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P'ral of Blue Dhumith

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P'ral of Blue Dhumith

P'ral of Blue Dhumith
"lyrics or quotes here"


NAME: P'ral
PRONOUNS: he/him/his
ORIENTATION: Biromantic Asexual

BIRTHDATE: Early Summer 2740
AGE: 34 as of Summer 2774
WING: Aurora Wing

EYES: Blue
HAIR: Black
HEIGHT AND BUILD: 6'4" & average build
As far as looks go, P'ral doesn't consider himself especially noteworthy. He sees himself as plain--with plain black hair and plain blue eyes, plain pale skin without any noticeable blemishes or scars. He's a man of average build and slightly-above-average height at around 6'4". Contrary to his own thoughts, however, he can definitely be considered handsome by some. He has a large Threadscore on his back from flying his first Threadfall.

P'ral is a stern man with a strong moral compass, one which extends to those around him insofar as he readily expects others he surrounds himself with to have many of the same values. As such his friend circle is quite small, though not particularly difficult to insert oneself into so long as someone understands what they're getting themselves into. He values bravery and strength of will above most other things, but can be impulsive in his behaviours, often acting without thinking especially when it comes to protecting others or otherwise upholding his values. Somehow despite this he has been lucky thus far in not earning himself any (easily visible) serious injuries, though how long this luck will last is unknown.

He can be overbearing when it comes to his ideal picture of self, wanting to see a better Pern for the effort he puts in. It's not unusual to find him alone after suffering some form of insult, and though he will hold even a small grudge for quite some time he tends to emotionally bounce back rather quickly. Despite his impulsiveness, P'ral can be patient when the need calls for it, though would rather be a frontrunner than standing back and waiting to act.

FAMILY: Mother, Father - Alive, Presumed
Various Siblings - Alive, Presumed
BIRTHPLACE: Telgar Cothold
Born to a pair of Holders, P'ral wasn't looking at much for his life from the start. He was going to be a Holder just like his parents, live on the farm and hear stories about dragonriders and watch them fight Thread from far away. At least, that was what he thought, until his fifteenth Turn, when Riders came to their tiny Hold on Search and plucked him from the crowd. Well--not so much plucked him, but chose him, amongst a few others. As the third child of his family, they already had plenty of hands to help--plus, it was a great honour to be chosen as a potential dragonrider.

Once at the Weyr, he learned to read and write and complete basic mathematics, but it wasn't until he was almost 18 that Dhumith came into his life. The little blue dragonet stumbling across the sands to him with rainbows in his big eyes--he knew he would remember the day for the rest of his life. The pair were inseparable from day one, with P'ral taking great care of his new lifepartner (despite said partner's claims of his own independence), and only grew closer with time. Though unlike those who would spend every moment in each other's space, they seemed fine to separate and only touch the other's mind when necessary as they grew.

Weyrling training came and went easily, though their first Threadfall would end in tragedy. Not able to reload the blue and flame a clump of Thread in time to protect one of his Wingmates, P'ral would push Dhumith forward to intercept with his own body, resulting in a serious wound across his back. Although the blue himself was fine, P'ral was bedridden for several weeks and suffers stiffness and occasional pain to this day.

Overall he and Dhumith kept themselves out of trouble for most of their career, only minorly involved in Weyr politics where allowed to be given their rank. And despite feeling a sense of loyalty to his home Weyr, the upstirrings in Fort as a result of Z'osh would see him arranging for transfer, though it would be quite some time before he would be permitted to do so, long after the bronzerider had been sentenced to Semaca for his upheaval.
Last edited by Tyto on Fri Jan 06, 2023 11:41 pm, edited 23 times in total.
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  • Early Fall 2772 ; The base of Dhumith's tail is bruised when P'ral drops a sack of firestone in midair (Mild).
  • Spring 2774 ; P’ral wrenches his arm tossing firestone to Dhumith, tearing a muscle in his left elbow. (Moderate)
Last edited by Tyto on Tue Feb 21, 2023 3:10 am, edited 2 times in total.
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Blue Dhumith


NAME: Dhumith
BIRTHDATE Late Spring 2757
AGE: 17 as of Summer 2774

Birthplace: Telgar Weyr

LENGTH: 36ft
HEIGHT: 8.5ft
WINGSPAN: 50.5ft
HEX CODE: #6fabbf
As far as blues go, Dhumith is rather striking. His body is a deep midnight blue, criss-crossed with lighter sky blue giving him almost the appearance of cracked glass. His wings are much paler, almost a grey-blue. Size-wise, he falls into the more average range, though is a bit on the tall side for his length and wingspan comparatively; he's a bit more graceful on land as a result.

Just like his hide, this is a blue who is striking--he is loud, he is proud, and he's ready to let you hear about it. Whether he loves to hear himself talk or he just loves talking, he'll chatter at anyone who happens to let him, be it his rider or a passerby or another dragon--or wher. He's also prone to vocalization, with little volume control in the process. This said, he generally has a good people sense and knows when to leave someone alone or when to step in.

To his rider, Dhumith is a rock in the ocean. P'ral's more stern personality meshes surprisingly well with Dhumith's forward speech and activity, allowing the pair of them to work together to complete a task much more easily than one or the other alone. Just don't ask Dhumith to keep a secret, because he's terrible at it.
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