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Windra's Whacky Waving Inflatable Arm Flailing Compendium

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Windra's Whacky Waving Inflatable Arm Flailing Compendium

Post Prizes

    Welcome! - Claimed. F'yore's golden fire-lizard.
    100 Posts - Claimed. Radask's birdcalling.
    200 Posts - Claimed. Retsuko's piebaldism.
    300 Posts - Claimed Welleue's height.
    400 Posts - Undecided.
    500 Posts - Unique Firelizard!
    600 Posts - Major mutation: Wobbuffeth's illusion follow-me eye markings.


Character Ideas

Retsuko - Aggretsuko's Retsuko expy. Fort Weyr dual candidate. **2nd up**
Robyn - Wolfwalker's Robyn expy. Semaca Weyr wher candidate. **1st up** On Hold
Otose - Semaca Weyr. Master Vintner, makes mead using medicinal flowers. Pet Tibetan Mastiff.
Doromizu - ??? Weyr. Master Healer. Has a cat.
Welleue - Fort Weyr. Prisoner expy. Tall and lanky, will need a minor trait for his extreme height. Probably a wher candidate. **3rd up**
Kukioyo/K'ioyo - Pokémon's Jessie expy. Rider of blue Wobbuffeth and owns a garnet fire-lizard named Ekans.
Cadevu - Dragon candidate, Fort Weyr. Based off Mae from Night in the Woods. Has anxiety and tends to disassociate.
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“When hunting a lion it is wise to remind yourself that you too are being hunted.”
― Matshona Dhliwayo"


NAME: Robyn
GENDER: Female
PRONOUNS: She/Her/Hers

BIRTHDATE: Fall 2758
AGE: 18 as of Fall 2776
LOCATION: Semaca Weyr
OCCUPATION: Hunter, Wher Candidate

EYES: Blue
HAIR: Sandy Blonde
HEIGHT AND BUILD: 6'0" and slim
EXPY SOURCE: Robyn Goodfellowe (Wolfwalkers)
FULL APPEARANCE: Robyn is a dainty, pretty little thing with a fierce undertone. Blue eyes shine out like azure sapphires against her pale complexion. Her hair is the dusty side of blonde and long, extending to just above her waist. She favors tying it back into controlled braids when she's in the midst of an endeavor. Despite the fine features of her form, her fingers and palms are calloused from turns of strumming a bow. Robyn is most commonly seen wearing a hooded short cloak when out in the wilds.

PERSONALITY: Outspoken and willful, Robyn is eager to say exactly what she thinks about a situation whether it is welcome or not. She has the miraculous ability to completely misread a room and thus may blurt out things at the worst possible time. Oftentimes she fails to see the bigger picture of a scenario, focusing on the here-and-now ... and it doesn't occur to her to try and explain something right out the gate when there's trouble. Her words can be mincing and commanding.

Robyn is genuinely motivated to do good by others and is not without compassion - going to extreme lengths in order to bring aid even when it isn't wanted. She has an adventurous spirit that will not be pinned down. Confinement kicks her will to escape and explore into full drive. It is not unknown for her to get into some very dangerous situations because of her antics.

Bill - father [41]
Marigold - mother [deceased in 2765]
HISTORY: The first several turns of Robyn's life were a long haze. She remembered the cold, the wind, the exposure to rain and snow and sometimes the struggle to eat and the continuous growl of her stomach. Her family cared for her endlessly. They would forego a meal to see her fed. But Robyn never truly understood why they struggled so: constantly on the move; desperately searching for shelter; hiding when dragons appeared in the skies.

The word 'holdless' held little meaning until it was used to describe them when they conscripted a ship one day on the southern coast.

It was 2765 and Robyn was just shy of 7. Her father had friends in unusual places, and soon they were sailing across harsh seas to the Summerlands. They took root in a settlement (which would eventually become Lominsa Hold) away from wandering eyes. The balmy weather was welcome to Marigold, who had fallen ill the prior turn as plague took root and simply could not shake it. Unfortunately the sickness had taken its toll on her body, making her fragile to things a normal person could recover from in a sevenday. Marigold succumbed and was buried among the jungle groves.

The longer they stayed, the more apparent it was becoming that the Summerlands were not exactly safe. Heavy rainfalls caused torrential floods that overcame them if they weren't watchful. Large beasts lurked in dense thickets, prowling with spots and fangs ... Bill took up the mantle of hunter to keep their ragtag population safe and Robyn soon followed suit, learning the workings of a bow and arrow. She often followed her father during (hidden and undetected, as she was forbidden from doing so out of concern for her safety) when his hunting party set out to establish traps and clear the locale. On three separate occasions, she was cornered by spotties. The last event happened in 2772 and resulted in the death of one of the pirate hold's pirates who had jumped to her aid.

During all this time, Semaca Weyr had been established and was thriving despite some unexpected circumstances. Bill was distrustful of the dragons, and the Weyrs ... but he was afraid his bold and daring daughter would be killed when his back was turned due to her own recklessness. So he sent her away to live among the Weyrfolk.

Robyn never lost her hunting motivation. It grew stronger when she witnessed things from the new Weyr perspective. Dragons were strong, but lanky with those long wings and gangly limbs. Whers were formidable. They could stand a chance against a spotty. One would make a good partner. Together they could stand to make the Summerlands a spotty-free zone that would allow civilization to expand. That's her dream, and she's sticking to it.
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"Why can't I just trip over a get-rich-quick scheme already?!


NAME: K'ioyo [Kukioyo]
GENDER: Female
PRONOUNS: She/Her/Hers

BIRTHDATE: Summer 2753
AGE: 23 as of Summer 2776
LOCATION: Semaca Weyr
OCCUPATION: Beauty fashionista Squad Member
WING: Weyr Guard

EYES: Sapphire
HAIR: Copper - red sheen under proper lighting
HEIGHT AND BUILD: 6'1" and modest, thin
EXPY SOURCE: Jessie (Pokémon)


Ioto - mother, 52 (presumed dead)
Father - unknown
K'rio of Garnet Mareath - closest friend
SIGNIFICANT OTHER: Complicated situationship
BIRTHPLACE: A cothold in the Northern Barrier Mountains




NAME: Wobbuffeth
BIRTHDATE Season ####
AGE: ## as of ####






NAME: Ekans

COLOR: Garnet

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"The beginning is moments ago, the end is moments away. There is no time to forget before all is forgotten."
-- The Sky Cat (Night in the Woods)"


NAME: Liurnia
GENDER: Female
PRONOUNS: She/Her/Hers

BIRTHDATE: Fall 2756
AGE: 20 as of Fall 2776
OCCUPATION: Candidate, Apprentice Harper

EYES: Hazel-Green
HAIR: Dark Chocolate
HEIGHT AND BUILD: 5'2 and adorably husky.
EXPY SOURCE: Mae (Night in the Woods)
FULL APPEARANCE: Liurnia is not a very tall individual, to be sure. She stands shorter than the average and everything about her is a little compact. Her skin is a luscious, smooth mocha and it fits her curvaceous figure nicely. She isn't thin and she isn't trim. There's a healthy amount of fat on her and decent muscle where it counts - and yes, she had a bit of a muffin top and she's absolutely fine with it. Liurnia keeps her 100% cocoa hair short and wild, curls fraying off in different directions and giving the general impression of being unkempt even though she takes very god care of it. Hazel orbs that bend to the influence of green add a nice contrast to the rest of her. Liurnia's right ear is pierced and typically adorned by a simple silver hoop earing. She enjoys wearing baggy and comfortable clothes and is not one to conform to the notions of how women ought to dress. A large cloak is in her wardrobe and it's her absolute favorite article of clothing.

PERSONALITY: Liurnia is energetic and agile and can be most often found climbing something she probably isn't supposed to. It is very hard for her to sit still without causing some form of mayhem - whether intentionally or by accident. She is an extrovert among extroverts, chatty and outgoing to anybody and everybody. Self-preservation? Nah, she doesn't need that - she's invincible (or so she'd like to believe!) and will be your #1 wingwoman in the pursuit of doing irresponsible things. She has a deep love for those she'd call friends and can be very compassionate when they are in need.

Contrary to her bubbly exterior, Liurnia does struggle with a sort of depression that's a little bit difficult to scrape the surface of. She is anxious, locked in combat with an existential dread that inhabits part of her brain. 'What is real?' Her means of coping with this is disassociation - and this causes problems. She sees herself as a jerk for her bluntness and has a difficult time moving on from things that have gone on without her. While others may pursue dreams or ... go on and have families, or become master crafters and the like ... Liurnia appears to be stuck in a rut, forever chasing a youth that's sprinting off into the horizon. Her drive to continue her erratic often ends with self-destructive behavior. The gravity of her decisions and actions tends to fly completely over her head.

Mother - 40
Father - 43
Angiolo - close friend (21)
Griggonzlo - close friend (21)
Bextraice - close friend (20)
HISTORY: Liurnia was the only child to a humble little family in Peyton Hold, just south of Fort Weyr. Her mother worked as a scribe for the various crafters in town, while her father tended to a stall where he sold gathered odds and ends, fruits and veg, and what-have-yous to travelers. Her life as a whole was ... not that interesting. Sure, she was a little more rambunctious than most. She got stuck in the trees she climbed. Skinned her knees more than her fair share. But Liurnia was a kid being a kid. She grew up to be close-knit with some neighboring holdbred brats and they would often 'jam' together for fun using a variety of makeshift instruments.

She was only 8 when the plague hit. Many of the folks she'd grown up with perished to the disease, including the mother of her friend Bextraice. By some stroke of luck, those closest to her were spared and the sickness gradually tapered to a close. Yet the stress of it, that lingering dread that her mom or dad or best friends would be next ... or herself ... was daunting. Liurnia repressed the anxiety by delving into a new passion - writing. She would find scraps of hide that were too tattered for proper records and write tales of whimsy: short stories and ballads of made-up places and times that never were.

This would eventually lead Liurnia down a path towards pursuing the title of Scribe. Her parents paid for a caravan to bring her to the closest Harper Hall when she turned 13. Liurnia could not ask for more! Between lessons and acquiring apprenticeship, she would always find time to indulge jotting down her colorful imagination. She even dabbled in writing small, playful ballads for the crafter younglings.

When she was 18, Liurnia had a back-of-the-brain thought that crept to be front and center. The characters in her little stories were vivid, in her own mind ... but they were simply scribbled on a piece of dried skin and nothing more. In a single instance, she felt no different to those fictional entities: a puppet, paraded about on strings for the entertainment of others. She was just a shape. Just a trail of ink on parchment. It was an unwarranted notion, and the obvious evidence - touching and feeling, all the sensations and smells and sounds - was right in front of her nose. But like a weed, the thought ate away at her otherwise healthy mind and caused a new sort of anxiety: existential dread.

Quite suddenly she lost the passion for her duties. When one of her colleagues ridiculed Liurnia for her sudden lack of passion, the stress overflowed into the form of flying fists. Her victim suffered only small bruises and a wounded ego, but the shock of her own actions caused her to relinquish her apprenticeship and return home to Peyton Hold.

It was with devastation that she learned life had gone on without her. All of her friends grew up, formed relationships, moved on ... and away. This was a new and unwelcome wallowing despair for her to wade in. Liurnia was left seeking some validation of her own existence. At the age of 20, she presented herself as a Candidate for Fort Weyr with the hope that she could find some meaning to her life.
Last edited by Windra on Mon Aug 12, 2024 5:56 pm, edited 7 times in total.
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"lyrics or quotes here"


NAME: Jo'cetin [Jolincetin]
ORIENTATION: Heterosexual

BIRTHDATE: (Season and Turn)
AGE: (Age-as-of-Present-Date, ## as of CURRENT TURN)
LOCATION: Semaca Weyr
WING: (Put in N/A if the character is a candidate or whercandidate, otherwise feel free to delete if it will not be relevant.)







BIRTHDATE Season ####
AGE: ## as of ####


COLOR: Garnet





NAME: Puffy

COLOR: Garnet

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NAME: Worrell
ORIENTATION: Demiromantic asexual

BIRTHDATE: Summer 2738
AGE: 38 as of Summer 2776
LOCATION: Semaca Weyr
OCCUPATION: Wherhandler, Squad member
WING: Chopin Squad

EYES: Brown
HAIR: Light blue
HEIGHT AND BUILD: 6'5" and scrawny.
PLAY-BY: Jim Varney
EXPY SOURCE: Ernest P. Worrell (Ernest Scared Stupid, etc.)
FULL APPEARANCE: Worrell is a man of very few muscles. He's built like a match stick - limber enough to move quick but nowhere near strong enough to haul several bags of firestone. He'll definitely try, it's just going to end with him defeated by gravity. His skin is only slightly bronzed by sun exposure where it's granted. When his clothes are off - shield your eyes! Bright white like lye! Clearly he could stand to be naked in the sunshine more often. His eyes are a pale, icy blue that contrast sharply with his dark brown hair. Worrell wears some form of a hat to contain his monstrous curls even though they aren't really all that long or unruly. He prefers to don simple attire: tough long pants despite the heat, tunics with short sleeves, and a blue vest made of thick herdbeast hide.

PERSONALITY: There's eccentric, and then there's Worrell. He's a goofball through and through and has no qualms about interrupting whatever important conversation you were having to prattle on about something completely irrelevant like it's the best thing on Pern next to whers. He doesn't do this out of disrespect, though. He's just highly excitable ... and thoroughly annoying. One might compare his maturity level to that of a child, which is fitting considering those are the folks he gets on with the best! Worrell could very easily be a creche caretaker if his shenanigans wouldn't put the young ones in jeopardy all the time.

Worrell's self-esteem is a fire that's nigh-impossible to snuff out. He is keen to stick his neck out for others and is always willing to open his quarters to folks in need of a place to crash for a bit - no funny business, we assure you! He hasn't even the most miniscule desire for sexual interactions. When it comes to problems, Worrell likes to leap before he looks and he isn't quite the best at finding his own resolutions to issues. That's where his eccentric nature comes into play, as he likes to put himself into other's shoes - literally! When he asks, "What would Auntie Nelda do?", he queries himself while donning spectacles, a sun hat, outrageous jewelry and a dress reminiscent of what she would actually wear. Worrell doesn't seem to comprehend how unusual that is. He has a wardrobe full of 'costumes' for different 'characters' (who are actual family members from his hayday in High Reaches Hold), and is also not beyond wearing them as disguises to get himself out of sticky situations.

Retch - great-great grandfather (†)
Davey - great-great uncle (†)
Lloyd - great uncle
Davey - great uncle
Ace - great uncle
Ma - mother
Pa - father
Astor - uncle
Nelda - aunt
Stephanie - aunt
Coy - younger brother
Bunny - older sister
Boogie - cousin
Ernest - stepson [12] -- Open Tie
Sharkey - first wife (†)
Edna - second wife -- Open Tie
BIRTHPLACE: High Reaches Hold
HISTORY: Worrell was born into a huge family in High Reaches Hold. He was the middle child. The entirety of his lineage was a patchwork of ragtag individuals with similar personalities and charisma that burned so brightly it put Rukbat to shame. It didn't matter if he was brought into the world during a war. They managed to see the good in everything, although some of the family did make tracks to High Reaches Weyr to join the ranks of dragonriders. Not Worrell. He held no interest in fighting a-dragonback even when he reached the age of candidacy. That was all well and good anyway - no dragons ever thought him as anything special.

From a young age, Worrell helped as he could around the home. Be it tending to the jointed farmland shared between his family and a few other holderfolk, or running errands for his mother, father, and various aunts/uncles with whatever craft they were in, he grew to be a 'jack-of-all-trades'. Interested in everything, glued to nothing. He never liked politics and kept his head low with all the war nonsense.

He was 17 when the Interval War finally came to an end. The Red Star made its ugly face known just a few turns later, smiting his great-great uncle Davey out of the sky during Fall. There was a great period of mourning for the family whereupon their neighbors came to show their support and revel in joyous stories of their felled kin. That was when Worrell met the 'love of his life' - a young apprentice Healer by the name of Sharkey. The pair were absolutely smitten. They became wed in the spring of 2762.

Not two turns later, a plague struck Pern. His lovely wife was on the front lines in providing care to those stricken down with the disease. Inevitably, she also contracted the illness and perished within a fortnight. Worrell was stricken with a horrible grief. Though many would take the heartbreak as a sign that it was time to find a new location to live, to cast the old into the horizon and seek the new, Worrell loved his family and his home with a passion. He nursed the hurt by devoting himself to his relatives.

In 2763, one of his newer neighbors was raising a litter of hunting dogs. They were being trained to go after small game - grounded wherries, groundhogs and vulpines. There was one pup among them that just couldn't take a hint and was terrible at his job. Worrell overheard the family discussing what to do with the dog, and he offered to take it in under his care. Though the little Rimshot was no bloodthirsty hunter, he was a likeable companion that adored his new owner and continuously showered him with affection. Worrell's wounded heart began to mend.

In 2766, Worrell met another woman - Edna, who had a 2-turn old son from another man. Edna had broken from a rather abusive relationship with the child's father and left River Bend Hold with Ernest in search of a fresh start in High Reaches. Worrell took it upon himself to make them comfortable. He used his various disguises to make Ernest laugh. Within a turn, Worrell and Edna had gone from friends to lovers within the confines of a hard, fast hurricane. Perhaps Edna was rebounding off the first partner she felt comfortable with, but Worrell was a golden nugget amongst chunks of nickel. They became official in 2768. There were no biological children in their future, for Worrell had no interest in sex and Edna, considering her past, was clearly okay with the lack of physical intimacy. But Ernest became Worrell's heart and soul next to Edna. He raised him as if he were his own.

Interestingly, it was Ernest who spurred Worrell's sudden fixation with whers into being after the toddler became enthused about those whers partnered with some High Reaches holderfolk. A miner, retired due to physical ailments, became fast friends with the little boy primarily because he was so sweet on his bronze wher. In part to keep Ernest entertained and in part duo to his own wonder, Worrell began to really scry for details on whers and handling them. Meanwhile, Edna was filling his head with wondrous tales of her former Hold and the lands beyond. Worrell had always been a homebody. Traveling was not his forte. But now he was finding his eyes glossing over at the prospect of travel.

And why not? Semaca had been established close to a decade ago, and those lands were ripe for exploration. Plus it was a tropical paradise (if you subtract the cats ... and the floods ... ). He hatched a plan with Edna to travel there by boat. Ernest was ecstatic. Packing the bare essentials and enough marks to provide safe travel and then some, Worrell and his family hired a caravan to bring them to the northern territory's limits. Once to the shore they boarded a ship manned by 'probable' traders. Sea's the limit!

With their arrival completed, Worrell began the second phase of his plan. He presented himself to Semaca Weyr as a potential wher candidate. The man had an array of skills at his behest and an adaptable personality. It was apparent he would be useful. Edna and Ernest were also allowed in - there was no shortage of tasks requiring additional hands, and Ernest could potentially stand for Impression at a later date.

2772 arrived. And thereupon the Weyr was a clutch of wher eggs. It was almost as if Worrsk waited for her handler's arrival before being laid. Worrell became part of the Vignettes. He graduated into Chopin Squad.

Worrell had initially sent an invitation to his family during his open planning of moving to the Summerlands. It was a plea that was denied until 2773. Crop blight struck down their tandem farm, causing a fair amount of struggle within the hold. Worrell inspired them, in letters, with tales of abundant fruits and exotic foods. His family packed up and arrived in Lominsa Hold the following turn.




NAME: Rimshot
BIRTHDATE Early Summer 2762
AGE: 14 as of 2776

COLOR: White, brown, and black.
SPECIES: Jack Russell Terrier
FULL APPEARANCE: Rimshot is a little guy. He doesn't stand much taller than the average man's kneecaps - if we're being honest, only the very top of his skull will just barely reach. He's a squat and lean little fellow with healthy muscle and little to no fat, despite the endless treats he receives. Brown splotches mask either side of his face with the white from his muzzle racing to the center of his forehead. Both ears droop. His body is mostly white, with large brown-fading-to-black splotches behind his forelegs and spotting his spine in one big puddle. Rimshot's tail is a stubby little thing, auburn with just the tail end of white floof tipping it.

PERSONALITY: Rimshot is all bark and ... more bark. He's got the sharp canines of a fierce hunter but lacks all the energy and desire to follow along what's supposed to be his instinct. Instead, he is the happiest little pooch you've ever seen. Highly sociable, he has no real preference over who gives him belly rubs or a tasty treat. Rimshot is surprisingly intelligent and understands most commands ... while also appearing to be situationally aware of the happenings around him. Worrsk is seen as his big sister, and he typically tucks himself below her as she walks as if the wher is his personal armor.




NAME: Worrsk
BIRTHDATE Early Fall 2772
AGE: 4 as of Early Fall 2772


LENGTH: 11.5 ft
HEIGHT: 4.25 ft
COLOR: Green
HEX CODE: #6A7344
A green rather on the smaller side of things, Worrsk makes up for it with her hide. She's a bright spring green, darkening on her back to a more muted sage green. The fronts of her wings are a darker tone still, with irregular mottling over the entire wing that makes her look like she has feathers. The ends of her wingsails are a dark forest green, with one bright spot. Her face has a teal "beak" marking. She looks kind of like a sea bird, if those were all green.

Driven and stubborn, Worrsk is a wher with a dream. She wants to fly. She wants all whers to fly. Thoughts of flight occupy nearly every waking moment; she can come across as distractible and lacking focus due to her single-minded pursuit of this idea. She doesn't care what other people think of her, and though she can be friendly, she can also be rather annoying with her nonstop chatter about this single topic. However, when one can get her to think about someone else, she's quite inventive; she has a lot of good ideas, if she can only apply herself to actually coming up with them.

Toward her handler, Worrsk is a cheery, chattery sort. She's more than happy to talk about whatever's on her mind, even if the subject matter can be rather predictable. She also wants to hear what's on their mind. Though she's not as obsessive over it as she is her own dreams, she still wants to hear about theirs, and help to enact them.


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Overnight, very
Whitely, discreetly,
Very quietly

Our toes, our noses
Take hold on the loam,
Acquire the air.

We shall by morning
Inherit the earth.
Our foot's in the door.
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