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Ichigo of White Zangetsuth

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Ichigo of White Zangetsuth

"I'm not a punk who can sit back and do nothing while somebody is going to die for his sake."


RETIRE INFO: Adopt both as long as Uryuu is in play. If not, retire.
ORIENTATION: Biromantic Bisexual

BIRTHDATE: Summer 2741
AGE: 35 as of 2776
OCCUPATION: Dragonrider
WING: Daylight Wing

EYES: Brown
HAIR: Ginger
HEIGHT AND BUILD: 5' 11", lean but sturdy.
PLAY-BY: Ichigo Kurosaki (Bleach)
Ichigo is a tall man with a shock of ginger hair that can't be missed in a crowd. He sticks out. He has almond shaped brown eyes and a near permanent scowl that has been described as rather fierce. It's a wonder he doesn't have more prominent wrinkles between his eyebrows from it. He's built slender, and won't look much different despite gaining muscle mass. Despite that, he's more than capable in a fight. Heavy lifting may not necessarily be on the table, though.

Ichigo is a defender first and foremost. Outwardly, he may come off a bit rough and unapproachable, rubbing people the wrong way more often than not. Shyer people may shy away from his harsh expressions. Those who get through the abrasive outer layer will see an Ichigo devoted to their protection. He's surprisingly soft underneath the scowls and blunt words, and loyal down to his bones to his friends and family. On top of that, he's stubborn as forsk and can be a bit overbearing in his protective nature.
Isshin (Father)
Masaki (Mother)
Karin (Sister, younger)
Yuzu(Sister, younger)
Ichigo was born into a loving, tight-knit family, the first of three children. His father was a hold guard, and encouraged him to be one as well. The idea wasn't exactly ideal to him as a child, but when his sisters were born, there was a swell of pride that came from the idea of protecting them, protecting the hold and everyone who lived there. His desire only grew from then on.

When he ran into a healer not much older than himself (Uryuu) at 16, they understandably clashed. They were both stubborn, and their introduction hadn't been as smooth as it could be. Running into one another, followed by a shouting match to decide fault wasn't the most ideal. Over the next three years, they learned to be friends of sorts, and eventually entered a relationship. They weren't together long before a search dragon came to the hold, picking Ichigo up at 19. Despite the distance that was about to be put between them, the promised to stay close.

Candidacy took up a lot of Ichigo's time, but he still made some to write to Uryuu. He didn't have to wait long at all for his dragon, which came in the form of a snarky little white. Zangetsuth, he found, was a whip like thing, sharp in all aspects but especially in tongue. Surprisingly though, they learned to work together quickly, to the point where they actually began to see each other more as bonded and not just reluctant partners. Uryuu's transfer to Fort Weyr not long after that was a surprise, but a welcome one. Zangetsuth seemed intent on making Uryuu's life harder, despite Ichigo's scolding. Luckily, he didn't have to defend Uryuu for long. Frydrykth came to Uryuu fairly quickly after he transferred, the polar opposite of Zangetsuth in terms of size. Now, his weyrmate didn't have to worry about the snippy white. He had Frydrykth at his side, and the bronze was more than capable of putting Zangetsuth in line.

Life was a bit easier after that, minus routine threadfall of course. The particularly bad losses at High Reaches spoke to Ichigo's inner defender. There were people he could help there, and Zangetsuth was excellent in threadfall (although he needed to be reigned in). It would be a temporary transfer, he told himself and Uryuu. He couldn't just sit at Fort while High Reaches suffered and lost riders with each bad threadfall. He had no intention of staying there, but right now that's where he was needed more.
Last edited by Ignys on Fri Jul 26, 2024 6:03 am, edited 11 times in total.
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NAME: Zangetsuth
BIRTHDATE Early Fall 2760
AGE: 16 as of 2776

LENGTH: 27ft
WINGSPAN: 42.5ft
COLOR: White
Zangetsuth is built much like his rider; long and lean with wings made for speed. His legs and tail are long, making him appear whip like. He is a dark, stormy gray, covered in much lighter markings. These markings are smoke like, trailing from his snout, down his neck and front legs, and end midway down his tail. His feet and the tip of his tail gradient to the same light color, while the backs of his wingsails display the light, smoky color solidly. It creeps to the undersides of his wings along the edge, following his wing bones inward.

Don't be fooled by his appearance. He's as strong as any dragon and he'll make sure everyone knows it! Zangetsuth is a fighty thing, challenging anything from blues to bronzes. He can be a little terror without the proper control, which will fall to his rider to instigate. Even then, he's quite the rebellious white. If he's not trying to fight, he's teasing indiscriminately. His rider isn't safe from this either.

Despite this, Zangetsuth is a good partner to have. He does genuinely care for his rider, though it may not be obvious. He considers what is best for them, though his delivery of such advice may come off as judgmental or snooty. He's willing to compromise, even though he may not want to. Plus, its not bad to have a whip fast white on your side when he loves to prove himself in threadfall, even if he might need to be reigned in a bit.

Voice: Zangetsuth's voice is strange and lilting, almost like it has a reverberation to it. Those who aren't used to it may find it rather unsettling.
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