Gold Firelizard (Welcome) - K'mina (Lagann)
Minor Trait (100) - Elvira (Journeyman Harper)
Unusual Pet (Welcome) -Mawkin (Old Bird - Hunting Falcon)
Minor Trait (Semaca Candidate Drive 2024) - Brabbop (Nose Piercing)
Minor Trait (Anniversary Candidate Gacha) - Aneesa (small tattoo on left wrist)
200 - Gold Firelizard or Major Trait
300 - Minor Trait or Mutation or Non-Gold Dragon/Wher (regardless of accepting list)
400 - Minor Trait or Mutation or Stands Impression (Normal Ages)
2024 Anniversary (200 pts) - Major Trait
2024 Anniversary (100 pts) - Minor Trait
Future (For Plotting)
500 - Minor Trait or Mutation or Unique Firelizard
600 - Gold Wher or Major Creature Mutation
700 - Major Creature Mutation or Major Trait
800 - Unique Wher or Previous option of your choice
900 - Unique dragon or Previous option of your choice