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EWNA's Tracker

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EWNA's Tracker

Things Used:

[*]Raffle Prize - Wherry Pet
[*]Audit Prize Minor Trait - Blue Cedrateth

Things To Use:

[*]Welcome Prize - Gold Firelizard
[*]Welcome Prize - Unusual pet
[*]100 Post Prize - Extra wher pool claim /Non-Gold Dragon/Wher (regardless of accepting list) /Minor Trait
[*]200 Post Prize - Gold Firelizard / Major
[*]300 Post Prize - Minor Trait / Non-Gold Dragon/Wher (regardless of accepting list)
[*]July 2022 Event - Minor Trait
[*]400 Post Prize - Minor Trait or Mutation / Stands Impression (Normal Ages)
[*]500 Post Prize - Minor Trait or Unique Firelizard
[*]600 Post Prize - Gold Wher or Major Mutation
[*]2023 10th Anniversary Prizes - Impress Adult Wher
[*]2023 10th Anniversary Prizes - Major Trait

Cam's April Fool Gold Gatcha:

Seriously where are these dragonets getting their armor from. The little crowned head will peek out of the shell, the gold bursting through with much self important fanfare. She strides up to you and seems content to sit by you. Specifically on your feet. The self important and all knowing Regaliath has come to claim her throne.

Real queen behavior. Probably a brat..

-Link to Post-


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Character RP Sorting :

-Kami of Garnet Silksoth
-Vuleshka of Green Mulvarith
-Lau'ren of Blue Cedrateth
-Marc'oni of Blue Gawyth

-Urbain of Bronze Uragonsk
-Daedra of Brown Drask
-Mhellira of Green Mhellisk
-Kebar of Green Kebask
-Moreiden of White Eidesk


-Lemuel (Weyrfolk)
-Cua (Pirate)
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Wanted Plots:

Daedra& Drask:
-Daedra with jealousy/love triangle thing. It's cliché and dumb but fun~
-Daedra gets a baby of some variety, maybe a wher maybe a pet maybe a person. Possibly a firelizard. She wants human babies though/whump womp
-Daedra and Drask going off to try and find her holdless mom would be awesome but doubt very viable.
-Drask accused of something, but prob also not viable because mind-reading things so no idea how that works.
-Daedra not having a great time with alcohol sounded fun despite no one replying. Frick it we'll try again.
-Maybe be daring and adventurous and have them transfer to Semaca; Drask can be almost feral again~

Lau'ren & Cedrateth
-Lau'ren gets in trouble and doesn't know how to handle it because he's too goody-goody
-Lau'ren jealousy plot of some kind. Possibly romantic related or even dragon color related because he's a bluerider.
-Lau'ren or Cedrateth get into a confrontation with a Bronze or an equally much higher rank type character. Bully bully!


Planned Potencial Rps:

-Lau'ren & Duncan(Galaxy) post-impression
-Beliana(Fel) & Kebar as craft-buddies
-Orhm'in & Marius (Fel)
-Mhellira & Zhuli(Arc) starring in Crime Time
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NPC Dragons (Possibly for Future Use):

[*]Blue Fhetarth (Fort)- viewtopic.php?f=33&t=5422=#p28922
[*]Brown Melaharth (Fort)- viewtopic.php?f=33&t=5417=#p28858
[*]Blue Itahith (Fort) - viewtopic.php?f=33&t=5413=#p28877
[*]Garnet Vekeephth (Semaca) - viewtopic.php?f=110&t=5420=#p28897
[*]Brown Illmnath (Semaca) - viewtopic.php?f=110&t=5407=#p28880

NPC Whers:

[*]Blue Cheyesk (Fort) -
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Firelizard Tracking:

100% - Art Progress Sketching phase
100% - Linearts
100% - Color palettes
100% - Template
Location: Decided (I assume its not secret but I'll keep it hush)
Note to Self: All official info in site notes; remember to double back

Process Notes:
-Flight? (Debating but kinda don't want to)
-Verify if wild clutch can be found/given out (preferred method honestly) (Verified as yes for now)
-Idea 1: Split give out into two posts over a weekend/2-days (half clutch hatch and handed out, give day for people to reply as they like, post remainders)
-Idea 2: Post flit when matched person posts (maybe ask if people want full roulette or proper character match)
-Idea 3: Traditional method (post after 3-5 posts, leaning to 3)
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Daedra of Brown Drask

Character Profile:

1: A New Life: Daedra & Drask introduction (Archived)
2: A Haunting of Eggs: Wher Eggs left at High Reaches (Archived/Event)
3: Where your Interests Lie: Daedra meets fellow wherhandler Connor (Archived)
4: Trashy Habits Drask getting caught eating garbage (archived/open)
5:Just a Peek: Daedra and Drask meet Jacek of Garnet Rinisath (Archived)
6: Training: Daedra and Drask meet Maple of Green Plesk (Archived)
7:Not the Norm: Daedra meets Safvris of Brown Osjeith (Archived)
8:Someone'se Trash is Another's--: Drask eats garbage and is caught by Majima of Brown Majimask (Archived)
9: Why?!: Drask tries to catch a wherry that snuck into the bath cavern (Archived/Event)
10: Frozen: The lake of High Reaches is frozen for the winter (Archived/Event)
11: Teddy Wher (Archived/Rumor) Daedra and Drask come across something unusual
12: That's Not How This Works: Daedra and Drask are invited to a discussion of politics with Lace and Ka'hai (Archived)
13: Vertical Limitations: Daedra is short (Archived)
14: The Wagon Incident: Daedra and Drask have a thought when they find something (Archived)
15: Roll With It: Drask does/does not impress Ascelin and Celisk (Archived)
16: Skip To My Lou: Teaching Ephiith how to jumprope (Archived)
17: Nameday (Open/Archived)
18: Oh Wine Not: Daedra can not handle alcohol [/url]
19:Equality: Connor wins Junior Weyrleader (Rumor/Archived)
20: Wish you Well: Daedra and Drask visit injured friends (Archived)
22: Snow Pains (Open/Archived)
23: Loud and Loafing: Drask is a menace to Apollyon (Archived)
24: Announcement : The truth comes out (Plot/Archived)
25: Stranded: A caravan is lost in the snow and needs a rescue (Event/Archived)
26: Under the Weather (Open/Archived)
27: Invasion: A boar has broken in (Event/Archived)
28: Strap Mishap: Paiyo and Paisk meeting (Archived)

(Lots to add (Page 3); maybe break into more posts for personal/events/opens)
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Barok Character Sheet:

tw: When I sit to do this seriously, it will probably be a thematic spoiler for the games, so I will keep this here. Won't give the actual plot points of game hopefully but it's not hard to figure contextually so just trying to be considerate/safe.


Barok(Subject to change)
'Look at this dramatic asshole. Yeah slam it, Leg-Prosecutor Man' - Me, I said that


NAME: Barok - maybe I'll be cheeky and base it on the art period (If its not Baroque, don't fix it)
PRONOUNS: he/him/his

BIRTHDATE: (Season and Turn)
AGE: 33-35
LOCATION: High Reaches Weyr
OCCUPATION: Prosecutor Handler, maybe something record keeping related
WING: Ground Crew - Maybe one my other handlers arent in, haven't decided

EYES: light Blue
HAIR: Black
PLAY-BY: Barok van Zieks - The Great Ace Attorney Chronicles
-Look at him and his pissed off bitch face.
-X marks the spot, mateys
-The scar literally seems 'too-anime' for this place but lets see. i'll gamble.

-A dramatic bitch
-wasteful, dont know how i'll figure out him throwing cups of booze but I will.
-hands too full, so leg power

SIGNIFICANT OTHER: The Definitive Truth
-make him either colorist or not liking dragons/dragonriders. Prob the second because he is correct in wherhandlers and whers are just better
-dont know if there's something like lawyers or 'problem/mystery solvers' in Pern. If anything, just a loser who makes and keeps records i guess
-well to do family from some butt-stuck Hold.
-was gonna do Benden but maybe elsewhere to avoid the plot thing rule. Maybe doesn't apply to the Holds of it technically-problem for later
-if at Fort, maybe to advocate for wherhandlers// if High Reaches, the usual: wow no auto gold/ dragon rule this is awesome.
-something with betrayal and a sibling. Or revenge. Revenge is lawfully correct.


Garnet Firelizard - Zieks


NAME: Zieks
BIRTHDATE Season ####
AGE: ## as of ####



-I will remember to give one of my turds a stupid flit for once. She will be purple and very loyal or something.


(This is a joke I will do a real one eventually but basic idea. Comes with an excuse for goggles and everything)


NAME: Rosk? Barsk - we'll play around with it havent checked what names are available
BIRTHDATE Season ####
AGE: ## as of ####

COLOR: Brown
-It's Herlock Sholmes
-THE Herlock Sholmes, wow

-smarter than he presents himself
-maybe talks 'normal', but if it will require a trait token, broken speech is fine
-no concept of personal space, gets right up in people's business when addressing
-no boundaries, goes where he wants when he looking for stuff. Hide your things he will rip open your underwear drawer and expose your dark secrets. he wasn't necessarily looking for those but he will find them
-him and handler always seem at odds but get along well. Mostly because they are good at figuring things out together.
-conceited, knows he is very smart and wants people to remark how smart he is to him
-gets droopy and listless if he feels ignored/things dont go as he wants
-thinks he is the best fighting wher in all pern existence
-he is, in fact, not the best fighting wher in all pern existence. He might actually be one of the worst (for a brown)
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Monster Hunter Based Character
"lyrics or quotes here"


NAME: ?????
GENDER: male
PRONOUNS: he/him/his

BIRTHDATE: (Season and Turn)
AGE: 36/38 as of 2772
OCCUPATION: Dragonrider




Maybe based on one of the guys from Freedom 2 or the main guy from 4 Ultimate



Dragon Base Ideas:

Bazelguese (garnet for seething version?)
Shagura as bronze?
Ibushi as a blue/garnet amatsu
Really really really want P. Malzeno. Try and make a bronze, he deserves it~
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NAME:  Edelnareiss - “Eda” for short [[edel'reiss]]
GENDER:  Little Lady
ORIENTATION:  She sassy, watch out

BIRTHDATE: Winter 27--
AGE:  22 as of 2775
LOCATION: Semaca Weyr


EYES: Light green but noticeably cloudy looking
HAIR: Very light brown, long, and almost pushing to the blonde spectrum. Edelnareiss' hair is rather wavy and almost 'crinkly' with a lot of volume to it. It's almost always pulled back and twisted into some hairtie, lest it constantly get in her face.
HEIGHT AND BUILD: 5'2 but moderately built. She's not what someone would call 'skinny' as she likes to move around a lot and be active. She personally thinks she has too much in the chest department.
PLAY-BY: Original

Edelnareiss is reasonably small and will always be small. While she usually dresses in rather nice looking clothing, there seems to be a mismatch from time to time. Long shirts or blouses that could almost look like a dress, while wearing pants or leggings underneath, paired with intricately designed shoulder covers, among other accessories. She tends to dress far nicer than the more average person, but is usually found running about through the brush and being physically active, closer to a Holdless on the run.

If left unattended, her hair would be a matted mess, but then always kept it a reasonably nice done up style. A flop of bangs pulled over one side and braided sections on the side pulling her hair back to be tied in one big section. Clearly something she took time to do every morning.

With semi-rounded features, namely in the cheeks, Edelnareiss seems right in between of 'baby fat' and thinning to adulthood. Most noticeably, there's a severe band of scarring going up the left side of her face, ending close to her eye. This is noticeably something she rarely tries to cover, in fact, she seems to purposefully make sure it's seen.
Her usually clothing color preferences are greens, oranges, and reddish browns.


Edelnareiss may be short in stature, but she well makes up for it in personality. While generally 'nice', she has no qualms or hesitance to speak her mind. She doesn't take well to people belittling her for her height, her gender, or anything else. Try to cause trouble for her, and she'll give it right back in a moment's notice. One of her most used tactics is kicking the shins of people who get it started with her. It's always been a good way to get people down to her level for a 'fair' fight. Such an attitude has gotten her into heaps of trouble, and certainly into a lot of things that were well over her head to handle. It takes a lot of effort on her part to bite down such things – to weigh the worth of a fight or to prove a point.

As she started her life relatively poor in health, Edelnareiss is out to live for herself on her own terms. While not 'childish', she's always more interested in things that suit her tastes. She's hyper aware of her mortality, and she's determined to live without regrets, even if there will always be some to bear. Despite this, she also knows she has a penchant for trouble. She's usually torn on matters of doing what she wants and being true to herself and her motives, but through it all, she doesn't actually like being a bother to people (if they really don't deserve it). It is something that dwells deep in her heart, and it's one of the few things that can sober her up, causing her to go into a secluded and dreary spell. Having caused unintentional stress and hardship on her family, due to her past health and antics, it is something that weighs heavy on her. Should someone close to her call her a 'burden', she takes it exceptionally hard.

Overall, Edelnareiss takes pride in being honest and forward when she speaks and acts. It makes her feel less bothersome if people don't have to question her motives or such. She's spunky and she pouts when things don't go as she likes, but she's determined to shine and live. So while her overall health has improved, one major plague on her is that her eyesight is relatively poor from it and occasional gets worse. She can see well up close, but distance is an issue and reading too much can give her head and eye strain. Edelnareiss likes to say it's from the scar on her face, though her eye trouble has no correlation. She relies heavily on the shared sight of her blue flit, Muiren, in hopes others won't notice. She gets very uneasy when he's not present, and he's usually always with her. She's absolutely going to fake it until she makes it~


Parents – deceased
Uncle – Alive
Cousin - Alive
Edelnareiss was born to a merchant family within Nerat Hold, namely focused on the making and distribution of oils. Originally started from the produce of the local farmcrafters, they'd spent decades working to expand, now covering a wide variety of oil types and uses, and branching out to the ports within Nerat's borders for trading. A relatively simply but lucrative thing to specialize in, mostly headed by two brothers – Edelnareiss's father and uncle.

Born on a cold winter evening, Edelnareiss arrived exceptional small and exceptionally sickly. She'd been most fortunate to have rather attentive parents, eager for their first and eventually only child to thrive in the world. The bountiful resources at their disposal also helped greatly in terms of medical needs and care. By the time she was five, Edelnareiss was a much more active and chipper child, though she still had relapses. Namely taking lots of tumbles and bad falls due to her poor eyesight. The aid of glasses seemed to offer no improvements either. Her parents, though very loving, always seemed at the end of their rope – from either fretting over her health to fretting over the demands of their family trade. Their daughter easily picked up on such things though, noticing the constant private talks they would have and pouring over papers and books. The constant split of interests would unfortunately lead to tragedy by Edelnareiss' 9th turn.

Worried about the contents of a particular storehouse, needing the contents in for a very high end trade agreement, Edelnareiss' parents unwisely go to keep check on it during a particularly bad Threadfall. Everything is lost when a missed clump of Thread if missed by the dragons flying overhead. The oil, the storehouse, and her parents: gone. All she has to keep of the event is a painful scar from a firestone mishap, going up her cheek.

Hearing of the news, Edelnareiss' uncle immediately offered to take her into his care. He knew he wouldn't serve as a proper replacement for what she lost, but he could atleast offer enough comforts and care. As well as her cousin being only a few turns older and willing to serve as ample company. Sadly, it would take her quite a bit of time to perk up from the incident. A gift of a firelizard egg does eventually help her spirits to lighten; the companionship of the little Blue that hatched, as well as her cousin, able to bring her back to her more upbeat self.

The event would forever stay with her though, feeling that it was her presence -her fault- that her parents were met into such a cruel end. Had she'd been healthier, they wouldn't have to worry. If she'd been better, they could have focused on more important things and not during Threadfall. So, while her rather uncle assured her otherwise, Edelnareiss knew he felt the impact of his lost sibling just as painfully as she did, and can't help but fault herself for that too. Pushing down such things, she resolves to be better and more independent. She won't be a burden to anyone ever again. Any problems to come up because of her, would be solved by her.

Edelnareiss would spend the next number of turns under her uncle's care, and as she got older, tries to find what she wishes to do with herself. While it's never explicitly decided for her, Edelnareiss had a strong suspicion her uncle would like her to either marry or help with the trade. As appreciative as she is, Edelnareiss understandably wanted some space...wanted to do something all her own. Something she won't have to rely on someone else for or be burdensome due to her weaker points.

After a lot of thought, Edelnareiss decided to travel to the southern content, to Semaca Weyr and their newly set up port. While she explained the reasoning as helping to set up trade for oil and other supplies to help her uncle down the line, a part of her wonders if she'd make it as a dragon or wher candidate. Semaca is very far, but part of her feels the distance will help. To really make it feel like she's on her own and she's all she can rely on to make the effort count. Edelnareiss is very skeptical, as riders and handlers seem to be the best of the best... She isn't willing to squander the chance. If she can manage it, she will and she wouldn't have to live with the idea of what-ifs.


  • Update goes here!


IC Information
What type of candidate is your character: Dual - Dragon preferred

What color/s does your character want?: Any
Does your character have any personality preferences or concerns?: An independent one, but also friend
Does your character have any other preferences or concerns?: Not to much

OOC Information
If your character is a dual candidate IC, do you have a strong preference on whether they Impress dragon or wher?: Dragon

What color(s) are you willing for your character to impress to?: Large sizes highly desired honestly
Do you want your character to be eligible for gold?: No, icky
Do you have any personality preferences or concerns?: Personality I'm a bit more open with - something that melds well. Friend preferably, but I am ok with a butting-heads type of thing. Maybe something to assure her confidence of not being a burden etc
Do you have any other preferences or concerns?: Hopefully nothing like 'can't stand eachother only using for end of means'. I'll be dead honest, I would really prefer a larger variety of dragon for her. So big it's a problem for everyone including the dragon themselves~
Why do you think these choice/s would be a good fit?: Seems fun

Do you have any preferences about the conditions of your character’s impression?: I'm ok not having her impress for awhile if it means a really good match comes along.
Are you alright with your character getting hurt? What injury level is acceptable/what should be avoided?: Up to major is ok - preferably no losing limbs or things or blinding her proper etc. She tough, she bounces
Are you willing to impress a creature with a mutation/oddity? Anything that should be avoided?: Sure, but preferably having the dragon able to fly still if possible.

Is there anything you will ABSOLUTELY NOT accept?: No teenies weenies if possible~ Beeg beeg beeg


(From Flit Trove)


NAME: Muiren
AGE: 13 as of 2775

Muiren is a noodly little firelizard. Mostly a solid color, the lightest of blue over his body, perhaps looking a touch silver in the right light. He has a slightly round belly and rather long tail.

Muiren is a loyal little friend, always keeping close to Eda's side. He's very observant, trying to keep track of most things going on around him, as he basically functions as his owner's 'better' eyes. For all his loyalty, sadly his stomach tends to get the better of him. He loves to eat, soft pastry type things being his absolute favorite, even over meat. Meat pies are just heaven though~ If tends to get himself and Eda into trouble, as he tends to forget to ask before shoving his face into something absolutely tasty - and said tasty thing is rarely his own.
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WIP - Miriel of Garnet Phaedrath

"Asinine knave!"


NAME: Miriel
GENDER: Female
PRONOUNS: She/her/hers
ORIENTATION: Any and all in the pursuit of science!!

BIRTHDATE: Winter 2744
AGE: 32 as of 2776
LOCATION: Semaca Weyr
OCCUPATION: Garnetrider / self-appointed scholar
WING: Marzuka Squad

EYES: Warm amber brown behind thin rimmed glasses
HAIR: Dark red, exceptionally straight
HEIGHT AND BUILD: 5'6 - modest frame with average bust
PLAY-BY: Miriel from Fire Emblem Awakening, custom art
EXPY SOURCE: Miriel (Fire Emblem Awakening)

Miriel is a woman of thin frame and average height. She always keeps herself clean and prim, always dressed neatly and with nothing permitted to be out of place. Not even a single hair is allowed to curl away. Her red locks are straight, combed, and cut perfectly flat at the ends (though strangely her bangs and side pieces are sheared at a sharp angle).

Almost all of Miriel's features are sharp and straight: her hair, her lips, her nose, her chin. She keeps everything tidy, including her wardrobe and personal belongings. Mostly keeping to robes and layered garments, Miriel rarely wears anything brightly colored or intricately pattern. Simple, neutral colors of browns, greys, blacks, and muted green.

The fanciest bit of bauble she has would be her thin glasses and a few long clay beads set on either side of her hair. She may occasionally wear a wide brimmed hat that is not exceptionally flattering.


Miriel's whole existence is based on scientific pursuit. She's a meticulous and serious woman, favoring cleanliness and organization above all else. Everything has to be in it's place, to the point that she has no problem appointing the task to herself. Whether it's her own possessions or not. Miriel has very little tolerance for mess or laziness in her general vicinity, and it's usually the main trigger to bring out the sternest tone.

She has very little patience for those that act without thinking and cause recklessness, but she also doesn't expect perfection . She knows mistakes happen, as she herself makes plenty in her endless search for the answers of the universe. Miriel doesn't want to just 'know' things. She needs to understand them fully, to realize why things work in the way they do or why they happen.

As such, anything that catches her interest will be pursued with unbreakable and almost obsessive focus. So much so, that Miriel may do nothing for hours and days at a time as she conducts her research. It's gotten her into some issues with missing practices or agreed upon meetings, but all that falls behind when she's doing her research.

It's no surprise then, that Miriel's favorite activity is reading. She always has a journal or scroll on her person to peruse or even jot notes upon. It's more common to see her nose buried downward to take in written word, than looking where she's going. (She has run into doors and taken embarrassing tumbles, which rarely phase her). All her reading has given her quite the extensive vocabulary. To the point that the average person might not quite understand what she's saying exactly, much to Miriel's frustration.

Despite her seemingly endless supply of factual knowledge, she needs a great deal of work in the more social aspects of engaging with others. She can come off as quite blunt, despite trying to offer assistance, and she tends to forget about boundaries and respecting the space and property of others, if she sees good reason to cross them.

Mother - alive and at Fort
Father - not in picture but prob alive
SIGNIFICANT OTHER: N/A (Gonna be biased; if someone makes Kellam-we're goin' in)

Miriel attained her love of science and knowledge from her mother. From the moment she arrived, Miriel would function as her little protige. In fact, it was never a secret that Miriel came to be out of her mother's own curiosity for exploring the vast world of physical pleasures and the like. Her conception was seen as neither inconvenient or a even a proper blessing... merely another venture of life to experience and learn the secrets of.

Very few things were sugar-coated to Miriel. Her mother was ever honest and ever practical to her young child. Fact was everything, the world was a puzzle to be deciphered and solved. Through it, Miriel idolized her mother emphatically, so knowledgeable and so hard working. She was never a very soft or affectionate type of parent, but she loved her daughter in the fashion she could. Her mother wanted Miriel to grow and learn, in hopes of solving all the mysteries of the world that she could not.

So, growing up in the halls of Fort Weyr, Miriel was never short of things to learn, or attaining reading material to sink her focus into. In fact, Miriel barely had time for friends or playing, not that the other children didn't try. She was simply more invested in understanding every bit of information that her focus seemed to latch to at any given moment. All in the hope of getting to where here mother stood, seemingly unparalleled (in her eyes anyway).

While Miriel was an exceptionally articulate and generally well-behaved child, it wasn't uncommon for her to get into altercations. Whether through misunderstanding or Miriel's own assurance on being 'correct', it was difficult for her to keep long lasting relationships. Not that it bothered her.

In fact, Miriel couldn't wait until she was old enough to set herself to being a scribe, like her mother. To be able to work along side the person she most admired and strived to be like as an adult; a peer she respected and knew was unmatched in work quality and ethic. That had always been the plan and the expectation... atleast until Miriel was old enough to apply for dragon candidacy.

Initially, Miriel would have admitted to being curious of dragonriders. However, her logical side reminded herself that a dragonrider was a huge responsibility. A commitment to the Weyr, to Pern, and mostly, to the dragon bonded to them for life - nothing was more important. Her desire for knowledge would have to be put aside, and Miriel was not fully comfortable to do that. At least, until her mother gave push for her to apply.

After all, it was a subject she'd never been able to fully understand when she'd been younger. Having missed the opportunity in her past youth, her progeny now had the chance to stand among the eggs of dragons and be chosen to rank. As Miriel was always taught: reading only got you so far, but the real way to learn was to understand- to experience and be involved. So, despite initial hesitance, Miriel eventually saw the logic in her mother's sentiment, and applied for candidacy.

Miriel sailed through lessons with ease, as expected of her. However, that was the simple part of the equation. When it came to actually standing for the clutches of Fort, that was more nerve-wracking. For a few turns she was left standing, at least until 2761, when a clutch from Gold Imorith and Bronze Eberhardth graced the sands.

That hatching was one for the record books, and it would be burned into Miriel's memory until her final day. She was sure of that. The arrival of Fort's Tyrant Queen; in a storm of fury and barely restrained violence. Among all other events, none stood out to her as much as her Phaedrath, spindly and gentle as a flower petal, approaching.

Mine now. Yes? You're perfect! Why is it cold? Her eyes whirled in a bright rainbow. I am your Phaedrath, and I hope I'm not disappointing.

Finally, her 'proper research associate' had come to her. Miriel had been unsure of what kind of dragon would choose her from the rest, but Phaedrath was perfect in every way. (Or as perfect as a flawed living creature could be in the given circumstance, Miriel amended) A dragon as thirsty for knowledge as herself, and willing to go after it with just as much gusto. Though thankfully, Phaedrath was much more socially capable at smoothing over interactions that seemed to be going sour.

Miriel and Phaedrath settled themselves into their own bout of routine as the turns moved passed. Duty to Pern was always priority, but any moment permitted, it was off to discover all the knowledge that seemed just under the surface to find. After all, was that not a duty to their society also, in some manner?

Fort was always a content place for the bonded pair, until word of the new southern continent settlement began to circulate. It was hardly a discussion to be had between them really, as both Miriel and Phaedrath set themselves to transfer to the newest established Weyr the moment they were able.


  • Miriel impressed to Garnet Phaedrath in 2761, as part of the Curses class
  • Miriel and Phaedrath transfer to Semanca once able




NAME: Phaedrath
BIRTHDATE Winter 2761
AGE: 14 as of Summer 2776

Birthplace: Fort Weyr (Curses)
Dam: Gold Imorith
Sire: Bronze Eberhardth



LENGTH: 46 ft
HEIGHT: 13 ft
COLOR: Garnet
HEX CODE: #535179
FULL APPEARANCE: A dainty sort of Garnet, and very graceful, Phaedrath is large and lean, almost too thin. She looks almost bony, but not unhealthy. Her wings are long and large, and it looks like a strong wind will carry her off. She is a strong purple in color, a dusty sort of purple. She has lovely markings. They are a light, dusty-lavender color. There are intricate markings over her face, lines and patterns from her lower jaw around her eyes. She looks much like someone painted her. Her legs have numerous rune-like markings on her, like someone was painting a vase. On her chest is a large circle, with lines coming out and around like wings

PERSONALITY: Phaedrath is a very calm and serene sort of Garnet with a huge thirst for learning. She enjoys broadening her knowledge, learning and seeking out new things. Once she has found something, she will follow it until it is trapped under her claws so she may properly inspect it. Such actions will cause her to require frequent baths. She is the first to root out information or any hidden treasure. She does not like to start conflict, and she tries her best to be a peacekeeper in most situations, preferring to back down instead of fight. However, if it comes to conflict, she will quite quickly shed the calm and become a proper combat monster. She tries to use it as the absolute last resort.

To her bonded, Phaedrath will be rather sweet and caring. She will take care of them first in a rather motherly fashion. She is very good at figuring out puzzles and planning, and will most likely try to help her bonded in any way she can, even if she can get in the way sometimes. If one is looking for flit eggs or a wild wher nest, Phaedrath is the one who will find them. She has a firm sense of duty and right and wrong, and does not hesitate to act on what she feels is right.

Voice: Her voice is smooth and soft, not timid - just gentle and calming. It is hard to tell when she is angry unless something riles her. And even then she rarely raises her voice.
Last edited by EW-NA on Sun Sep 01, 2024 10:23 pm, edited 15 times in total.
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Character Relationship Cheat Sheet Guide:
Orhm'in [30s] - honestly unsure as i'm still feeling him out. He enjoys naps though
Kami [Late 20s]- thinks she strictly wants men due to upbringing but perhaps may smooch a lady and shocking like it because she is free and can do what she wants. Plays both sides and fine for good time strictly or more.
Vuleshka [40s]- ~goils~ wants proper relationship
Moreiden [50s]- bedroom off limits but there strictly for the romance (of men)

High Reaches

Urbain [mid-40s] - women but honestly only will have a relationship if it attains him something worthwhile (power etc)
Daedra [30s-early 40] - slow burn but wants children and semblance of family so pref towards men and commitment and you have to deal with wherpa so enjoy that. I plan to give her a kid now so basically needs a weyrfolk stay at home dad now
Lau'ren [30s] - slow burn or romance type - leaning to ladies but he's an all feelings kind of guy
Marc'oni [20s] - oblivious but everyone is his bestest friend~ He will get very attached probably
Mhellira [mid 30s -40] - strictly women and fun times mostly, and violence can be included as 'fun times'

Kebar [50s] - no preference but he will die before he retires from his craft
Lemuel [late 20s] - you are free to try and pull him from the ocean... but can you?~
Cua [teen early 20s] - he'll only really go for a clone of himself honestly. Someone mischievous and shitty and loving it. Honestly any type of relationship will probably be a turbulent whirlwind
Edel'reiss [20s] - wants a confidant equal, pref towards men. No babying her, she will beat you up...... when dragon is adult
Miriel - Kellam from FEA.... thas it
Lucheena - [teen to 20s] Honestly she's still pretty young physically and mentally. There's prob fun opportunity there I'm willing to explore. You know, liking someone without realizing you like them etc~[/size]
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