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L'eo of Blue Rigath

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L'eo of Blue Rigath

"lyrics or quotes here"


NAME: L'eo
PRONOUNS: he/him/his
ORIENTATION: Biromantic Heterosexual

BIRTHDATE: Late Spring 2749
AGE: 25 as of Summer 2774
WING: Aurora Wing

EYES: Blue
HAIR: Brown
HEIGHT AND BUILD: 5'3" with average build
PLAY-BY: Leonardo Watch (Blood Blockade Battlefront)
L'eo is a simple young man with messy brown hair. He's also quite short. Like, very, very short. For an assigned-male-at-birth, he scrapes the bottom of the barrel. It doesn't bother him much, though with his penchant for wearing clothes that are too big for him it does make him look smaller and somewhat younger than he actually is. His eyes are bright blue, though he has a bad habit of squinting so it's harder to tell. Build-wise, he's average, with just enough muscle to get along as a rider but not so much that he goes out of his way to build.

Although L'eo can be somewhat of a coward, easily intimidated by whers and especially Thread, he bears an adventurous and courageous side as well. His courage has very gradually improved as his time as a has rider has lengthened, and seems to grow as the Turns continue. He is rather guilty of expressing his emotions openly regardless of whether said emotions are excitement, fear, or annoyance. As a result, it's often said that he wears his heart on his sleeve and can get on more than one bad side as a result, as his displays of emotion aren't exactly kept under lock and key. A kind and earnest person, he works hard to earn his keep even if he doesn't see himself as having any noteworthy skills or talents. He won't take handouts of any kind without returning the favour in some way or another, often in the form of gifts or physical work.

L'eo is quite clever and quick to adapt to new situations, however when feeling any sort of fear he tends to freeze up and not move, even if the lack of movement will cause him to become injured--that said, he will not run away. He also has a pacifist nature and will go to great lengths to avoid physically hurting someone or something, even if doing so is potentially harmful (ex. tunnelsnakes).

FAMILY: Michella - Sister (Younger)
BIRTHPLACE: Telgar Cothold
Lineo was born in a minor Telgar Cothold to a pair of beastherders, and though his life wasn't particularly interesting it was quite happy. His sister followed sometime after his own birth, and the pair were inseparably close despite the gap in their ages. In fact, they weren't separated at all until Lineo was Searched at age fifteen, reluctantly agreeing to go with the Searchriders to stand at a clutch on the Telgar sands. Although he would have rather stayed with his sister, she and his parents insisted he go and seek out a greater future than the one waiting for him on a simple Telgar farm. Shortly after arriving at the Weyr, he found himself in possession of a firelizard egg, which hatched into a little white he named Onsoku, training them to take letters to his family after he learned to properly read and write--his mother had had basic Harper training and could read them to their family.

With a surprising amount of dumb luck, L'eo managed to Impress at his very first hatching--it was the last little dragonet to hatch which came toddling straight up to him. He cried, a lot, and the pair were very close from the start--even for dragons and riders. Following Impression, weyrling training went smoothly for him, his life as a farm boy making it a little easier for him to adapt to the heavy workload of taking care of a dragon and his lessons. They did suffer a few occasional injuries, but none were life-threatening or majorly scarring.

Despite the many historical events transpiring between several of the other Weyrs, L'eo and Rigath remain quiet and content in Telgar. It wasn't until recently that L'eo decided to transfer to Fort, having met a young Garnetrider named B'lak who had temporarily fled to Telgar during Z'osh's regime in Fort. When news of Z'osh's removal reached the Weyr, L'eo decided to transfer to Fort, and maintaining his friendship with B'lak.
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NAME: Rigath
BIRTHDATE Early Fall 2764
AGE: 9 as of Winter 2774


LENGTH: 30ft
HEX CODE: #2ce7f4
Rigath is a beauty of a blue. His body fades from lovely aqua blue at his wingtips down to sky blue at his body, with stripes along his back of dark navy. Along his underbelly, the inner portions of his legs, and his hind feet are all a pale, near-white blue. Length-wise, he is scraping the bottom of the barrel for his colour, but with wide wings and long legs he makes for a sight in the air and on the ground.

Rigath likes to portray himself as mysterious and broody, but really he's just an average dragon with a penchant for dramatics. He cares greatly for his rider, having a strong bond with him from the get-go, and likes to spend time with him when he can--the two will often be found on lazy days spending time in their weyr together with L'eo recounting Harper tales he heard when he was young. He does like to joke and poke fun at his rider and others, especially dragons who think particularly highly of themselves, though seems to know his limits on what lines may or may not be okay to cross. He is also very brave, much unlike his rider, and is sometimes able to break him out of his fear-freezes.

Sometimes, he can also become very childish and moody, throwing tantrums over even small slights or when he doesn't get his way. Usually there are only two methods of returning the blue to a more savory mood: letting time pass and allowing the blue to forget, or having his rider act as a go-between for them. Normally, L'eo is more likely to try and fix the issue himself just to quiet the blue's brooding or whining.
Last edited by Tyto on Fri Jan 06, 2023 11:38 pm, edited 5 times in total.
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NAME: Onsoku
BIRTHDATE Summer 2764
AGE: 10 as of Summer 2774

COLOR: White
A zippy, mostly-white firelizard, the tips of their little paws and a good portion of their face are a darker shade of grey.

This firelizard seems to have a quirky, scaredy-cat personality and is a bit of a glutton, eating anything they can get their little claws on. Curious and fun-loving, but is the first to run at a sign of threat or danger--this said, they're loyal to their bonded and will return to his side once the danger has passed. They're good at transporting letters.
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