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Adelais of Garnet Katzenjath

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Adelais of Garnet Katzenjath



"Let's get one thing straight: I'm not."


NAME: Adelais (pronounced 'a-day-lay'); called Addy by friends occasionally
GENDER: Genderfluid; AMAB
PRONOUNS: Masculine (he/him/his) and nonbinary (they/them/theirs)

BIRTHDATE: Early Summer 2750
AGE: 26 as of 2776
OCCUPATION: Apprentice Harper, Wingrider
WING: Twillight

EYES: Green
HAIR: Black
PLAY-BY: Picrew
Adelais is rather pretty, boasting wavy black hair that insists on sitting in a messy pile on his head. Green as summer grass on a bright day, his eyes are almost always gleaming in amusement or interest at someone or something. Gently tanned, his skin is marred by a small mole at his jaw, but is otherwise clear. Adelais stands at 5’ 9” and is quite petite. Bordering on willowy, he has little muscle mass, but he has begun to specifically work to build himself up a little more. Quite against appearing dirty, they take great pains to look perfect; flawless nails and unblemished skin are non-negotiable. As for clothing, Adelais usually wears a dark high-neck shirt, matched to respectable slacks and dress-style boots at formal occasions in his Harperhall. During summer months, a simple flowing sleeveless shirt and a pair of legging-like pants are his go-to, plus his favorite laced knee boots. In cold seasons, no one can see what Adelais wears under thick layers of coats and scarves.

Adelais, as a whole, can be quite a handful. Snarky and sarcastic, he has little to no respect for authority. Adelais is also well-known as a prankster, a shameless flirt, and a menace that's almost always up to no good. Though he may seem to nurse an attitude for spite, he’s actually a mischievous sort that enjoys fun a little too much. Thanks to a sheltered life under his grandparents, he was often kept indoors and had little to do, which meant Adelais found his own ways to entertain himself. Said pranks are harmless, meant to cause a good-natured laugh, but Adelais knows how to use these tricks to protect himself if need be.

While it isn't obvious, Adelais is a little lost. Though he has precious few memories of his mother, he still misses her terribly and mourns what he lost, but holds what things he has left of her close to his heart, such as a pendant of hers. Klah is a crucial aspect of his morning routine; if he doesn't get some klah in his system, he ends up unbearably grouchy, unwilling to listen, and incredibly touchy for no apparent reason. Adelais also has a fondness for sweets, which can serve well to sway him to agree or assist in something in exchange for a good pastry.

Adelais loves being a Harper, but he tires of monotony quickly and gets distracted easily, so it can be rather difficult to get him to focus on something important that he considers mind-numbing. A performer at heart, they're most at home on a stage, playing music for an audience. Unfortunately, Adelais is a very proud person. If he feels his pride has been insulted, no matter how slight an offense, he will use every prank in his book until he wearies of them and moves on or his vengeance is satisfied. In addition, Adelais doesn’t like to talk about his father. If his father is brought up, he's been known to completely shut down or fly into a fit of pique.

Adelais enjoys being outdoors, particularly in summer. Conversely, he hates ventures in winter, making every effort to stay inside. Adelais has recently begun considering Candidacy at Fort Weyr, feeling he has a better chance to Impress than to graduate to Journeyman rank, after so long spent as an Apprentice. As such, he has taken on more errands for his superiors in an attempt to improve his strength, as well as attempting to curtail his complaints.

Grandparents (maternal) - both living (Fort Hold)
Father - absent prior to Adelais' birth
Mother - deceased (illness)
Siblings/Half-Siblings - none
HISTORY: TW: death/loss
Adelais was born to a lovely woman in Fort Hold, but had no father to speak of. Raised by his mother, he was quite happy in her snug little home, until her death from a wasting illness in 2756; Adelais was about six Turns. Upon his mother's passing, he had nowhere else to go, so he was placed under in grandparents' care, his mother’s parents. At about nine Turns, Adelais expressed an interest and talent for being a Harper, beginning to Apprentice in Fort's Harperhall. But he wouldn't graduate from Apprentice level due to behavioral issues, his habit of pranking everyone in his social circles, and a constant attitude of disrespect toward superiors, something he cultivated as he continued to grow older. Thinking they should've graduated long before, three Turns after minimum graduation age, Adelais is still quite bitter about what they see as a personal failure.

As his horizons broadened in his continued studies, Adelais felt less and less comfortable being defined by his assigned gender. Ever since that time, they’ve wanted to be referred by nonbinary pronouns, but they still accept masculine ones, knowing it’s sometimes simpler to refer to them on occasion. But well before he'd come to understand being genderfluid, Adelais embraced his sexuality. Feeling no spark in flirting and engaging girls in his Hold, he's accepted who he is proudly, voicing as much pride time and again. Upon reaching adulthood, Adelais moved from his grandparents’ home, though he still visits frequently and occasionally stays there. Continuing his training, they usually stay within Fort's Harperhall, still an Apprentice today. It was in recent memory that Adelais began to think toward Candidacy in nearby Fort Weyr, as hopes of graduating to Journeyman faded. Lately, should weather and a busy Apprentice's schedule permit it, they go on runs and other exercises, in an attempt to grow fit and be considered for Candidacy.

  • Early Spring 2772: Standing for Hayutoth and Anheruth's Wandering Hymn Clutch, Adelais Impresses garnet Katzenjath! [Hatching]
  • Early Spring 2774: In Threadfall, Adelais tries to show off and try to fly without hands. Katzenjath suffers for it, burning her right wing's leading edge trying to avoid more Thread. (Major)
  • Late Spring 2775: In Threadfall, Katzenjath is hit by a piece of firestone from an upper wing, which bruises her right wing. (Mild)
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Ah, it has been quite a journey, hasn't it? I hope you are ready for more. There is an entire world out there that has to be seen.


NAME: Katzenjath
BIRTHDATE: Early Spring 2772
AGE: 4 as of 2776



LENGTH: 36.25 ft.
HEIGHT: 9.25 ft.
WINGSPAN: 53.25 ft.
COLOR: Garnet
HEX CODE: #B57980
Unlike her clutch siblings, Katzenjath is well below average in size for her color. She is a delicately built garnet with a long neck and tail and narrow wings. She moves gracefully, whether she's on the air or the ground. She isn't the strongest of garnets, but she is fast and agile and excels at flying tricks. Her hide is a dusky pink in color, without any distinguishing markings.

Katzenjath is a dragon who is very secure in who she is. She's a dreamer, a wandering soul, and always searching for something more. Maybe something more than her, she isn't sure. She is confident in every choice that she makes, without any regrets even if that decision leads to negative consequences. She changes her outlook like the weather, always learning and processing, always taking what she learns as an opportunity to improve who she is. No matter what she chooses, she's going to live it. It's a gamble and she will always play.

To her rider, Katzenjath's infectious confidence will be hard to ignore. She's the sun, the moon, and the stars all at once, always gazing to the horizon for the next journey. Were there more places to explore, she would be the first one in line to do such a thing. And who knows, maybe she'll find something. She's not without limits though. She knows when something is over the line, and she learns from the mistakes that she makes.

Voice: Katzenjath's voice is high and melodic, with a comforting sort of air that is easy to listen to.

Why Me?: Katzenjath will both tolerate his joyful nonsense and push him into shape. It'll be fine! She's only gonna be his best friend but also tell him when he's being a doof.


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NAME: Jinx
BIRTHDATE: Summer 2770
AGE: 6 as of 2776

TYPE: Feline
Jinx is nothing special in terms of color. A simple black cat from head to tail, her eyes are a standard yellow-green color. While a bit smaller than average for a cat, she is suitably sized for curling up in laps and small spaces.

Jinx is a menace, taking delight in knocking various trinkets and other items off surfaces in front of Adelais, much to his dismay. Other than knocking objects off tables, her favorite pastimes include unspooling and tangling balls of yarn, chasing firelizards, and dozing in sunlit patches. Jinx is aloof to most everyone, as most cats are wont to be, except Adelais. Adelais knows how to appeal to her and Jinx enjoys his efforts. Strangers rarely get more than a passing glance from her before she turns her nose up at them and finds something more interesting to do.
Last edited by Agenothree on Sat Jun 12, 2021 9:14 pm, edited 14 times in total.
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