whiny, lazy, bitey, and very hungry
Roamer: 4 \ Male \ He/Him \ Blue \ Flit \ Timid, loving, speedy, and very hungry
Current Threads:
Rub a dub dub, two dragons in a.... lake.Important Information:
- Ista Weyr installs Negan as weyrleader instead of Monty in Autumn 2765
- Goes on vacaton
- Wireth kills a dragon in Nornth's bloody maiden flight
- Wireth catches Serapheth, Negan becomes weyrleader again
- Wireth is the father of the Devils clutch
- Goes on vacation after his term is up
- Does double agent duty during the traditionalist revolt
Rainbow of Blue RasunethRainbow: 31 \ Non-Binary, AMAB \ He/They \ Pan \ Aurora Wing \ Expy (Rainbow Quartz 2.0) \ Flamboyant fashionista with a love of puns and the goofy aspects of the world
Rasuneth: 9 \ Biologically Male \ He/Him \ Blue \ Royals \ Charming, flirty, and filled to the brim with energy and passion
Current Threads:
Important Information:
-Rasuneth is the son of Garnet Taibabrith and Blue Ragaruth
D'eryn of Green HachimathD'eryn: 26 \ Genderfluid, AFAB \ She/He/They \ Pan \ Aurora Wing \ Expy (Deryn Sharp) \ Strong willed, rough and tumble, willing to get the job done no matter what. Loves flying more than anything
Hachimath: 39 \ Biologically Female \ She/Her \ Green \ Waltzes \ Serene and motherly, passionate about defending the Weyr
Current Threads:
Important Information:
-Hachimath is the daughter of Garnet Georsath and Blue Ahearnoth
Er'sa of Green KapitathEr'sa: 62\ Cis Female \ She/Her \ Straight \ Daylight Wing \ Original \ Under many layers of motherly attitudes, cordiality and elegance there is a a woman who used to put the 'brat' in 'weyrbrat'
Kapitath: 49 \ Biologically Female \ She/Her \ Green \ N/A \ Dignified, militaristic, and commanding
Current Threads:
Important Information:
-Weyrmate of Wa'en of Brown Galahath
-Mother to Tuckal of Gold Serapheth, Tikra of Green Everieth, and Gellera of Blue Vritrath
Reign of Green AsakurthReign: 25 \ Cis Male \ He/Him \ Bi \ Aurora Wing \ Original \ Ex-Holdless, former thief, former trader, 100% backhanded, snarky, and smooth
Asakurth: 5 \ Biologically Female \ She/Her \ Green \ Devils \ Loud, chatty, optimistic dragon with more energy than Reign can handle
Current Threads:
Important Information:
-Asakurth is the daughter of Gold Serapheth and Brown Wireth
Serras of Green InashtathSerras: 22 \ Cis Female \ She/Her \ Pan \ Daylight Wing \ Original \ Energetic, all over the place, needs to know that you like her like this instant needs to be your friend please be her friend
Inashtath: 2 \ Biologically Female \ She/Her \ Green \ Legends \ Strong, bold, thinks the world revolves around her, and is unstoppable (wrong!). Is loving (not motherly)
Current Threads:
Important Information:
-Inashtath is the daughter of Garnet Temporaeth and Bronze Kakarith
Weyrling T'rix of Green ClohothT'rix: 18 \ Cis Female \ She/Her \ Bi \ Weyrling \ Original \ The funny therapist friend who doesn't listen to their own advice
Clohoth: Newborn \ Biologically Female \ She/Her \ Green \ Vessels \ Talks the talk but can't walk the walk. Friend!!!! BONK!!!
Current Threads:
Important Information:
-Clohoth is the daughter of Gold Serapheth and Brown Jitteboth
Laurie of White LacheithLaurie (Lauriall): 25 \ Cis Female \ She/Her \ Bi \ Aurora Wing \ Expy (Laurie Strode) \ Traumatized, sleep deprived, introverted, but incredibly intellegent
Lacheith: 6 \ Biologically Agender \ She/Her \ White \ Calamities \ Plays the long con, reasons everything out, well spoken
Current Threads:
Important Information:
- Lacheith is the daughter of Green Amizuth and Brown Jitteboth
- I'm going to stick her with my own Tommy of Green Tomsk when I remember to write the one-shot
Qrow of White Brachyth | Gold Firecracker & Garnet PipsqueakQrow: 41 \ Cis Male \ He/Him \ Bi \ Aurora Wing \ Expy (Qrow Branwen) \ Vodka uncle minus the vodka (in recovery), previously holdless
Brachyth: 23 \ Biologically Agender \ She/Her \ White \ N/A \ Very ladylike but equally very cold, of the mindset that ladies do not start fights but finish them
Firecracker: 4 \ Female \ She/Her \ Gold \ Flit \ Energetic, bright, adventurous, but has a nasty temper
Pipsqueak: 3 \ Female \ She/Her \ Garnet \ Flit \ Twice as energetic, twice as adventurous, and always hungry
Current Threads:
Important Information:
-IIRC, him and Clover of Blue Kurceth are :eyes emoji:
Vox of White Varelsith | Bronze Baker's Dozen & Sonora SunriseVox: 25 \ Cis Male \ He/Him \ Gay \ Eclipse Wing \ Original \ Baker boy. Sweet, kind, will do anything to help. Is a pushover
Varelsith: 6 \ Biologically Agender \ She/Her \ White \ Paladins \ The void beckons.
Baker's Dozen: 5 \ Male \ He/Him \ Bronze \ Flit \ Sweet, kind, and cuddly
Sunrise: 3 \ Female \ She/Her \ Unique \ Flit \ Independant but loving
Current Threads:
Two Sides of...a Similar Coin Important Information:
-Younger fraternal twin to Cal of Brown Langeth
- Varelsith is the daughter of Gold Nornth and Steel Anderoth, granddaughter of Gold Serapheth
Dawn Squadleader Theseus of Gold TheskTheseus: 44 \ Cis Male \ He/Him \ Bi \ Dawn Squad \ Expy (Theseus Scamander) \ Brave, noble, a leader through and through...but very bossy
Thesk: 27 \ Biologically Female \ She/Her \ Gold \ N/A \ Hufflepuff wher
Current Threads:
Important Information:
-Current Squadleader of Dawn Squad
-Hasn't heard from his brother Newt of Titanium Newsk in
turns, assumes he is dead
Wherleader Reinhardt of Bronze ReinskReinhardt: 70 \ Cis Male \ He/Him \ Bi \ Dusk Squad \ Expy (Reinhardt Wilhelm) \ Will put the Weyr before himself every single time, refuses to retire, big grandpa vibes
Reinsk: 52 \ Biologically Male \ He/Him \ Bronze \ N/A \ Thinks himself a prince but has a surprisingly small ego, wants a fairy tale ending
Current Threads:
Important Information:
-Current Wherleader
-Reinsk is the father of the Sports clutch
Misun of Brown Emissk and Green Misusk | Gold LonnyMisun: 44 \ Cis Male \ He/Him \ Bi \ Dusk Squad \ Original \ Gruff and distant and insensitive to others feelings, but makes sure not to be a negative influence on kids. Secret family man
Emissk: 11 \ Biologically Male \ He/Him \ Brown \ Elite Guard \ Altruistic introvert
Misusk: Newborn \ Biologically Female \ She/Her \ Green \ Seasons \ The energetic problem child
Current Threads:
Important Information:
-Former guard to Lord Evander
-Fled Fort Hold during the revolts
-Father to Miilo of Blue Miilsk
-Emissk bonded to Evander and to Misun, no longer bonded to Evander
-Misusk is the daughter of Garnet Tamisk and Blue Relsk
Journeyman Starsmith / Wherling Bastille of Garnet BasskBastille: 26 \ Cis Male \ He/Him \ Bi \ Wherling \ Original \ Sleep deprived, a little traumatized, brooding, ready to drop gloves at a moments notice
Bassk: 52 \ Biologically Female \ She/Her \ Garnet \ Sports \ ENERGETIC HOCKEY WHER LETS GOOOOOOOOOO. DROP YER FUCKIN GLOVES B'Y
Current Threads:
Important Information:
-Bassk is the daughter of Gold Zansk and Bronze Reinsk
Briayse of Garnet BriayskBriayse: 30 \ Cis Female \ She/Her \ Lesbian \ Dawn Squad \ Original \ Severly traumatized, needs to look her best lest she freak out, tries her best to be nice but is prone to being snippy (but is extremely apologetic after)
Briaysk: 10 \ Biologically Female \ She/Her \ Garnet \ N/A \ Acts like the type of mother who constantly brags about her kids minor achievements
Current Threads:
Important Information:
-Briaysk is the mom of Untapped Potentials clutch, and grandmom of the Seasons clutch
Journeyman Smith Geoffrey of Blue EldreoskGeoffrey: 40 \ Cis Male \ He/Him \ Pan \ Dusk Squad \ Expy (Geoffrey McCullum) \ Doesn't really present himself as smart as he is, hard worker, bit of an asshole
Eldreosk: 55 \ Biologically Male \ He/Him \ Blue \ N/A \ Wants to help everyone, tends to get overwhelmed by his emotions
Current Threads:
Important Information:
-Former leader of Dusk Squad, but stepped down (because I took a hiatus lol)
Journeyman Healer Jonathan of Green JonaskJonathan: 41 \ Cis Male \ He/Him \ Bisexual \ Healer's Wing \ Expy (Jonathan E. Reid) \ A man desperately trying to get over his own ego... that doesn't always succeed
Jonask: 32 \ Biologically Female \ She/Her \ Green \ N/A \ A caretaker who is wise beyond her years
Current Threads:
Important Information:
Journeyman Harper Tommy of Green TomskTommy (Tom): 27 \ Cis Male \ He/Him \ Bisexual \ Dawn Squad \ Expy (Tommy Jarvis) \ Traumatized, dorky, and kind hearted
Tomsk: 5 \ Biologically Female \ She/Her \ Green \ Untapped Potentials \ Maternal wher who can hold a grudge and get bossy like nobody's business
Current Threads:
Important Information:
-I'm probably gonna set Tommy up with my own Laurie of White Lacheith
-Tomsk is the daughter of Briayse of Garnet Briaysk & the aunt to the Seasons
Dragonless MatyllMatyll: 63 \ Cis Male \ He/Him \ Panromantic Demisexual \ Dragonless \ Original \ Was a gruff, arrogant, unfriendly man. This has only increased as time went on since Cairnornth's death
Current Threads:
Important Information:
-Carnornth is killed in Nornth's bloody maiden flight
-Matyll drops his honorific out of grief
-Matyll is the father to S'atyl of Green Nineveth