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P'nelo of Blue Easteth

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P'nelo of Blue Easteth

"We judge ourselves by our intentions and others by their behavior."


NAME: P'nelo (Penelope)
GENDER: Cis Female
PRONOUNS: She/Her/Hers
ORIENTATION: Demiromantic Demisexual
BIRTHDATE: Early Summer 2755
AGE: 25 as of Spring 2776
OCCUPATION: Rider (Blue)
WING: Twilight

EYES: Chocolate Brown
HAIR: Auburn Red
HEIGHT AND BUILD: 5'4" | Buxom
PLAY-BY: Nicola Coughlan

Penelope stands at an adult height of 5'4" though perhaps she may yet grown a few inches taller.. so she hopes. Her face is cherub like, round, filled out and her cheeks always seem to have a rosy blemish to them. Her figure is full, perhaps some might even say she is a bit on the heavier side, something she isn't worried about but is still a point of contention amongst her more slender sisters.

She has long curly bright auburn red hair, which is often styled in some sort of updo to keep it out of her way and big bright brown colored eyes, the color of chocolates that she is so fond of. She often has a quiet fire and twinkle of intelligence in her eyes. She prefers to wear clothing and ribbons in the color of sunshine yellow when she can afford such with her marks. She has one bright yellow dress for gatherings and special occasions. Her daily outfits are often in paler colors or earth tones, skirts if she can get away with it but is a practical and sensible dresser.


TW: Body shaming, comfort eating

Penelope is a very intelligent young woman with a heart of gold and loyal to a fault to those close to her... most of the time. She was always led to believe that she was the ugly duckling amongst her sisters and often they teased and poked fun of her about her weight. While she learned to stop responding to their barbs about the topic, it still does hurt her when her sisters or anyone decide to start making comments about how she should exercise more and that she should stop eating sweets and fruits so much.

Despite the hurt it causes inside, she is still firm in she is comfortable in her own skin so why should she not eat what she wants? Her quick wit and passion for learning and writing have lended itself well for her life's path so far, always having well organized and detailed notes for about any important issue so that if someone close to her needs something, she is ready with an answer.

She has a tendency to be a bit of a gossip, and would often been seen quietly sharing the latest of news to her best friend Eloise without hesitation. Her friendships tend to be a lot of her taking on the problems of others she values, even before herself and she often stresses over her own wants and desires, the uphill battle with what her heart wants and her mind rationalizes can lead to her spilling something hurtful or saying something untoward to someone when she is very irritated. She also would not hesitate to quietly destroy someone who wronged her, finding out what sticks to poke them and in what order and then proceeding to do so in such a way she would not be discovered.

Penelope is also a comfort eater and when sad, distressed or bored, she will eat whatever she can to alleviate these feelings. While not the healthiest coping mechanism, she falls into destructive routines such as these as she often did when in the company of her mother and sisters. She also suffers a lack of self esteem and self worth and seeks to find something to fill that void, whatever it may be.

Portia- Mother | Weyrfolk
Philip - Father | Deceased
Prudence - Older Sister | 26
Philippa - Older Sister | 22

SIGNIFICANT OTHER: Eloise of Green Coronatuth
BIRTHPLACE: Minor hold beholden to Fort Weyr

TW: Body Shaming

Penelope was the youngest child and daughter born to Portia and Philip and was a big and chubby baby, even as she grew into toddlerhood and was more active. Her older sisters took to poking fun at their little sister, chastising her for her robust body shape and her love of eating. For many years, this led her to cry and retreat to the outside. It was one such day like that she met the girl that would become her best friend in life.. Eloise.

Eloise was everything Penelope wished she could be like.. strong, stuck in her convictions and did not take anything from anyone. This inspired her to start digging her heels in when her sisters were being absolute brats and the pair of girls were practically attached at the hip growing up, as they lived close by one another.

As she blossomed from girl into the makings of a young woman, her sisters started in more viciously about her weight and this time, even her mother joined in, often taking her precious snacks from her and telling her she was never going to be able to do anything she wanted to do if she kept eating like she was and find a good husband. Her mother was consumed with the notion of forming ties to someone of note and power and her daughters were always a means to that end.

Penelope was made to feel like she was a disappointment and it caused her further self esteem issues. These things she started to internalize, not wanting to give her family the satisfaction of knowing they hurt her any longer. One day while browsing some fabrics at the traders, she came across a search dragon and their lovely bonded. She was immediately interested and set off into a daydream of how wonderful would it be to become candidate and soar the skies.. make something more of herself than the ugly duckling that would be nothing of note.

She was fortunate when she was searched that day by that very rider and gleefully came home and announced to her family she was going to become a candidate, that this was what she wanted. Her mother scoffed at her, saying that she hardly had the physical build for such labors but she let her go anyway, glad to be rid of the one child she viewed would net her nothing but trouble.

So it was that Penelope packed her things, left a note for her best friend that she was off to become a candidate and encouraged her to pursue the same, and was off to Fort proper. Candidacy was a welcome distraction from her somewhat unpleasant home life and she threw herself fully into it, keeping very detailed notes from all the classes and it seemed as if no one here cared much that she was a bit more filled out than most in body shape.

Her first standing was uneventful but when she was 16, when she stood at the Wandering Hymn clutch, her moment had come. As the first egg started to hatch and the tail poked out first, Pen commented how that was rather cute and interesting, as she typically thought and recalled most hatched with their nose coming out first from the egg. The egg cracked open to a very lovely baby blue and Penelope immediately loved his color. She tried to calm herself to not become too attached, because she had no way of knowing whom this little one would choose.

As the blue wandered with a purpose up to the line of her and her fellows, she noticed he seemed to be carefully gazing over them all and walking with a relaxed pace. She noted when he nudged the stomach of the candidate beside her and felt a slight sadness... for a fleeting second. She had been sure he was going to bond to that candidate and when he didn't and kept moving, that threw her off. This one seemed a thinker.. his rider was going to be a lucky one.

She watched the dragon with curiosity as he strode back up the line... then tucked himself in next to her. She had thought he was just going to nudge her like the earlier candidate but as she looked down and saw the swirls of color in his eyes, she openly began to ugly cry, almost missing when he spoke to her.

Well, it's nice to be out now, I think. Took a while, but I'm here, and you're here. It's all gonna be a good day, I'm thinkin'.

Penelope gathered her new bonded into her arms and responded to him that it was indeed a good day and she was glad to have found him. Her tears and soft happy sobs confused her dragon, was she not happy? Pen quickly explained that she was very happy and sometimes humans did this when happy. Satisfied with her answer, he went on to feed. As he ate, Penelope was euphoric, hearing all the times in her mind that her mother and sisters said she would amount to nothing, that she was just going to age out of candidacy, that no dragon would pick a person like her... well they were going to have to eat those words now, for here was a glorious blue.. and he chose her!

The days that have followed have been full of purpose and wonder, as she began to learn her bonded's personality and they have been striving hard to learn and the joy of watching her bonded growing fills Penelope with a hope and purpose she had not felt previously, the future is bright!


  • Early Spring 2772 - Impressed to Blue Easteth
Last edited by Ezra on Mon Mar 11, 2024 10:04 am, edited 28 times in total.
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" Well, it's nice to be out now, I think. Took a while, but I'm here, and you're here. It's all gonna be a good day, I'm thinkin'. "


NAME: Easteth
BIRTHDATE Early Spring 2772
AGE: 4 as of Early Spring 2776

LENGTH: 36.5ft
HEIGHT: 8.75 ft
WINGSPAN: 49.5 ft
FULL APPEARANCE: Easteth is a sturdy looking blue, slightly on the larger side of average, with a broad back, an unusually muscular build and wide wings. He's as strong as he looks, capable of carrying heavy burdens and enduring long hours in the air. His hide is a powdery, almost-lilac blue in color, unadorned by any of the markings common on other dragons. His features are a little more roughly hewn than most dragons, as if time has left its mark on him before he even hatched.

A rather jovial and easy-to-get-along-with blue, Easteth is a hard working dragon who is almost more like the old browns of past Intervals. He's got a need to work, to always be somewhat busy. Not pushy, no, but he likes to earn his keep rather than it being assumed just because he is a dragon. He's a friendly sort, valuing comradery and hard work. Everyone should pull their weight, even if not everyone is doing equal work. He understands that not everyone is like him, and not everyone can do the same work he does. He's not a workaholic either, knowing his limits and when he needs to rest. He just likes having a purpose in life, and a job to do.

To his rider, Easteth is a friend, and coworker. He isn't going to pressure them, unless they're being extremely lazy and he needs to get them up and going. He understands that they might need to rest more than him, but that means there's surely other new things he could do instead. He's not attached to them at the hip, and when he can start flying for his own, he'll find things to keep himself busy. He's a dragon who would rather prefer to not be a leader, but that doesn't mean he blindly follows. He's got a mean kick and can easily be as stubborn as a mule.

Voice: Easteth's voice is deep, and quite easygoing. He sounds like a friend.
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NAME: Stardust
BIRTHDATE Early Winter 2776
AGE: Newborn as of 2776


This one is a lovely, soft blue!

His hide’s base colour is a light blue shade, which darkens into a deeper shade of blue on all four legs, as well as on his tailforks. Squiggles and lines mark the tops of his leg markings, and there is a chunky ‘necklace’ in a shade of ice-blue, which encircles his neck; upon closer inspection, the two shapes at the front looks similar to the pincers of an crab. The same ice-blue hue colours his dorsal ridges from neck to tail.

Miniature stars shine forth from his inner wingsails; and he has an odd dark-coloured symbol on his left flank. This symbol is seemingly enclosed within an ‘bubble’; with smaller ‘bubbles’ surrounding it. It looks quite similar to a sideways ‘69’ in shape.


- nurturing, very protective of loved one/s
- Reserved, bit of a homebody
- Moody/emotional
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