NAME: Sh'ggy [Shaggy]
BIRTHDATE: Spring 2754
AGE: 22 as of Spring 2776
WING: Twilight Wing
EYES: Blue
HAIR: Dirty blonde
HEIGHT AND BUILD: 6'4" and lanky
EXPY SOURCE: Shaggy (Scooby Doo!)
FULL APPEARANCE: Sh'ggy is all skin and bones! You'd think he were starving if he wasn't constantly shoving his face full of whatever food he can find. Pallor flesh donned with a tousled blonde hair, his blue eyes shine like icicles. A series of scars adorn his body, telling the tale of a clutz who just can't catch a break. He favors baggy clothes he can wade in. They're extremely favorable for hiding food in!
PERSONALITY: Sh'ggy is very much a scaredy cat. Don't take offense if your looks freak him out. He's not trying to be insensitive, he swears! But anything that isn't completely normal tends to freak him out. His own shadow can give him nightmares! At least Sh'ggy isn't terrified to the point of being an utterly useless human being - it's more of an eyeroll-induced, "Here we go again ... " Jumpy nerves give him almost catlike reflexes and he can roll with he punches almost as if he were nothing but fluid. He has a job to do as a dragonrider, and he does it well! Just ... don't expect any insane heroics, okay?
Sh'ggy has the extremely uncanny ability to improvise on the fly. He can come up with a convincing lie that helps him evade trouble or skirt out of whatever mess he might be in. With a flick of his wrist, he can convince his audience to ... well ... most likely give him their food.
Fedora - mother [44]
Markimoo - father [46]
HISTORY: Sh'ggy, back when he was Shaggy, hailed from a humble lifestyle in Crom with his well-to-do parents. His mother tended to farmland alongside others and his father created jewelry. He was a dutiful boy who did well by his parents, for he was often by Fedora's side sowing seeds and harvesting crops. But he was also - once upon a time - a headstrong individual who was brash and impulsive. He was a leader among children his age and known to get into trouble.
When Shaggy was 8, his friends discovered a fire-lizard clutch by the nearby river. They stalked to the nest, eager to snatch as many as they could. But when the creeling youngsters emerged from their shells, human eyes weren't the only ones looking ... Wherries descended upon the group. His friends were able to get away with only a few scrapes and bruises while the nestlings were gored. Shaggy grabbed at a brown flit before one of the avians could snatch him and was on the receiving end of a good thrashing that caused him to lose his grip and tumble into the water below. The river current carried him a good distance. He was found and rescued by one of Crom's fishermen. The brown flit, hailed now as Scoob, became inseparable from that point forward - bonded over their mutual dance with death.
But now Shaggy had glimpsed mortality, and it terrified him. Gone was the fearless leader, replaced with a cowering child who jumped at a cricket's chirp. The plague's arrival in 2764 only cemented this fear. Many of his friends and fellow holders were planted into far-too-early graves. Somehow he and his parents had survived.
Shaggy was unexpectedly Searched by Telgar Weyr when he was 15, which boggled his mind. Him? A dragonrider?! Crusading against that villainous acid that scattered from the heavens like volcanic feathers? No thank you! But ... being around other dragonriders and wherhandlers - people of power and stature that could no doubt keep him safe ... Sure, okay, why not! Even if he failed to Impress, at least he would live in a place where safety was paramount.
When Shaggy turned 16 in 2770 and Hatching Day finally came, he tucked himself to the back of the gaggling candidates. He had no intention of being high in the sky to do combat with Thread! But Garnet Scrappith emerged and determined that he was the one. There was something about this lad that stood out and the dragon was determines to help him shine to his full potential - even if it had to be dragged out kicking and screaming!
Meanwhile, Fort Weyr was dealing with its own travesties. When Scrappith heard of the injustices enacted against garnet dragons and whers, he became flaming mad. Sh'ggy heard no end to his ranting, could not quell the growing inferno of wanting to join the so-called "front lines" even after the drama was over. Scrappith made it abundantly clear that he desired to go to Fort Weyr. Sh'ggy? Not so much. But it was evident that arguing with the garnet was not going to get him anywhere. So once they graduated from weyrlinghood, Sh'ggy and Scrappith received approval to transfer to Fort Weyr and were inundated into the Twilight Wing.
- SPRING 2776: Scrappith gets hit by an out of position Uriangth and lets out an incredibly loud scream. Sh’ggy’s left foot is sprained in the crash … and he joins in the screaming.