"I grew up knowing only war, so for me, it was the way things were. It wasn't pleasant by any means."
-Dame Julie Andrews
RETIRE INFO: Adopt - Dragon / Retire - Character
NAME: Er'sa, born Erisa
GENDER: Female
PRONOUNS: She/her/hers
ORIENTATION: Straight? Straight. Straight enough.
BIRTHDATE: Summer 2711
AGE: 64 as of 2775
OCCUPATION: Dragonrider, mom
WING: Daylight
EYES: Blue
HAIR: Orangey-brown, short, business style
HEIGHT AND BUILD: 6'0", a light frame, don't mistake it for a weak frame. Strong ass legs.
PLAY-BY: Julie Andrews
Er'sa is one of those lucky few who will never look as old as she is, the unkind years never seem to take their toll on her face as her face is practically void of any wrinkles- save for laughter lines. She seems light, like the type of person you could pick up and carry for hours and not feel any sort of strain. Her legs are strong from the time she sets aside to go on walks around the Weyr to keep in shape. Her brown-borderline-orange hair is cut short and always out of her pale face.
A practical woman wears practical clothes, shirts and pants for this lady. Big events, however, require more elegant clothing, and Er'sa is not opposed to a nice dress every once and a while.
When she was a child, Er'sa put the 'brat' in 'weyrbrat'. She grew out of that, becoming a decidedly calmer woman as she got older. But, she still has that little spark of a troublemaker in her from her younger years and she absolutely refuses to ever let it go. She has sass and snark abounding underneath a layer of strong practical cordiality and elegance, but she isn't afraid to let loose a one-liner from time to time. She stands with confidence gained throughout the years, knowing that, with enough hard work, she can accomplish anything. Sometimes her intense confidence can turn into stubborn arrogance, and when Er'sa becomes arrogant things never seem to go in her favor, becoming overly catty and dismissive, ready to throw hands.
There is a brutally soft kindness of Er'sa's that comes out around children, family and the utmost close of friends. She is a mother at heart, willing to care for others, show them love and help them in their time of need. She loves her kids- all kids really, but her own most of all- and wants them to succeed in life. She would go to the ends of the Earth for her family, and if anyone did anything bad to them? Run. There is no hiding from her. Good luck. She has no qualms with fighting.
FAMILY: Erino of Blue Dosrath (father, deceased), Mansa of Green Cargith (mother, deceased), Journeyman Healer Riansa (younger sister, alive), Tuckal of Gold Serapheth (daughter, alive), Tikra of Green Everieth (daughter, alive), Gellera of Blue Vritrath (daughter, alive)
SIGNIFICANT OTHER: Wa'en of Brown Galahath
Oldest of two daughters, Erisa never really seemed like it. She was the brat amongst the weyrbrats raised in the creche, an arrogant troublemaking kid, talking first and thinking second, while her sister was an angel. Her parents were riders who thought they hadn't the time on their hands to raise two kids effectively, their duty was to the Weyr first. Erisa always had some resentment towards them for that and promised from a very young age that, if she were to become a mother, that she'd always be there for her children.
Time flew by, days into years, and Erisa figured that she should clean up her act. Riansa had left to become a healer years prior, she was all alone. Sure, she'd gathered a few friends, but she'd pushed away just as many with her snotty behaviour. She could even push away her own friends from time to time. To fix herself up would be a hard task, but she would manage. Couldn't be that hard, right?
It was kind of hard.
Re-shaping her image wasn't the easiest move in the book, but she knew it'd pay off in the end. Sometimes she needed that kick in the butt to keep up the effort, sometimes she felt alone in her little trial. She didn't know what to do for a while, but felt as if maybe the comradery of candidacy would be a good place to try and fall into a better self.
Her second Hatching of her first year on the sands came knocking, and with that did a green so militaristic in her ways that she thought that war was knocking on her door with the first bark of her voice that came floating through her head. Kapitath came into her life with a boom and Er'sa would not have it any other way.
At some point during her weyrlinghood, she found herself in the company of Wa'en, and she was completely and utterly smitten with him. To her delight, they later found themselves weyrmates. All was well when Er'sa found herself with child, the woman couldn't wait to be a mother. And then, the war came knocking on their door. Wa'en was a good father, but a better soldier, and so of course he fought, but how could she?
Tikra, her darling daughter was born, and it felt like the world had another meaning. Er'sa found herself mentally warring between these two worlds, she knew her duty was to the Weyr, and that as soon as she was back to her regular self she should protect the Weyr like all the other riders, but she had made a vow to be there for her children. As soon as possible, she began protecting the Weyr once more and found herself failing the vow that she'd made years prior.
Once more, she found herself with child. Nine months later, Er'sa had given birth to a son, Tuckal. Her husband returned, but with a new war wound that she would definitely jokingly chastise him about for the rest of his days. Within the turn Er'sa was again with child, and Gellera was born the next turn. Er'sa found herself falling back into the war and was glad when the entire ordeal was over.
Tuckal came out as a female not long after the end of the war, and Er'sa was easily accepting of that. Tuckal, no matter what, would be their child, what kind of mother would she be to reject that?
A proud mother and rider became even prouder when her three daughters all Impressed to their dragons- green for Tikra, blue for Gellera and gold for Tuckal. Scared as she was for Tuckal's wellbeing after Serapheth's actions at the Hatching, she grew out of that when she saw how well they were doing as a pair. She began making attempts to get closer to her children by going out of her way to talk to them since the war didn't take up nearly as much of her time as it used to.
She was pushing 60, and she should've been retiring soon, yet with the assassination attempts directed towards her goldrider daughter and all the other poisonings, who in their right mind could ever do such a thing? She'd fall back into war all over again if she had to, nothing and no one had the right to hurt her children.