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Allina of Brown Donnelith

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Allina of Brown Donnelith

Drawn by me


NAME: Allina
GENDER: Female
ORIENTATION: Biromantic asexual

BIRTHDATE: Spring 2755
AGE: 20 (Spring 2775)
OCCUPATION: Brownrider
Previously apprentice smithcrafter
WING: Eclipse Wing

EYES: Blue
HAIR: Black, straight and goes down to mid-back
HEIGHT AND BUILD: 6'1" and somewhat muscular. She is taller than the average woman and most of her muscle is in her torso and arms. While not overly bulky, it makes sense she did some training as a smith.
FULL APPEARANCE: Allina generally likes to keep herself well put-together, finding clothes that compliment her body and give her a sense of style. Flowing skirts and dresses with a lot of fabric are her preference when she's not needed for duties. She knows that others may find this frivolous, but tries to ignore it. She'll often have some sort of flower ornamentation in her hair if any are blooming, and enjoys having small piercings on her ears. Though, those are often hidden by her hair.

PERSONALITY: Allina is generally a friendly person, though she has some uncertainty about her place as a brown dragonrider. She tries to maintain happiness and friendliness but can become overcome with unsureness. While Allina is genuinely a nice person, this does come with its own helping of naivety. She can also be quite impulsive, acting on her first thought often over any others. She's quite likely to believe the best of people even when they have given her reason not to and wants to think that everyone can change for the better. It takes quite a lot for her to start believing someone truly means her harm or has bad intentions for her in their heart.

While most people wouldn't expect it, Allina has an explosive temper hidden beneath her happy exterior. Only a select few things can stir it, but it will come out of nowhere. Doing something like insulting Donnelith, threatening a loved one, or something in that vein is an easy way to quickly get her mad. Once mad, she finds it hard to control herself. However, she can calm down just as quickly as her fire started.

Allina would much rather spend her time making friends and exploring than tending to her duties in the weyr. Honestly, she can't quite believe she Impressed a dragon still, and it doesn't feel like the freshness of it will wear off anytime soon. She doesn't see herself as someone who is responsible enough to even have duties of any kind, so if she can get away with just taking Donnelith out for a flight and a lazy afternoon, that's what she'll do.

FAMILY: Unnamed parents, one is a smith
Older brother - potential tie
BIRTHPLACE: Minor Hold near Fort Hold
HISTORY: Allina was the second child to a master Smith that found herself working in a minor Hold. She was a surprise as her parents did not believe they could have another child, and a very welcome one. Her childhood was generally a good one as her parents loved her well enough, though her brother was mildly jealous of the attention they gave her as the youngest. Still, things were well.

When Allina was eight and her brother fifteen, he was scouted as a Candidate. Up until this time, she had believed they would both grow up following in their mother's footsteps. Once her brother had left to train as a Candidate, Allina could only think of one thing: Impressing a dragon of her own.

When she was old enough, her mother began to train her in smithcraft. This did nothing to diminish Allina's interest in dragons. Nor did the fact that they had not heard from her brother since he had left years prior. With rising questions about what had happened to her brother and a need to find out if she could really have what it takes to be a dragonrider, Allina bided her time.

Eventually, another dragonrider came Searching at her Hold. Allina presented herself to them and all but begged to go with them back to their weyr. They agreed with some amusement. Allina's parents, on the other hand, were not amused. She parted from her parents on bad terms, though she wishes to mend things. The dragonrider took her to Istan Weyr. It took several Hatchings before she Impressed, but when she did, she was shocked that it was a brown dragon that chose her. She did her Weyrling training there and her time as a new dragonrider, and has just been newly transferred to Fort Weyr.
Last edited by Shadon on Sun Oct 20, 2024 2:55 pm, edited 6 times in total.
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NAME: Donnelith
AGE: 5 as of Spring 2775

LENGTH: 42 ft
HEIGHT: 11 ft
WINGSPAN: 63.5 ft
COLOR: Brown
HEX CODE: #955106
FULL APPEARANCE: Donnelith is an average-sized dragon, and most would not consider him particularly handsome for a brown. He moves on the ground as if his body is too large for him and can be clumsy in his actions. For this reason, Donnelith often prefers to stay stationary rather than move around when inside. His hide is primarily a sandy-hued brown, though it is mottled with darker and lighter colors throughout as well as flecks of lighter coloring.

He does one quite striking feature. His claws and wing-tips are bright white. While most people do not give him a second glance for his looks, this may grab their attention.

PERSONALITY: Donnelith could be described as a ponderous dragon, slow to take to extreme emotions such as anger. He prefers to take his time examining situations and people before making up his mind on them or deciding how to act, rather than going with a first impression. He is generally quiet around those he does not consider close, but with his rider acts as a confidante and is not afraid to help steer her actions in what he believes to be the right direction. This can have disasterous results if he is pushed to anger though, as once there, he can become quite violent and it is very difficult to calm him down.

Luckily, Donnelith views his rider as family and she is capable of calming him, even if it takes time. The two make an interesting pair with him trying to curb her more impulsive side and her acting as an emotional anchor when he needs it.
Last edited by Shadon on Wed Oct 16, 2024 6:38 am, edited 1 time in total.
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