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T'eri of Blue Banajeth

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T'eri of Blue Banajeth



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NAME: T'eri; originally Toberi, nicknamed Tobi or Tobes
GENDER: Masculine
PRONOUNS: Masculine (he/him/his)
ORIENTATION: Hi, here's one very romantic pansexual

BIRTHDATE: Mid Summer 2743
AGE: 29 as of Late Summer 2772
WING: Daylight Wing

EYES: Dark brown
HAIR: Brown, often in bouncy waves
HEIGHT AND BUILD: 6' 2"; lithe, but muscular
PLAY-BY: Gianmarco Tamberi
Standing at 6' 2" in height, T'eri is a tall man, but not very large. He is 160 lbs. of slender bones and lean muscle from his Turns of work around the Weyr, but he seems to have trouble building the muscle to appear studly and massive like some men. T'eri doesn't really care. His build lends itself to acrobatics and speedy sprints, but T'eri lacks the stamina to last in a long-distance race; he's a short-distance sprinter, like a cheetah.

T'eri sports light chestnut brown hair in silky waves, cut to just above his shoulders. He also sports mild scruff on his face. Whether he enjoys this addition to his appearance of if he simply forgets to shave it is up for debate. His eyes are a dark brown, almost black in color, and wide open. Except when he's sleeping. Gotta have eyes closed to get that shuteye! His skin is lightly tanned from being out in the sun, and without freckles or any other skin blemishes.

When it comes to clothing, T'eri prefers his casual garments loose to promote air flow when he's running around and doing his thing. He's often seen in a sleeveless shirt and short pants, though he always wears proper garb when Thread is predicted and he is to fly to combat it.

T'eri isn't...the brightest glow in the basket, to put it bluntly.

An emotionally driven man, T'eri is often seen as reckless and all-over-the-place, when the truth is that he just has some difficulty regulating his emotions and keeping everything in check. Loyal to the end, T'eri will stick to his loved ones like glue and refuse to let go, sacrificing everything to protect them and please them. Even if his friends betray him and cast him aside, he doesn't care! T'eri will come bouncing back, ready to give a second chance. And a third. And a twentieth.

People are T'eri's passion. He is absolutely devoted to protecting everyone around him, and he views fighting Thread with Banajeth as the greatest honor and his most sacred duty. Pern needs every dragonrider to defend her and her people. By Faranth, T'eri will be there to do fight this menace, no matter what may come! That said, he can't protect everyone all at once, and the thought that someone, somewhere may need his help weighs heavily on his mind quite often.

Additionally, T'eri loves being physically active. It's a great way to get all that excess energy out! Be it something silly like running around waving his arms around like an octopus or something practical like sparring or training, he loves it all! Dancing is a favorite activity of his, though he's not very good at it. Above all, however, he loves flying, and will take every opportunity to fly places with his beloved blue Banajeth, even for the smallest errands.

All in all, T'eri is a friend to everyone, a total goofball around those closest to him, and extremely passionate. He makes up for his general lack of cleverness with his bright and upbeat attitude. He'll fly into a righteous rage or a bout of crying before he even knows what the problem is, and is drawn to try to help everyone. It's his job to protect Pern with Banajeth, and he loves it; he accepts this duty with great pride.

Uninvolved parents - probably still around, but T'eri isn't sure
Siblings - T'eri is pretty sure he has at least two younger half-siblings, but hasn't met them
SIGNIFICANT OTHER: None, but open!
Toberi was born to riders in flightlust, the first child of either parent. He was raised in the creche with all the other children, though he physically grew at a ridiculous rate, shooting up like a weed. Toberi could only grow up and nowhere else, and thus developed a lean frame of muscle from his love of physical activity and an unbeatable optimism. If you're at the bottom, the only way to go was up!

Toberi stayed out of trouble during his youth...for the most part. Like the rest of his peers, he entered Candidacy as soon as he was able, at age 15. He began with high hopes, but those hopes gradually dwindled as the Turns passed and he was consistently left behind on the Sands. Toberi began to wonder if there was something wrong with him; something that made him undesirable to the dragonets.

Toberi was wrong. There was someone waiting for him.

When that blue broke free from his shell and toddled over to Toberi, his life changed forever. Banajeth was perfect. Together, there was nothing they couldn't face and overcome. Toberi elied his name in the Traditional way, becoming the weyrling T'eri of Banajeth; a new blue-rider!

Weyrling classes was a wild ride for both man and dragon, but they passed, albeit a little on the low side. Well, that was fine! It just meant that their worth would be proven when they came out on top. Their first threadfalls went well, with only one injury in the form of a badly sprained ankle for T'eri. But everything was a-OK; perfectly fine! They had each other, and that was all that mattered now.
Last edited by Agenothree on Mon Jan 03, 2022 8:01 am, edited 18 times in total.
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NAME: Banajeth
BIRTHDATE Early Winter 2764
AGE: 8 as of Late Summer 2772

LENGTH: 35.5 ft.
HEIGHT: 6.5 ft.
WINGSPAN: 54 ft.
Banajeth is a smaller blue, and a little on the 'not terribly intimidating' side. He doesn't look like he will ever be particularly intimidating or strong. And he is pretty squishy. Sure, there is muscle underneath his skin, but smooshing his face is pretty much the best thing ever. Every time someone smooshes his cheeks, he squeaks. Every. Single. Time. He is very short for how long he is, about as big as a green despite being a decent length with an average wingspan. But he is a little sweetheart. He is a steely blue all over, with dark, denim blue markings that make him absolutely stunning. The dark blue colors large parts of his face, in large geometric patterns and intricate markings. Each one is accented with a beautiful sky blue, giving him great, almost glowing shapes over all of him.

Banajeth is the most precious cinnamon roll ever to grace Pern. He believes deeply that there is good in everyone, and that he can change the world. He believes that everyone has potential, and is incredibly devoted to the idea that anything is possible. However, he is prone to self-doubt and blames himself if things go wrong. That said, he is very supportive of those around him, believing in the best that they can do or be. He has the cutest little crush on Minevath, and is a little shy and sheepish around her, but he will leap into the sky without hesitation to protect her. Seieith is another dragon that he wants to look after, the two of them some of the greatest friends. He worries more than anything for the other, aware that life has not and will not be easy on his friend.

To his rider, Banajeth is incredibly codependent. He doesn't even realize it. More than anything, he needs to be needed. That's all he wants, to be needed. Even when he says that, he doesn't really understand that it isn't quite healthy. He is still incredibly supportive and caring, putting the needs of others far before himself. Though, he is not a pushover, and there is one incredible strength to him. He has not qualms with telling off larger dragons or getting into fights to make them back off or stop. He is dangerous to sleep next to, as he will curl around next to the nearest warm body and latch on, jokingly called 'The Badger Trap'.

Voice: Banajeth has a surprisingly deep voice for his size. He gets flustered easily when teased about Minevath.

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